I can't confirm this one, but a huge number of pictures like those have been shopped. You can usually find the original if you reverse search with Google.
I can't wait till my man wakes up Friday afternoon (he works nights this week) and gets his package with Yokai Watch that I bought him. I randomly asked him his address the other day so I hope he's not expecting anything haha.
You didn't know your man's address?
not everyone can drive and check their man's mail to get their address.
You didn't know your man's address?
Without context, that almost sounds like abuse, but I'm sure he's done something to deserve it.
Im sure you're trying to be funny. It's not working.
This is so great. What's SAI though? And can you please spam your Tumblr again? I thought I followed but apparently I didn't.
I got my start date for my new job! I start in about 3 weeks
It's in a different location than I expected, it's in the city rather than the crappy little town near me but it is all good. It means lots of hot guys on my commute and lots of places to go out drinking :3 the travel time is actually better as well since I'll be taking the train rather than the crappy unreliable buses that take like an hour.
I'm hyped but extremely nervous.
I got my start date for my new job! I start in about 3 weeks
It's in a different location than I expected, it's in the city rather than the crappy little town near me but it is all good. It means lots of hot guys on my commute and lots of places to go out drinking :3 the travel time is actually better as well since I'll be taking the train rather than the crappy unreliable buses that take like an hour.
I'm hyped but extremely nervous.
Tons of success sir.I got my start date for my new job! I start in about 3 weeks
It's in a different location than I expected, it's in the city rather than the crappy little town near me but it is all good. It means lots of hot guys on my commute and lots of places to go out drinking :3 the travel time is actually better as well since I'll be taking the train rather than the crappy unreliable buses that take like an hour.
I'm hyped but extremely nervous.
Honestly I thought they were pretty meh but it's an American Classic so I had to at least once. In N Out is way more amazing. The famous Double Double Animal Style is probably my favorite burger. It's fast casual quality at a fast food price which is also great.
Go see Britney!![]()
Went to a white castle when I was in New York for an exchange program and I found it gross (I really like fast food usually). The place also had a reputation of being the meeting point of stoners who had the munchies or something. That was years ago tho so maybe it has changed since.
Thanks!Paint Tool Sai is basically a lightweight photoshop more geared towards painting. It even has a blending mechanic on brushes that's simulates the real thing pretty well.
My personal blog is paintchipsforpyromancers.tumblr.com
And my art blog is WerdnaCreations.tumblr.com
It's Movember! and happy Humpday y'all!
I was cracking up earlier today watching this (mainly because of the facial expressions): Giving Prostate Exams in Public for Movember
If you're thirty years or older, and a guy, get your prostate checked! :3
You're gonna love this playlist. (related to Butcher Pete which is about sex, obviously)
I'd also recommend the playlist to everyone. Quite an interesting listen.
The way it should be.
his legs tho :/
I swear this cute guy who comes around every wednesday to collect money for a raffle my parents do keeps flirting with me. I swear.
He always gives me a look over and smiles at me every time and he always touches my hand when he hands over the slip, usually I completely forget that he's coming and leave him waiting at the door while I get the money, but today I was expecting him to show up so I dressed up in my bulgy gym shorts and a nice T-shirt and had the money ready.
I answered the door and he was standing closer to the door than usual, he smiled at me, and we actually talked a little bit, we laughed when I told him that I actually remembered the money this time and he brought up something funny that happened like 2 months ago where me and my brother were throwing out a spider, we opened the door and he was stood there about to knock.
And then he got all nervous talking to me after that and started struggling for words. Hehe
It's not much but eurghhhhhh it's better than nothing. I think next time I might try talking to him a little bit, like asking him why he is wearing shorts (hot ones) when it is so cold out![]()
There's a patched English version for SAI as well, makes navigating it a lot easier. By default it's a 30 day trial before you have to purchase the license, but on the bright side it's couch change compared to buying photoshop.
Ok so i've got some time elaborate on my random outburst a bit, because I took it kinda personally...
I've had some personal experiences with those type of people before. The type that either get a little curious one crazy evening, or just go all in like this boxer guy did, then wake up the next day either feeling guilty as fuck, and/or go all mental about what just happened when ppl find out... Then to keep up their oh-so-obviously-manly-straightness they go out and threaten, harm, or otherwise do some shit to try and ruin the involving party's lives to keep up their already fragile facade. Yeah in this particular situation it's just a dood lying, and trying to put a porn studio in disrepute, but i've seen some people get hurt and beaten the fuck down badly because someone couldn't accept what they really felt inside, so obviously it's the other person's fault for making feel these feelings...
I think it's safe to say that a lot people in here, myself included are going thru a pretty complicated life situation dealing with our feelings, and the consequences of the lifestyle decisions we have made or are in the process of making... Really it just pains me to see someone lash out when their politically-correct-socially-acceptable wall gets a few holes poked into it, and often times it's the people that don't deserve to get hurt in the process that do...
argh, sorry about the random rant
But yeah, something about the story just hit a soft spot this morning it seems![]()
I swear this cute guy who comes around every wednesday to collect money for a raffle my parents do keeps flirting with me. I swear.
He always gives me a look over and smiles at me every time and he always touches my hand when he hands over the slip, usually I completely forget that he's coming and leave him waiting at the door while I get the money, but today I was expecting him to show up so I dressed up in my bulgy gym shorts and a nice T-shirt and had the money ready.
I answered the door and he was standing closer to the door than usual, he smiled at me, and we actually talked a little bit, we laughed when I told him that I actually remembered the money this time and he brought up something funny that happened like 2 months ago where me and my brother were throwing out a spider, we opened the door and he was stood there about to knock.
