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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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What I Want to Know Is Why You Hate Porn Stars: a porn actor (incidentally, gay) talks about perceptions and the beginning-to-end arc of one of his relationships.

Interesting article. I don't like it's agressive tone and all those assumptions (the whole you thing, the constant questions of why does the reader of the article hate porn stars) but it is a little food for thought.

It is weird that people do perceive porn actors differently than everyone else for some reason. Actors can play nude scenes in movies, including kissing and (faked) sex scenes, and no one questions that. Various celebrities have nude photo sessions, sometimes even in erotic magazines like Playboy, and it's completely normal. Your average girl/boy probably had at least few partners that she/he had sex with before meeting you, and everyone's ok with that. And yet the act of sex in porn movies is treated as something different; as something evil, hideous, even though most people, or at least men, watch and get off to a lot of porn.

I admit that I snickered at the "Why are you always fantasizing about children being raped?" part.

I still don't know why people find this video so offensive, It's just some harmless fun song with a sexually explicit video some gay artist made, it's not like it's the only song like that.

Well, the song is terrible (lyrics and music wise), so I can understand why it can offend some people. :p Even with all those butts, I really couldn't stand wathcing it for more than a minute.



or something. more details in the next days/weeks

Pfft, a far bigger news is that Kate Bush will be doing a live tour this August and September.


The last (and only) tour she did was back in 1979.
Any Spice Girls news doesn't really matter since Best Spice Girl Mel C has been working forever.

Pfft, a far bigger news is that Kate Bush will be doing a live tour this August and September.


The last (and only) tour she did was back in 1979.

Massive news, shame I could never get to a show. Hopefully there'll be a video release.

Wonder if the focus will be more on live singing this time compared to the dancing with studio audio of her old tour and telly performances.


My priorities change with the body type.

Thin: Face>Legs>Chest>everything else
Muscular/Thick: Face=Legs=Chest+Shoulders>Bootay=Arms
Chubby: Face=Midsection> Legs> rear>everything else
average: See chubby


I wish mine were a bit more toned tho ;_;

*Must resist urge to make lewd compliment,*


I have legs so wide I can't even use pants my size without looking like some salami bar. It's annoying, but the girls love them. They look fine.


The torso is my favorite male body part, a nice set of pecs and abs drive me wild <333 I can't demand it from a partner though since I don't have it myself and I know it's hard to get anyway.


I wonder if there are Tumblr blogs dedicated to beefy legs.

I must find them.

The torso is my favorite male body part, a nice set of pecs and abs drive me wild <333 I can't demand it from a partner though since I don't have it myself and I know it's hard to get anyway.

I do love a thick, well-muscled chest.
Which I also need a tumblr blog dedicated to.


Face is important to me because, well, you'll be staring at your partner'a face all the time. When you meet someone, you're -usually- fully clothed :p It's the first time I notice about someone. Plus fitness can come and go, while your face ages but remains fundamentally the same. You can't even kiss someone with a face you don't like. This does NOT mean demanding perfectly symmetrical model-like faces, lol, but liking what you see in someone's face.

Any other physical trait is a plus, but not a requirement to me. I really like abs and arms (even though I don't have them - don't believe when people say we skinny guys get automatic abs!), but it's not something I actually care about. And yes, we know personality matters the most, but we're talking about looks! :p


I find face to be very important and a handsome guy with a meh body can be attractive as well as a guy with a drool worthy body can go with a meh face (plus style, most guys with a ripped body and a bad face at parties are awful, with bad hairstyles, bad tattoos, etc)


Face is the most important thing of course. Body changes with time. All those super actor bodies shout "super high manteniance" to me and I don't like that. A great body could is always a plus but a great face beats everything, especially in the long term.

Bailey 87

Ass>Thighs>Chest>Arms It is known. I would also prefer it if my partner liked to do weight training. Manly because working out together, building up a sweat is sexy


I probably might. I never had a lot of dating or hookups when I was younger because it always seemed meaningless to me. But maybe it can have a meaning after all, as you said, I have to admit it gives you a certain confidence/ego boost and I won't deny that sometimes I see a guy and just wanna jump into his
arms. Maybe it's time I appreciate more being single.

I admit I really don't know what I'm doing, if it will be good or bad for me in the end but as I said, right now, problably for the first time, I can't be looking for something too serious/long term because soon I won't be here anymore. I don't think I want to be doing a different dude every weekend, I'd rather have something a bit more stable (even if not completely serious) but I'm not sure I'm going to be able to find that. So I'm just accepting that most guys just want to fuck around and I think I'm willing to stop putting so much pressure on myself and have fun.

Then again I'm not sure that's even possible because I tend to still develop "feelings" in a very short amount of time, I just can't be that guy who fucks and never writes again. In fact I wrote that other guy who I went to dinner with the other night, wishing him a good night, etc. He gave me a short reply and I haven't heard from him. I also texted the guy from last night when I got to work, he also replied but again, that seemed to be it. So maybe I'm "too nice"?.

I guess I'll see where this goes...

