Meh. 2009 is a looong ways off.
Who knows where Letterman will be by then.
Anyway, Letterman > Conan > Leno.
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - NBC's "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno will retire at the end of his current five-year contract in 2009 and be replaced by "Late Night" host Conan O'Brien, the network said on Monday.
O'Brien signed a new contract on Monday that guarantees he will assume the job as host of America's top-rated late night talk show, "The Tonight Show," sometime during the 2009 season. Leno took over the show from Johnny Carson in May 1992. By the time he steps down, he will have hosted the program for more than 17 years.
Meh. 2009 is a looong ways off.
Who knows where Letterman will be by then.
Anyway, Letterman > Conan > Leno.