And then he got all nervous talking to me after that and started struggling for words. Hehe
It's not much but eurghhhhhh it's better than nothing. I think next time I might try talking to him a little bit, like asking him why he is wearing shorts (hot ones) when it is so cold out![]()
He's really handsome and fills out the shorts he's wearing nicely. I'd say he's probably the same age as me too.Ahhhh I love scenarios like this. Is he cute?
Do any of yous have experience with tablets? I've been thinking about getting an iPad mini 2 because they're currently on sale at Wal-Mart, but I honestly don't know if I should. I hate buying technology because there's always a new __ right around the corner, plus, the iPad mini 2 is already an older model (they're up to 4 now), so it's going to be outdated even faster than usual. The other day I saw someone on GAF mention that it would "probably be good for another 2 years" and I really don't like the idea of spending a couple hundred dollars on something that'll only be good for 2 years.
(One of the many appealing things about consoles is that there's only one per generation and it's good for 5-7 years before you have to upgrade to the next one.)
Or would the Nexus 9 be a better option? Or Kindle HD 10? whats a good tablet for $200ish. are there even any good tablets for that price?
I'd get the iPad mini 2. The specs aren't bad and it has a retina display. The biggest problem could be only 1GB RAM if you multitask a lot.
Most people don't need the latest and greatest in tablets and Apple has noticed this and stopped updating them yearly. The iPad mini 3 only added a fingerprint sensor while the iPad Air 2 didn't even get updated this year (it's always been updated every year like the iPhone).
I wouldn't look at any other tablets really. The Nexus 9 is so cheap because it's a dog (+ lots of bad user impressions on GAF). Most cheap Android tablets are even worse, the market has gotten a lot less competitive and even regressed in specs. Two years ago 1200p displays were common on cheap tablets, now most are 800p.
If you really want Android there are some decent ones, but they're usually north of 300$.
I'm not familiar with mobile terminology, so what exactly does 'multitasking' refer to? Like, you can't run multiple apps at once? More than one tab when browsing the web? Spotify in the background while web browsing? That sort of thing?
Thanks for the info. I take it the Fire 10 also isn't as good as the mini?
Multitasking is when you can open up multiple apps and then go back to an app without that app needing to refresh. There's also the Samsung "Multi Window" in which you can have two apps side-by-side, which the latest version of iOS now supports.
As an Android user, I would say go for an Apple tablet. While Google may be finessing Android on both the software and hardware front with Marshmallow and 6P, tablets are still a lot to be desired. I'm sure there's a tablet on the horizon that'll be great but I haven't seen it. You may want to check out N9 reviews with Marshmallow to see if the situation is improved.
Does it matter? As far as I'm aware iOS still doesn't support true multitasking. Whenever you swipe away from a tab the old one gets sent to sleep and it needs to be refreshed when you go back to it anyway.
The window for this is like 5 minutes. Using IRC is god damn impossible.
That would rule out listening to Spotify while browsing the web, then? Or is there a difference between 'multitasking' and running something in the background?
Ouch! RIP Android.
It takes 5 minutes to change between apps? D: Is that what you're saying?
EDIT: Or you're saying that you only have 5 minutes before each app goes into sleep mode? So as long as you're switching back and forth every 5 minutes it's not a problem?
things that made kirbyfan gay according to tumblr:Oh hi, Iceman.
All of my childhood favorites are accompanying me in this fabulous life.
Time to bring Shawn Ashmore back for another movie.
Yeah the latter.
Like, on a normal PC I can keep IRC in the background, Youtube in another window, and some Steam game running simultaneously. I can switch between the three at will and they won't need to reboot at any time.
The same is mostly true of Android, programs will to go to sleep after a long time of inactivity but it really is a long time and it's usually intentionally designed. Website will persist for the inbuilt browser.
My iPad will reload my tabs every time I switch to them, and LimeIRC will just shut off completely unless I check in on it every few minutes. It's really annoying, for example, if I'm playing Hearthstone while chatting on IRC and browsing, something I usually do on my PC and my Nexus would have no problem with if I played Hearthstone on it.
That said the iPad will fulfill certain basic needs when it comes to multitasking like playing music in the background but it's very limited compared to Android.
(The mini is a good device though, I can't hate on it. Just explaining this one major difference.)
It really depends. Some days I'll be able to get through without any issue. On my Moto X and previous phones, I never had a memory issue and that was on devices with smaller RAM. This is just a Samsung/Touchwiz thing, which is dumb. This isn't the case on other devices, really.
For a better example of multitasking, see this.
That would rule out listening to Spotify while browsing the web, then? Or is there a difference between 'multitasking' and running something in the background?
Ouch! RIP Android.
It takes 5 minutes to change between apps? D: Is that what you're saying?
EDIT: Or you're saying that you only have 5 minutes before each app goes into sleep mode? So as long as you're switching back and forth every 5 minutes it's not a problem?
things that made kirbyfan gay according to tumblr:
Go for an android tablet or even a windows tablet (there are some really good and cheap alternatives out there).
Android and Windows 10 > iOS
Why people pay for overpriced iPads (and Apple products in general) is beyond me... Seriously.
Gotta be drug tested by January. #imacry
The new Grimes has me like
Kill V. Maim is a BOP.
He was always one of my favorites, and now I like him even more. All I need is for Iceman to make out with Nightcrawler and my gay agenda will be complete. Or Nightwing if we're talking crossovers.Oh hi, Iceman.
All of my childhood favorites are accompanying me in this fabulous life.
Time to bring Shawn Ashmore back for another movie.
The new Grimes has me like
Kill V. Maim is a BOP.
Thought you'd love these benchmarks ������Go for an android tablet or even a windows tablet (there are some really good and cheap alternatives out there).
Android and Windows 10 > iOS
Why people pay for overpriced iPads (and Apple products in general) is beyond me... Seriously.