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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Can I ask what makes you want to die? Like, is it something you're willing to talk about? You're welcome to inbox me about it rather than putting out here but either is fine. People are here to listen.

I may have missed a contextual post somewhere, but from what you said above is it to do with being in the closet?

Bigoted parents. I either stay in the closet and live miserably or come out and wind up on the streets.

Have you tried to talk to anyone? Either in your personal life or the people who offered support here? Things can get better but you have to meet people part of the way.

I've spoken to a few people through PMs.


Gold Member
It turns out the bridge I was planning on jumping from had suicide barriers installed along the whole thing a few years ago. I guess I won't be dying tomorrow.

I'm sorry for all of this but I just can't stay in the closet for much longer, it's driving me crazy.
What are your current living circumstances? What is keeping you in your current environment, and what factors would have to come into effect for you to escape your current situation?


Bigoted parents. I either stay in the closet and live miserably or come out and wind up on the streets.

You can also just wait for few years (I don't know how old are you and what's you financial condition), until you stop becoming dependent on your parents financially, cut ties with them and start living your life.

Again, suicide won't solve anything.


What are your current living circumstances? What is keeping you in your current environment, and what factors would have to come into effect for you to escape your current situation?

I make less than 10k a year at my current job, so I need to find other jobs to be able to live on my own. I need my GED to get any good jobs, so at this point getting a new job would be a lateral move. I then need to actually get a better paying job and save up enough so that I have enough money in case I fall on hard times before I even think about finding my own place. All of this would take years, and I don't think I can last that long.
Bigoted parents. I either stay in the closet and live miserably or come out and wind up on the streets.

I've spoken to a few people through PMs.

Your parents absolutely will not dictate the rest of your life. It really sucks that they're having this impact on you, but you need to know that the best way forward is to live your life and aim for independence from them. Happiness is in your future, but if you end it now all you'll have ever known is misery.


Gold Member
I make less than 10k a year at my current job, so I need to find other jobs to be able to live on my own. I need my GED to get any good jobs, so at this point getting a new job would be a lateral move. I then need to actually get a better paying job and save up enough so that I have enough money in case I fall on hard times before I even think about finding my own place. All of this would take years, and I don't think I can last that long.
I assume you're working on your GED right now... how far off are you from completing it?


I assume you're working on your GED right now... how far off are you from completing it?

I'm not. I need to find a new job first because I'll be fired from my current one if I tried to get it. I work in a community center that used to be a school, and the local GED program rents out the classrooms in the basement. They'd know I lied about graduating if I tried to get it.
I'm not. I need to find a new job first because I'll be fired from my current one if I tried to get it. I work in a community center that used to be a school, and the local GED program rents out the classrooms in the basement. They'd know I lied about graduating if I tried to get it.
You've got to start working towards something so I would start by finding a new job. Then starting the GED program. These little accomplishments start adding up and you will start feeling better. You've just got to give it time, Kinsei.
I make less than 10k a year at my current job, so I need to find other jobs to be able to live on my own. I need my GED to get any good jobs, so at this point getting a new job would be a lateral move. I then need to actually get a better paying job and save up enough so that I have enough money in case I fall on hard times before I even think about finding my own place. All of this would take years, and I don't think I can last that long.

What city do you live in? Are there any LGBT youth groups? Making friends who might understand your situation could help. Also they have counselors who can help you work through any anxieties. Setting up a support network is crucial if you feel you cant get it at home.
What city do you live in? Are there any LGBT youth groups? Making friends who might understand your situation could help. Also they have counselors who can help you work through any anxieties. Setting up a support network is crucial if you feel you cant get it at home.
This is important too.
You CAN do it, I believe in you.
The Beatles are overrated and the music didn't age that well.

finally something with good sense!

also @Kinsei
get a boat and float on down to Maine to find the man or woman or both of your dreams. Or start a rap career


Bigoted parents. I either stay in the closet and live miserably or come out and wind up on the streets.

I've spoken to a few people through PMs.

How bigoted are your parents? I've been in your situation before. There is hope. Suicide is not the solution to your problems.


irresponsible vagina leak
I want to start a rap career

I can be a featured artist and do the pop hook so it catches on the radio
I make less than 10k a year at my current job, so I need to find other jobs to be able to live on my own. I need my GED to get any good jobs, so at this point getting a new job would be a lateral move. I then need to actually get a better paying job and save up enough so that I have enough money in case I fall on hard times before I even think about finding my own place. All of this would take years, and I don't think I can last that long.

