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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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irresponsible vagina leak
Today I'm serving incall only escort.


anyone here going to GaymerX?
I have a bunch of VIP tickets I don't now what to do with if anyone's interested

still haven't decided if I'm going myself

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
anyone here going to GaymerX?
I have a bunch of VIP tickets I don't now what to do with if anyone's interested

still haven't decided if I'm going myself

Hmm...it's in San Jose? HMM... No current plans, but that's interesting. I'll have to think about this.


Hmm...it's in San Jose? HMM... No current plans, but that's interesting. I'll have to think about this.

yes, long trip for me...

I'm a sponsor but I'm not doing a talk or a panel and there's nothing on the schedule that I feel I can't miss, so if I go I'll basically just be there cruising, which may not be worth a trip halfway around the world.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
yes, long trip for me...

I'm a sponsor but I'm not doing a talk or a panel and there's nothing on the schedule that I feel I can't miss, so if I go I'll basically just be there cruising, which may not be worth a trip halfway around the world.

San Jose is fairly close for me. I'm not sure that would be worth traveling for, but the event itself could be cool. Maybe there are some developer connections you could make? If you think there's no potential, I'm not sure I could advise you to go, though. I'm going to PM you about tickets.
Hello LGBTQIA+ Gaf. I wanted to thank gaf and share my story and I felt like this a perfect place to tell it.
So recently, I thinking about my sexuality, I don't know why it just kinda hit me recently. So then I noticed the confession thread on Gaf, so I wrote one about what I'm feeling.
Here it is I know it defeats the purpose of it being anonymous.http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=183896948&postcount=327
Then all of the nice and comments, it made my day and gave me some courage. After thinking about it for the rest of the day, I felt like telling someone I knew personally what I'm feeling. So I thought the person who would best understand how I feel is my friend who came out as being gay, about a year ago. So though out the day I was nervous, even though I knew he would be totally supportive of my decision, I still was kinda scared because I hadn't told anyone else about how I was feeling. So I message him later that night, my chest felt super heavy and I almost didn't sent how I felt but after I did was super glad I did. I was able to explain it to him, it was insanely nice being able to talk to someone about what I have been feeling. So if I didn't write that confession on neogaf, i wouldn't have gotten the courage that I have now, so thank you gaf.


Hey! I'm glad to see that you were able to come out to your parents and to your friend. There will always be someone that you can trust to talk to about any of this.
Hey! I'm glad to see that you were able to come out to your parents and to your friend. There will always be someone that you can trust to talk to about any of this.
I haven't came out to my parents yet. I am still thinking about. I would say in bisexual, but I'm still thinking about it. Maybe it will change who knows, I'm still young.


yes, long trip for me...

I'm a sponsor but I'm not doing a talk or a panel and there's nothing on the schedule that I feel I can't miss, so if I go I'll basically just be there cruising, which may not be worth a trip halfway around the world.

I would go just for Trixie Mattel, but I also live across the globe from there.
Hooo what a harrowing day.

I made the mistake of going along with a hook up last night that in retrospect I should have canceled. Dude seemed super chill, but when it came down to it, he somehow thought it'd be perfectly OK to just thrust in without wearing a condom. Needless to say I freaked out and stopped the whole thing but he had already gotten in.

I went to my local LGBT center today, they ran a full panel of tests, and started me on PEP. I'm already feeling the side-effects of it, but I'll gladly take 28 days of this rather than 6 months of wondering if I'm infected or not. :/

I have to wait 2 weeks for the results for all the other tests. Who knows if I was exposed to anything else, so technically I'm not outta the woods yet. Still, I'm super thankful to live close to a center that offered this sort of service. I don't have health insurance (I work 2 jobs, but they're part time so I get no benefits) so no clue how I could have gotten this sort of care so quickly for free otherwise.

I'm freaking done with hook-ups. Going forward it's fucking Netflix & Netflix.

I have to write a paper for class tomorrow but after this day, I honestly just wanna curl up in bed and play some Symphony of the Night.

The way it should be.


his legs tho :/

Jeysus. Stahp, legs are just fine.


Well thats crappy. Hookups are the worst I'm about to give up on them, I got a similar scare but I would say you are fine if you stopped it immediately.


Indeed. Just one classic bop after another. Chopping That Meat always makes me cackle no matter how many times I hear it.

Man I hope Fallout 4's soundtrack is as good as 3's. New Vegas had some good songs but it didn't really come close.

Hopefully I finish it. Unlike Skyrim where I'm more interested in random side quests than the main story line. Looking forward to New Vegas for sure. I got sidetracked with exploring F3's world and finally did the GNR quest and man, that giant Super Mutant Behemoth scared the living daylights out of me. Also, those damned Ghouls. I did you a favor and this is how you repay me?

That gif! Oh dear.


This story is a bit of a mess.

> Boxer shows up in a gay porn video
> Claims he was drugged and forced to do the video; also claims that he was told the video would be with women
> Stresses his attraction to women: “All my real friends who really know me, know I like females...My whole life, I’ve been what they call a whoremonger. I love females.”
> Legal action is threatened against him by the porn production company
> He says he lied and is bisexual
> He launches a $100,000 GoFundMe to educate bisexual people about his mistakes (it seems this has now been removed)

I feel bad for him because he's clearly in panic mode over his identity and public image...but he's been making some poor decisions in a very public way.

Argh! These ppl are the worst imo...

He should just go off the radar for a few weeks and come to terms with his shit. It's all in the open now, so he might as well learn to embrace it. I'd rant on a lot more about this, but i'm going to keep it short...

