But the actual results will speak of a different story

Sony is on a path to invest heavily in AI assisted rendering (and more… as they will want something generalised, whether this will mean having an NPU on top of what they are building in the GPU too / Amethyst I am not sure, I think PS6 gives them the chance to reinvent the architecture keeping BC without as an over careful approach as they would have done before… notice the PS5 Pro approach to BC compared to PS4 Pro; as expected they worked on the PS5 SDK and their BC tools to make PS5 Pro BC work seamlessly without huge compromises on the HW side).
Feels like we should start a PS6 prediction thread

. Listening to Devs, Evolution vs Revolution, and Finding a New Dream.
I think it is safe to say PS6 will have the same basic design pillars in the same way PS5 Pro followed an improved version of the design pillars PS4 Pro was designed following. I am curious what their roadmap and AMD will lead them. What do devs really want? What are the New Dreams? Etc…
I think all the HW, including PS Vita, Cerny’s team has been driving have been quite great and improving over time. I think after all this time it is safe to say they are a quite good design team making good use of the budget they have been given.