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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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"Vous êtes vraiment belle" is for a girl/woman tho.

For a guy it would be "Vous êtes vraiment beau.".


lol... Dead Prince, you made a mistake. :p

You just called him a girl. But he probably thinks you want to say that to a girl.

too late. he's prettier than french girls (y)

can't post picture of him because privacy bla bla

So what will he do. fix my error or block/ignore me?

Put in your guesses now!


too late. he's prettier than french girls (y)

can't post picture of him because privacy bla bla

So what will he do. fix my error or block/ignore me?

Put in your guesses now!

That's what Private Messages are for (y)

Gosh you're like a teenage girl "omg I wonder what Mark will text me" :p

He'll probably think you're practicing your French and he'll say "correct" or he'll be confused and say "what?"


"Qu'est-ce que tu veut dire? Je suis desole mais je n'aime pas les hommes."

That's what Private Messages are for (y)

Gosh you're like a teenage girl "omg I wonder what Mark will text me" :p

He'll probably think you're practicing your French and he'll say "correct" or he'll be confused and say "what?"


"Qu'est-ce que tu veut dire? Je suis desole mais je n'aime pas les hommes."


i'm not really into french. the last french person i talked to was from canadia and met him through deviantart.com. also at that time my gaydar was so strong. also he was an exhibitionist up until he started teaching.

he also didn't get to tell his dad he is gay because he died right before he got the chance to tell him.

also this was around when i was 18 and getting naked on cam for fun. (y)


irresponsible vagina leak
Looking cancelled.


i'm not really into french. the last french person i talked to was from canadia and met him through deviantart.com. also at that time my gaydar was so strong. also he was an exhibitionist up until he started teaching.

he also didn't get to tell his dad he is gay because he died right before he got the chance to tell him.

also this was around when i was 18 and getting naked on cam for fun. (y)

Your grandchildren will have a great time listening to your exciting and lewd stories. Grandpa prince is gonna a whole lot of stories to tell. :p

Exhibitionist guy is a teacher now? lol
Your grandchildren will have a great time listening to your exciting and lewd stories. Grandpa prince is gonna a whole lot of stories to tell. :p

Exhibitionist guy is a teacher now? lol

yep he had a video on xtube but had to delete it for that reason. i don't talk to him much now. i'm sure he's alive still.


The bolded is poorly worded by the way. You'll make some people raise their eyebrows. Just letting you know...

I'm assuming you are not in PR, correct? I guess you could talk to him on the phone. Try to find out what mental health clinic he's been taken to and for what reasons. Talk to your parents too. Ask them about your little brother. I guess what he really needs is support, and while you might not ve there physically, you could try to talk as much as you can on the phone, or by email, etc. Show him that you are supportive and that you care about him. Communicating this to him is important.

Also, sorry for I keep using he/him, I realize that I might be using the wrong pronoun. Apologies in advance.
his name is Kevin
My mistake, this is a learning experience for me. I have never been one of hatred towards another that is living a different life than mine but I have always been apathetic. He identifies as female but still is very emotionally distressed because of my family.unfortunately my Spanish sucks and my father doesn't speak English. My little brother is a half brother but Kevin's mother also does not speak much English. I live in Florida so the distance is there but I have been trying to communicate with Kevin ad much as possible


Experience tells me not a chance.
I'd say that is a safe assumption.
his name is Kevin
My mistake, this is a learning experience for me. I have never been one of hatred towards another that is living a different life than mine but I have always been apathetic. He identifies as female but still is very emotionally distressed because of my family.unfortunately my Spanish sucks and my father doesn't speak English. My little brother is a half brother but Kevin's mother also does not speak much English. I live in Florida so the distance is there but I have been trying to communicate with Kevin ad much as possible
I agree with others here, try and talk to as many of them as you can or get someone else in your family who can speak Spanish and English to help you talk to Kevin's family. Don't stop reaching out.

Looking cancelled.

Actually it got a special wrap-up greenlit rather than flat out cancelled.

General pressures. I also feel like I have to watch my every move at home now that work has picked up. Since I'm never alone I never feel like myself.

Anywhere you can go hang out like an empty spot in the library? It's not alone, but you can get some quiet maybe and just relax a few hours online or reading.

I might do amateur camming to make some money.

You might want to make a thread asking GAF for where to get quick jobs to get money. I think they've mentioned there's all sorts of odd jobs and tasks people list on craigslist that could get you to your target in a couple of days or so. They also usually recommend talking to the billers about your situation because they sometimes have programs to help ease the burden by setting up a plan with you.


I need some advice. My little brother has revealed to my father and family that he is trans. Though I have not always been fair in the past, I support him. He attempted suicide by pills last week and has been sent to a mental health clinic. I don't know what to say to him other than I am here for him and love him but I dont exactly have any different lifestyle friends that I can go and ask for advice on this sort of issue. Another problem is that he lives in Puerto Rico(so does pretty much everyone else in my family except for my mother and oldest brother). My family seems to be shaming him from the small things I gather in the little bits he reveals to me. Which is absolutely infuriating to me. He refuses to tell me how my father is reacting to all of this as well aside from them trying to give him pills. Many of the sites I go to seem to be really helpful but for more local purposes. Thank you all for any advice ahead of time.
That's heavy.
Living here in PR, my advice would be to continue talking to him though phone/chat/whatever. Make plans too. If you can come over for a few days at least to see him that would be better.

Talk to the side of the family that is not in here about what they think and even the possibility of having your brother move out (if he wants).

Because of the pills, he already thinks that he's alone and noone cares about him. Sadly, if the pattern of insults and shaming continues no mental health clinic will help with that.

