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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Just a reminder that the best show on TV, Shameless, is returning this Sunday (already returned if you have Amazon/Hulu/cable).

Sorry but Celebrity Big Brother already started earlier this week. Does shameless crucify people live on television? Cause CBB just eviscereated a man tonight and I got my life. Bless Emma Willis.


Hunky Nostradamus
woke up with a sore throat and sneezy/runny nose



Hunky Nostradamus
I like to gargle mouthwash immediately when that happens. If I catch it early enough, it tends to go away. But If I'm lazy and sleep in or let it linger for a while, it has a habit becoming a lung infection.

Feel better!

Hm, I've never tired that before. What kind of mouthwash?
Weird that he'd get away with acting so aggressively for so long. Maybe other people felt similarly and didn't want to come off as discriminatory, despite his inappropriate behavior in even professional settings. That's definitely a horrible thing to deal with at such a crucial transition.
Heaps of people told him it wasn't appropriate but it didn't seem to go beyond that. But there were mixed messages like when he asked two male lecturers to rate how hot the other one was, they played along. I was cautious about reporting it when I did because he's an international student (and would be in a really bad situation if he was expelled, which I didn't want to happen or expect, and he wasn't) and maybe that deterred others from reporting him.

That sounds like an odd assumption over something innocuous. There's no missing detail? :)
Our parents were friends too? Otherwise this is how my mum told me.

Was this before cellphones and text messaging?
I think it was in probably in 1997. Before mobile phones being widespread.

Any love for a prodigal gay?

Hey guyssss

I was thinking about you yesterday!
Upon seeing a similar username person.


Hm, I've never tired that before. What kind of mouthwash?
I just use those generic alcohol-fee ones. It tends to help if you catch it early. I gargle and sing scales just so I know I've exposed every possible area that may be causing that sore-throat sensation. =)

Heaps of people told him it wasn't appropriate but it didn't seem to go beyond that. But there were mixed messages like when he asked two male lecturers to rate how hot the other one was, they played along. I was cautious about reporting it when I did because he's an international student (and would be in a really bad situation if he was expelled, which I didn't want to happen or expect, and he wasn't) and maybe that deterred others from reporting him.
So people were just afraid to escalate it any further.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
I had an experience where I was sexually harassed in front of other students, but this was at uni by another student. He was also queer and sexually harassed heaps of people (including me, and lecturers and tutors) and been told to stop many times (including by me and a tutor). The last time, it was when we were doing a group presentation together and he added a slide at the end while I was getting the projector. It was some pictures of men and he put it up and asked me if I thought they were hot. The other students laughed. The teacher was confused and didn't know what it was until I told her afterwards. He got in trouble, but along the way when I tried to get something done I was treated like I was homophobic for not liking his harassment. I was still getting comfortable still around that time and so it was a bad mix, feeling pressure to disclose when I didn't want to (so I didn't) in response to the treatment that I was homophobic.

I think I'm probably dramatizing my own experience and making it worse than it actually was, but I can really relate to this. It was when I was still trying to come to terms with my sexuality and was not out; in fact, it was a period when my sexuality was stressing me out to a huge degree and was the source of overwhelming self-destructive behavior and thoughts.

During this period, someone was quite aggressive with me, getting too close when I asked them to not be (especially when he was drunk) and asking me about my sexuality/repeatedly offering to be an ear for "whatever I wanted to talk about" (it was clear what he wanted me to say). The latter might have been nice if he wasn't so aggressive with me in other ways that left me thinking he was the last person I'd want to talk to. It was just a matter of the fact that I dreaded every interaction with him because it always felt invasive during a time when I was particularly sensitive and it was socially aggressive in a way that I couldn't help but feel was sexually motivated and more than normal (but I couldn't necessarily "prove"). I guess the issue was that "stop" and "no" weren't respected, or if they were, something else would start in its place.

We lived in the same dorm, which made it hard to avoid him and meant he'd "just happen to be walking by" and knock, or sit on the couch outside my door to do his work despite the fact that we lived on different floors. (As you can tell, my descriptions are biased and I didn't believe his reasons, but even if he was sincere, I'm not sure he completely realized what he was doing). I liked to leave my door open to be social, but I worried he'd be the one I'd see, especially when it was at its worst for me. Unfortunately, it didn't fully end when I came out, but it did eventually.

