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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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I've decided to try and see if being more active will help me keep my mind off of things while I look for a new job. I'm gonna go for a 3 mile jog tomorrow. I've walked it plenty of times, so I don't think I'll be overdoing it.


Gold Member
I've decided to try and see if being more active will help me keep my mind off of things while I look for a new job. I'm gonna go for a 3 mile jog tomorrow. I've walked it plenty of times, so I don't think I'll be overdoing it.
Keep us updated. We all wish you the best!


I've decided to try and see if being more active will help me keep my mind off of things while I look for a new job. I'm gonna go for a 3 mile jog tomorrow. I've walked it plenty of times, so I don't think I'll be overdoing it.
A routine can definitely help a lot when managing stress. Best of luck, Kinsei :)


I dislike your avatar because it just reminds me how gross mcdonalds is.
I got an iced mocha there tonight because Starbucks was in the other direction

I want my baby back baby back baby back McRibs

I've decided to try and see if being more active will help me keep my mind off of things while I look for a new job. I'm gonna go for a 3 mile jog tomorrow. I've walked it plenty of times, so I don't think I'll be overdoing it.
I think I've only ever walked 3 miles when there was a fast pass I had forgotten to use at Disney and the one I had to use right after was on the other end of the park so good on you
I love The Beatles <3

You haters make me cry ;_;

It's OK, we can weep together.

I dislike your avatar because it just reminds me how gross mcdonalds is.

I wish I could say I detest McDonalds, but sometimes I get an unholy craving for it and I always end up with the following shameful snack:

  • 1 Filet-o-Fish Combo
  • 1 McChicken
  • Half a chicken wrap
  • Fudge Sundae

God I wish they'd just offer this as one combo.
I just read that when the US helped liberate the jews, gays, gypsies, etc they freed everyone but sent gays to other prisons. They let the criminalization of homosexuality stand. feels ghoulish to even look for the silver lining in that at least it was regular prison. :-/ what a horrible chapter in human history.
I've decided to try and see if being more active will help me keep my mind off of things while I look for a new job. I'm gonna go for a 3 mile jog tomorrow. I've walked it plenty of times, so I don't think I'll be overdoing it.

It probably will help at least somewhat. I know everyone is different but with my own depression I find I usually feel at least a bit better if I do something moderately stimulating. Exercise, spending time outside, going out for coffee with friends, going to class, meditating, etc; even just small things to break up the sense of monotony that can set in from otherwise staying in a sort of holding pattern. I usually don't get a whole lot done in a day, but for me doing a little can go further than I typically expect it to.
I've decided to try and see if being more active will help me keep my mind off of things while I look for a new job. I'm gonna go for a 3 mile jog tomorrow. I've walked it plenty of times, so I don't think I'll be overdoing it.
Good to hear it. Keep us updated, Ok?


I like the coffee at McDonalds. I go there two days a week for coffee, just chill on my lunch break and read.

I dunno what it is about the coffee from McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts, but I've found people swear by them, to the point where they refuse to get coffee elsewhere.

They just started selling their McCafé blends in grocery stores.

I just read that when the US helped liberate the jews, gays, gypsies, etc they freed everyone but sent gays to other prisons. They let the criminalization of homosexuality stand. feels ghoulish to even look for the silver lining in that at least it was regular prison. :-/ what a horrible chapter in human history.

Yeah, I've read that. The gays were still considered trouble to the allied nations, while many of the other groups were considered entirely undeserving of punishments. I didn't hear about it at all until college.


Didn't Starbucks have a hand with bringing coffee to McDonald's? I just know that the mocha frappuccino tastes the same there (maybe a bit sweeter) and at Starbucks.
I've decided to try and see if being more active will help me keep my mind off of things while I look for a new job. I'm gonna go for a 3 mile jog tomorrow. I've walked it plenty of times, so I don't think I'll be overdoing it.

Wishing for the best and sending over some love! <3 :) Good luck on searching for a new job, and activities like jogging sounds like a nice idea as well


I just read that when the US helped liberate the jews, gays, gypsies, etc they freed everyone but sent gays to other prisons. They let the criminalization of homosexuality stand. feels ghoulish to even look for the silver lining in that at least it was regular prison. :-/ what a horrible chapter in human history.

wow that's fucking awful, why wasn't this in my history textbooks?


