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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Passion Pit's lead singer comes out as gay. This is great. I love the guy and the music he makes. So many amazing gay musicians, now Sufjan just needs to come out.


This is really important to me, and it's great to hear, and I'm so happy for Michael. If you guys want to hear him and Bret Easton Ellis talk about representation, why representation is important, how it affects them (and us), dealing with being gay/queer in a predominantly hetero-tinted world, the gay 'scene', self-shame, and 'fitting in' with straight people.

http://podcastone.com/Bret-Easton-Ellis-Podcast - Just click the 11/9/15 episode, and skip to around 49:00. It's a really sweet and friendly conversation, and kinda brought me to tears hearing them talk about how important representation was to them when growing up, and the frustrations of accepting sexuality and how it affected work they've done.

It's hard to sum up, but they talk specifically about sexuality and stuff for at least 20 minutes, and absolutely worth listening to.

Thinking now...it makes me almost deliriously happy that I actually need more than one hand (almost two!) to count the amount of queer musicians that I'm now familiar with and love. It's so fucking cool.


Cute guy is going to be coming over again to collect some money tomorrow, I need to dress hot and strike up a conversation :3
Never played FES, P3P was my first P3 experience. It's inferior to P4G but both of them are top tier games.

Golden is main reason I got the thing. Seems like Vita's crown jewel anyway. I just wanna experience 3 in some form before delving into Golden.

Buy Suikoden 1 & 2 .... no need to thank me!

Already bought and downloaded. So thankful we got Suikoden2 before Konami went full batshit crazy.

Cute guy is going to be coming over again to collect some money tomorrow, I need to dress hot and strike up a conversation :3

Something tells me you'll do just fine.
Mad respect to people who cook for their entire family multiple days a week. I find it a pain in the ass to even cook for two people (myself included).

Making a meatloaf recipe I found online. Hope it doesn't suck.


Mad respect to people who cook for their entire family multiple days a week. I find it a pain in the ass to even cook for two people (myself included).

Making a meatloaf recipe I found online. Hope it doesn't suck.

at least you're trying

that said meatloaf is a horrific food invention to me. even the name is disgusting


Golden is main reason I got the thing. Seems like Vita's crown jewel anyway. I just wanna experience 3 in some form before delving into Golden.
Golden is my joint all time favourite game. However, I hear that with the Personas it basically comes down to whichever you play first is the best one so maybe P3P is really better and I'm blinded to it.


I know more about Meatloaf the singer than I do Meatloaf the food. I have no idea what it is and have never seen it, let alone tried it.
I know more about Meatloaf the singer than I do Meatloaf the food. I have no idea what it is and have never seen it, let alone tried it.

Ground Beef cooked in a casserole dish with tomato sauce on top...sometimes with onions.



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Meatloaf is like if you added ground beef and eggs to Thanksgiving stuffing then baked it into a brick.

It's disgusting.


Gold Member
Meatloaf is surprisingly difficult to get right. The proportions for everything has to be just right, and the time where it goes from undercooked to overcooked (i.e. a brick) is really small. I've had good meatloaf only twice in my life, and I've had terrible chow hall meatloaf more times than I'd care to remember.
How do you have it without? Pretty sure all meatloaf is with tomato sauce/paste.

You just don't put it on. That's how I've always had it on both sides of my family. I've only ever had the red sauce version at Cracker Barrel, and that was bad. I'm sure homemade could be good though.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Dunno why but I'm finding his videos really compelling for some reason.
This is completely and totally random but I don't understand the word compelling in that sense for some reason.

It always makes me wonder what it's compelling you to do. Compelling in what way?

Oh well.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Replace it with "irresistible" and it should make sense?



How you gonna misgender in the article title about misgendering?

Because it's Houston and they hate us trans folk. They're essentially agreeing with the narrative of the attorney and his clients who argue that kids can't possibly know their gender identity.....even if plenty do start to show such things around that age. "The parents are the true abusers, my bigotry must be defended at all costs!". It makes me sick.


I was going to take a cooking class called Cooking for One, but the teacher killed himself.

-30 Rock was such a good show

Also I saw SPECTRE last night with the boyfriend and I was so late and amazingly ran from my car to the theatre and we walked in right when the MGM lion roared!!! Brief verdict: It was
good IMO. I'd say it had a better lead up to confrontation than Skyfall, but a weaker presentation of the villain after the lead up. I think Sam Mendes needs to step aside. His films are honestly weaker than Quantum of Solace when it comes to how hokey his villains are and the logic leaps he takes with them. While Quantum of Solace is a weaker standalone, it is much less reliant on secret society conspiracy in off-putting ways and is a great short epilogue for Craig's best - Casino Royale (which features the most believable setup while still in the Bond realm.)


I haven't actually played FO4 yet, but I did create two characters. I'll upload the other later. It's a very good creator system IMO, though slightly less elaborate than Inquisition in general.


This is completely and totally random but I don't understand the word compelling in that sense for some reason.

It always makes me wonder what it's compelling you to do. Compelling in what way?

Oh well.

I just assumed he was saying that he's hot.

The content of the video is really interesting and I imagine it has kinda universal appeal because who hasn't fucked around in nature without tools before and wondered what you could actually accomplish that way. And actually getting shit done like that is really impressive because we just take modern technology (including metal tools) for granted.

But compelling in that context makes me think 'I am looking at his body', for some reason, lol.
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