The special edition is on PC. gog has it.I miss that game so much. I really wish these Bioware games weren't just on the Xbox. We recently got KOTOR 1 on Switch, so I really hope we can get this one next on Switch and even PS4.
Came here to talk about my guy Henpecked Hou. I see a man of culture had my back already.It has this guy.
Henpecked Hou
"As I mentioned, I am but a simple bun master, with a dear wife who has turned my life into a miserable cesspool devoid of humor and excitement. Bless her soul". –Henpecked Hou Life has not been too kind to Hou. In his youth he was a master of the rare martial style Drunken Master, which is
Also, John Cleese plays a memorable role.
Look up the halo effect in psychology. That being said, she led a few pretty good games.This came out around the time Jade Raymond was being talked about like the second coming of Jesus. I genuinely thought this game was something to do with her at the time.
Nathan Fillion as well.It has this guy.
Henpecked Hou
"As I mentioned, I am but a simple bun master, with a dear wife who has turned my life into a miserable cesspool devoid of humor and excitement. Bless her soul". –Henpecked Hou Life has not been too kind to Hou. In his youth he was a master of the rare martial style Drunken Master, which is
Also, John Cleese plays a memorable role.
I tried playing this game last year, didnt seem to age too well. Am I wrong? Should I try again?
I know it's a legacy game, so that's why I wanted to play it. If it's worth pushing through than for sure I give it another try.
I'd take ports at this sdvhuisdfrhdiuodehjfiodufiojfpsdufwerjfisdogfsdufherlosdhfgfsdhfrlwehfosdhwerhfohlrhdovfhsdgfdifiwefjiosdfjwekhfiosdhgerhjgiosdhjkerhfuorjltwehvuionerlosdnfldhiosdjfBadass martial arts & magic RPG that was a true Xbox exclusive gem back in the day. The world is a worse place for not having a Jade Empire 2 or JE Remake.
You may actually get better results with Steam Proton or Wine.I wanted to play this badly, but the steam version is terrible. Managed to get it to launch after some fiddling, but it feels like it runs at 20fps even though it shows 60. Followed several guides tweaking the ini, but no cigar.
I played back when it first released on Xbox. Barely remember anything specific, but I thought the combat was kind of boring.
They made a big deal about how Open Palm vs Closed Fist was not simply good vs evil. It was supposed to be about competing philosophies, compassion vs strength + self reliance. But it ended up being almost cartoonishly good vs evil.
It is! It got the 4k treatment. It's especially shocking when it goes into a prerendered cinematic and reverts back to the original resolution.Might be a good time is it XBSX enhanced? I was hella impressed with Dead or Alive 3 and Ultimate in this latest batch of updates.
Lol I mean yeah, sometimes it’s fun being an evil bastard. In Outer Worlds I killed Parvati’s girlfriend during their first date. Probably the most entertaining part of the game (not worth playing for that though)I wish MORE games would let us be that evil. Too many easily offended snowflakes these days ruining everything. No way in hell would a game made today let you blow up puppies, Bang your cousin and then murder her in order to increase your own power.
The biggest jar in the enhanced versions are definitely anything pre rendered. The menus and button prompts especially are always a blurry mess but in game usually plays gorgeously.It is! It got the 4k treatment. It's especially shocking when it goes into a prerendered cinematic and reverts back to the original resolution.
Wonder why I never thought to do that? Dumb bitch friendzoned me when I was ready to meet her in my quarters on the Normandy for some lesbian loving. We'll bang, ok? But seriously, I would have done that but they made her a cock tease with a cute voice.Lol I mean yeah, sometimes it’s fun being an evil bastard. In Outer Worlds I killed Parvati’s girlfriend during their first date. Probably the most entertaining part of the game (not worth playing for that though)
Badass martial arts & magic RPG that was a true Xbox exclusive gem back in the day. The world is a worse place for not having a Jade Empire 2 or JE Remake.
This came out around the time Jade Raymond was being talked about like the second coming of Jesus. I genuinely thought this game was something to do with her at the time.
Yeah that dude's cool. If I could have one complaint for RPGS, is that they alwaysI just started a new game. Dawn Star was kidnapped. I just met this guy:
Sagacious Zu
"I have moved with you, hidden, trying to keep focus. I give you all that I am, all that I was. Restore what has been corrupted". –Sagacious Zu Sagacious Zu was once a member of the Lotus Assassins. He joined the Order of the Lotus prior to its reorganization under Death's Hand. Zu was,
The Limited Edition on the Xbox also had a "Making of" video on the bonus disc.
Let me find it on YouTube....
The game is pretty lore heavy. There are allot of text in those scrolls. I will have to check if the game saves the scrolls you find.