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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Ahm, so yeah that thing with that guy is more or less over.

He's nice, intelligent, understanding, funny, cuddly (which fits me perfectly), gentle and kisses well but... I ended it because he was just not my type to begin with and I had no feelings whatsoever for him.
Granted I couldn't let my hands off him when we were together and I enjoyed every second, but as I realised we were so perfect together that this would become a relationship like any moment now, I knew I didn't want him as a boyfriend because like no butterflies at all, no missing him when at home and so on.

Since we'd been extremely honest with each other from the get-go, I decided to tell him the truth to prevent hurting him even more as time goes on. He didn't throw me out, we actually spent the night together one last (?) time, but it is clear that his feelings and expectations for this were strong and I just cannot reciprocate them. He told me he could cope with me never returning, even cope with us meeting again. But I told him I don't want to live under pressure of falling in love when the chances of that happening seem very slim and for him it would just be painful to hope and wait and be disappointed in the end.

But... although I only met him for the first time about 10 days ago and we only met 4 times since, both of us have had the pleasure of getting to know a really wonderful person (at least that's what he told me and what I told him because it's more than true), and yes I admit, we would have made the perfect couple. But only on paper. And I can't not be true to myself any longer, it took me 20 years to gain confidence and independence of the mind and tho I'm still so deep in the process of finding myself and never knowing what I actually want, this experience has been a milestone in my self-discovery.
I've changed so incredibly much over this past year and last week was yet another rebirth.
(Oh, and most of my family know about my sexuality now.)


Hunky Nostradamus
Sigh I've been in a lot of pain lately. From my lower back to my busted ass legs/hip. Just feels like it's worse than what I normally have now. Doctor put me on a new pain patch to help manage but even that doesnt seem to work very well. Might need to jack me up on something much stronger.

I hate this and I wish the pain would just go away. I cant even get up and really work out without it hurting much. I cant walk where I want to without being in pain and forcing myself to keep going. I've built up a pretty big tolerence to pain but having it constantly happen Is terrible.

Sorry guys I had to vent a bit lol Pain sucks that is all.

sry del :( will the hip replacement fix your problems?


Nice, that's a cool coincidence. I owe a lot to my folks, since they helped me get the interview in the fist place. Would have taken a hell of a lot longer than a month to find employment otherwise. Starting pay is pretty low, though I live in Ohio so it isn't like you need much here. And then it has potential as an actual career. I'm excited to see where it will take me.

I also owe a lot to my parents. If they weren't willing to partially pay for the school I wanted to go to, I don't think I would be where I am today. Truly blessed.

And I'm starting low pay too as well, but beggars can't be choosers.

Congrats guys

Thanks man.


Splatoon is fun, but not really my kind of game, I don't think I'll buy it. Also, I'm legit shocked at the lack of local 4-player modes :0 Is this you, Nintendo? Not to mention no off-TV play.
Fuck. I need to buy some business casual clothing and I have no idea where to look. I'm very small so I think I have to stick with a store that has children's sizes. No idea what to do for shoes either. If I plan on wearing dark khaki pants are black shoes still fine?
Fuck. I need to buy some business casual clothing and I have no idea where to look. I'm very small so I think I have to stick with a store that has children's sizes. No idea what to do for shoes either. If I plan on wearing dark khaki pants are black shoes still fine?

Try Topman if there's one near you. We easily found a suit there for my younger brother, who is 100 lbs and 5'-3".

They even have XXS in some styles.


Try Topman if there's one near you. We easily found a suit for my younger brother which is 100 lbs and 5'-3" over there.

They even have XXS in some styles.
That's one huge dress.

Edit: I make the same mistake ask the time. It took me a couple of readings to come up with that so your sentence was not hard to read. Maybe in the future when which has replaced who they will use you as an example of an early adopter :p


Suit is way too formal. They are looking for business casual. I have a suit. I have casual. I have no inbetween stuff.

TopMan is good for business casual as well. It's where I've bought a couple shirts and sweaters and stuff.

Unfortunately I need some khakis for a private showcasing of games that my senior class has been working on, where industry people come in and talk with us about them and stuff

but i also dont want to make video games at all so i kinda dgaf about dressing up nice? (although i can see how it might reflect on my school so i'll probably at least wear a nice shirt or something and black jeans)


So we had our gay parade here in São Paulo a few days ago and in one of the floats there was a crucified transgender woman dressed as Jesus Christ. As expected our religious conservatives are going nuts and she's receiving death threats and you know the drill. I thought it was great.




