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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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I haven't read much since my stroke, since that significantly messed up my vision.
(I have my browser at 150% zoom, and have to deal with issues with double vision and following text progression)

Before that, I hadn't read as much in a while either, since I had to do so much reading for school while I was doing my PhD, and before that my Master's.
And before that, I was going too insane with Mathematics to have much time for anything else.

Which is to say I haven't had a chance to read much lately.

I've recently gotten into audiobooks, which I never had been before, and listened through The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, which it had probably been some 20 years since I read last.

While I was in the hospital and rehab (and my vision was even worse than it is now), my wife read some Sherlock Holmes stuff to me.

I've also been reading the Bible daily for the past 17 years.

Aside from that though, the last book I actually read myself...

Well, I read some of The Hobbit while I was in the hospital after my cancer surgery in 2011...
And before that... Geeze, I don't know... It's been a while >.>

So, do we have sex now? :þ
You can't get the Big text books?


Real talk though, I prefer tacos over sausages. Nothing like a nice taco. Also the only sausage I actually like is Oktoberfest...maybe its the German in me.


Mention video games then :p

You have 146 posts in this thread, many of them about you. Of course there's stuff about you to talk about. Those boring things are always brought up because we think 'everyone' have them and are afraid to look weird. Slight generalization, but that's how I feel it is.

Oh, I know. It just generally that's how conversations would start off when I was looking for someone to date, and they didn't generally make for the best first (or second or third) impression.
And then there was the whole issue of when sex came up as a discussion... >.>

You can't get the Big text books?

Yeah, I could I'm sure, but even then my eyes have trouble with saccadic movements (the left to right, down and back to the left, etc. process that you do while reading), text tracking, keeping focused even on bigger text, etc.

It's just much more of a stress and much more tiring than it used to be.

It's okay man, I'm like 80% about cereal marshmallows and I still get 'er done.

"Boring is the new black." - literally me

I like grey myself >.>


Hunky Nostradamus
I met someone last Friday and we've been spent everyday together since. Lots in common and really good chemistry and passion.

So of course he's just graduated and for his career the town we live in isn't a good fit. He's applied to other cities so if he gets anything soon, well, bye bye.

My luck, of course. Oh well I'll just roll with it and not get too attached.

tell me about his d

Well then, I'm absolutely horrible at introductions so I'll just get it over with:

Hey, you all, I have been lurking this thread for....weeks..... I guess..... and I recognized quite a lot of you from the gaming side. This seems to be a nice and welcoming community...so, I hope there is a spare room left for me :p

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Bi
Where Are You From? Germany
Where Do You Live? ...let's just say in the west :p
How Old Are you? 2
Favorite Type of Music? I'm not that into music tbh. I like almost everything that sounds vaguely similar to house
Favorite video game(s)? Metroid Prime, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Paper Mario 64, Ace Attorney, Bayonetta (both) and Dragon Quest V

Hmm...whats the right way to end this post. I think a cute guy would be fitting:


Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay but with some asexual tendencies tbqh. I don't have that burning longing to be in a relationship most people have and feel pretty content to be single. I also don't identify with most gay culture so I feel like a real outsider amongst other gay people
Where Are You From? Midwest USA
Where Do You Live? Bay Area, California
How Old Are you? 34. Thirties aren't so rough once you get past the number. It's a mental thing!
Favorite Type of Music? Indie Rock/Folk, synthpop, shoegaze, hard to say exactly.
Profession or Career interest? Cybersecurity. I've had a lifelong affair with creating stories (both the writing and visual art aspects) and would love to someday get to a point where I could make that more of a focus for myself.
Favorite video game(s)? Chrono Trigger/Cross/Xenogears/FF6 make my all time fav list, but I enjoy most anything from Atlus, Square-Enix, Blizzard or Nintendo. Oh yeah, Dragon's Dogma! Play it if you haven't.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Writing, digital art, Figure collecting and LEGO building.


