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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Mr. F

Work prospects, housing prospects, and stellar first dates.


This week did a total 180 at the last minute. :3


Hunky Nostradamus
Mr. F did you watch Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt on Netflix yet? It's Tina Fey's new show - a must watch for any 30 Rock fan.

I was out with my family earlier today and I was looking over my shoulder at my Dad typing something on his phone in the search bar thing and he hit g and "Guys with bulges tumblr" showed up while he was looking for some other website. He was looking up something to do with what we were talking about so I wasn't spying or anything on purpose, I was a few feet away so I doubt he noticed me looking at the phone that closely but I saw it very clearly. I don't know the full story obviously about why he had that on his phone, I don't want to force any subject on him like that.

So I question whether I should talk to him about this, we see each other often but never talk at all about relationship stuff or too deeply about other stuff since we are both pretty closed off when it comes to a lot of things.

even if he did search for that and it wasn't, like, something one of this friends did whilst borrowing his phone, i wouldn't necessarily take it as indication of anything. there are plenty of straight guys who enjoy looking at that sort of thing.

was a bit surprised to see that kind of thing since when asked about being attracted to both women and men as young teenager he didn't seem to like that conversation.

You asked your da if he was bi? does he know you're bi? if not why not tell him and see how he reacts?

And sadly, browser history has given me TMI too many times with my parents: searches for big dicks.

was this your mom's search

or your dads

So an update on my cuddle guy in case anyone cared.

I went over to his place and he had made me dinner, which he was pretty disappointed in cause he said it was bland, but I liked it and even if it was bland I wouldn't have cared. We talked for awhile before moving to his bedroom and started cuddling and making out. And that's when he
said he thought we should wait before he gave me the d, but we still fooled around and got each other off.

how was his d

Mr. F

Mr. F did you watch Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt on Netflix yet? It's Tina Fey's new show - a must watch for any 30 Rock fan.

I'd been meaning to - still have to check if it's available on Netflix Canada (although I don't see why it wouldn't be if it's a Netflix original). The trailer left me a bit cold but the reaction in the thread has been largely positive so I'll have to check it out.

It sounds like you're enjoying it?


I'm so glad Ottawa, Ontario has a great selection of phone providers!

Either its Rogers, Telus or Bell and get charged insane amounts for shit plans, or Wind Mobile with great plan, but horrible coverage/service.

there's still fido, virgin and kodoo...
lol :(
I don't mean to double post, but a very nice thing just happened to me.
So I was at Walmart and I had picked up some things and while I was at the register, my card was declined for whatever reason. While I was investigating, this nice lady said she would pick up my total.
My jaw dropped because it was like $70 worth of groceries. I protested but she insisted. I still can't believe it.
Nice people everywhere, I swear.
I don't mean to double post, but a very nice thing just happened to me.
So I was at Walmart and I had picked up some things and while I was at the register, my card was declined for whatever reason. While I was investigating, this nice lady said she would pick up my total.
My jaw dropped because it was like $70 worth of groceries. I protested but she insisted. I still can't believe it.
Nice people everywhere, I swear.

She was flirting with you. did you offer to put her groceries in her car?


I came out to my father last night, and it was the worst decision ever. I expected him to get mad at me and reject and leave me be for the rest of my life. Instead, it was a lot more disturbing and traumatizing than I thought.

He cried uncontrollably, he said that I was sick, that it wasn't normal, that I was confused, that there were factors that made me think I liked men and other stuff that broke my heart. Then as he spoke, I discovered that he's a misogynistic, religious and homophobic man who is not going to change his mind. His story wasn't pleasant to hear, he was raped at 12 and was confused for a long time until (as he says) he "centered on doing the godly thing" and stopped those thoughts and became a super straight macho man who likes every women on his sight.

I tried to get into the closet again, because I was tired of hearing what he was saying and wanted to hear no more of it. He said that in the future we would make bestialism something that is not wrong and compared that to homosexuality, dismissed all the terms I used to describe homosexualism, transvestism and other lgbt stuff and then I lost hope.

