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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Just stopping by to let y'all know my boy The Weeknd is gorgeous as fuck.



And idc what you say, the hair is amazing.


Drinking some "not your father's" root beer to drown my sorrows~ Had a good night ranting with my friend about life and wanting to try go dating again but he just tells me how lame the dating scene here in North Florida...I can see that really. I need to focus on myself or something I guess...but I miss cuddling and the feeling haha...


Grizzo is in France I believe.

I live 5 minutes from the Bataclan :( Sirens kept going off all night long and had my eyes glued to the TV screen, watching news channel and just stressing the hell out.

I was supposed to go out last night but decided against it at the last moment because I was tired. I'm glad I chose to do just that :(

The atmosphere is weird in Paris today. I had a DJ set booked tonight and it was cancelled of course. I spent the afternoon in the suburbs with my family and now I'm with some friends.

The streets are empty, except in front of the bar where a shooting happened. I passed by that spot to go see my friend tonight. It was chilling.
I live 5 minutes from the Bataclan :( Sirens kept going off all night long and had my eyes glued to the TV screen, watching news channel and just stressing the hell out.

I was supposed to go out last night but decided against it at the last moment because I was tired. I'm glad I chose to do just that :(

The atmosphere is weird in Paris today. I had a DJ set booked tonight and it was cancelled of course. I spent the afternoon in the suburbs with my family and now I'm with some friends.

The streets are empty, except in front of the bar where a shooting happened. I passed by that spot to go see my friend tonight. It was chilling.

Glad youre okay, Griz! Such a terrible thing to happen where you live. :(


Hunky Nostradamus
I live 5 minutes from the Bataclan :( Sirens kept going off all night long and had my eyes glued to the TV screen, watching news channel and just stressing the hell out.

I was supposed to go out last night but decided against it at the last moment because I was tired. I'm glad I chose to do just that :(

The atmosphere is weird in Paris today. I had a DJ set booked tonight and it was cancelled of course. I spent the afternoon in the suburbs with my family and now I'm with some friends.

The streets are empty, except in front of the bar where a shooting happened. I passed by that spot to go see my friend tonight. It was chilling.

Stay safe :s


I live 5 minutes from the Bataclan :( Sirens kept going off all night long and had my eyes glued to the TV screen, watching news channel and just stressing the hell out.

I was supposed to go out last night but decided against it at the last moment because I was tired. I'm glad I chose to do just that :(

The atmosphere is weird in Paris today. I had a DJ set booked tonight and it was cancelled of course. I spent the afternoon in the suburbs with my family and now I'm with some friends.

The streets are empty, except in front of the bar where a shooting happened. I passed by that spot to go see my friend tonight. It was chilling.
Jeez, man, stay safe :( It's incredibly sad that France has been through these issues lately, I hope things get better as soon as possible.
Tumblr continues to be a breeding ground for immature pseudo-intellectuals. News at 10.
yeah no kidding. I tend to agree with a lot of stuff there but this one is just so damn disrespectful. I'm sure the victims of the attacks appreciate you using their tragedy to get notes for your stupid ass blog and ego. Fuck.
Just stopping by to let y'all know my boy The Weeknd is gorgeous as fuck.

And idc what you say, the hair is amazing.

Yeah he looks good. BUT without the hair pls. I don't even mind the way his hair looks. I think it looks cool actually. I just can't shake off the feeling that it'd smell. :/

So I've now got a new job. :D
I'll be working at a movie theater. Yay! :D


FFFuuuuuuu top of the page.

you wouldnt even buy one for $35?

Honestly I wouldn't. Unless I was picking it up as a gift. I think it makes a wonderful first tablet for a kid. Fill it with books and some games, limit game time to an hour or so and make reading time unlimited.

But if it were for myself I'd rather save that 35 dollars and keep saving until I could buy a better tablet.

Of course that's just me, and I suppose I'm a bit snobbish/picky when it comes to my gadgets.

I live 5 minutes from the Bataclan :( Sirens kept going off all night long and had my eyes glued to the TV screen, watching news channel and just stressing the hell out.

I was supposed to go out last night but decided against it at the last moment because I was tired. I'm glad I chose to do just that :(

The atmosphere is weird in Paris today. I had a DJ set booked tonight and it was cancelled of course. I spent the afternoon in the suburbs with my family and now I'm with some friends.

The streets are empty, except in front of the bar where a shooting happened. I passed by that spot to go see my friend tonight. It was chilling.

Completely forget you lived in France. Glad you are safe Grizzo.


I was not planning on hitting the gym today.


I just came back from the gym actually, there was a daddy there that looked like an off-season bodybuilder and he had the hottest thighs I've ever seen. damn he was hot. Husband didn't care (he wasn't handsome) but top 3 dude I've ever seen in person IMO.
I’ve been stressing over a meaningless thing over the week, so maybe you pals could help me.

