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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Back on the threesome topic, I'm not sure if I could ever have a threesome of any kind involving someone who I had strong feelings for. I just feel like I would be too jealous.

On the other hand I totally want to have a threesome. It just couldn't be with a partner. Nor 2 randoms. So I dunno how I would have it haha.
I made a couple of posts here today, but I haven't introduced myself. I'm new here and I'm gay, like most people around here must be. Hope I can fit in the community.

Anime avatar? check.

Gay? check.

You'll fit right in I think. Welcome to GAF. :)

Welcome guys!

I totally understand that. The key is that any time you start feeling insecure, stop yourself and challenge such thoughts and realize how silly they are and how they're just self-destructive and do you no favors regardless, and in addition to stopping yourself, immediately replace those thoughts with positive thoughts about yourself, such as thinking about the compliments you got here, that show that those insecurities are unnecessary. Even if you don't quite believe that stuff and just feel silly challenging your thoughts in such a way, do it anyway and pretty much fake it until you make it, really doing your best to think positive thoughts about yourself or recall very positive experiences any time you start to feel insecure. I know it might sound silly, but you'll be amazed what a difference that type of thing can make, especially if you get yourself to really keep at it, until it practically becomes second nature. Believe me, if someone like me can build confidence in myself doing stuff like that, I'm sure you can too. ^_^

Well said, it's all in the mind, and the mind is a powerful thing.

Mr. F

Ontario just elected the first openly gay woman as their premier :)

Wynne isn't my favourite, but that realization was pretty cool when it dawned on me. Wasn't too hot on any of the candidates this round but just relieved Hudak didn't get it (and that he promptly resigned).


Wynne isn't my favourite, but that realization was pretty cool when it dawned on me. Wasn't too hot on any of the candidates this round but just relieved Hudak didn't get it (and that he promptly resigned).

Sadly, with first past the post, you vote to keep a party out rather than vote for the party you believe would be for the best

But her victory couldn't come at a better time as world pride is just 2 weeks away.


You have nothing to be insecure about bro. You look nice bro.

Why did your dad punch you? Where did he punch you?

Because I watched pornography when I was 15.
Well, he slapped me in the face and punched me in the chest

I have the urge to write gay science fantasy but have never written fiction before. Hmm..

I'm not too bothered about it, if it wasn't so cringeworthy it would have been funny.

And I hope you managed to get a house of your own, having to worry about your parents like that sucks.

Vitanimus has actually been around for a while, just doesn't post that often.
I'm out of my parent's home for six years now. And I have my own flat.
It's just the past hunting me.


Stahp, you look good. Most of us are insecure at times about the way we look, there's no need for a bottle of wine lol.

Also that's brutal, is he over it now?

Not necessarily.
Well, possibly. I saw him for the first in six years in December and he acted sugar sweet but then there are moments like when we discuss stuff and he gets really angry because he isn't right about something.

I totally understand that. The key is that any time you start feeling insecure, stop yourself and challenge such thoughts and realize how silly they are and how they're just self-destructive and do you no favors regardless, and in addition to stopping yourself, immediately replace those thoughts with positive thoughts about yourself, such as thinking about the compliments you got here, that show that those insecurities are unnecessary. Even if you don't quite believe that stuff and just feel silly challenging your thoughts in such a way, do it anyway and pretty much fake it until you make it, really doing your best to think positive thoughts about yourself or recall very positive experiences any time you start to feel insecure. I know it might sound silly, but you'll be amazed what a difference that type of thing can make, especially if you get yourself to really keep at it, until it practically becomes second nature. Believe me, if someone like me can build confidence in myself doing stuff like that, I'm sure you can too. ^_^
Well, I can at least try it, I guess. :)


Thinking about drawing some fan-art of male characters in sexy poses in contrast to an artist-rival-friend of mine who seems to like to draw females a lot...plus I guess it gives me a bit of motivation to draw if it's some man-bits I'm drawing...


Wouldn't that technically be masturbation?

Well, not really. :p
But, while you're doing that [fucking your clone], I did want to run one more thing by you. It's true that the clone is an exact replica of you and, theoretically, an extension of you (which is what makes the masturbation angle sound), however, you're not sharing a mind or, to be slightly more abstract, a soul, with your clone, not in the present, anyway. So, while he was at one point a perfect copy of you, the instant he came into existence, he started developing his own memories, separate from yours. By virtue of the very fact that he knows he's a clone should tell you that you're already different people. He's in the room with you experiencing life in a completely different way, interpreting the surroundings in a way that's specific to him. After even a few seconds of being alive, he's no longer your clone, he's got his own memories and experiences and opinions and everything else that informs someone's unique personality. He looks exactly like you, yes, and shares all of your previous memories, but he's not you, not anymore. He's just some guy.

Cracked: So You're Locked In a Room With Your Clone: Fight or F#@k?
(I have no idea why I have this article archived in my Pocket repository and why did I even read it)

So is this "so Link is a guy" thing some joke I'm not in on? The character has clearly been stated to be male for however many decades he has existed for.

I'm surprised Aonuma even had to explain that. Link in the new game doesn't even look that different than all his incarnations since Twilight Princess. It's just that the artstyle is a little bit more cartoony/anime-like now and thus he has more bishonen features.