I've decided to try and see if being more active will help me keep my mind off of things while I look for a new job. I'm gonna go for a 3 mile jog tomorrow. I've walked it plenty of times, so I don't think I'll be overdoing it.

Have fun. I feel winded just thinking about it. D:
I've decided to try and see if being more active will help me keep my mind off of things while I look for a new job. I'm gonna go for a 3 mile jog tomorrow. I've walked it plenty of times, so I don't think I'll be overdoing it.
Being active can definitely help manage stress, I hope you have fun tomorrow! Please keep us updated.
I've decided to try and see if being more active will help me keep my mind off of things while I look for a new job. I'm gonna go for a 3 mile jog tomorrow. I've walked it plenty of times, so I don't think I'll be overdoing it.
I just started getting back into exercising too, and it really does help a lot. It's a great way to channel your frustrations in a healthy way.


I've decided to try and see if being more active will help me keep my mind off of things while I look for a new job. I'm gonna go for a 3 mile jog tomorrow. I've walked it plenty of times, so I don't think I'll be overdoing it.
That's a good idea :] At the very least, exercise makes me sleep better, which is always a good thing for my mood.


But bar soap lasts longer, suds every time, is cheaper, and generally smells nicer to me. You can't make me change my ways!

And I'm all about the manscent, and I was sure CornBurrito was too, but sometimes you have to confirm these things.

Your dick and ass tasting like your disgusting bar soap makes all your points irrelevant. Don't tell me yours don't. You know the scumbags that use bar soap.


Hypothetically speaking, wouldn't someone hypothetically in the closet hypothetically come out by doing the IBQ?

Hypothetically speaking that is; just curious how thread etiquette would apply to someone In this position.



Hypothetically speaking, wouldn't someone hypothetically in the closet hypothetically come out by doing the IBQ?

Hypothetically speaking that is; just curious how thread etiquette would apply to someone In this position.

Well they don't have to answer the whole list. Just turn the answers into an introduction paragraph and skip the stuff they don't have answers for. Though GAF is somewhat anonymous and we welcome anyone with any orientation.


I just read that when the US helped liberate the jews, gays, gypsies, etc they freed everyone but sent gays to other prisons. They let the criminalization of homosexuality stand. feels ghoulish to even look for the silver lining in that at least it was regular prison. :-/ what a horrible chapter in human history.

Yes. And what's even worse, usually those years spent in concentration camps weren't even reduced from those people's prison sentences. So if someone was sentenced to X years of prison for the act of "sodomy", and then he spent Y years in the concentration camp (for basically the same thing - being gay), after the liberation he would still be send to prison for those X years. :/

Not to mention, those who weren't sent to prison very often had nowhere to go. Because who would support them? They were basically sexual deviants and criminals in the eyes of the world, even their own families and friends.


Hypothetically speaking, wouldn't someone hypothetically in the closet hypothetically come out by doing the IBQ?

Hypothetically speaking that is; just curious how thread etiquette would apply to someone In this position.


I'm confused? I mean yes if you answer every question then you are outing yourself? And you don't have to do that (or you can lie, I guess?).

Don't think we have any specific etiquette for that. People just post and the thread keeps rolling. Don't think anyone would make a big deal about it unless you specifically asked us to.


I'm confused? I mean yes if you answer every question then you are outing yourself? And you don't have to do that (or you can lie, I guess?).

Don't think we have any specific etiquette for that. People just post and the thread keeps rolling. Don't think anyone would make a big deal about it unless you specifically asked us to.
Yeah, I was slightly confused as the only reason it would be a concern to be out on GAF would be if you know someone else on GAF in real life and aren't ready for them to know. Otherwise, there's several people in this thread that are out here and not to certain people in their offline lives. Not really sure what the reason would be for posting here but needing to stay closeted from GAF in general.

Not sure I totally get what the circumstances would be for that concern.
Plastic soap containers exist. No one has to leave it out in the open for you to see. All the death and decay can be contained in a multitude of colors.

