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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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I was about to ask if anyone was playing Bloodborne. I've been playing for like 2-3 hours and have yet to beat the first boss... I feel so shitty because I've beaten all the previous Souls games, so I feel like I should have had no problem with the first boss, lol. I also lost 9000~ "souls" when trying to get back to my body.

I haven;t even reached the first boss yet. I keep getting stubborn and start attacking things that I'm not meant to fight yet and then waste 20 minutes trying over and over again. On the bright side I did get a trophy for killing this huge guy with a giant axe near the first checkpoint!
It isnt that he has a problem with it though. Its that my dry sense of humor and flippant attitude leave him unable to tell when I'm joking around or not.

Ah. Well that makes sense then

Only got your 1st selfie with backscratcher.
Oh. It might helps if you live in Europe. Like near the UK. Netherlands or Austria. Praise the shitty location generator

Gotta.find out the guy I was flinging real or not.


Only got your 1st selfie with backscratcher.


if that's the case, it'll be 5 more episodes till we find out what happens.

True, lol.

Get some rest.

Think of those as completely separate letters, they can change the meaning of a word completely. Like in:

Sí = yes
Si = if

Cómo = how
Como = (I) eat, like ("it looks like a tree")

Qué = What
Que = That ("she said that it'd be fine")

Estás = (you) are
Estas = these ones

Spanish rocks, actually! It's a phonemic language (AKA its spelling actually makes sense), has clear rules with very few exceptions, has relatively few sounds, etc.

MTE. Learn your gramática, people! :p

Ahhh... yes, those things... I don't even bother with them. My Spanish has no apostrophes in it or whatever those things are called (tilde?). :p

It isnt that he has a problem with it though. Its that my dry sense of humor and flippant attitude leave him unable to tell when I'm joking around or not.

Uh hmmm.
I hate the Royal Spanish Academy, they have been encouraging poorly written Spanish in my opinion, every now and then I find out that the right way of writing something is now "wrong"
I haven;t even reached the first boss yet. I keep getting stubborn and start attacking things that I'm not meant to fight yet and then waste 20 minutes trying over and over again. On the bright side I did get a trophy for killing this huge guy with a giant axe near the first checkpoint!

I tried fighting that enemy several times, but always died. :( I can't get the timing down for the stuns/parries at all. :(


Hunky Nostradamus
what super power did you guys get? I got a dumb one. I can turn my hair into snakes. :(

Super powers

Plant Breath

The ability to generate from within oneself plant-matter and release them from the mouth. A sub power of Plant Manipulation and a variation of Biological Breath.

The user is able to manipulate plants and plant-matter in their lungs in a way that allows them to shape the exhaling of the effect. These shapes can include bursts, streams, spheres, even a mist of it from the mouth.

They can exhale spores, sap, vines, thorns, and other plant-matter even seeds that can rapidly grow into plants. The breath doesn't cause destructive damage but can create paralyzing or deadly damage.

Sounds kind of awesome lol.


No. It takes you to a random page. It works for me. It doesn't for you?

I got this:

Sensory Scrying

The power to perceive through other beings' senses. A sub-power of Telepathy, variation of Clairvoyance.

The user can "hitch-hike" other beings' senses and experience what happens as they were them. This power grants the user with the ability to taste, feel, smell, see and/or hear from others senses. It allows the user to experience the world as their target would.


The suicidal thoughts came back today. It figures that when I need to take a day away from it all to relax I'm swamped with work. I guess I've just got to try and soldier on.


irresponsible vagina leak
Neurocognitive Deficit - The ability to shut down a person's brain functions, rendering them unconscious. Sub-power of Mental Manipulation and Psionic Inundation.


what super power did you guys get? I got a dumb one. I can turn my hair into snakes. :(

Super powers

Implode & Explode: The user can cause an implosion that draws in energy or matter and then create an explosion to release all the power. They can do this either one time or continuously depending on the user. They can do this to even absorb attacks and expel them in a explosion.


The suicidal thoughts came back today. It figures that when I need to take a day away from it all to relax I'm swamped with work. I guess I've just got to try and soldier on.

Hang in there!
Curse Manipulation

What does that even mean. What is a curse. How would a person empower themselves with a curse. Isn't that like evil eye/bad luck shit.

So many of these powers are dumb. Why does some pulp fiction have to be so bad.

edit: Most of these I could never use without being a horrible person. If I was an angsty thirteen year old these powers would be perfect.


