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Lets have us a good ol' fashioned Hate thread!

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Steroid Distributor
I hate cowardly people
I hate quitters
I hate skinny people with wifebeaters
I hate fat chicks with tiny shirts (we don't need to see that)
I hate how every guy that works out thinks he is a tank
I hate ALS. Artificial Lats Syndrome. You probably have it right now guys, and you don't even know
I hate that 13 year old chicks dress like 20 year old chicks. I shoudn't have to worry about how old you are before I check you out.
I hate console fanboys
I hate how people complain about drugs in sports. Let it be.
I hate how people constantly look for momentary happiness
I hate how people judge an entire religion on their experience with one member of said church. I don't judge everyone that is not a member of my church by the experiences I have with them.
I hate if I'm lazy I get fat
I hate that I don't have time to play games online
I hate trading time for money
I hate how hot my cellphone gets when I'm using it (especially when I'm at a movie. I kid, I kid)
I hate how people are always trying to bring you down
I hate that not everyone plays by the rules
I hate that I don't actually hate, i just get annoyed.
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