It's funny; I used to hate bar soaps because when I was younger I remember how fucking dry and nasty they made my skin feel, but shower gel was starting to feel the same way recently. I could feel a thin layer of filmy residue or something afterward, no matter how much I rinsed, and it was getting annoying.

I made the switch some time around last year, I believe. I went from Dove Men's shower gel to Dove Men's bar soaps, though I just bought some Dial pack to try those out. Bar soap lasts way longer and they're like, $4-$5 for a pack of 6-8. Scents are lacking compared to shower gel, but eh.


Since it's my first post in the GayGAF thread in a long ass time, might as well do those introduction questions.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Ontario, Canada
Where Do You Live? Manitoba, Canada
How Old Are you? 21
Favorite Type of Music? Indie pop or rock; anything with quality vocals really.
Profession or Career interest? I'm planning to go to school for computer science, but I also want to learn 3D modeling and animation on my spare time if I can muster the energy.
Favorite video game(s)? Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Persona, Minecraft, Ace Attorney, and loads of niche RPGs and visual novels.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Don't really have many hobbies anymore beyond loving music and playing games. Working to save money ends up making me too exhausted to do anything else.
Since it's my first post in the GayGAF thread in a long ass time, might as well do those introduction questions.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Ontario, Canada
Where Do You Live? Manitoba, Canada
How Old Are you? 21
Favorite Type of Music? Indie pop or rock; anything with quality vocals really.
Profession or Career interest? I'm planning to go to school for computer science, but I also want to learn 3D modeling and animation on my spare time if I can muster the energy.
Favorite video game(s)? Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Persona, Minecraft, Ace Attorney, and loads of niche RPGs and visual novels.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Don't really have many hobbies anymore beyond loving music and playing games. Working to save money ends up making me too exhausted to do anything else.

Hey hey, a fellow Manitoban! Welcome back! ^_^


Well, I guess I can join:

Your gender? Male.
Your sexual orientation? Gay.
Where Are You From? [Classified] (but not that hard to guess)
Where Do You Live? [Classified]
How Old Are you? 26
Favorite Type of Music? I don't have one. I can listen to rock, pop, classical music, video game musics, RNB, house, dance, rave music and other things. Though, I don't really like rap. I love Yoko Kanno compositions.
Profession or Career interest? [Classified]
Favorite video game(s)? Suikoden II, Secret of Mana, Monster Hunter (series), Ace Attorney (series), The Legend of Zelda (series), Fire Emblem (series), Final Fantasy V.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Spending way too much on the internet, hanging out with friends, writing insanely long messages about things I care about, writing video game guides.


I've decided to try and see if being more active will help me keep my mind off of things while I look for a new job. I'm gonna go for a 3 mile jog tomorrow. I've walked it plenty of times, so I don't think I'll be overdoing it.

I survived several suicide attempts, it's cliche to say it but it really can get better, find a good mental health professional, I was so lucky to find mine, I know you can get through this, being active is essential and I'm glad you are taking this step.


Hey hey, a fellow Manitoban! Welcome back! ^_^
Honestly surprised that A) Someone from Manitoba is on NeoGAF and B) They are gay and on a GayGAF thread.

Also, is the Skype chat all that active? I was in it a few years ago and ended up leaving the group since it was only like 3-4 people and not very active.


Honestly surprised that A) Someone from Manitoba is on NeoGAF and B) They are gay and on a GayGAF thread.

Also, is the Skype chat all that active? I was in it a few years ago and ended up leaving the group since it was only like 3-4 people and not very active.
It's over 40 now and active pretty much every night that I've stopped in.


You know what? Fuck it, I'm doing it (the IBQ) today, because you guys seem decent and it's difficult to even type it out but I just I mean it's hard and it's surprising that this thread is how it is but this might be the one place someone understands and can empathize instead of shunning and being ridiculed and excluded and

I'm queer. There, I said it.


You know what? Fuck it, I'm doing it (the IBQ) today, because you guys seem decent and it's difficult to even type it out but I just I mean it's hard and it's surprising that this thread is how it is but this might be the one place someone understands and can empathize instead of shunning and being ridiculed and excluded and

I'm queer. There, I said it.

I love how my favorite posters in gaming side always end up here. :D
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