I'm sorry as I seem to have missed most of the previous posts regarding your situation, would you be able to clarify precisely what is going on, both on a personal level and in the wider context of your life that is making you consider taking your own life? To clarify, what city do you live in and how are the LGBTQ+ facilities? What level of education have you do you aspire to, and what hurdles do you face? What existing problems have you? How bigoted are your parents, what do they know, and how have they reacted/would they react? In addition, what other relatives have you, if any, and how close are you to them?

I cannot say I was in your position, I cannot say I understand precisely how you are feeling, nobody can as each situation is unique; many of us, however, have been in situations that may be similar to what you are going through, felt similar emotionally to how you are now, and may be able to provide you with some advice to escape it. If you need to rant, either in the thread, or via PM, feel free to do so. The more detail you provide about what is troubling you, the more advice we can provide.

At the moment, you are considering a rather drastic option, so presumably you are in a rather dire situation, and this is something that I can relate to. In April and August, as some in this thread may recall, I faced homelessness (and the removal of financial aid at a time when it would be impossible to acquire more), largely due to homophobia (based solely upon assumptions, I wasn't even certain in my sexuality), due to my parents (particularly my father), and numerous other factors (isolation especially) and thus, too, was in a rather dire state, where similar extreme options were considered very seriously. I don't know how similar this is to your situation, presumably there are still some key differences, but ultimately the most important comparative point is that it appeared to be inescapable and a great void that threatened to encompass all aspects of life, as the many issues you face surely seem to be. Ultimately, given that I am here today, it was not inescapable. It took much effort, yes, but it was possible to climb from the pit of despair. Regardless of how you are feeling, you will manage to overcome your situation. It may not be easy, but you can do it. No matter what happens, you are not alone, you are, and always will be, part of the LGBTQ+ community, and we will always be here to support you when you need it.
Quick someone save Sai before she disappears for text slapping Fahzgoolin

Also if Dany wasn't in Chicago but NYC i'd -seriously think he's secretly Danny from Keith and the Girl podcast


Bigoted parents. I either stay in the closet and live miserably or come out and wind up on the streets.

I have pretty bigoted parents. It's not easy knowing that if my family knew anything about how I really am I could end up homeless. It's a horribly scary thought.

But I just want you to know that through all the bad days, the depression, the suicidal thoughts, you have a 100% success rate of getting through it so far. And I think that's pretty damn impressive. Not everyone can claim that.
i'm straight and even my dad and step-mom are bigoted but (for my dad) only towards if any of his kids were gay and none of us are...except my step brother who's a late bisexual. If you saw him from ages 7 to 17 you'd think he was just gay
Kinsei, I hope you'll be able to find the help that you need. This is one of the most supportive communities I've been a part of, and I've been able to talk about things here that I felt like I couldn't anywhere else.
i'm straight and even my dad and step-mom are bigoted but (for my dad) only towards if any of his kids were gay and none of us are...except my step brother who's a late bisexual. If you saw him from ages 7 to 17 you'd think he was just gay

so he went from gay to bi? sounds like he did the right thing
Goddamnit, just found this thread. I thought you guys had disappeared (even tho I mostly lurk, uh uh).

I will answer the little FAQ thing, since I never did actually.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Suburbs of Montréal.
Where Do You Live? Suburbs of Montréal (can't wait to move, tbh)
How Old Are you? 23 (24 in 2 weeks, yikes)
Favorite Type of Music? Indie Pop/Electro (?)
Profession or Career interest? Architecture. Hopefully ;_;
Favorite video game(s)? Nintendo stuff basically, with a side of weird shit à la Katamari Damacy.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Anything arts ad media related, I guess.

I had 2 dates with a guy last week (even tho school is slowly killing me), went to the museum on the first one, it was okay. For the second one we had dinner, than saw Imitation Game (nice movie). I realised that we had almost nothing in common. :/

I just hope I won't bump into him at school, we're in the same building, we're studying pretty similar fields. :/


Kinsei, know that you're not alone or helpless in your situation. My parents are similarly unsupportive, I've been depressed and have experienced suicide ideation in the past, but am in the present doing a lot better. You can persevere through this. Shoot me a PM if you want to talk in private, okay?


The Beatles are overrated and the music didn't age that well.
Yes! yes! this is true x10000.