Your gender: Biologically female, ids as a male
Your sexual orientation: Asexual
Where Are You From: California
Where Do You Live: Misery (I mean Missouri but same thing)
How Old Are you: 26
Favorite Type of Music: OK GO
Profession or Career interest: Wanna be making comics and not my crap day job
Favorite video game(s)?: Paper Mario, Skies of Arcadia
What are your hobbies (other than gaming): Drawing comics, reading manga, wasting time on the internet

Random question to all my fellow Bi folk

Let's say your final relationship is a straight relationship and that union leads to children. Would you bring up being Bi to those children?


I like grey myself >.>

Same! See you are starting conversation already. I painted my bedroom grey and my aunt heard and asked if I was goth which is ridiculous since itt's LIGHT grey with white moulding and wood floors, Barbara - so maybe I'm as Goth as a tasteful New England private art collector. I'm as mainstream vanilla as it gets so bring on that thread listing 15 things a man should have by Tom Ford.

What was the question?
friend told me to post this here until he has the time to post. but until now. please enjoy the read. Comment away.

Sorry for the next wall of text, I just need to vent or something, the story is too complicated to follow probably, so any questions PM, I will probably tell the whole story someday

I always believed telenovelas were shitty, until I met my ex-bf (lets call him V, because "vale v*rga"), and know I know that people who dismiss a novela need to experience more in life.

Last wall of text warning, I like the stories how I like them dicks, long!

Met the guy back in 2010, we had a relationship for about 2 years. I would love to say it was all great, except my self-esteem was really really low and he is a guy with family issues and he would try to drag me to his conflicted world whenever he could, he was a real stalker* and he had no goals in life** , so the relationship was shit. Fast froward to last year, he would get mad that I didn't fall in his miserable games anymore and that I wanted to change my life for better, whenever he got mad he would block me from Whats app/FB/whatever, and I felt bad because I still needed his validation (whyyyyy? because I'm an idiot; idiot is is not enough, pendejo fits better :)).

October 2014 - We went out on a date(?) to fix things, I mean to at least be able to talk like normal people instead of fighting every 3 seconds. By this time I'm already way too different as a person (thanks to giving myself a chance and embracing that I'm a better person that I gave myself credit for). Date ended I was going to my bestie party, had like 1 hour left, so I offered to give him a ride to his home. He said he didn't want to go because he was horny (lol) and that it would be a better idea if I didn't attend the party and stayed with him. I told him he should think that through, go home and sleep, "no sex tonight sorry". He got really angry, stormed off, for a few seconds I was thinking that following him was what I should do, but that would be what he wanted***. So I was on the way to the party and he calls me crying, that he needed help. I worried because he is an idiot (and knowing his shitty mind) I thought that by the time he called it was because he tried jumping in front of a car or some crazy shit. I started looking for him, I checked all streets close to where he would have taken the bus, called the police to know if there was a report on an accident, nothing. An idea: "Go to his home and check if he called his mother", I didn't want to do that because he lives all the way across the city, I would take like 1 hour to get there and go back to the party, adding to that I was already late, but I still went here anyway. He was there reading a book, fuck it, "Stop being so miserable, I'm leaving". I arrived to the party, and my friend tells me "why is V texting me?". I check her phone and he went through my fb friends, checked their birthdays and probably thought: "she must be having the birthday party he is attending". V was apologizing for "ruining " the party. Whatever that night I forgot everything about it.

He blocked me again on any network we had contact. That was a favor :).

November 20th 11:34pm - On my way to pick up Smash Bros. 4 he texts me. He was complaining on how I'm the worst person ever. He started complaining on how I was the fakest bitch the universe had ever known and how "the love I gave him" was trash, how the only thing that he wanted form that poniut forward was just sex with me, but that I should get flattered because "Better bodies I have had by my side", ugh. I was waiting in line to get Smash, phone on low battery and he texting like a teen. I told him I couldn't talk for long, my phone died, I got Smash, started playing at 2am. When I remember "Need to charge my phone". He again blocked me, checked his last messages that were:
"I'm not your pendejo to be waiting like this"
"I hope you die, I hate you"

I deleted his number, but didn't block him (this was my mistake). It was like a wake up call for two reasons, first because I deserve better and second because seriously I hate when relationships ruins songs I would hate Smash to be ruined thanks to that dramatic episode. Sorry I'm a gamer first *Queen emoji*.

