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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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This sounds super dickish i know, but i dunno that i've been on this side of the fence so far and it's kinda nice purely from a protected feelings and power kind of way (which again isn't a good way to look at things). usually it's me liking people who dont like me back, not the other way around.

i doubt i wont sleep with him again though. he's not even that hot, on my list he's actually pretty low but im not really looking or on sites right now so its nice to have a stead thing (but i know i need to make it clear i only want a fuck buddy).

I can kind of see that. I was actually the reverse, someone who shyed away from people who expressed feelings, and now feeling the reverse of being the unrequited one. It makes me want to reapproach how I turn someone down if it happens again. I can feel how keeping him around is the easy choice, because making fresh connections (sex, friends, anything) is a major pain. Just remember that the easiest choice often isn't the best. ;)

Reminds me of that guy swallowing a banana gif. There's even youtube videos where he does it.

I can't find the gif, but that wink at the end lol.

Welp........ my uncle just watched the Game of Thrones episode where
Sansa gets raped
and said "well if anyone deserves it
(to be raped) it is her
." And then when I acted incredulous that he had said something like that he said it was
because she didn't fight back.

I've never been more disgusted with someone in my life.
Welp........ my uncle just watched the Game of Thrones episode where
Sansa gets raped
and said "well if anyone deserves it
(to be raped) it is her
." And then when I acted incredulous that he had said something like that he said it was
because she didn't fight back.

I've never been more disgusted with someone in my life.

Jesus, that's fucking terrible... wtf?
Relapsed. I just couldn't do a third night. I feel so weak and pathetic, but I needed it.
Trying to fight an addiction like alcoholism through sheer will power alone is extremely difficult and very likely to fail. Are there any sort of rehabilitation programs near you that you could possibly check into?
Dear Canadian letterGaffers, who is this guy and why isn't there a politician like him in the US? :p
This graphic doesn't even make sense. We've had gay marriage in Canada for 10 years, and the general populous doesn't really care about guns. Marijuana will most likely slowly start being legalized too, no matter what happens.
I'm never not drinking again. I might as well just ride this train wreck to Hell and crash and burn at end. Unprotected sex, addicted to alcohol, lack of controlled diabetes, shit diet - yep, may as well kiss goodbye to hitting 30.

Salvia divinorum is the best anti-addiction drug that I have experience with. Like Ibogaine it works on the kappa opioid receptors (desensitizing them) and these receptors are very significant to addiction, dysphoria, and depression. Salvinorin A, the main active constituent, is the most powerful and specific/selective kappa opioid receptor agonist known iirc. Basically what the process is, is you smoke a threshold dose, feel a little shitty and scared for about 5-15 minutes, and then once that wears off, the after effects for the rest of the day or longer, is you have a really clear head and your compulsions don't grab a hold of you like they used to. When the acute effects are still present, you can also bring concerns you have to mind about your life and your habits, and you'll get a pretty honest look at what your fears are and perhaps even start to resolve some of them. So it's interesting, the effects are part pharmacological and part psychological or 'working through', ime, which lends it well to this sort of problem. The short duration is useful in some ways, too, as you don't need to devote a large chunk of your day to it. I'm actually using it now to overcome an addiction and it has been a revelation for me. It might be worth considering. That or Ibogaine, if you can access it, Ibogaine might be more effective and I know many addiction clinics offer it as treatment, but to administer it yourself requires a lot more research.


Trying to fight an addiction like alcoholism through sheer will power alone is extremely difficult and very likely to fail. Are there any sort of rehabilitation programs near you that you could possibly check into?

This. Seek some form of treatment from a competent addictions counselor. Will power is not an adequate resource on its own to make these sorts of changes for anyone, you have to work with yourself and forgive yourself.


so my uni's lgbt society has its elections this week, and one of my straight friends is running for a position. it's only social sec so it's a bit of a bitch position to have with no real power, but I still kinda take issue with the fact a straight person can hold a position in an lgbt society and I'm not sure if I'm just being petty cos obvs her sexuality has no bearing on her job but at the same time I'm one of those people who think straight people should be as removed as the can be when it comes to deciding what we do n shit

either way I don't get involved with the society so I don't care too much regardless
so my uni's lgbt society has its elections this week, and one of my straight friends is running for a position. it's only social sec so it's a bit of a bitch position to have with no real power, but I still kinda take issue with the fact a straight person can hold a position in an lgbt society and I'm not sure if I'm just being petty cos obvs her sexuality has no bearing on her job but at the same time I'm one of those people who think straight people should be as removed as the can be when it comes to deciding what we do n shit

either way I don't get involved with the society so I don't care too much regardless

