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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Hunky Nostradamus


That's cool. Do you still dance or have you given it up?
I stopped when I left for Michigan. I still think of routines when I hear danceable music out of habit, though, and occasionally will dance for friends as a favor of they need someone to put on a performance for an event (usually dance friends who are dancing with me), but haven't taught since. I do miss it; high school teens have an infectious energy and have a tendency of keeping you on your toes. Quite literally in this case.

Do you dance?


Hunky Nostradamus
I stopped when I left for Michigan. I still think of routines when I hear danceable music out of habit, though, and occasionally will dance for friends as a favor of they need someone to put on a performance for an event (usually dance friends who are dancing with me), but haven't taught since. I do miss it; high school teens have an infectious energy and have a tendency of keeping you on your toes. Quite literally in this case.

Do you dance?

That sounds fun - and it sounds like you were really good too if you were performing for events. Do you have any videos of yourself on youtube?

I don't. I've always wanted to learn but I fear I am too awkward on land.


That sounds fun - and it sounds like you were really good too if you were performing for events. Do you have any videos of yourself on youtube?

I don't. I've always wanted to learn but I fear I am too awkward on land.
No, sadly the church that sponsored me didn't allow any recordings of the routines I did specifically because they wanted to avoid any music-related copyright-infringement issues.

There might be one where I danced for the first year Prelude became an official competition, but I was asked to join that group a few days before they had to compete because half the group quit last minute. They then changed transitions 15 before we went on stage, so it's not the best example. I've never searched for it because it's one of those judge-commentary videos where they critique you as you dance and I just don't want to hear what they said about me. Lol

There's one event where we did a partial tribute to the Janet Jackson IF routine when I was in college and I've been desperate to get my hands on that video. The girl who recorded it moved to Virginia and hasn't kept in touch with anyone since she had her baby.

And what do you mean "on land"?


[edit] Here's me and some of my students. a few of them also did traditional dance, which the performed first and had to change for modern.

Okay, so I just binge watched like episodes 2-6 and there is so much going through my mind.

Spoilers? (if someone wants to watch the show, I don't know).

The last episode was HARD to watch. I mean... wow. It was so depressing to see Kerwin get executed. I loved their relationship and it seemed like he was really keeping Daniel together. I found it interesting how the inmates on both sides of him almost seemed like his conscious. Positive versus negative. Whenever there was a flashback scene my heart started to wrench because I knew Kerwin was going to die eventually. Ugh!

I absolutely LOVE Amantha. She is probably my favorite character right now. She is such a strong actress and to see her relationship with Daniel is so powerful (when they revisit the grove, etc). I'm really excited to see where her character goes.

I'm not really sure how to feel about Ted. At first I absolutely despised him. I mean, my god he was such an annoying self-centered piece of shit. But then after the end of episode 5, I was kind of left wondering about how to feel. I don't really feel sorry for him because of what happened, but it's kind of hard to hate him after that.

Okay, Tawney. Like, at first, I loved her, but she started getting a bit too "god will fix everything, you need jesus" etc. And I was just like... calm down a bit. She also seemed like she needed to get out of that relationship with Ted at first (weird shower scene), but then by the end of the season I'm not really sure if I want them to stay together or not. I would still probably rather her break up with him.

Daniel is also a character who leaves me feeling a bit... blank. It's strange because I don't really feel like I have a lot to say about him, even though he is the main character of the show. There are some parts of him that I definitely find endearing, but then he also has that dark psychotic side to him, which I also find interesting. At times I still wonder if he actually did kill her or not based on his actions, like when he knocked out Ted (holy shit!). Hmm... yeah I'm not really sure what else to say about him.

Overall, it is definitely a high quality and powerfully constructed show. It is heart wrenching at times, but it is also beautiful as well. I find the narrative very intriguing and I am excited to see where it goes. I will definitely keep watching!

Daniel and Kerwin's relationship is one of the most affecting parts of the show I think, in a way it seems kind of miraculous that they found each other, since you wouldn't expect any kind of mercy to come from the institutional system itself.

Amantha is a great character. She has such a strong personality, but then you think of what she must have gone through growing up, the strength she must have had to fight for Daniel in the way she did, while he's basically resigned to everything that happens to him... you're both impressed by her strength, and yet you also feel sorry for her, because it's exactly that conviction and care that Daniel (who this is all for) sees as meddlesome.