I was too tired that I said that I would try to get a woman and have children and what not, promising that stuff just so he could shut up. I couldn't stand it. I was trying to make us closer and take this weight off my chest, and all I did was worsening it. I don't know what I'm going to do now, all I tried was to stop worrying about everything and focus on the important things for my future (school mainly) but now I feel so bad that I don't have any motivation to keep going.

My father said that he would support me but I know he meant that it was wrong and that I shouldn't take that route, so he doesn't mean it. I have my friends and school has been going well for me, but that is not enough for me.

I won't leave home, because I'm legally the owner of this house, but at the same time I can't throw my father on the streets because legally he can't leave this house until he dies (stupid shit that he established after my mother died).

And what is worse, I feel vulnerable, I don't have anyone supporting me at home or even in my town. All people that support me live far from here and I just see them at school, so weekends are going to be the most painful days of my life from now on. I made a huge mistake, I shouldn't have done this and I knew, but I was to desperate to be reasonable.


Omg omg omg...!!

Got another cute guy's digits. Found out he was gay through another person, so I just went to him and asked for his number.

I'm on a streak... o: Hehe jk.

I've always been super shy and it's amazing to me how easy it is to start a conversation with someone, and ask for their number. It really is easy.

So guys, have some confidence! :)

Mr. F

Dari I'm very sorry to hear that, both for you and your father's situation. It can't be understated though how courageous it was for you to make the decision to share that with him, even if the outcome wasn't what you had hoped. The situation might feel unstable now, but it may get better with time after the initial shock wears off (as other members have attested). And even if you don't believe him or take his word on it, if he said he would support you that's a pretty big deal.

I'm not sure how the legal situation works over there, but you sound like you want to leave at some point, if not now. Is there a way you can transfer the legal ownership of the house to your dad?
That really sucks, Dairpad. I'm sorry about the whole situation.

I know it's not the same as having a flesh and blood person, but you got Letters Gaf behind you. Don't hesitate to post if you feel down.


We're here for you. I'm so sorry that your experience coming out to your father was awful :( I would give you a hug if I could.


Daripad, what you did requires a lot of courage, you can be proud of that. It's a real shame about your father's reaction, but just know that there's nothing wrong with what you did. If you felt like telling him about it, then it's a good thing that you actually did.

Now that you know about his feelings you can, as you say, lie to him to try and ease things up between the two of you. It's unfortunate that you have to do this but if it allows your situation to calm down then it's probably for the best.

Just know that we support you and we're here for you even though we're far away from one another <3


You're awesome Daripad. I wish you best of luck. You should try to come to the U.S. at some point if you can tbh.


daripad, I'm in an extremely similar situation :-(. It sucks, but our parents are what they are unfortunately. Honestly, the only thing that can change this is time, which is super annoying but we really don't have any other options :-/


Thank you guys, I'm not doing well right now but I hope I can get over this in a few days.

You're awesome Daripad. I wish you best of luck. You should try to come to the U.S. at some point if you can tbh.

It's one thing I want. Getting out of this country is tempting, but I still need to see what I can do after I finish my career. I'm expecting next year I'll know what I want to do after I'm done with it, but I definitely want to keep studying and if I can do it abroad it would be perfect.

Now that you know about his feelings you can, as you say, lie to him to try and ease things up between the two of you. It's unfortunate that you have to do this but if it allows your situation to calm down then it's probably for the best.

I don't want to lie but seems like the best I can do for now.


It sucks that it went like that, it's a pretty tough situation :/ I hope things eventually get better. Is his opinion the norm over there in Tabasco? I would imagine he's especially emotionally invested about it because of his traumatic experience, but it's going to be really difficult to make him separate homosexuality from that, I guess. Still, as everyone is saying, you can count on us.
I came out to my father last night, and it was the worst decision ever. I expected him to get mad at me and reject and leave me be for the rest of my life. Instead, it was a lot more disturbing and traumatizing than I thought.

