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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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So in a situation like mine (confess love to a person I'm into that is dating another. Look at prior posts for details) would you do it at their place or a 3rd party location like a park? I should note that he currently isnt driving so if its elsewhere if be ferrying him (not a problem, but could be a factor). Ill also note that my place isn't an option due to parent issues.

Oh, I went back and read this. Why are you doing this? The dude is in a relationship. You confessing isn't going to have any good outcome, and I personally don't think getting it off your chest is reason enough. Distance yourself and focus on other people and then reintegrate him into your life if you want. Good luck whatever it is you end up doing.
Oh, I went back and read this. Why are you doing this? The dude is in a relationship. You confessing isn't going to have any good outcome, and I personally don't think getting it off your chest is reason enough. Distance yourself and focus on other people and then reintegrate him into your life if you want. Good luck whatever it is you end up doing.

I can only assume OP is super young, but his line of thinking is messy and will only end in an even messier situation. What is the guy supposed to do with the information, leave his man? As the cliche goes, OP, let him go and if it was meant to be, it'll happen eventually.
Oh, why would you do this?

Top o' the page edit:




Darker guys used to not really by my type, but that's all changed so drastically. It all started with Miles Davis Moody.


Sorry I had no idea. :O

Definitely noted. What I'm trying to say, is that he's a dreamy as fuck mixed dude that makes me wanna do unholy things to him. At him. With him. At me.

Had no idea he was mixed, quite light skinned then. I do agree that he's dreamy (and seems like a very fun guy to hang with too) :D Probably my favorite from the Pit Crew (but they all look amazing).

Edit: Totally unrelated but I was watching this Tucking tutorial from DragCon (damn I wish I lived in the US so I could have gone to that) and I'm pretty sure I've seen the guy they're tucking in a porn video heh.
I just googled him and saw him is some Andrew Christian undies that left nothing to the imagination. I might have drooled.

It's the only appropriate reaction.

Had no idea he was mixed, quite light skinned then. I do agree that he's dreamy (and seems like a very fun guy to hang with too) :D Probably my favorite from the Pit Crew (but they all look amazing).

Edit: Totally unrelated but I was watching this Tucking tutorial from DragCon (damn I wish I lived in the US so I could have gone to that) and I'm pretty sure I've seen the guy they're tucking in a porn video heh.

I saw him once at a bar, and swallowed all my pride, and walked up to him like a giggling school girl. He was super chill and nice. Talkative and approachable. Even commented on my instagram post the next day.


Miles Davis Moody is really good looking. He appears in various music videos with Jonny McGovern.

He's a really great guy too, and I think he has a twin brother or something if my memory serves me right.


It's the only appropriate reaction.

I saw him once at a bar, and swallowed all my pride, and walked up to him like a giggling school girl. He was super chill and nice. Talkative and approachable. Even commented on my instagram post the next day.

OMG you met him in person! Nice O:

He has a great personality from what it seems.

Did you ask for his number?


You're a young woman, kinda attractive (if you go by what others say).
You're doing your weekend groceries. At the dairy section you pass a kinda attractive guy and you exchange glances with him. Although you notice he seems kinda nervous as he looks at you. Then you go to pay.

As you wait for your folks to finish their shopping you see him at the cashier again. You just watch him a bit in a not too obvious way but once he's done he quickly takes a detour instead of going straight for the exit wich would require to pass next to you. Strange.

Then your parents are done with their shopping too and your mom comes over and tells you: "Isn't that ...? You know from your former class."

You are schocked as you didn't recognize him but wonder if he recognized you since it's pretty awkward as he always teased you when you were a boy in school for being such a girl and a weenie.

What would you do/think?


Maybe he didn't recognise you, in which case, if he was checking you out, you should try and set up a date with him and humiliate him somehow for being an ignorant douchebag. If he finds you attractive as a girl, he can find you attractive as a boy. The fact that he find you attractive as one gender and not the other is ignorant. You're you, regardless of gender.


Maybe he didn't recognise you, in which case, if he was checking you out, you should try and set up a date with him and humiliate him somehow for being an ignorant douchebag. If he finds you attractive as a girl, he can find you attractive as a boy. The fact that he find you attractive as one gender and not the other is ignorant. You're you, regardless of gender.
This post is sending me to far out places.

Maybe I'm misreading lol

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Miles Davis Moody is really good looking. He appears in various music videos with Jonny McGovern.

He's a really great guy too, and I think he has a twin brother or something if my memory serves me right.

Your mention of Jonny McGovern reminded me I still needed to check out the music video for "Sexy Nerd." The song is catchy, but the video was only ok for me. I'm very unfamiliar with McGovern and his work though.


What would you do/think?

