I seriously would love to see the drama over this if it became true.
Damn, some of the comments on that page make me really sad.
I'd say it's never too early or too late to be honest with yourself, as we all come from different environments where that may not be possible. But yeah, having people similar to oneself at those critical ages would have been nice. If it weren't for the internet, I probably wouldn't have known that other gay people actually existed. It's weird growing up in an environment where something like homosexuality isn't remotely acknowledged or discussed, even with it made into a boogeyman through criminalizing it through the legal system. (I guess I still bear those scars today in some way.) I thought one girl was cool in the 4th grade, but never anything more than that, and felt totally out of the loop when people had general attraction towards members of the opposite sex as we got older. I had a few years of self-hatred that culminated in some deep depression, but I never felt pressured to date women at least; I would have rather just been alone.
I wish I had been more honest with myself growing up. I was raised in a very homophobic environment, so the last thing I wanted to be was gay. I denied it for years even though I found myself looking at and fantasizing about guys in my classes - especially during high school. When friends started talking about thinking certain girls were hot, I'd look at those girls and feel absolutely nothing. I could have female friends (great ones actually), but that's the extent of my relationship with them. Trying to date girls was a mistake, but I felt pressured to because of some of my friends, and I was tired of my parents asking if I had any crushes on any of the girls in my grade. Obviously, the relationships ended and nothing ever came out of them. Similar to you, I also had a few years (well, I'd say more than a few) of self-hatred and deep depression - in particular during early college when I finally began to admit that I was gay. I was pretty miserable all the time and would get too drunk and make an ass of myself often. I was such a mess back then. I think the lowest point for me was when I was visiting home from college one weekend. My mom was supposedly talking hypotheticals, but she said she would never want a gay son. That really hit me hard and I dove deeper into depression. I eventually came out of it (thankfully), but even afterwards, it took me a long time to actually come out to my best friends. My family members still don't know. :/