I feel bad to this day because I don't think he understood what he was doing wrong and was letting his interest cloud his judgment. Plus, I kind of iced him out whenever he made advances. He struggled to get over his interest, which I know is hard. I wanted us to be friends eventually, but I think I need for him to understand how he made me feel and for him to apologize before that could ever happen.
I think I'm probably dramatizing my own experience and making it worse than it actually was, but I can really relate to this. It was when I was still trying to come to terms with my sexuality and was not out; in fact, it was a period when my sexuality was stressing me out to a huge degree and was the source of overwhelming self-destructive behavior and thoughts.

During this period, someone was quite aggressive with me, getting too close when I asked them to not be (especially when he was drunk) and asking me about my sexuality/repeatedly offering to be an ear for "whatever I wanted to talk about" (it was clear what he wanted me to say). The latter might have been nice if he wasn't so aggressive with me in other ways that left me thinking he was the last person I'd want to talk to. It was just a matter of the fact that I dreaded every interaction with him because it always felt invasive during a time when I was particularly sensitive and it was socially aggressive in a way that I couldn't help but feel was sexually motivated and more than normal (but I couldn't necessarily "prove"). I guess the issue was that "stop" and "no" weren't respected, or if they were, something else would start in its place.

We lived in the same dorm, which made it hard to avoid him and meant he'd "just happen to be walking by" and knock, or sit on the couch outside my door to do his work despite the fact that we lived on different floors. (As you can tell, my descriptions are biased and I didn't believe his reasons, but even if he was sincere, I'm not sure he completely realized what he was doing). I liked to leave my door open to be social, but I worried he'd be the one I'd see, especially when it was at its worst for me. Unfortunately, it didn't fully end when I came out, but it did eventually.

I feel bad to this day because I don't think he understood what he was doing wrong and was letting his interest cloud his judgment. Plus, I kind of iced him out whenever he made advances. He struggled to get over his interest, which I know is hard. I wanted us to be friends eventually, but I think I need for him to understand how he made me feel and for him to apologize before that could ever happen.
I'm sorry. Living in the same dorm must have made it hard. And feeling guilty won't just go away but you did the right thing. Hopefully he's learned now.


Good on you. Doing the right thing is rarely easy.
It wasn't always easy lol

Short story time!

So it just so happened the student president of the university's LGBT center was one of my students. I never really picked up that he was gay but I did notice that he was cute and really smart.

Well after half the semester was over, during lab where conversation is more lax, I finally asked him if he was gay when he wore a rainbow shirt to class. When he said yes, it was a duh moment, and he said he already knew I wasn't straight. So after that he became very flirty.

Near the end of the semester we had an outdoor lab which involved a water trap to collect lake water samples from different zones. I wanted them to compare organisms in the lake. Well after giving a long demonstration about safety, since the traps could snap your finger off, I cut my own stupid finger. He was the first one to jump to see if I was alright and helped me administer first aid on myself (lol) while the rest of class went out on boats and did the lab. He rubbed my hand and my arm and was being all supportive.

He flirted with me the rest of the semester, but as soon as class was over he stayed busy with the LGBT center and I rarely saw him again. Missed opportunity I guess.


My. Guy spent double for dinner. Like hundreds of dollars more than our budget. :p but it was amazing so...😁😍😁

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
For all you "daddy" aficionados out there, did you see the V Magazine No. 99 cover featuring Lady Gaga and her fiancé, Taylor Kinney? I'd never really paid attention to him before, but this photo made me realize that he probably has some fans. Link to photo here (semi-NSFW: selectively covered nudity with poor image quality).

EDIT: If anyone is intrigued but unfamiliar, here's a classy photo where you can see his face better (taken from a quick Google search).


For all you "daddy" aficionados out there, did you see the V Magazine No. 99 cover featuring Lady Gaga and her fiancé, Taylor Kinney? I'd never really paid attention to him before, but this photo made me realize that he probably has some fans. Link to photo here (semi-NSFW: selectively covered nudity with poor image quality).