EDIT: Ok so i gave the article a good read ( it's past 7am, and i'm still feeling cranky :< ), and at least he himself seems to be coming to terms with the whole situation. That still doesn't excuse his kneejerk reaction to try and keep up his cover of 'straightness'.
"I want to address a few situations with the first being the false claims I made about being drugged during the Dog Pound adult film."
Fuck I laughed so much omg
Nier Automata is giving me such a boner right now.

I've recently gotten a new desktop with enough memory. Also trying out SAI which so far is a blast. Going to attempt to do something digitally everyday now.

This is so great. What's SAI though? And can you please spam your Tumblr again? I thought I followed but apparently I didn't.


Gonna be in Vegas in 2 weeks. I didn't realize there are White Castle burgers there. Will have to try them to see what all the fuss is about.
Honestly I thought they were pretty meh but it's an American Classic so I had to at least once. In N Out is way more amazing. The famous Double Double Animal Style is probably my favorite burger. It's fast casual quality at a fast food price which is also great.


This story is a bit of a mess.

> Boxer shows up in a gay porn video
> Claims he was drugged and forced to do the video; also claims that he was told the video would be with women
> Stresses his attraction to women: “All my real friends who really know me, know I like females...My whole life, I’ve been what they call a whoremonger. I love females.”
> Legal action is threatened against him by the porn production company
> He says he lied and is bisexual
> He launches a $100,000 GoFundMe to educate bisexual people about his mistakes (it seems this has now been removed)

I feel bad for him because he's clearly in panic mode over his identity and public image...but he's been making some poor decisions in a very public way.
That's sad and unfortunate. Coming out can be hard enough when you're not in the public eye.


Gonna be in Vegas in 2 weeks. I didn't realize there are White Castle burgers there. Will have to try them to see what all the fuss is about.

Went to a white castle when I was in New York for an exchange program and I found it gross (I really like fast food usually). The place also had a reputation of being the meeting point of stoners who had the munchies or something. That was years ago tho so maybe it has changed since.


Ok so i've got some time elaborate on my random outburst a bit, because I took it kinda personally...

I've had some personal experiences with those type of people before. The type that either get a little curious one crazy evening, or just go all in like this boxer guy did, then wake up the next day either feeling guilty as fuck, and/or go all mental about what just happened when ppl find out... Then to keep up their oh-so-obviously-manly-straightness they go out and threaten, harm, or otherwise do some shit to try and ruin the involving party's lives to keep up their already fragile facade. Yeah in this particular situation it's just a dood lying, and trying to put a porn studio in disrepute, but i've seen some people get hurt and beaten the fuck down badly because someone couldn't accept what they really felt inside, so obviously it's the other person's fault for making feel these feelings...

I think it's safe to say that a lot people in here, myself included are going thru a pretty complicated life situation dealing with our feelings, and the consequences of the lifestyle decisions we have made or are in the process of making... Really it just pains me to see someone lash out when their politically-correct-socially-acceptable wall gets a few holes poked into it, and often times it's the people that don't deserve to get hurt in the process that do...

argh, sorry about the random rant :(

But yeah, something about the story just hit a soft spot this morning it seems :(


His arm seems larger than the rest of his body. Like a forced perspective thing. Like his arm was shot close up but is body was shot regularly.
I can't confirm this one, but a huge number of pictures like those have been shopped. You can usually find the original if you reverse search with Google.
The seat hides some of his waist making it look skinny.
Maybe the photographer used a short lens. There seems to be some distortion going on.


There's some (look at his head), but the biceps still look huge.


But what in the world is Chopping That Meat? Seriously. lol

Hey everybody, did the news get around
About a guy named Butcher Pete
Oh, Pete just flew into this town
And he&#8217;s choppin&#8217; up all the women&#8217;s meat


He keeps hackin&#8217; and whackin&#8217; and smackin&#8217;
He keeps hackin&#8217; and whackin&#8217; and smackin&#8217;
He keeps hackin&#8217; and whackin&#8217; and smackin&#8217;
He just hacks, whacks, choppin&#8217; that meat

Butcher Pete&#8217;s got a long sharp knife
He starts choppin&#8217; and don&#8217;t know when to stop
All you fellas gotta watch your wives
&#8216;Cause Pete don&#8217;t care whose meat he chops


Ever since Pete flew into town
He&#8217;s been havin&#8217; a ball
Just cuttin&#8217; and choppin&#8217; for miles around
Single women, married women, old maids and all​

You're gonna love this playlist. (related to Butcher Pete which is about sex, obviously)

because music these days is so raunchy.
back then they had class,
they didn't simply sing about sex,
they sang about fruits and lollipops,
and about big long ten inch - records?,
but mostly they sang about reciprocal facesitting.

Blues and jazz from the 20s all the way to the 70s, including music by Bo Carter, Lil Johnson and Maggie Jones.

I'd also recommend the playlist to everyone. Quite an interesting listen.
Ugh this whole sleeping thing is such bullshit, for the past three nights it has been abysmal.

So i'm just listening to Rude Love while preparing for my doctors appointment later in the morning.



I can't confirm this one, but a huge number of pictures like those have been shopped. You can usually find the original if you reverse search with Google.
The seat hides some of his waist making it look skinny.

There's some (look at his head), but the biceps still look huge.
Actually yeah, blowing up his arm would be a super easy edit. I can't quite tell if that's what's going on there, but it does seem strange that his arm is as wide as his whole head.
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