Welcome, BTW :)

Well, I don't think you're doing anything wrong. You're simply a more sensitive guy, and you tend to look for interactions that are always meaningful. Like The One Who Knocks said, you can try and have fun, that's actually a good approach (I might have to listen to his advice someday), but if you feel uncomfortable/empty every time after a hookup, then it's maybe for the better that you focused on yourself for a while. Work on your self-confidence, be it by learning new activities, improving yourself in every way etc.

If you're moving to a different city soon, then it's not a good idea to get attached to someone, you'll only get hurt. Judging by your avatar (if that's your photo), you're obviously a very handsome guy so I can't imagine you ever having problems with finding someone. I know that it can often get lonely, that feeling is quite familiar to me. However, it's better not to force anything, because often it pays off to be patient. When the right time comes, you'll be ready for a new relationship.

That's only my opinion, of course, you don't have to take my advice. Just trust yourself, trust the feeling in your gut, it's there for a reason :)


Hunky Nostradamus
Anyone have any experience with Uniqlo's twill shorts? They're mega cheap and I need shorts for summer but am low on cash atm...

Mindfulness of breathing meditation as taught by Thanissaro Bhikku. In a nutshell you're just collecting your awareness on some spot within the body (not visualization or anything, it`s interoceptive), while you observe the subtle breath sensation throughout your whole body at the same time with an emphasis on attending to the easeful or pleasurable dimension of these sensations. The analogy is kind of like how if you put a candle into a dark room, it lights the whole room, but there's still a focal point. The breath has a lot of sensations that aren't directly tied to the passage of air, I think this is what the taoists call "qi", it's like a subtle sensation of movement or energy that you can feel everywhere if you pay attention and let your mind calm down a bit.

The key point for me was collecting your awareness in this focal point with a sense of ease or 'non-doing', if you apply a really rigid effort it doesn't work. For the one point that seems to have an amazing effect for me (the direct centre of your head, you find it by making an 'MMMMmmmmm' sound and scanning the inside of your head, the part that seems to vibrate last is supposed to be the spot, it's kind of hard to find because there's really nothing to grab a hold of here). Don't collect your awareness anywhere in your head if you are prone to headaches, though. Focusing too hard is a sure recipe for headaches for me, and I`m not even prone to them. Here's the common list of locations presented by Ajaan Fuang, Thanissaro's teacher.


For some reason these other locations don`t do anything special for me. I've been meditating for over a couple of years and I've never had results like this, I have no idea why this is so different for me.

I..see. Seems kind of complicated. :s Thanx for explaining tho

RatskyWatsky's ranking:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else

enormous penis > why are you still here if you don't meet my first criteria then you don't exist to me
I..see. Seems kind of complicated. :s Thanx for explaining tho

It's actually really straight forward compared to a lot of other things I was doing. But like I said I was meditating for well over two years, and in that time I experimented with dozens of different methods, so my experience maybe primed me to have success with this or find this sort of thing 'simple', since though my level of success was inconsistent I was still charting out the terrain. I probably shouldn't broadly recommend meditation though, I think sometimes people can get a bit overzealous if something works for them, when in reality it may not be helpful for everyone.


I wonder if there are Tumblr blogs dedicated to beefy legs.

I must find them.

Are you even asking? There's tumblr for everything.

Just open Google, type "tumblr male legs" and enjoy :p

BTW. I have to say that most tumblr blogs are fucking terrible when it comes to usability. They are the prime example of what happens when you put your priorities wrong when you design your page and go for flashy/overdesigned look instead of convenience.


Are you even asking? There's tumblr for everything.

Just open Google, type "tumblr male legs" and enjoy :p

BTW. I have to say that most tumblr blogs are fucking terrible when it comes to usability. They are the prime example of what happens when you put your priorities wrong when you design your page and go for flashy/overdesigned look instead of convenience.

I forgot my powers. >__>

And I know that feel. Tumblr pages consistently bring my browser to its knees. The formats I hate the most are the ones that keep adding onto the page indefinitely if you click for more posts as opposed to switching to a new page like every other fucking blog made after 1996.


Worst thing by far is when they have a music player. Augh

I am convinced that autoplay is the devil.

LOLL o___o it's okay. I've made my fair share of thirsty comments in this thread X_X

Yes, but most of yours don't amount to "send me picturrrrrrresssssssss..."
Married men who end up liking you >_<
Married men who get all defensive when you don't talk to them for a few days.>_<
You only wanting a friendship and pulling back >_<
Married men who offer you free no strings attached sex at regular intervals ^__^

No thanks.

Why are you making friends with married men?

Not understanding this question.
We were friends for a good minute but he's acting weird and I am not interested in a messy situation.

My friend dating a married man, and sometimes they go out together with the daughter lol.

wow is all I can say to that.
Is it really dating when all you are is the side dish to the main course?. Idk but I think it's more trouble than it's worth when you can find a single guy.

Mr. F

Is it really dating when all you are is the side dish to the main course?. Idk but I think it's more trouble than it's worth when you can find a single guy.

Who knows, pretty gross either way. It always weirds me out when doing stuff with married/otherwise committed men is talked about like a bizarro badge of honour (like a few pages back).
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