EDIT: If anyone is intrigued but unfamiliar, here's a classy photo where you can see his face better (taken from a quick Google search).

Sis, gaga has good taste. That Taylor D. I am proper jel.


For all you "daddy" aficionados out there, did you see the V Magazine No. 99 cover featuring Lady Gaga and her fiancé, Taylor Kinney? I'd never really paid attention to him before, but this photo made me realize that he probably has some fans. Link to photo here (semi-NSFW: selectively covered nudity with poor image quality).

EDIT: If anyone is intrigued but unfamiliar, here's a classy photo where you can see his face better (taken from a quick Google search).
He is beautiful. I love that he has a tooth gap. I have one as well.

PS they made love on that canvas.

Lucky canvas.


Brutal story on reddit from someone who regrets his bullying of a gay teen two decades ago:

Holy crap, this was a pretty tough read. I don't know what to think in the end, he might be an entirely different person from his shitty, downright evil 17 years old self... but still. It's hard to believe having fond memories of high school is a privilege for some of us, while other people go through their absolute worst years of their lives, when they should just be having fun, learning, and growing up.
I have a date with my crush tomorrow!!!! I invited him a while ago to come with me to a friend's birthday party. Today I asked him just to confirm and he said he'd go for a while because he has plans later, I got kind of bummed but I asked him if he wanted to do something else before going to the party and he said yes! So I think we are having dinner probably, not sure yet I said movie/dinner, but I think it's gonna be just dinner because there's nothing that catches our attention at the cinema.

I'm so nervous, it's sort of a first date since we just hanged out at my place when we met a few weeks ago. He knows I'm into him, and I really want to impress him, maybe cook for him or take him somewhere slightly romantic, with a nice view or something.


Gold Member
Holy crap, this was a pretty tough read. I don't know what to think in the end, he might be an entirely different person from his shitty, downright evil 17 years old self... but still. It's hard to believe having fond memories of high school is a privilege for some of us, while other people go through their absolute worst years of their lives, when they should just be having fun, learning, and growing up.
Heh, high school was pure and utter misery for me. Being back home last week and seeing my old high school from a distance for a brief moment made me cringe, as several horrifying memories came flooding back. I never got beatdown as bad as Drew did in that story, but I definitely contemplated suicide on many occasions in my late teens.

The story makes for an interesting discussion because on one hand, OP didn't serve jail time for what he did. On the other hand, even if he didn't feel remorse for what he did for the past two decades, he certainly feels it now, and he will have to live with the guilt for the rest of his life.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Brutal story on reddit from someone who regrets his bullying of a gay teen two decades ago:


Well, that was a tough read. I don't think I have anything to say in response. Drew (and all those nameless others), I hope you're okay.

The story makes for an interesting discussion because on one hand, OP didn't serve jail time for what he did. On the other hand, even if he didn't feel remorse for what he did for the past two decades, he certainly feels it now, and he will have to live with the guilt for the rest of his life.

At this point, I think his best options are to raise his child to be better than he was, to be better person, and to make some efforts to help LGBT people/causes. The incident with Drew is over. It sounds like there's nothing that can legally be done, and I'd imagine social resolution is impossible. Time can't be rewound, so they're both stuck with these events to deal with individually. They'll both have to live with his (and his friends') actions. I hope something good can eventually result from the immense bad.

I have a date with my crush tomorrow!!!! I invited him a while ago to come with me to a friend's birthday party. Today I asked him just to confirm and he said he'd go for a while because he has plans later, I got kind of bummed but I asked him if he wanted to do something else before going to the party and he said yes! So I think we are having dinner probably, not sure yet I said movie/dinner, but I think it's gonna be just dinner because there's nothing that catches our attention at the cinema.

I'm so nervous, it's sort of a first date since we just hanged out at my place when we met a few weeks ago. He knows I'm into him, and I really want to impress him, maybe cook for him or take him somewhere slightly romantic, with a nice view or something.