Ted is a very interesting character. There's a lot to hate about him, he's really not a very likable person, but then there's his conversation with Tawney about the baptism and literally everything he said was dead on, so you can also kind of appreciate his frustration. From his perspective he probably feels like Daniel gets of out jail, usurps his position in the family, and now he's getting close to his wife in a way that's pretty suspicious. Daniel and Ted also both seem to have those kinds of personalities that would just never get along very well even under the best circumstances. I think they don't really make sense to each other as people.

Tawney is also a very interesting character. She can be very naive, I think a lot of her scenes have shown that she doesn't know much about the world (she never really gets Daniel's literary allusions, for example), but she's also pretty intelligent. Upon meeting Daniel she probably felt like she could bring meaning to his suffering or maybe even that God put him on her path for a reason... but then immediately after the baptism, she has that "oh shit" moment where she realizes that she made a pretty big mistake. It will be interesting to see where that goes.

I actually relate to Daniel a lot, not due to his experiences obviously, but his personality has this contradictory character to it that I think is really interesting. He puts himself aside a lot, essentially for what seems like a desire to preserve harmony (the confession, his reluctance about the possibility of freedom, etc,) yet there is a side to his personality that is deeply angry. I think it's because to be able to put yourself aside like that you have to have a deep sort of faith or trust in the world, and yet he's only been punished for that, the world that was supposed to look out for him has instead betrayed him.... yet he can't change who he is or what he believes, that's just the way he is. Maybe people like that are punished the most simply because they don't stand up for themselves, and I think to Daniel that doesn't just seem fundamentally unfair, but utterly senseless (and that's all regardless of whether he did it or not). And in a way this is exactly the sort of thing that Tawney sees when she compares his suffering to the story of Job from the Bible, in a way it seems like it's exactly because of his faith that he is suffering, it's just that his faith is in 'the world' and not in 'God', I guess.

But the other reason I like Daniel a lot, is it's both awesome and hilarious seeing how everyone responds to him. Thoughtful people (Tawney's priest, the bookstore owner) are constantly having their expectations of him challenged, criminals are not conventionally thoughtful people, let alone as thoughtful as Daniel is... and 'ordinary' people just can't figure him out at all, because he's just an odd duck. And this all kind of mirrors our position in relation to him, too. It almost seems impossible that he could have done it, because he is too thoughtful, but it's entirely possible that he might have done it, and he just feels really bad about it... well say that is true, what would we do with him then? how exactly does that change things?

I'm glad you like the show! I don't think I've ever liked a show as much as I've liked this one. In some ways it's almost more of a 'feeling' than it is a story, and yet I think the story is excellent. It just has such a unique atmosphere and direction, the characters all talk like real people, and no other show that I know of is handling topics like these, let alone with nearly the same amount of respect.

I Spotified this entire album and it's kind of, um...not accessible. Chvrches' Every Open Eye actually makes me feel things.

Clearest Blue, Keep You On My Side, Empty Threat, and Leave a Trace are sublime.

I can see your point. What I like about the Jam City album is it's such a distinctive or unique style, no one else is really making music that feels like that, yet it's substantial and doesn't feel like a gimmick at all. Another neat thing about it is it sounds great either played on low volume or high volume, which is pretty rare and means it's pretty versatile.


Hunky Nostradamus
So you're a pro synchronized swimmer?

something like that

No, sadly the church that sponsored me didn't allow any recordings of the routines I did specifically because they wanted to avoid any copyright infringement issues.

There might be one where I danced for the first year Prelude became an official competition, but I was asked to join that group a few days before they had to complete because half the group quit last minute. They then changed transitions 15 before we went on stage, so it's not the best example. I've never searched for it because it's one of those judge-commentary videos where they critique you as you dance and I just don't want to hear what they said about me. Lol

There's one event where we did a partial tribute to the Janet Jackson IF routine when I was in college and I've been desperate to get my hands on that video. The girl who recorded it moved to Virginia and hasn't kept in touch with anyone since she had her baby.

Bummer. Did your group win the competition at least?

And what do you mean "on land"?



[edit] Here's me and some of my students. a few of them also did traditional dance, which the performed first and had to change for modern.

Awww :3
Theater History is by far the most difficult class I have this semester. Those "Quizzes" are fucking demonic

edit: oh my god nintendo games are so expensive ;__; i want that 2ds so bad but I only have Smash and KH3D (Yes, I own games for a system I don't have)

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Theater History is by far the most difficult class I have this semester. Those "Quizzes" are fucking demonic

Are you not aware? Your Gay Card privileges include automatic excellence in all things theatre, including but not limited to performance, evaluation, and knowledge. You should call the national hotline (1-800-YES-HOMO) if you've been having trouble receiving these benefits.