(her name is Viviany Bebeloni and the sign reads something like "Enough with Homophobia")


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Good stuff.

Sometimes I have the strange urge to memorize the Bible just so I can quote all the passages dealing with love and tolerance to hateful fucks.

Fortunately, there are absolutely zero religious nutters in my life so I'm good on that front.


I thought it was so clever, yet the reactions are completely unsurprising, religious people are a lost cause.

I'm an atheist, but the irony is that if Jesus existed in this time he would be surrounded by lgbt people and all kinds of social outcasts, its like these people read their dumb book but are to blinded by their fanaticism to even comprehend it.


I thought it was so clever, yet the reactions are completely unsurprising, religious people are a lost cause.

I'm an atheist, but the irony is that if Jesus existed in this time he would be surrounded by lgbt people and all kinds of social outcasts, its like these people read their dumb book but are to blinded by their fanaticism to even comprehend it.

I haven't read it fully or even much but the Bible has some really cool and fantastical stories. Too bad people actually believe those stories as true lmao

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Going on my first date ever on Thursday. Basically going insane.

Try to relax and enjoy it. I'm really inexperienced with dating, but something that helped me on my last one was I noticed how nervous my date was. I think everyone freaks out a bit when it comes to dating, so keep that in mind. On my last date, I realized how ridiculous the situation and the pressures people put on themselves were, so I found a way of laughing about it to myself. Good luck and have fun!


So we had our gay parade here in São Paulo a few days ago and in one of the floats there was a crucified transgender woman dressed as Jesus Christ. As expected our religious conservatives are going nuts and she's receiving death threats and you know the drill. I thought it was great. (her name is Viviany Bebeloni and the sign reads something like "Enough with Homophobia")
Thanks for posting this, that's like a really great work of performance art, more powerful than a regular float you'd see with gyrating guys in speedos. XD

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
I just finished my last paper for my last class ever for university.

im in fucking shambles

im gonna cry all night

Congratulations! Yet...that sounds rough. Are these tears of happiness at being done or tears of sadness over your university experience ending? Both?

University ending is a bittersweet experience. If you have some time before graduation, I hope you enjoy it.


Congratulations! Yet...that sounds rough. Are these tears of happiness at being done or tears of sadness over your university experience ending? Both?

University ending is a bittersweet experience. If you have some time before graduation, I hope you enjoy it.

Tears of happiness at being done. There were more than a handful of times where I didn't know if I would make it through all my time, so to be done is just...kind of life changing for me. I somewhat enjoyed my time there but won't miss it at all once it's gone, honestly.

Thank you all for the good vibes :) <3

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Tears of happiness at being done. There were more than a handful of times where I didn't know if I would make it through all my time, so to be done is just...kind of life changing for me. I somewhat enjoyed my time there but won't miss it at all once it's gone, honestly.

Thank you all for the good vibes :) <3

Ah, well, then that's fantastic! Congratulations again! I hope you find an awesome way of celebrating. :D


You all should take a gander and watch sens8 on netflix


Show is really neat, it's really heavy on characterls and sorta-romantic but not cheesy. So great.


You all should take a gander and watch sens8 on netflix

Show is really neat, it's really heavy on characterls and sorta-romantic but not cheesy. So great.

Umm... I know, I know, opinions and all that, still, there is plenty of that trademark Wachowski cheese.

Still the show is better thus far (episode 2) than I feared but it hasn't given me any reason to binge the rest of it. Might watch the rest after Orphan Black is done, which hits basically the same notes as Sens8 (urgh, that title) but does it better.


Umm... I know, I know, opinions and all that, still, there is plenty of that trademark Wachowski cheese.

Still the show is better thus far (episode 2) than I feared but it hasn't given me any reason to binge the rest of it. Might watch the rest after Orphan Black is done, which hits basically the same notes as Sens8 (urgh, that title) but does it better.

Well yess, its giving me a lot of LOST vibes as well in cornyness but so far I'm digging it.

And episode 2 might have my favorite moment thus far (episode 6)
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