The one thing I'd say is don't try too hard. I know you two have talked a lot already and hung out once before; if he's interested in you, it's because of the person you already are. That said, everyone is flattered by a little bit of effort (depending on the context). I'll let you decide what the best course of action is. Good luck and let us know how it goes! :)


It's hard to believe having fond memories of high school is a privilege for some of us, while other people go through their absolute worst years of their lives, when they should just be having fun, learning, and growing up.

When abuse like that is so common, just living to see the end of high school is a privilege.
The one thing I'd say is don't try too hard. I know you two have talked a lot already and hung out once before; if he's interested in you, it's because of the person you already are. That said, everyone is flattered by a little bit of effort (depending on the context). I'll let you decide what the best course of action is. Good luck and let us know how it goes! :)
Damn, I know. I'm just a sucker for those kind of romantic gestures. I wanted to take him to the national film archive which is a gorgeous complex where they mostly show artsy kind of movies but the one I want to see it's at like 2pm. I went there once with friends and just imagined how amazing it would be to have a date there, it's like a very hipster place, with lots of green spaces. Maybe I'll save that for another date if we continue to date. I don't know, I know he told me we should be careful and take it slow but at the same time I want him to see me as his date, not his bro.

Hopefully things will be clearer for me after we get to hang out a bit more tomorrow.

EDIT: OMG! I just went into the national film archive's website just to see if there was another movie that catched my eye and saw there's another screening of the one I want to see, Boy meets world, at 4:30pm, which is much better since we can have dinner after that and then go to the party. Do you think that's a good movie to go see? I just like the art I saw on the trailer.

Now hopefully he wants to go at that time, I'll ask him tomorrow first thing in the morning, I really wanna go there, lol.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Damn, I know. I'm just a sucker for those kind of romantic gestures. I wanted to take him to the national film archive which is a gorgeous complex where they mostly show artsy kind of movies but the one I want to see it's at like 2pm. I went there once with friends and just imagined how amazing it would be to have a date there, it's like a very hipster place, with lots of green spaces. Maybe I'll save that for another date if we continue to date. I don't know, I know he told me we should be careful and take it slow but at the same time I want him to see me as his date, not his bro.

Hopefully things will be clearer for me after we get to hang out a bit more tomorrow.

EDIT: OMG! I just went into the national film archive's website just to see if there was another movie that catched my eye and saw there's another screening of the one I want to see, Boy meets world, at 4:30pm, which is much better since we can have dinner after that and then go to the party. Do you think that's a good movie to go see? I just like the art I saw on the trailer.

Now hopefully he wants to go at that time, I'll ask him tomorrow first thing in the morning, I really wanna go there, lol.

I'm not familiar with the movie, and I didn't see anything when I tried to google it (the TV show of the same name dominated all the results). If you really want to see it, I'd say ask him in the morning if he wants to see it, but don't get too attached to the idea. I'd approach it like, "Hey, turns out there's a movie that could be cool to see. It's at the National Film Archive, which was awesome last time I went. Are you interested in seeing Boy Meets World?"

The positive of going to a movie is the shared experience, but you also can't talk during it, which limits the "get to know you" time of the date. Don't dismiss the idea of just going to dinner and the party. Dinner, in my opinion, says "this is a date." Like you said, you can always save the movie for the next date. :)


Heh, high school was pure and utter misery for me. Being back home last week and seeing my old high school from a distance for a brief moment made me cringe, as several horrifying memories came flooding back. I never got beatdown as bad as Drew did in that story, but I definitely contemplated suicide on many occasions in my late teens.

The story makes for an interesting discussion because on one hand, OP didn't serve jail time for what he did. On the other hand, even if he didn't feel remorse for what he did for the past two decades, he certainly feels it now, and he will have to live with the guilt for the rest of his life.
I'm sorry to read that :( I'm glad you managed to endure the bad times in the end.

Well, that was a tough read. I don't think I have anything to say in response. Drew (and all those nameless others), I hope you're okay.