He cried uncontrollably, he said that I was sick, that it wasn't normal, that I was confused, that there were factors that made me think I liked men and other stuff that broke my heart. Then as he spoke, I discovered that he's a misogynistic, religious and homophobic man who is not going to change his mind. His story wasn't pleasant to hear, he was raped at 12 and was confused for a long time until (as he says) he "centered on doing the godly thing" and stopped those thoughts and became a super straight macho man who likes every women on his sight.

I tried to get into the closet again, because I was tired of hearing what he was saying and wanted to hear no more of it. He said that in the future we would make bestialism something that is not wrong and compared that to homosexuality, dismissed all the terms I used to describe homosexualism, transvestism and other lgbt stuff and then I lost hope.

I was too tired that I said that I would try to get a woman and have children and what not, promising that stuff just so he could shut up. I couldn't stand it. I was trying to make us closer and take this weight off my chest, and all I did was worsening it. I don't know what I'm going to do now, all I tried was to stop worrying about everything and focus on the important things for my future (school mainly) but now I feel so bad that I don't have any motivation to keep going.

My father said that he would support me but I know he meant that it was wrong and that I shouldn't take that route, so he doesn't mean it. I have my friends and school has been going well for me, but that is not enough for me.

I won't leave home, because I'm legally the owner of this house, but at the same time I can't throw my father on the streets because legally he can't leave this house until he dies (stupid shit that he established after my mother died).

And what is worse, I feel vulnerable, I don't have anyone supporting me at home or even in my town. All people that support me live far from here and I just see them at school, so weekends are going to be the most painful days of my life from now on. I made a huge mistake, I shouldn't have done this and I knew, but I was to desperate to be reasonable.
Holy shit, I'm sorry to hear this Daripad. Know that you're super strong and what you did takes an incredible amount of bravery, you did what you could. You still have your friends and school and us if you need to talk, I'm glad to hear that you're safe and please be careful.
I came out to my father last night, and...
Dari!! :( <3 You did something that so many of us would be so afraid to do especially with what you told us about your situation before, we're here for you man.
daripad, I'm in an extremely similar situation :-(. It sucks, but our parents are what they are unfortunately. Honestly, the only thing that can change this is time, which is super annoying but we really don't have any other options :-/

You two are so brave! i remember reading your last few messages on here too. Terrible situations to be in. Use this thread and its members as a resource if any way possible and really hoping for the best in the upcoming future. To both of you!



Hunky Nostradamus
I don't mean to double post, but a very nice thing just happened to me.
So I was at Walmart and I had picked up some things and while I was at the register, my card was declined for whatever reason. While I was investigating, this nice lady said she would pick up my total.
My jaw dropped because it was like $70 worth of groceries. I protested but she insisted. I still can't believe it.
Nice people everywhere, I swear.

so happy 4 u sis


Hunky Nostradamus
I came out to my father last night, and it was the worst decision ever. I expected him to get mad at me and reject and leave me be for the rest of my life. Instead, it was a lot more disturbing and traumatizing than I thought.

He cried uncontrollably, he said that I was sick, that it wasn't normal, that I was confused, that there were factors that made me think I liked men and other stuff that broke my heart. Then as he spoke, I discovered that he's a misogynistic, religious and homophobic man who is not going to change his mind. His story wasn't pleasant to hear, he was raped at 12 and was confused for a long time until (as he says) he "centered on doing the godly thing" and stopped those thoughts and became a super straight macho man who likes every women on his sight.

I tried to get into the closet again, because I was tired of hearing what he was saying and wanted to hear no more of it. He said that in the future we would make bestialism something that is not wrong and compared that to homosexuality, dismissed all the terms I used to describe homosexualism, transvestism and other lgbt stuff and then I lost hope.

I was too tired that I said that I would try to get a woman and have children and what not, promising that stuff just so he could shut up. I couldn't stand it. I was trying to make us closer and take this weight off my chest, and all I did was worsening it. I don't know what I'm going to do now, all I tried was to stop worrying about everything and focus on the important things for my future (school mainly) but now I feel so bad that I don't have any motivation to keep going.