I went to Busch Gardens tonight with the guy and it was fun but at one point we were walking on a pathway where we didn't see any people and briefly kissed. Suddenly someone walks up to my date and says "excuse me guys, there's no displays of affection like that in the park. you can't do that" and I look and see it's an employee of the park and my date paused and says "what?" and then the guy says "I'm just kidding with you" and he seemed genuinely nice laughing it off after with my date. But I was kind of too startled by it to laugh honestly.

I don't want to fault the seemingly straight guy for just trying to joke around so it's probably just me, but yeah that joke wasn't quite obvious enough for my sense of humor when being tried on gays.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
I went to Busch Gardens tonight with the guy and it was fun but at one point we were walking on a pathway where we didn't see any people and briefly kissed. Suddenly someone walks up to my date and says "excuse me guys, there's no displays of affection like that in the park. you can't do that" and I look and see it's an employee of the park and my date paused and says "what?" and then the guy says "I'm just kidding with you" and he seemed genuinely nice laughing it off after with my date. But I was kind of too startled by it to laugh honestly.

I don't want to fault the seemingly straight guy for just trying to joke around so it's probably just me, but yeah that joke wasn't quite obvious enough for my sense of humor when being tried on gays.

For me, this is one of those jokes that's too close to an actual fear/reality to be funny. Maybe the joke wasn't supposed to be same-sex couple-related, but that'd be my first thought, for better or worse.

Glad to hear that things are continuing (presumably well) with the guy.


Bummer. Did your group win the competition at least?
I don't know what we placed (definitely not good). [edit] We also performed directly after one of the sponsored teams, which is a team that's usually considered too good to compete and thus, they're just there to entertain. The group we performed with wanted to dance out of principal because they had prepped for it for so long and didn't want to give in to the other half that bailed. My friend, who's danced way longer than me, made a bunch of mistakes too (because of the 3-day learning window) and thought she'd ruined her chances getting into a professional dance company. She eventually got into Team Millenia/Mavyn Entertainment (which I think is now disbanded) and after her first performance, they apparently found that video DVD and used it as an initiation ceremony, making her endure the eyes of her entire team while flailing around and missing footwork. :p

Aside from competition, I am proud that my after-school dance group eventually received an invitation from the Mayor to perform at their Asian Pacific American festival to represent traditional and modern dance (which is the first pic I posted of us on stage). Didn't get a chance to meet the Mayor at all like I thought we would, which is why I was dressed up like that. lol

Tell us more about your, what B-Dex and I can only assume is...water-related talents.



For me, this is one of those jokes that's too close to an actual fear/reality to be funny. Maybe the joke wasn't supposed to be gay/lesbian-related, but that'd be my first thought, for better or worse.

It's kind of an irresponsibly shitty joke to pull out out in public - what was the best case scenario for going up to a patron that they didn't know and jokingly holding the possibility of discrimination over their heads? 'Thanks for not throwing us out, you're a fantastic ally'; or something?
I went to Busch Gardens tonight with the guy and it was fun but at one point we were walking on a pathway where we didn't see any people and briefly kissed. Suddenly someone walks up to my date and says "excuse me guys, there's no displays of affection like that in the park. you can't do that" and I look and see it's an employee of the park and my date paused and says "what?" and then the guy says "I'm just kidding with you" and he seemed genuinely nice laughing it off after with my date. But I was kind of too startled by it to laugh honestly.

I don't want to fault the seemingly straight guy for just trying to joke around so it's probably just me, but yeah that joke wasn't quite obvious enough for my sense of humor when being tried on gays.
yeah....that joke doesn't really work when it's an actual danger and a likely thing to happen...
I went to Busch Gardens tonight with the guy and it was fun but at one point we were walking on a pathway where we didn't see any people and briefly kissed. Suddenly someone walks up to my date and says "excuse me guys, there's no displays of affection like that in the park. you can't do that" and I look and see it's an employee of the park and my date paused and says "what?" and then the guy says "I'm just kidding with you" and he seemed genuinely nice laughing it off after with my date. But I was kind of too startled by it to laugh honestly.

I don't want to fault the seemingly straight guy for just trying to joke around so it's probably just me, but yeah that joke wasn't quite obvious enough for my sense of humor when being tried on gays.
Did you invite him after.


Christ... the first one, fourth one and last one... dayum.


How do you find all of these?