At this point, I think his best options are to raise his child to be better than he was, to be better person, and to make some efforts to help LGBT people/causes. The incident with Drew is over. It sounds like there's nothing that can legally be done, and I'd imagine social resolution is impossible. Time can't be rewound, so they're both stuck with these events to deal with individually. They'll both have to live with his (and his friends') actions. I hope something good can eventually result from the immense bad.
Yeah, I think the same. Life is not fair, this guy deserved the absolute worst for what he did, but at this point he's not important anymore. I hope his kid becomes a much better person than he is, that's the only positive that can come from this.

When abuse like that is so common, just living to see the end of high school is a privilege.
Yeah. It feels like these things don't happen a lot these days, but I guess we never know.
I'm not familiar with the movie, and I didn't see anything when I tried to google it (the TV show of the same name dominated all the results). If you really want to see it, I'd say ask him in the morning if he wants to see it, but don't get too attached to the idea. I'd approach it like, "Hey, turns out there's a movie that could be cool to see. It's at the National Film Archive, which was awesome last time I went. Are you interested in seeing Boy Meets World?"

The positive of going to a movie is the shared experience, but you also can't talk during it, which limits the "get to know you" time of the date. Don't dismiss the idea of just going to dinner and the party. Dinner, in my opinion, says "this is a date." Like you said, you can always save the movie for the next date. :)
It's boy and the world, lol. Thanks for the advise.
Just putting this here:

The CDC recently did a study of 10,000 respondents aged 18-44. These were in-person interviews where respondents put their answers into a computer for privacy.

1.9% of men said they are homosexual and 2.0% said they are bisexual. 1.3% of women said they are homosexual and 5.5% said they are bisexual.


We're racing, right? :)
What are heterosexuals?


Studying this dermatology course is going to kill me, teacher seems to get evil pleasure from putting the most disgusting picture of dicks, asses and vaginas he can fight for every single thing. Even a class talking about skin cancer will have completely ravaged dick/tits/anuses pictures in it :/ I shouldn't have eaten before starting it >.> Very interesting class though, I might try to specialize in that if I can get good enough grade to get a shot at it.

Also if there was something to confirm I'll never have unprotected sex with a stranger, it's this class. Probably should look into getting HPV vaccines while I'm at it.

On a totally unrelated note, those Lipsync Battle videos are much less amusing to watch than I thought they would be.


Brutal story on reddit from someone who regrets his bullying of a gay teen two decades ago:


That's terrifying. I don't know how much an apology would mean at that point after so much abuse; I'm not qualified to say. Part of me thinks he may appreciate it but the other part is: what if he's moved on? Can you really "move on" from something that brutal? Would he want his past to be drudged up? I'm still thinking an apology wouldn't be rebuffed but also hoping that Drew is living a happy life.

I hope he does raise his son to be a better man than he was.

On a totally unrelated note, those Lipsync Battle videos are much less amusing to watch than I thought they would be.
I'm with you. It's definitely one of those "you have to be there" kind of events but I understand why. During dance practice/competitions, it's really a collaborative thing. You want your teammates to feel pumped up, so everyone gets invested, even if they're just sitting down or resting against a wall. It comes off as pretty ridiculous to an outsider.

I wonder if that Looking movie is still getting made. It's been close to a year since the show wrapped/got canceled.
Did anyone genuinely love that show? I didn't HATE it, but it was never more than just "okay". Nothing really seemed to happen and the characters were all rather uninteresting.
I wonder if that Looking movie is still getting made. It's been close to a year since the show wrapped/got canceled.

I'm pretty sure it's happening. Attitude magazine seem to mention it every so often on Twitter, and there's supposedly a particularly racy scene in there somewhere O_O

Did anyone genuinely love that show? I didn't HATE it, but it was never more than just "okay". Nothing really seemed to happen and the characters were all rather uninteresting.

Aww I liked it. The main character made frankly terrible decisions and was kind of a douche. But I liked pretty much everyone else. Richie was adorable <3
Ah, watched the trailer. Seems cool! I'd go see it. :p See what he says!
It's too early for him anyway, he has to work. Oh well, I told him to look it up and we could go another day of he liked it and he said yes but there aren't any other screenings after 4:30pm so we might end up watching it at my place or something.


irresponsible vagina leak
Did anyone genuinely love that show? I didn't HATE it, but it was never more than just "okay". Nothing really seemed to happen and the characters were all rather uninteresting.