My father said that he would support me but I know he meant that it was wrong and that I shouldn't take that route, so he doesn't mean it. I have my friends and school has been going well for me, but that is not enough for me.

I won't leave home, because I'm legally the owner of this house, but at the same time I can't throw my father on the streets because legally he can't leave this house until he dies (stupid shit that he established after my mother died).

And what is worse, I feel vulnerable, I don't have anyone supporting me at home or even in my town. All people that support me live far from here and I just see them at school, so weekends are going to be the most painful days of my life from now on. I made a huge mistake, I shouldn't have done this and I knew, but I was to desperate to be reasonable.

Sorry you had to go through that daribrah. Unlike most homophobes, it sounds like your dad's homophobia is rooted in something much deeper, so the chances of him eventually getting over it are probably slim. I think the only thing that might help him is (preferably secular) therapy. Maybe once he cools off you could suggest his seeing someone?

As always, my pm box is open if you want to chat. <3


I came out to my father last night, and it was the worst decision ever. I expected him to get mad at me and reject and leave me be for the rest of my life. Instead, it was a lot more disturbing and traumatizing than I thought.

He cried uncontrollably, he said that I was sick, that it wasn't normal, that I was confused, that there were factors that made me think I liked men and other stuff that broke my heart. Then as he spoke, I discovered that he's a misogynistic, religious and homophobic man who is not going to change his mind. His story wasn't pleasant to hear, he was raped at 12 and was confused for a long time until (as he says) he "centered on doing the godly thing" and stopped those thoughts and became a super straight macho man who likes every women on his sight.

I tried to get into the closet again, because I was tired of hearing what he was saying and wanted to hear no more of it. He said that in the future we would make bestialism something that is not wrong and compared that to homosexuality, dismissed all the terms I used to describe homosexualism, transvestism and other lgbt stuff and then I lost hope.

I was too tired that I said that I would try to get a woman and have children and what not, promising that stuff just so he could shut up. I couldn't stand it. I was trying to make us closer and take this weight off my chest, and all I did was worsening it. I don't know what I'm going to do now, all I tried was to stop worrying about everything and focus on the important things for my future (school mainly) but now I feel so bad that I don't have any motivation to keep going.

My father said that he would support me but I know he meant that it was wrong and that I shouldn't take that route, so he doesn't mean it. I have my friends and school has been going well for me, but that is not enough for me.

I won't leave home, because I'm legally the owner of this house, but at the same time I can't throw my father on the streets because legally he can't leave this house until he dies (stupid shit that he established after my mother died).

And what is worse, I feel vulnerable, I don't have anyone supporting me at home or even in my town. All people that support me live far from here and I just see them at school, so weekends are going to be the most painful days of my life from now on. I made a huge mistake, I shouldn't have done this and I knew, but I was to desperate to be reasonable.

I'm really sorry to hear that.
I hope that with time he may be able to better understand you


Neo Member
You're super brave for doing that Dari and I hope everything works out in the end, even if your dad doesn't come around anytime soon. Just remember there are people out there who support you.

his butt is amazing

speaking of amazing butts this hottt guy came into work today and had the nicest and biggest bubble butt I've ever had the pleasure of seeing in person and when I told my friend/co worker to look at it, she said it was too bubblely. like girl please.

he had better have been gay cause like damn it was fine

how was his d

it was a nice. not the biggest but not small either.
im bigger


irresponsible vagina leak
Considering it was my first time with a guy...


First time is always weird and if it felt good and you liked the guy and he liked you its alright. You'll get used to it and enjoy it even more darling. If you need to talk with someone more about it and you want to do it privately my PM box is open.


Is there any good place on the Internet for me to go and say that sometimes I feel uncomfortably attracted to Will Ferrell?

Will I be okay, GAF??

Son Of D

Oh, is it DST in America now? That'd explain why GAF is suddenly showwing the wrong time. Couple more weeks here...
I was confused myself. Was thinking "But wait isn't DST on the 29th?" and didn't think of America having a different DST than UK.
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