Christmas he texts again: "I think I at least deserved a good wish message, no"
To which I replied: "If you meant something more than a very bad experience in my life, then yes"

New Year, I texted him "Be happy it's a new year and it means one less person in your life <3"

Fast forward February 5th, he send a message, I ignored him and blocked his number. Today again, he tried to talk to me with another number, trying to fix things again but I'm already sick of this stupid shit, so I cut the chase. I know he actually wanted to try to get back this time, because (seriously and after 4 years of this weird story) he needs my validation to go on with his life. He noticed the conversation wasn't going his way, so as always he tries to be miserable.
Him: "i know you are angry, but let me tell you two things.
First Fulano passed away two month ago, you should know because you had to do with it. His family wanted to talk to you, but I told them you were unreachable.
I wanted you to know that because it's probably the last you hear of me, I'm moving out of the country"

My response: "I'm sorry, I know Fulano was your boyfriend and I didn't even got to meet him in person more than 5 minutes, I'm truly sorry... But that's kinda weird, because you told me last October that Fulano died last year in 2013. But just because this is a serious matter, I have to check that.
Oh wait, he updated his fb yesterday" (A friend of mine knows this Fulano guy, I'm not that of a stalker)

His last texts: "Well it's over, I'm leaving an will never see you again. One last thing
I hope you really know who your friends are. One of them is still playing games with you ad he knows you better than I do. You are a good person and deserve to know that some of your friends want to hurt you"

Me: "Thanks for the heads up, but unlike you, I have real friends. I'm sorry that all your relationships were always shitty, you should check what do they have in common ... and you should be careful, I'm not responsible for your misery. Bye :)"

He was typing but I just blocked him. So that's it, that's the last part of the story on how I was awesome, then fell into tragedy and now I'm going back on track ditching the first thing that was always holding me back.

*He is a real stalker, just the first week of dating he found out where I lived thanks to a series of events: going to my school, checking which, following the teacher, asking him for the list of students, checking my name (my last names are rare), and checking the phone book, until he saw someone with a similar name to mine (my dad). I don't know how this worked. Red Flag 1

**He doesn't have life goals, he was expecting me to solve his life.

*** He always complained on how he wanted to live a story like in the movies, when we had a fight he expected me to follow him, grab his arm and kiss him or things like that, which is pretty cute when you think about it, but he would get mad when I didn't do stuff like that. I mean, what?


Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Asexual (polyromantic)
Where Are You From? West Coast
Where Do You Live? East Coast
How Old Are you? 26
Favorite Type of Music? Instrumental scores (I <3 Giacchino)
Profession or Career interest? Law
Favorite video game(s)? WarioWare Inc, WarioWare Twisted, Sonic Unleashed, OutRun 2, Super Mario Galaxy, and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door all come to mind...
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Model building, trail running, music, and hobbyist software development. Oh, and Star Trek, don't get me started on Star Trek...

You're good people, so I respectfully ask... Is there a place for me here? If not, I will sadly respect it, just as I respected my pardoned permaban, something I never made an alt for. If there is, I say thank you.

So finally I was able to sit at my desk and read your introduction. Welcome! I know I'm late, but there is a place for you in here! If you could share more wisdom and knowledge about asexuality it would be awesome. Asexuality, Bisexuality, Pansexuality and other sexualities are often overlooked. It seems as if we get too hanged up on the G in the LGBTQIA+ and forget/ignore the rest. It's a shame you had to go through all of that, but we are a very open minded group. This is also a safe space. :)

Question: I'm drawing a comic about an intersex woman in an asexual relationship (no sex, just platonic nonerotic friendship) with a bisexual man. Is that possible or would it be considered something else. I guess what's trumping me is the man is attracted to men and women but can he still be considered asexual? And not to toot my own horn but the comic's gonna be awesome because there's a scene where the asexual woman talks about mitosis, splitting up into several people (offspring/clones?) and beating up trash talking housewives.