None of the characters are memorable, the storylines were even worst than the characters but hey there was some nudity I suppose.
Aww I liked it. The main character made frankly terrible decisions and was kind of a douche. But I liked pretty much everyone else. Richie was adorable <3
Richie was definitely the best. If they had just made him the main character I wouldn't have been upset.

None of the characters are memorable, the storylines were even worst than the characters but hey there was some nudity I suppose.
Yeah I was just thinking to myself.. what even happened in season two? All I remember is that party in the forest and the car wreck funeral.
Please Like Me>>>>>>>>Looking

Ooh what is Please Like Me? I'm always excited for new TV series suggestions... especially if they're LGBT themed.

Richie was definitely the best. If they had just made him the main character I wouldn't have been upset.

Yeah I was just thinking to myself.. what even happened in season two? All I remember is that party in the forest and the car wreck funeral.

Again, it was fine for me. However if most people are of this opinion then it seems pretty clear why it was canned. Personally I think maybe it just needed some time to hit its stride.
Unless you peaked absurdly early, I don't get how people can say that high school were the best years of their lives. I mean hell, I'm only 20 and I don't even look back on HS fondly.


Unless you peaked absurdly early, I don't get how people can say that high school were the best years of their lives. I mean hell, I'm only 20 and I don't even look back on HS fondly.

High School was pretty great for me until 11th grade where most of my close friends left my school and I turned into an awkward bitter mess...Skipped class a lot because I "hated" everyone there, would push back people that were perfectly friendly, and desperately tried to fit in with a crowd I didn't fit in. Eventually I just started playing MMO and just hoping time would pass faster so I would get far away from that place. I don't look back particularly fondly on those years either, I'm much happier now (26) than I was then. Never went back to visit my school or stuff like that, barely have any contact with my old classmates either outside of meeting them by chance on a night out these days.

Edit: Honestly I didn't have it bad at all, was never bullied or anything but I was still deeply unhappy. Realizing I was gay around that time and not being able to accept it probably didn't help.
Pretty much the only good thing about high school was the absurd abundance of free time/lack of responsibility. But on the other hand you had a stupid and insecure adolescent brain so you didn't really have the opportunity to appreciate it.

Like high school was fun for me and everything but when you're a teenager you're basically in the process of becoming a person. That goes for your 20s, too, but it's that much worse then.
Life began for me when I left school. I don't even think I had it so badly when compared to people who were really badly bullied etc. But I didn't discover who I was until I left.

There are still some seemingly insignificant social decisions I made back then that haunt me to this day.
I feel like permissions and trust totally outweigh the lack of responsibility, though. High school was just a bunch of brooding over legal driving curfews and not going out whenever you wanted, and even if you did get to go out you couldn't really do anything (legally).

I definitely prefer "run down to Target 30 minutes before closing to pick up more Keurig filters even though courses start up the next day and cleaning this damn thing out is losing me like an hour of sleep" as opposed to, like, "YEAH BUT EVERYONE ELSE WILL BE THERE MOM"


Ooh what is Please Like Me? I'm always excited for new TV series suggestions... especially if they're LGBT themed.

Australian comedy, I made an OT for it a while back before season 3 premièred (also talked about it in this thread). It gets compared to Girls and Looking quite a bit, but I think that's a bit unfair to the show, essentially it's about a dude named Josh who realises he's gay after getting dumped by his girlfriend. Though that's probably a too simplistic way of describing it, it deals with topics like family and mental illness better than pretty much any other show out there and it still manages to stay funny and sweet.

Also sorry for shitty tumblr gifs but they were so darn accessible:


edit: so sorry for shitty gif bonanza:






Please Like Me>>>>>>>>Looking

What is that??

Also I didn't love it but there were some really good episodes in there. I loved Dom, Doris, and Richie. I don't get the "nothing happened" complaint but I don't think the characters who were often the focus were strong enough to carry the slice of gay life show theme.
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