Well, I'm a big overthinker, so I'd personally think it meant something. Back in the day, did he know you were trans? If he saw your mom and/or heard occasional updates on you via friend and social networks, I'd guess he recognized you from before. I'd think he didn't want to walk past because there might be a conversation. I see three reasons why he'd think it would be awkward: 1) It's always awkward seeing someone you haven't seen in a while. I avoid high school acquaintances in the grocery store when I'm back home for that reason if I'm not feeling particularly social. 2) You said he previously made fun of you. If he's grown up since then, he might not know how to confront the fact that your previous relationship was negative (regret can make confrontations pretty awkward). 3) If he was unaware of you being trans and not particularly educated on trans identities, he'd probably be unsure of if/how he should address this "new" (to him) fact if a conversation were to start. Even something as simple as wondering if you still use the name he knew, if it would be a problem for him to use that name, and being unsure of whether he could ask about that could prove a barrier for the average person (sad reality of lack of education about trans* identities).

To give you another perspective, most of my friends wouldn't even bat an eye and wouldn't assume anything he did was related to them.


Maybe he didn't recognise you, in which case, if he was checking you out, you should try and set up a date with him and humiliate him somehow for being an ignorant douchebag. If he finds you attractive as a girl, he can find you attractive as a boy. The fact that he find you attractive as one gender and not the other is ignorant. You're you, regardless of gender.

Dude, are you okay?


Hooray, I get noticed!

To give you another perspective, most of my friends wouldn't even bat an eye and wouldn't assume anything he did was related to them.

Thanks for the lenghty answer. Yeah, most of it could be true. I just don't know if any of my former class knows about my current situation. It got so bad that I already stopped socializing with them in the 6th grade and haven't been in touch with anyone for 10 years.

Yeeah, re-reading that post didn't make much sense. I'm still drunk. Ignore me.
Don't worry. It's cool.


The Witcher 3 surprised me with how one of the peripheral characters (
) has a gay background if you ask him a bit more about his life. That's a rather nice detail. Not sure about him calling himself a "freak" but I guess he sees himself through the eye of society during this medieval-like period, which is very bigoted in many ways. And Geralt himself is a "freak" in a different kind of way.

And it's not like life has changed that much these days. Many men are still afraid of admitting that they may be interested in other men.
Oh, I went back and read this. Why are you doing this? The dude is in a relationship. You confessing isn't going to have any good outcome, and I personally don't think getting it off your chest is reason enough. Distance yourself and focus on other people and then reintegrate him into your life if you want. Good luck whatever it is you end up doing.

I can only assume OP is super young, but his line of thinking is messy and will only end in an even messier situation. What is the guy supposed to do with the information, leave his man? As the cliche goes, OP, let him go and if it was meant to be, it'll happen eventually.

I can understand why you guys may think this is a foolish idea, and I'm glad to have an opposing opinion. I do want to make sure that you guys actually read the post I was addressing earlier though. I was mobile and occupied when I asked about location so I didn't quote or hotlink, but I think it's possible that it may not have been read on this new page.

Robido, I know that he's going to not leave his man and will, essentially, reject me. Basically part of the reason is because I feel I need to hear him say this. I know some things go without saying and I should (and mentally at least DO) have a hold of the situation and where I stand in it, but have you ever known someone who was too emotionally dense to a situation that despite the obvious facts they needed to have something flat out said to them so that they could finally truly get it? That's about where I feel I am right now. I know I need some distance. I know I need to look elsewhere. I know I need to move on. But it's been almost a month and a half and I still can't bring myself to do it. It doesn't get any plainer for me than him laying his thoughts bare for me.

Captcha. You're right. Me doing this is selfish on some level. He's going to be hit with awkward feelings about me, and it can more or less change how the dynamics of the friendship are, or even possibly kill it. I know this. But I also know that this feels like the best way for me to let go of this and move on to other places. I also know that I won't try to make things any more awkward with him than it may already be, and if I DO do that, then I'd understand why he'd want to eventually distance himself from me. To the best of my ability, any permanent distancing that may happen with this friend will be on his end, and with what I'd be telling him, I can accept that.

The Witcher 3 surprised me with how one of the peripheral characters (
) has a gay background if you ask him a bit more about his life. That's a rather nice detail. Not sure about him calling himself a "freak" but I guess he sees himself through the eye of society during this medieval-like period, which is very bigoted in many ways. And Geralt himself is a "freak" in a different kind of way.

And it's not like life has changed that much these days. Many men are still afraid of admitting that they may be interested in other men.

When you live in an environment where your "kind" (for lack of a better word) is ostracized, taunted, beaten, or killed, and because of that, all of the like minded people either stay hidden like you or get those knocks from the public, making you feel alone, it's not surprising that you might come out of that thinking that you're a "freak", regardless of whether it's true or not. While it may not be the most positive mindset to show for a character in a game, it's certainly not unrealistic.