Your gender: Biologically female, ids as a male
Your sexual orientation: Asexual
Where Are You From: California
Where Do You Live: Misery (I mean Missouri but same thing)
How Old Are you: 26
Favorite Type of Music: OK GO
Profession or Career interest: Wanna be making comics and not my crap day job
Favorite video game(s)?: Paper Mario, Skies of Arcadia
What are your hobbies (other than gaming): Drawing comics, reading manga, wasting time on the internet

Ooops, I missed this, welcome!! ^_^ I love wasting time on the internet too :p

What are some of your favorite comics? :)
Ooops, I missed this, welcome!! ^_^ I love wasting time on the internet too :p

What are some of your favorite comics? :)
Favorite comics/manga: Chew, Yotsuba &!, One Piece, Shokugeki no Soma, Blacksad, Full Metal Alchemist, GTO, Y: The Last Man, D.Gray-Man, Boku no Hero Academia probably missing a few

Is it alright it I promote/post my comic that's LGBTQIA related here? Don't wanna get banned for a dumb reason haha
The Young Protectors and Buying Time are really good. (Note: Both are definitely NSFW.)

They both feature gay male relationships at the center.



WANDERING SON IS TOO GOOD. Oh my god. Also, the book is rad. USA users (and people who can import) get to it! Just saying. Also: I'm watching the Utena anime and it's sooooo good omg, best setting I've seen in the last couple of months. I'll check the others. :) Also: Aoi Hana, from the same person who did Wandering Son. I haven't read it myself yet, but you can't go wrong with them, right?

edit: that was a whole lot of alsos



My dates not here ;_;



Personally, I don't know what the challenges or concerns would be specifically for bi parents telling their children, but I would think it would be a positive thing for the children to know it isn't something that should be hidden away. It would be good for anyone to be raised knowing their own and other people's sexuality are not an issue.


Random question to all my fellow Bi folk

Let's say your final relationship is a straight relationship and that union leads to children. Would you bring up being Bi to those children?

I'm not bi
(or maybe I am?)
but I'll go ahead and answer the question. I would still want my children to know this part of me. It's important they know.

Edit: pretty much what pantheon said.

Personally, I don't know what the challenges or concerns would be specifically for bi parents telling their children, but I would think it would be a positive thing for the children to know it isn't something that should be hidden away. It would be good for anyone to be raised knowing their own and other people's sexuality are not an issue.


friend told me to post this here until he has the time to post. but until now. please enjoy the read. Comment away.

Sounds like stalker guy is a grasshole. He sounds annoying to the bone too.
And this is coming from me, a very annoying person calling him out, lol

Favorite comics/manga: Chew, Yotsuba &!, One Piece, Shokugeki no Soma, Blacksad, Full Metal Alchemist, GTO, Y: The Last Man, D.Gray-Man, Boku no Hero Academia probably missing a few

Is it alright it I promote/post my comic that's LGBTQIA related here? Don't wanna get banned for a dumb reason haha

You're writing a comic? What is it about? I would say yes, it's fine. Post about it. :)


Random question to all my fellow Bi folk

Let's say your final relationship is a straight relationship and that union leads to children. Would you bring up being Bi to those children?

Yeah, I don't see why I wouldn't. Although all of my children would be adopted so it could be either a straight or gay relationship.

Masked Man

I said wow
I wondered what happened to the LGBT thread that was in O-T oh-so long ago, but it looks like I found the modern-day equivalent!