Kinsei, keep posting here any chance you get,everyday please!
Can't say much that hasn't already been said, but we're all here for you. GAF is a huge community and always willing to show a helping hand, trust me, I've been there and have received a little help. Thinking of you, Kinsei.

The Beatles are overrated and the music didn't age that well.

Eh, I don't really agree with that. Some Beatles material is absolutely classic and transcends decades. I don't think they're the greatest band to ever grace the planet but a lot of their stuff holds up very well.

I absolutely loved the renditions of Beatles songs for the film Across The Universe.
Eh, I don't really agree with that. Some Beatles material is absolutely classic and transcends decades. I don't think they're the greatest band to ever grace the planet but a lot of their stuff holds up very well.

I absolutely loved the renditions of Beatles songs for the film Across The Universe.

The music, yes.. but I've never been a fan of McCartney's lyrics or the delivery... but, that's just my opinion. Glad there are some who share it... Simon and Garfunkel were the better 60s band.

My husband.. he won't listen to Beatles songs but for some reason the soundtrack to Across The Universe is his favorite. Crazy!


Just found this thread now actually, had no idea there was an LGBT thread on here. So, teen gay male reporting in. :) I only discovered my sexuality somewhat recently, I think it was around mid-late 2013 I realised that I was gay. I currently live in the south-west of France, but I spent most of my childhood since birth living in Wales so I am an ex-pat (though I plan to move back to Wales at some point). My favourite games....I guess you could say Sonic when the games are good, LittleBigPlanet, Nintendo, GTA, quote a lot really. It's hard to pinpoint one thing, or even just to narrow it down to three things.
Just found this thread now actually, had no idea there was an LGBT thread on here. So, teen gay male reporting in. :) I only discovered my sexuality somewhat recently, I think it was around mid-late 2013 I realised that I was gay.
Yay! Welcome! :)
Always love to see new people around here.
I just drank an ungodly amount of pink lemonade. I couldn't help myself at the grocery this weekend. I was thirsty and it sounded so good. :(


Nope, it's effectively a dead language.

And I'm not new :)

Sucks... it's a beautiful language. I had a friend who knew some words in Welsh. I know you have been with us for a while now but I just wanted to say welcome, since I never did. :)

Just found this thread now actually, had no idea there was an LGBT thread on here. So, teen gay male reporting in. :) I only discovered my sexuality somewhat recently, I think it was around mid-late 2013 I realised that I was gay. I currently live in the south-west of France, but I spent most of my childhood since birth living in Wales so I am an ex-pat (though I plan to move back to Wales at some point). My favourite games....I guess you could say Sonic when the games are good, LittleBigPlanet, Nintendo, GTA, quote a lot really. It's hard to pinpoint one thing, or even just to narrow it down to three things.

Welcome to the community, fill out the IBQ. :)

Edit: oh I see you kind of did already.
There was a girl in one of my classes who had a rolling back pack that everyone would make fun of. She was rude and could only ever refer to rap using the full term "rap music." Turns out she had scoliosis but she was still rude and condescending to even the nice people so whatever

She sounds like a peach. Did she sit in the front row closest to the professor?



She sounds like a peach. Did she sit in the front row closest to the professor?

Yep, and I felt satisfied when she was telling some long boring story to the professor about how her and her mother were visiting big bridges in New England and went to the wrong one, and the professor looked at a group of us in the second row with a smirk and just stared for a moment as if begging us to set him free from the story of her radical lifestyle. We started laughing, but she didn't catch his body language and continued for a while.

I'll never forget when she was telling this same group of us sitting behind her some story during her nice mood and we paid little mind when the conversation naturally diverted to someone else in the group. It was about 15 real minutes later during a lull in the group's conversation without her that she said in a perky voice out of nowhere, "So anyway..." and she couldn't get out another word because it made me and a friend laugh so hard that she had been hanging on with more of her story that whole damn time and picked right up with it after we had clearly forgotten it. Class started and eventually stopped our laughter, but I don't know if she ever realized what was funny to us there. It was amazing to me and I still laugh about it sometimes.

If she had been nicer and more aware of the backlash, I would have felt badly. Even this genius quiet girl in our classes said she was terrible.

i just got busted tbh my sister started using my pc and my tumblr dash was showing this
woops i guess :)

If she pressures you just yell "It's called fashion, look it up." And make a run for the computer to clear your history while she gets over her shock.
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