I finished a Bachelor degree in Environmental Design in 2014, then did a Post-Grad in Heritage. I end up starting a second Bachelor degree in another city, in Architecture this time, since I couldn’t get into the Masters program (and over here the only way to become an architect is to get a Masters degree).

A week ago, while taking the bus to school, a random guy started talking to me. Turns out he actually did the same Bachelor degree as me (my first one), but graduated this year; he somehow recognized me, even though I had no idea who he was/never saw him before. He was lucky/good enough to get accepted in the Masters program here. We spoke during the entire ride (which is like 12-15 minutes). That night, we had a Flip The Cup tournement at school (end up in the semi-finals, whoot), where he came to me, and we talked for a good half hour. At the beginning of the week, same thing happened during our bus ride.

The thing is, he’s cute as fuck/really interesting/obviously intelligent, and I’m kinda puzzled as to why he spoke to me in the first place. I mean, I personally wouldn’t speak to a complete stranger if i wasn’t interested in him/her, but I have no idea if he’s gay or not. I don’t want to make everything awkward by asking him to a date if he’s not.:/


A week ago, while taking the bus to school, a random guy started talking to me. Turns out he actually did the same Bachelor degree as me (my first one), but graduated this year; he somehow recognized me, even though I had no idea who he was/never saw him before. He was lucky/good enough to get accepted in the Masters program here. We spoke during the entire ride (which is like 12-15 minutes). That night, we had a Flip The Cup tournement at school (end up in the semi-finals, whoot), where he came to me, and we talked for a good half hour. At the beginning of the week, same thing happened during our bus ride.

The thing is, he’s cute as fuck/really interesting/obviously intelligent, and I’m kinda puzzled as to why he spoke to me in the first place. I mean, I personally wouldn’t speak to a complete stranger if i wasn’t interested in him/her, but I have no idea if he’s gay or not. I don’t want to make everything awkward by asking him to a date if he’s not.:/

I currently can relate to this, so I look forward to any advice given. Hope all goes well!


Been talking on facebook with the cute guy I met at the social yesterday, I think we flirted a little.

Me: "Aha, it wasn't a very well thought out joke now that I think about it :p"
Him: "I won't hold it against you..."
Me: "I could make a joke out of that one, but I wont :)"
Him: "Please do :)"
Me: "Would you hold it against me if I didn't? :p"
Him: "I see what you did there... You'd have to ask very nicely."
Been talking on facebook with the cute guy I met at the social yesterday, I think we flirted a little.

Me: "Aha, it wasn't a very well thought out joke now that I think about it :p"
Him: "I won't hold it against you..."
Me: "I could make a joke out of that one, but I wont :)"
Him: "Please do :)"
Me: "Would you hold it against me if I didn't? :p"
Him: "I see what you did there... You'd have to ask very nicely."

Ahaha nice.

Also, what's your avatar. If it's a game, I feel like I wanna play it.


Who was our other french letters-gaffer? I think it was Alrus? Has he said anything?

orioto is. Alrus is Belgian if i'm not mistaken.
I live 5 minutes from the Bataclan :( Sirens kept going off all night long and had my eyes glued to the TV screen, watching news channel and just stressing the hell out.
Seems like one hell of a night :/

I know that feeling when everybody is distressed. Hope you're with good people.
I had to find out about the last one and did a url search and came across this.

Thank you for this.


Pretty sure I just got fucked over in a Pokemon TCG tournament. The guy I was playing disconnected like 3 times, and I was like fine whatever, his time limit kept going down so I didn't really care.

Anyway, he came back and the match was quite a tough one, but I was winning, and he has 20 seconds left before I won the match, and all of sudden, for no reason at all the match ended with my defeat, and he moved on to the next round of the tournament.

There was literally nothing that could have led to my defeat, I was nowhere near my time limit, I still had like a third of my deck, I still had cards on the field but I just lost, randomly out of nowhere. And then the results screen that told you why you won or lost didn't say anything at all.

I absolutely hate coming across hackers. Fuck them all.


You guys, the John Cleese episode of the Late Show with Stephen Colbert also had Michael Flatley. (You know, the Lord of the Dance tap dancing guy.) Well, he did a performance to promote his new Broadway show, and all of his backup dancers were HUNKS. Not just hunks, but hunks in tank tops. And as if I weren't already convinced that this show was designed specifically for me, they all ripped off their tops at the end! BAH GAWD. It's as though they plucked a fantasy from the glittering depths of my subconscious and made it happen for real.

I'll be in my bunk.

Scientific study of hardness amirite?
We hunkologists use the term "tumescence," but yes, you're more or less on the money.
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