If he's under 18 you could also talk to social services. Heck, if he is and tried pills they should already be investigating what happened that lead to it (but things in PR doesn't make sense). As of last week, gay marriage was recognized and accepted by the government, so the topic is quite hot still because of the church and the homophobic people around.

But overall, continue talking.

And yeah, as was said, sorry for the use of "he" in this post. Keep also that in mind when you both talk, support and been there is quite important during the process.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Correct me if I'm wrong but don't bears typically go for smooth twinkish guys? Seems to me the kind of guys into bears are usually not other bears.

I don't think it's a hard-and-fast rule,given that I see plenty of both pairings (bear x bear and bear x twink) here in the city.

Anecdotal: when I first moved here, a gaffer took me and some friends out and we ended up at what I think was a bear bar. None of us are remotely bear-esque but there was a distinct "mm, fresh meat" vibe from everyone once we walked in. All the guys were super nice, but it isn't my scene at all, hah.
I liked Looking. The characters weren't all douchebags and sluts. They had real problems and not "made for TV" problems like Queer as Folk did.


Some bears like chasers too. As someone who loves bears and have been visited lot of bear bars in few countries I could say the Japanese bears is the exclusive one. It's really hard if you're not asian and stocky.


I liked Looking. The characters weren't all douchebags and sluts. They had real problems and not "made for TV" problems like Queer as Folk did.

Queer as Folk paved a lot of ground and did daring and bold things, but it was a horrible show. I do feel however it couldn't have been done any other way.
I watched Queer as Folk in the run-up to Cucumber/Banana/Tofu and you can see how it must have been very pioneering at the time but the acting and writing really weren't that good. Charlie Hunnam is particularly awful in Series 1 and then improves so much in Series 2 that he barely seems like the same person.


I love Looking, especially the slow part where nothing really happens. It's comforting to just see people hanging out without drama. The show did start trending away from that and introduced standard TV problems, though.
I liked Looking. The characters weren't all douchebags and sluts. They had real problems and not "made for TV" problems like Queer as Folk did.

Queer as Folk paved a lot of ground and did daring and bold things, but it was a horrible show. I do feel however it couldn't have been done any other way.

I watched Queer as Folk in the run-up to Cucumber/Banana/Tofu and you can see how it must have been very pioneering at the time but the acting and writing really weren't that good. Charlie Hunnam is particularly awful in Series 1 and then improves so much in Series 2 that he barely seems like the same person.

Of course it was. Russell T. Davies is a hack and the man who destroyed Dr.Who


Rate me on a scale of 1 to 10 now that you know my concert bucket list consists only of a John Mayer concert and a Tony Bennett concert.


Popularity does not equal quality.
No, but this isn't about popularity. Putting aside the fact the RTD's Who was fantastic; this is about being a show on the TV vs not being a show on the TV. Going from the latter to the former is the opposite of destroying.
No, but this isn't about popularity. Putting aside the fact the RTD's Who was fantastic; this is about being a show on the TV vs not being a show on the TV. Going from the latter to the former is the opposite of destroying.

You were the one to bring up how popular it is now. Besides, if it's a shell of its former self than I consider it destroyed. Same with Abrahms Trek. It may be hugely popular but isn't Star Trek.


You were the one to bring up how popular it is now. Besides, if it's a shell of its former self than I consider it destroyed. Same with Abrahms Trek. It may be hugely popular but isn't Star Trek.
What is it Doctor Who ought to be and isn't then? Cus I mean normally when people complain it's cus of how gay it is and I doubt that's the problem here :p


No. Dr. Who was never a soap.

But enough about that. Just agree to disagree.
I mean it was never anything; it's changed a bajillion times over the years and there's nothing wrong with coming back new.

...but yeah, we aren't going to agree and I barely watch it any more since Moffat destroyed the show :p
Anyone heard from Delio? Considering the news today, got to make sure he's not a complete wreck.

just kidding Delio. I know you don't take those things that seriously
I saw Delio grabbing his "go bag", dark sunglasses, trench coat and camera with telescopic lens as he ran out the door in a panic. I'm not sure what he has in mind.
Like, you used to watch Nu-Who but don't anymore, so what are some other shows that you used to watch but no longer do?

I watched 2 episodes of nu-who and couldn't stand it. Shows have to grip me from the start or I don't watch.

I remember one I watched but was cancelled too early (damn you ABC!!!!), Pushing Daisies.


This 16-18 years old girl kept trying to chat with me on the bus, asking me all kinds of dumb things (what's sarcasm? wow, do you understand English? Is that an iPhone 5C?) and laughing at everything I answered :x It was pretty awkward. Then she lightly kicked my feet a couple of times, and bent over to look through the window, invading my personal space, all while I'm pretending nothing is happening :p Maybe by the time I'm 40 I'll get flirted by women in their 20s, that'd be an improvement. Or, you know, by guys :(


It only does everything.™


The power of the Playstation 4.

I meant I could hear the menu music of the PS4 in the background of the porn video (which I'm watching on my computer).

Uh hmmm.


This 16-18 years old girl kept trying to chat with me on the bus, asking me all kinds of dumb things (what's sarcasm? wow, do you understand English? Is that an iPhone 5C?) and laughing at everything I answered :x It was pretty awkward. Then she lightly kicked my feet a couple of times, and bent over to look through the window, invading my personal space, all while I'm pretending nothing is happening :p Maybe by the time I'm 40 I'll get flirted by women in their 20s, that'd be an improvement. Or, you know, by guys :(

I don't blame her.
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