I've got Cartoon Creature Creation
User can create any creature (be it real or not) out of cartoons, and be able to control it. They can make the creature do their bidding and also delete the creature created once they are done with it.

BRB, gonna play Cartoon Smash Bros. :p


I think it's just the power to oxidize]

I mean it says "User can create, shape and manipulate corroded metals". So I could take a huge metal sheet and use it to fly around on, or make weapons or armor out of it, with some practice. Sounds badassss

Ah, true. Like the Tarnished Silver Surfer.

Haha yeah, basically! Makes me think of the metal bending from Avatar: Legend of Korra though, which was so badass.


I mean it says "User can create, shape and manipulate corroded metals". So I could take a huge metal sheet and use it to fly around on, or make weapons or armor out of it, with some practice. Sounds badassss

Ah, true. Like the Tarnished Silver Surfer.


The suicidal thoughts came back today. It figures that when I need to take a day away from it all to relax I'm swamped with work. I guess I've just got to try and soldier on.
You'll get out of it again. Anything specific putting you there this time or is it general pressures?

I'm starting to think that I have a small
. :(

Find out if that's a fact:

But why? What happened?

Gods chosen you to become a bottom.

Ahah. I always thought I was pretty average (well, from "official" numbers, I'm even above average) but I just had a hook-up with a guy who was... massive?
Like a larger Red Bull can.

Maybe it helps since the guy was 6'-8". (I'm 5'-6") I know it's supposedly not related but still...

Also uh... yay, just had a hook-up I guess? :p


Ahah. I always thought I was pretty average (well, from "official" numbers, I'm even above average) but I just had a hook-up with a guy who was... massive?

Maybe it helps since the guy was 6'-8". (I'm 5'-6") I know it's supposedly not related but still...

Also uh... yay, just had a hook-up I guess? :p

Well proportions, y'know?

Congrats on the hookup.


Hunky Nostradamus
I'm starting to think that I have a small
. :(

Ahah. I always thought I was pretty average (well, from "official" numbers, I'm even above average) but I just had a hook-up with a guy who was... massive?
Like a larger Red Bull can.

Maybe it helps since the guy was 6'-8". (I'm 5'-6") I know it's supposedly not related but still...

Also uh... yay, just had a hook-up I guess? :p


just because a guy has a way bigger dick than you doesn't mean you're small. wtf kind of logic is that

also, give us more deets


Is it possible for neither person in a friends with benefits scenario to catch feelings and have the friendship remain as good after the benefits are over?

just because a guy has a way bigger dick than you doesn't mean you're small. wtf kind of logic is that

also, give us more deets

One guy no, but well... I haven't seen tons of sausages up close in my life (it's almost sad tbh), but they've never been hot-dogs, if you know what I mean. ;)

I really have to go to bed but for now I can say that
there was lots of kissing.


Ahah. I always thought I was pretty average (well, from "official" numbers, I'm even above average) but I just had a hook-up with a guy who was... massive?
Like a larger Red Bull can.

Maybe it helps since the guy was 6'-8". (I'm 5'-6") I know it's supposedly not related but still...

Also uh... yay, just had a hook-up I guess? :p
Yeah, don't worry.
Plus the other guy had a great time I guess?... unless he mentioned it and if he did then don't mind him. Heck, I'm 5'8", apparently average..and no complaints, on the contrary. Then again, I consider the entirety of myself waaaay below average. XD

Anyway...waiting for the 1080p pics.


I will get the complete game next week but I enjoyed what I played of the demo a lot. Did the Great Jaggi mission a couple of times and the tutorial taught me a lot.

But yeah, once I got some fights behind me and some new equipment I will see that I add you and other MH players and maybe go on the hunt sometimes. =3


Go see a doctor. :/

My advise would be to not touch Poppers. Fucks with your body more than any lover (from what I heard about it from people who tried it). :|


Alors, oui, les temps sont durs en ce moment et se durcit de jour en jour. Je poster très rarement mes ennuis mais je ai nulle part ailleurs pour évacuer, et personne d'autre à qui parler. Si je ne obtiens quelque sorte £ 120 ensemble à la fin de cette semaine, je suis sans-abri. Je ai coupé de retour sur des choses que je ne ai pas besoin, des trucs vendus je ne utilise pas, et je suis toujours à court. Je suis baisé.
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