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Ohio
Where Do You Live? Tokyo
How Old Are you? 25
Favorite Type of Music? An eclectic mix, but J-pop (Utada Hikaru, Perfume), R&B (Beyonce, Janelle Monae), Classical (Ravel, Debussy)
Profession or Career interest? Game Localization
Favorite video game(s)? So many, but if I had to narrow it down to my Top 5, then Mother 3, Pokemon Gold/Silver (or HG/SS), Super Smash Bros. (3DS/Wii U now), Ace Attorney 3, and Xenoblade
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Jogging, working out, traveling, listening to music, watching movies, and lots of other random things


Yup. Equal opportunity penetrator :D

I love this post/line. :D

I wondered what happened to the LGBT thread that was in O-T oh-so long ago, but it looks like I found the modern-day equivalent!

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Ohio
Where Do You Live? Tokyo
How Old Are you? 25
Favorite Type of Music? An eclectic mix, but J-pop (Utada Hikaru, Perfume), R&B (Beyonce, Janelle Monae), Classical (Ravel, Debussy),
Profession or Career interest? Game Localization
Favorite video game(s)? So many, but if I had to narrow it down to my Top 5, then Mother 3, Pokemon Gold/Silver (or HG/SS), Super Smash Bros. (3DS/Wii U now), Ace Attorney 3, and Xenoblade
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Jogging, working out, traveling, listening to music, watching movies, and lots of other random things

At about 20,000 posts, the OT is closed and a new one is made. Welcome to the community! Game localization, woah. Nice! It must be a super fun job. :)



Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Niterói, BR
Where Do You Live? Rio de Janeiro, BR
How Old Are you? 19
Favorite Type of Music? Pop
Profession or Career interest? Translation
Favorite video game(s)? Mario Galaxy, Ocarina of Time, Super Metroid, Yoshi's Island, Crash Bandicoot
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Manga and anime, mostly. Specially anime. I also dig western animation (I need to start watching some TV animated series, though. Adventure Time must be a bless)

I'm also not new technically, but I do not post often, so here it is



Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Niterói, BR
Where Do You Live? Rio de Janeiro, BR
How Old Are you? 19
Favorite Type of Music? Pop
Profession or Career interest? Translation
Favorite video game(s)? Mario Galaxy, Ocarina of Time, Super Metroid, Yoshi's Island, Crash Bandicoot
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Manga and anime, mostly. Specially anime. I also dig western animation (I need to start watching some TV animated series, though. Adventure Time must be a bless)

I'm also not new technically, but I do not post often, so here it is
Hi! Whose you're favorite artist? :p

Masked Man

I said wow
At about 20,000 posts, the OT is closed and a new one is made. Welcome to the community! Game localization, woah. Nice! It must be a super fun job. :)

Ah, right. I suppose it's my own fault for not keeping up with the community, so shame on me. :p But thanks for the warm welcome! Yeah, this is kind of the job I've always wanted to do, and although I haven't been doing it for very long, I really enjoy it! My first project should be out soon, too, so excitement abounds!


Hunky Nostradamus
Random question to all my fellow Bi folk

Let's say your final relationship is a straight relationship and that union leads to children. Would you bring up being Bi to those children?

Sure. I mean, it's not a conversation I'd have where I like sit down and tell them all seriously and shit, but if it came up I wouldn't hesitate to mention it.
BlueBadger got an awesome write up about his new EP in a Canadian paper. Take a look.


It's ok, that still leaves things like films, tv, clothing (and basically EVERYTHING else we can, lol, stereotype.)

This is so cool. Congrats BB.

We can all say we knew him when.

All you taco lovers :p
Guys :') Thank you so much for being so supportive!! Seriously :)

I'm speechless. I really love my GAF family <3


Hunky Nostradamus
I wondered what happened to the LGBT thread that was in O-T oh-so long ago, but it looks like I found the modern-day equivalent!