Are you by any chance a hunkologist?
That's my official job title as of now.

The actual secret is Tumblr. I'm kind of an accidental power user after so much idle browsing. Here's a handful of blogs to get you started:


I won't actually link it, but Google "gcr75 tumblr". There are occasional dicks, but mostly they post hundreds of shirtless hunks that are in the same vein as what I post here.


- If you see a picture you like, look for the source link. The original blog might just be a perfect fit for your taste. (The power of curated content!)
- The fastest way to browse a Tumblr blog is to add /archive to the end of the URL.
- Replace the "_500.jpg" (or whichever number) part of an image URL with "_1280.jpg" to check for the highest res version.

I swear I'm not obsessed. I've just been internetting for a while now and this is easily the most efficient way to check out hunks.

Edit: Fourth one looks like Down. Is that Down and his twin brother? O:

Edit 2: OMG I found out who the guys in the fourth pic are. They're the K2 twins, Alex and Charlie. They're just... I have no words.
Uunnnnf. They're exactly my type.


This and the truck gif... I cackled.

I can see your point. What I like about the Jam City album is it's such a distinctive or unique style, no one else is really making music that feels like that, yet it's substantial and doesn't feel like a gimmick at all. Another neat thing about it is it sounds great either played on low volume or high volume, which is pretty rare and means it's pretty versatile.
I think I understand what you're saying on an intellectual level. I just don't have it in me to appreciate that kind of music viscerally.


I went to Busch Gardens tonight with the guy and it was fun but at one point we were walking on a pathway where we didn't see any people and briefly kissed. Suddenly someone walks up to my date and says "excuse me guys, there's no displays of affection like that in the park. you can't do that" and I look and see it's an employee of the park and my date paused and says "what?" and then the guy says "I'm just kidding with you" and he seemed genuinely nice laughing it off after with my date. But I was kind of too startled by it to laugh honestly.

I don't want to fault the seemingly straight guy for just trying to joke around so it's probably just me, but yeah that joke wasn't quite obvious enough for my sense of humor when being tried on gays.
That's funny to read but I'd hate that shit irl lmao


I am kind of annoyed. I went to my local gay club to dance my ass off because I am dealing with a break up and a straight woman who was making out with her boyfriend looked at me like I was trash and moved me aside because I was in her way. I reminded her where she was and (passive aggressively) danced in between them. I only moved away when her level headed bf high fived me. There are LOADS of straight women in gay bars here in London and many have been friendly and respectful but it is hard not to be bitter when stuff like this happens. Therefore I am always ready to check a straight person when they make the slightest offense (vs a gay person)


irresponsible vagina leak
I use cheap fruit of the looms briefs from Kmart or Walmart. #FuckExpensiveUndies.

Not like I'm gonna get any action soon.


Hunky Nostradamus
I don't know what we placed (definitely not good). [edit] We also performed directly after one of the sponsored teams, which is a team that's usually considered too good to compete and thus, they're just there to entertain. The group we performed with wanted to dance out of principal because they had prepped for it for so long and didn't want to give in to the other half that bailed. My friend, who's danced way longer than me, made a bunch of mistakes too (because of the 3-day learning window) and thought she'd ruined her chances getting into a professional dance company. She eventually got into Team Millenia/Mavyn Entertainment (which I think is now disbanded) and after her first performance, they apparently found that video DVD and used it as an initiation ceremony, making her endure the eyes of her entire team while flailing around and missing footwork. :p

Aside from competition, I am proud that my after-school dance group eventually received an invitation from the Mayor to perform at their Asian Pacific American festival to represent traditional and modern dance (which is the first pic I posted of us on stage). Didn't get a chance to meet the Mayor at all like I thought we would, which is why I was dressed up like that. lol

Even if you didn't place, at least you gave it your all and had a good time doing it (I assume...)!

Oh wow, that's really neat! Also, I have to admit that I was wondering why you were dressed like that. :D

Tell us more about your, what B-Dex and I can only assume is...water-related talents.

I used to be a really good swimmer is all ( ̄~ ̄)

Lmao girl bye, he had them under his sweatpants. I see you trying to read my man.

There are showers at the gym, but he and I don't use them. Not cleaned often enough, or so I've heard.

i thought you were saying that he was exercising in his boxers - and nothing else (well, maybe a tshirt too).

buy some flip flops

Nothing for gym

not a fan of the treadmill?


First night of freshers week and my friends wanna leave the club and head home at one thirty? Sure that's fine not like I wanted to have a social life this year anyway.
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