Thought I introduced my face (hideous) to LGBT GAF since I haven't participated in the real pic january.

I know I'm late to the party, but STOP. You look good.


Hunky Nostradamus
Thinking about drawing some fan-art of male characters in sexy poses in contrast to an artist-rival-friend of mine who seems to like to draw females a lot...plus I guess it gives me a bit of motivation to draw if it's some man-bits I'm drawing...

Do it. Start with Heavy and Soldier from Team Fortress. Also do Largo from Valkyria Chronicles.

I'm surprised Aonuma even had to explain that. Link in the new game doesn't even look that different than all his incarnations since Twilight Princess. It's just that the artstyle is a little bit more cartoony/anime-like now and thus he has more bishonen features.

Her hips are 1cm wider than in the previous game! She's clearly a woman! It's so obvious!


Thinking about drawing some fan-art of male characters in sexy poses in contrast to an artist-rival-friend of mine who seems to like to draw females a lot...plus I guess it gives me a bit of motivation to draw if it's some man-bits I'm drawing...

I need to start drawing again. I haven't drawn anything serious - other than some random scribblings during meetings - in forever (well, 4 or 5 years). D:


:( Did he apologize and give you a hug afterwards?

No, he didn't.
And it certainly bugs me that there was no apology from him to this day.

Well, not really. :p

Cracked: So You're Locked In a Room With Your Clone: Fight or F#@k?
(I have no idea why I have this article archived in my Pocket repository and why did I even read it)

I'm surprised Aonuma even had to explain that. Link in the new game doesn't even look that different than all his incarnations since Twilight Princess. It's just that the artstyle is a little bit more cartoony/anime-like now and thus he has more bishonen features.

I know I'm late to the party, but STOP. You look good.

omg.... hi!

Thank you, guys. :)
Like I said, I didn't expect so many positive reactions. Maybe I really do misjudge my appearance.


On a date tonight with my college crush, all it's going so well, it's incredible. Boyfriend material right there.

Wish me luck guys.

Good luck!


And get that d!

ew I remember one time when I was like
and on my dad's work laptop and watched gay porn "accidentally" and forgot to erase the history and he found out and it's probably a top 5 embarrassing moment

also hello LGBTQgaf

Hi! I'm glad you came to this thread, sis :) And ouch :eek: :eek: :eek: That reminded me of the way my brother found out about me - he came into the room while I was browsing some gay porn and of course, I didn't get to turn off the monitor quick enough. It was super-embarrassing for both of us.

Your team had some really cute players.

DDR is still my soccer waifu though.

Oh, Niko Kranjcar is a fine specimen, mmm yeah. Too bad he wasn't able to play last night, he got injured a few months ago.
Wow guys. Way to assume Ahasverus is going to be ass up on the first date :p

Hi! I'm glad you came to this thread, sis :) And ouch :eek: :eek: :eek: That reminded me of the way my brother found out about me - he came into the room while I was browsing some gay porn and of course, I didn't get to turn off the monitor quick enough. It was super-embarrassing for both of us.

You weren't spanking it at the time were you?


Thankfully I wasn't doing anything except browsing. Still, it was quite a shock for him, especially since he never suspected me being ghei.
Sometimes I actually watch porn for plot don't judge :l

Yet again, I must express my disappointment for the sheer lack of Shakespearian-esque pornographical material. Also, I despise porn in which the acting is not dramatic enough. I simply stop watching altogether, really.

... I take these things too seriously, mind.


Sometimes I actually watch porn for plot don't judge :l

I used to do this with my friends, we'd make some popcorn, get drunk, and watch crap like Pirates or Bitanic (yes, there's an XXX parody of Titanic)... Fun times.

What did he do/say?

Well, Henchmen21 stole the words right out of my mouth ;)

J/k. His reaction was literally: "nooooooo!"
Yeah, he didn't take it very well, but we're okay now :)


Did he say "noo" or did he scream it? Did he cry? How long did it take for him to come to terms with it?

There was an audible disappointment in that "noooooo" :D I think it took him a while to readjust (that happened at least five years ago), but he's fully accepted it now.

I need a hug :(

Just feeling like if I stopped posting altogether no one would care.

I'll give you a hug right now! [hugs] What happened? :(


I'm actually doing that tbh, have a whole sprawling trilogy planned out and everything. I'll never finish it though because I'm gradually losing interest in writing for pleasure. I started writing fiction when I was ten, but the interests I've developed more recently are kind of exclusive to it.

Spooky. I was thinking of writing a septology before realizing that was completely insane with my level of experience. I'm thinking of just making a bunch of different stories in the same universe and tying them all together after the fact. That way if any of them individually suck (and I don't expect to hit anything approaching gold on the first couple of tries) they can be safely ignored, and a more ambitious story could be done after I actually have experience.

I tend to get distracted a lot with games, school and the like so I haven't really gotten anywhere with it. I think that now would be a good opportunity to get started on it, now that I think about it.

I need a hug :(

Just feeling like if I stopped posting altogether no one would care.

We need our snarkmaster general!

I'm kind of like the deranged cousin that people pay attention to but wouldn't want to be locked in a room with.
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