There's certainly nothing that says that they can't take the office, and if someone has issue with it, they can run against them with a better policy. If the friends policy is what's deemed to be better by the voters, then at the least it's what they wanted, and if the friend wins due to popularity, then it's a non-serious election for what's likely a non-serious group.
so my uni's lgbt society has its elections this week, and one of my straight friends is running for a position. it's only social sec so it's a bit of a bitch position to have with no real power, but I still kinda take issue with the fact a straight person can hold a position in an lgbt society and I'm not sure if I'm just being petty cos obvs her sexuality has no bearing on her job but at the same time I'm one of those people who think straight people should be as removed as the can be when it comes to deciding what we do n shit

either way I don't get involved with the society so I don't care too much regardless
What does the position entail and is she running unopposed?


I have no idea who's running besides her, and social sec is basically just organising nights out so it's not exactly a massive deal


Trying to fight an addiction like alcoholism through sheer will power alone is extremely difficult and very likely to fail. Are there any sort of rehabilitation programs near you that you could possibly check into?
There's a few clinics dotted around the city who offer one-on-one and group rehabilitation and support but, honestly, I feel like checking myself in to rehab is admitting I have a genuine problem, and that scares the fuck out of me. Like, when I was younger, I honestly never thought I'd end up like this, spending my nights alone in front of NeoGAF, getting drunk just for the hell of it. Where the fuck did it all go wrong?


Sigh I've been in a lot of pain lately. From my lower back to my busted ass legs/hip. Just feels like it's worse than what I normally have now. Doctor put me on a new pain patch to help manage but even that doesnt seem to work very well. Might need to jack me up on something much stronger.

I hate this and I wish the pain would just go away. I cant even get up and really work out without it hurting much. I cant walk where I want to without being in pain and forcing myself to keep going. I've built up a pretty big tolerence to pain but having it constantly happen Is terrible.

Sorry guys I had to vent a bit lol Pain sucks that is all.
Sigh I've been in a lot of pain lately. From my lower back to my busted ass legs/hip. Just feels like it's worse than what I normally have now. Doctor put me on a new pain patch to help manage but even that doesnt seem to work very well. Might need to jack me up on something much stronger.

I hate this and I wish the pain would just go away. I cant even get up and really work out without it hurting much. I cant walk where I want to without being in pain and forcing myself to keep going. I've built up a pretty big tolerence to pain but having it constantly happen Is terrible.

Sorry guys I had to vent a bit lol Pain sucks that is all.
What happened to give you that pain?
There's a few clinics dotted around the city who offer one-on-one and group rehabilitation and support but, honestly, I feel like checking myself in to rehab is admitting I have a genuine problem, and that scares the fuck out of me. Like, when I was younger, I honestly never thought I'd end up like this, spending my nights alone in front of NeoGAF, getting drunk just for the hell of it. Where the fuck did it all go wrong?
A few posts earlier, you were berating yourself for relapsing after day 3, and saying that you saw yourself as hopelessly being unable to stop drinking like this and make other unhealthy choices that would lead tou to dying before you were 30. You didn't seem pleased by any of these thoughts.

Whats your line between this state of mind and the state of mind that you have a "genuine problem"?
Drive by shooting when I was eight years old. Since then I've always had leg problems throughout my life. Soon enough I will need a replacement hip put in but thankfully thats not soon.
Yeah, I'd go back to the doctor and ask for something stronger.
Having chronic pain is nothing to take lightly.


That's the thing, I don't know what the line is or where it is or anything.

As someone who had a boss who is a now-sober alcoholic and a ex-boyfriend of almost 3 years who came to the realization he was, they both learned that there's no "social drinking" because they don't have a limit. They can't stop once they start and they have no idea why. They literally don't understand the concept of "drink only until you're buzzed" because once they take a drink, they just keep going. So it's a psychologically different experience for them and it's difficult to explain to other people why. It's the reason why my old boss no longer drinks and my ex still has difficulty just taking a casual drink.

Just be diligent about it. Learning from their experiences and watching how they still deal with situations where alcohol is present, it's not going to be easy, but once you're cognizant of what you have to endure and know what your goal is, it can be done. You'll make mistakes and that's fine, but don't beat yourself over it. If you're going to get through it, do so with your own best interests in mind.

It can be done if you want it to be.


Had to fill in a form today and I spent 5 minutes hovering between "Gay" or "Prefer not to say" under the sexuality section.

I eventually ticked Gay, but holy shit why was that so hard?
Are you sure? Sounds to me she holds the best position in the organization.

