Lets be honest... Hilary Clinton may RUN for President, but I'll be shocked if she makes it out of the primaries. She's VERY unelectable and I think the DNC knows this. Americans would be more willing to vote for Joe Lieberman than Hilary Clinton, and the fact that she's probably hated more than a Jew (I mean, lets be honest here... Americans are about as likely to elect a Jewish president as they are to elect a Muslim president. Nothing against either peoples, but we're talking politics here.) is awful for her.
People who outright shouldn't run though?
-Rudy Giuliani. I love the guy but uh.... lets not.
-I hope to God that Jeb Bush doesn't run.
-BARAK OBAMA!!! I'm sorry... I want a black president very badly, but it's not his time yet.
-John Fuckin' Edwards. How is he getting props in these convos about future presidents?
-Howard Dean. Let it die...
-Al Sharpton, though he will. (I don't even disagree with him running, cuz unless you have these outside assholes like him running, nothing important will be discussed. He's got nothing to lose so he'll piss off anyone.)
-Anyone who participated in the Schiavo vote.
-Tom Ridge... I have a feeling he's gonna play with the idea.
Who do I want to run? I want Colin Powell. Anyone that says he was just a cronie for Bush clearly knows nothing about him, nor have they heard his side of things. He's said on numerous occasions (especially on the Daily Show recently) that he was in a position to be an advisor. He offered his advice, and though he disagreed with a lot of what Bush did, he still had to support it, as that was his boss. Military mindset at its finest, or worst. I think the guy is probably one of the most electable people out there to the Presidency, on both sides of the Party line. And while I understand he doesn't want to ruin his family or put them under stress, I think he owes it not just to America, but to blacks everywhere, to run for President. But... that's just me. The days of people running out of obligation instead of greed are gone since Truman. Ah well.