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Ohio
Where Do You Live? Tokyo
How Old Are you? 25
Favorite Type of Music? An eclectic mix, but J-pop (Utada Hikaru, Perfume), R&B (Beyonce, Janelle Monae), Classical (Ravel, Debussy)
Profession or Career interest? Game Localization
Favorite video game(s)? So many, but if I had to narrow it down to my Top 5, then Mother 3, Pokemon Gold/Silver (or HG/SS), Super Smash Bros. (3DS/Wii U now), Ace Attorney 3, and Xenoblade
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Jogging, working out, traveling, listening to music, watching movies, and lots of other random things

do you work at 8-4 :3


Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Niterói, BR
Where Do You Live? Rio de Janeiro, BR
How Old Are you? 19
Favorite Type of Music? Pop
Profession or Career interest? Translation
Favorite video game(s)? Mario Galaxy, Ocarina of Time, Super Metroid, Yoshi's Island, Crash Bandicoot
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Manga and anime, mostly. Specially anime. I also dig western animation (I need to start watching some TV animated series, though. Adventure Time must be a bless)

I'm also not new technically, but I do not post often, so here it is

I wondered what happened to the LGBT thread that was in O-T oh-so long ago, but it looks like I found the modern-day equivalent!

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Ohio
Where Do You Live? Tokyo
How Old Are you? 25
Favorite Type of Music? An eclectic mix, but J-pop (Utada Hikaru, Perfume), R&B (Beyonce, Janelle Monae), Classical (Ravel, Debussy)
Profession or Career interest? Game Localization
Favorite video game(s)? So many, but if I had to narrow it down to my Top 5, then Mother 3, Pokemon Gold/Silver (or HG/SS), Super Smash Bros. (3DS/Wii U now), Ace Attorney 3, and Xenoblade
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Jogging, working out, traveling, listening to music, watching movies, and lots of other random things
Ace attorney <333333

Nice to see all these new faces :) welcome to all of you <3
You deserve it.


No objections. <333
Because you used that image, I couldn't possibly object now <3.


S-E. :3

Someone who understands me <3 AA3 is just the perfect culmination of everything in the series up until that point, and the conclusion had me in tears. So good!
YYYEEESSSS omg! The last case in that game! I sobbed relentlessly. It was so good ;___; I just love the series so much!

I've played them all so much that I have the scripts memorized.. So I might have a problem.
I wondered what happened to the LGBT thread that was in O-T oh-so long ago, but it looks like I found the modern-day equivalent!

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Ohio
Where Do You Live? Tokyo
How Old Are you? 25
Favorite Type of Music? An eclectic mix, but J-pop (Utada Hikaru, Perfume), R&B (Beyonce, Janelle Monae), Classical (Ravel, Debussy)
Profession or Career interest? Game Localization
Favorite video game(s)? So many, but if I had to narrow it down to my Top 5, then Mother 3, Pokemon Gold/Silver (or HG/SS), Super Smash Bros. (3DS/Wii U now), Ace Attorney 3, and Xenoblade
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Jogging, working out, traveling, listening to music, watching movies, and lots of other random things
Welcome! :)
How do you like Tokyo?
Because you used that image, I couldn't possibly object now <3.

I'm pretty sure, but I haven't seen it yet either. I just saw this picture online.

I've heard conflicting things about the live action movie, but I still would like to see it one day.

localize dragon quest 7 :/
Holey Heroes yo.


S-E. :3

Someone who understands me <3 AA3 is just the perfect culmination of everything in the series up until that point, and the conclusion had me in tears. So good!
You work at S-E, love Ace Attorney, Mother, Pokemon, Xenoblade, SSB and the band Perfume??? I like you. :D



Favorite video game(s)? So many, but if I had to narrow it down to my Top 5, then Mother 3

Well, that explains your username then :þ

Seriously though, I imported Mother 3 the day it came out in Japan, and played through it multiple times in Japanese despite having basically no understanding of the language.
Absolutely amazing game <3


Hunky Nostradamus
Wait wat. Like an "I'm gonna grab drinks with you and you'll be my wingwoman and then hang out with your boyfriend as I annihilate that cute guy across the bar" type girlfriend?

the other guy in the pic is sai kun

i beweave ;__;

Oh my god yes please!

I dunno why I always thought the 8-4Play guys would do it.

8-4 should do it. they did an amazing job with DQVI.
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