It also tells me that in this case I don't think it should be such a big deal. They want to be part of an ally group, and even if they had some sort of hangups or misconceptions, how bad could it be if their job is to plan the entertainment?


Had to fill in a form today and I spent 5 minutes hovering between "Gay" or "Prefer not to say" under the sexuality section.

I eventually ticked Gay, but holy shit why was that so hard?
Why would they need that information? Also, it's not like straight people would choose "Prefer not to say" anyway :p


Why would they need that information? Also, it's not like straight people would choose "Prefer not to say" anyway :p
For diversity reasons I guess, there was also a question about whether i'd had gender reassignment surgery.

And yeah I was thinking that as I was internally debating about it, it was a silly thing to be worked up about, and I'm surprised by how much of a big deal it was to me.


Well, it depends I guess. I'm not out at work, for example.

Depending on the context, it'd be awkward for me as well. It's pathetic, but I'd be hesitant to provide that information publically if there were a chance co-workers or family would be likely to see it.

I wish it weren't necessary to come out separately to every social circle you come into contact with..


Had to fill in a form today and I spent 5 minutes hovering between "Gay" or "Prefer not to say" under the sexuality section.

I eventually ticked Gay, but holy shit why was that so hard?

Why would they need that information? Also, it's not like straight people would choose "Prefer not to say" anyway :p

In the US, if you are gay, you are forbidden from donating blood. It was a rule that went into effect in the early 80s due to the HIV scare.
They have begun the process to change this to a "No blood donation within 1 year of sexual contact, but as far as I know it hasn't gone into effect.

Just to give an example of one reason a form asks for orientation.
Yoooo congrats. I'm starting the same day right out of college as well. Eerie.

Nice, that's a cool coincidence. I owe a lot to my folks, since they helped me get the interview in the fist place. Would have taken a hell of a lot longer than a month to find employment otherwise. Starting pay is pretty low, though I live in Ohio so it isn't like you need much here. And then it has potential as an actual career. I'm excited to see where it will take me.
I know organisations want this stuff for equality purposes but I used to work for an editing services company and when you see form after form from various organisations asking for this stuff you almost get a distorted perception that people are being constantly harassed for details of their sexuality for, like, no reason.

Actually once a document came through that was an analysis of the results of one of those equality forms and the sexuality question got a really high amount of 'Prefer not to say's.


Why would they need that information? Also, it's not like straight people would choose "Prefer not to say" anyway :p

When I came out to one of my friends they were confused why I had said I was straight before, but this was exactly why. Straight people don't avoid saying it, so if my only option if i'm not comfortable being out to someone and don't want to lie is "rather not say," and straight people don't say that.

Yoooo congrats. I'm starting the same day right out of college as well. Eerie.

Nice, that's a cool coincidence. I owe a lot to my folks, since they helped me get the interview in the fist place. Would have taken a hell of a lot longer than a month to find employment otherwise. Starting pay is pretty low, though I live in Ohio so it isn't like you need much here. And then it has potential as an actual career. I'm excited to see where it will take me.

Congrats guys
My main method is to not about relationship stuff until I'm ready to reveal. If a person ask them I'm in a relationship and I'm not in the mood of saying my sexuality, I just say that I'm not. It's not a lie.


My main method is to not about relationship stuff until I'm ready to reveal. If a person ask them I'm in a relationship and I'm not in the mood of saying my sexuality, I just say that I'm not. It's not a lie.

Usually people just ask if I have a girlfriend and I just say "I'm single"

But the dead on question for sexuality was tough before i was out. Now I don't try to dodge it, but it still feels awkward no matter who is asking.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I wish it weren't necessary to come out separately to every social circle you come into contact with..

Anecdotal/circumstantial, I guess, but... it isn't necessary: you just live your life like anyone else. In multiple cities, groups of friends, classmates, and coworkers, I've only felt the need to "come out" one time, and no one else thinks anything of it. Straight people can and do talk casually about dates they go on, their SO, activities, etc and there's no (ok, very little) reason we shouldn't feel perfectly comfortable in doing the same.

To the large majority of people we interact with (again, anecdotal, but not an absurd concept) in today's societal climate, this is a non-issue.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Usually people just ask if I have a girlfriend and I just say "I'm single"

But the dead on question for sexuality was tough before i was out. Now I don't try to dodge it, but it still feels awkward no matter who is asking.

Yep, same experience here.

Though I haven't had to deal with the direct questioning in a while, so I'm not sure if I'd react differently now. The question is inherently awkward, but I also think some part of it (for me) is my relationship with my sexuality and what I perceive to be the social risks associated with it.
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