I'm so fucking upset. What kind of friend does this.


Me talking some bitch last night who created a shit stain on everything.


I.. put a picture as my Grindr profile pic that I didn't actually think would get approved, but I tried it anyway.

It got approved.
Needless to say, i'm getting a lot of messages (and a genuinely fun conversation with a cute bi guy with a great body who goes to the same gym as me).

*sweating like a fat kid in a candy shop*
I.. put a picture as my Grindr profile pic that I didn't actually think would get approved, but I tried it anyway.

It got approved.
Needless to say, i'm getting a lot of messages (and a genuinely fun conversation with a cute bi guy with a great body who goes to the same gym as me).

*sweating like a fat kid in a candy shop*
What made you think it wouldn't get approved? Was it semi-lewd?
Wait so you guys havent seen Miles Davis moody's ....um
you guys disappoint me. receipts are extremely scarce but if you look hard enough..


You're a young woman, kinda attractive (if you go by what others say).
You're doing your weekend groceries. At the dairy section you pass a kinda attractive guy and you exchange glances with him. Although you notice he seems kinda nervous as he looks at you. Then you go to pay.

As you wait for your folks to finish their shopping you see him at the cashier again. You just watch him a bit in a not too obvious way but once he's done he quickly takes a detour instead of going straight for the exit wich would require to pass next to you. Strange.

Then your parents are done with their shopping too and your mom comes over and tells you: "Isn't that ...? You know from your former class."

You are schocked as you didn't recognize him but wonder if he recognized you since it's pretty awkward as he always teased you when you were a boy in school for being such a girl and a weenie.

What would you do/think?

That he probably looked at you/glared at you because he thought you were attractive.

He could have also recognized that you were his former classmate. Also, all of the teasing could have meant that he liked you back then and he was just projecting. It's a possibility.

I.. put a picture as my Grindr profile pic that I didn't actually think would get approved, but I tried it anyway.

It got approved.
Needless to say, i'm getting a lot of messages (and a genuinely fun conversation with a cute bi guy with a great body who goes to the same gym as me).

*sweating like a fat kid in a candy shop*

Yeah, I'm wondering as to how Grindr's filter algorithm works.

Best of luck! Be safe!

Wait so you guys havent seen Miles Davis moody's ....um
you guys disappoint me. receipts are extremely scarce but if you look hard enough..

His penis or his butt? I've seen both. :p

Good stuff.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Being called a playa/catfish is literally THE most offensive thing anyone could do to me. Fuck that.

I thought playa and catfish meant different things? Though I guess I've always seen playa as having a semi-positive, joking connotation; I can see how, if used sincerely, it would be offensive and a bit more similar to catfish. I definitely understand how catfish is offensive, and it would probably be pretty devastating for me. Hopefully that person either apologized (if they're a friend) or you're not speaking to them (if they were a stranger).


Catfish, otters, cubs, bears, grizzly bears, polar bears, etc...

We need to add piranhas to the list for some balance.

Top of the page edit - A really cute couple:

Patricia and Ira.

However, their story is rather sad. They married in 2010 but only one of them in a US citizen, and because their marriage does not carry the same benefits as "straight" (for the lack of a better word) marriage, Ira, a Finnish citizen, cannot become a US citizen, so they had to relocate to Canada. They married in DC in 2010, I think they were some of the very early lesbian couples to get married in the District.

Here's the rest of the story: http://www.stopthedeportations.com/...le-to-canada-with-their-newborn-daughter.html

I remember that their story also made headlines in the local newspaper.


Hunky Nostradamus
I.. put a picture as my Grindr profile pic that I didn't actually think would get approved, but I tried it anyway.

It got approved.
Needless to say, i'm getting a lot of messages (and a genuinely fun conversation with a cute bi guy with a great body who goes to the same gym as me).

*sweating like a fat kid in a candy shop*

youre welcome

Wait so you guys havent seen Miles Davis moody's ....um
receipts are extremely scarce but if you look hard enough..

cant find the receipts fml


What kinda wallets do y'all use, if you use one? I've got one that looks like an NES controller when unfolded which is really neat, but it's gotta be at least 7 or 8 years old now, and it's really starting to show its age, so I'm looking to get myself a new one on amazon. I find plain black/brown ones to be kinda boring so ideally I'd like something colorful but....I guess I can't be super picky!
Catfish, otters, cubs, bears, grizzly bears, polar bears, etc...

We need to add piranhas to the list for some balance.

Top of the page edit - A really cute couple:
more like middle of the page! (100 per page represent!)

also that shirt, pants, tie combo makes me jealous i could never pull that off
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