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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Oh, okay. Yeah sorry for being harsh. O:


Word. :p

I really wish... I:


how come you never added me on skype hippie. i want to talk to you about your aspirations.


Really hope you aren't serious - it's massively irresponsible and dangerous to do that to yourself. It's frighteningly easy to cause permanent organ damage through prolonged starvation, even with supplements.

That's fantastic to hear, congratulations.
Thanks Golnei :)


Looking forward to a hot hook-up this week.. suddenly develop tonsillitis. :(

I'm being punished for being a dirty sinner, I swear.


nope. i never joined because it's too exclusive.

Well, they let a hobo in. :p


I don't bite and devour the hand that pours in my drink, I'm not a monster. :(

But the hamster looks tasty tbh.

Naww, I haven't done anything sin-worthy in over a month.

Clearly whatever I was thinking of doing this week was considered preemptively sin worthy

Be absolved from your sins brother and confess with us.

Better than his penis weeping. Antibiotics are a lot easier to come by than Jesus. No pun intended.

Coincidentally, this was the 8666 post...

666, o:

Escape Goat is the antichrist confirmed.



Anyone have a lesbian friend? I feel like gay man x lesbian woman could be a great relationship because its guaranteed that they'll never want to have sex with each other.


Anyone have a lesbian friend? I feel like gay man x lesbian woman could be a great relationship because its guaranteed that they'll never want to have sex with each other.
I have a few, yeah. All awesome people.
Mostly my experience is with bi girls; as a bi dude, and that's significantly muddier.


Anyone have a lesbian friend? I feel like gay man x lesbian woman could be a great relationship because its guaranteed that they'll never want to have sex with each other.
My first girlfriend turned out to be a lesbian. I felt proud that I convinced a lesbian to go out with me, but disappointed that I didn't convince her to turn completely. She was smoking hot, too. Now I'm good friends with her, and we have a laugh about it.


I can read Spanish, but I can't speak it. It's actually cool to be reminded I can at least do that.

Their names are Diego Arnary and Roman Dawidoff/Khodorov. He's gone by two different names for some reason.


Went to pick up Bloodborne during my lunch and I got stuck in traffic on the freeway ;_;. I think there's a wreck or something idk, better post on GAF. What do I do as I sit here wilting in the sun??????


There is some kind of glitch on PSN and I managed to get Bloodborne for what used to be regular price, and they didn't charge me tax! Looks like I'll get to play it after all!

It's a nice end to a shitty day.

read the instruction booklet.


I miss instruction booklets. I always read them before starting a game as a kid.
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