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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Neo Member
How come you're still a junior when your account is from 2008? You need to be more active in here. :p

I'm more of a lurker when it comes to Neogaf. :)

going for an eye test today, my right eye has been somewhat out of focus compared to my left, so i suspect ill have to make the choice between glasses and contact lenses. ill finally look like the geek that i am :p

I use both glasses and contact lenses. Tend to only really use contact lenses when I go out. Stick to glasses for when I'm working or doing something casual like hanging out at home playing games. It gets really easy to use contact lenses after a few attempts. I've been thinking about maybe getting bigger frames if I need to get new glasses when I do another eye test soon. Try something new.

I'm not sure why but it turns me on quite a bit to find out that this actor, Robert Kazinsky, is really into Mass Effect. I've got the same N7 hoodie. I think it would be really hot to play games with someone and start making out. A bit of a fantasy I suppose.



And you need the hours of sleep (disgust)

what time do you sleep? you really need only about 6-8 hours. my sweet spot is 6.5 hours. if i have a good deep sleep just 2 hours. anymore i get drowsy during the day (disgust)

I went to bed at 10 last night because I needed to be up early today.

I woke up at around 3 am to use the bathroom, then again at 6 am and fell asleep again till I had to get up at 7:30 am.

My issue isn't the amount of hours I sleep but I wish I could sleep for more than 5 hours straight without waking up.

If I can sleep for 8 hours straight without interruptions I'll be the happiest person in the world.
I went to bed at 10 last night because I needed to be up early today.

I woke up at around 3 am to use the bathroom, then again at 6 am and fell asleep again till I had to get up at 7:30 am.

My issue isn't the amount of hours I sleep but I wish I could sleep for more than 5 hours straight without waking up.

If I can sleep for 8 hours straight without interruptions I'll be the happiest person in the world.

you have old man bladder (disgust) go get that check with a urologist.


you have old man bladder (disgust) go get that check at the urologist.

Well I'm drinking 2.5-3 gallons of water a day, because accutane dries me up really bad.

I have to be near a source of water most of the time, drinking a zip of water like every five minutes.

Don't worry, you'll get there too. ;)
Well I'm drinking 2.5-3 gallons of water a day, because accutane dries me up really bad.

I have to be near a source of water most of the time, drinking a zip of water like every five minutes.

Don't worry, you'll get there too. ;)

monday! i'll be at the same dosage as you and i hope to feel your pain as well.

maybe then i'll stop being mean to you



I suddenly felt unwell today. For two days beforehand I had a stomach ache but today I suddenly started shivering and teeth chattering and got a headache. I was at work, I went straight to a doctor across the road. They saw me almost immediately though I didn't have an appointment since they were worried. They asked me if I had chest pain etc, but I didn't.

They checked for appendicitis, which I didn't think it was (it didn't hurt enough for that) but since the pain moved to the right side it was a possibility. It wasn't appendicitis.

I got a medical certificate the rest of the day and tomorrow. When I got home I brought up my lunch and later the water I was drinking to stay hydrated, and brought up the medicine for nausea and stomach pain. I had a temperature of 101.2 Fahrenheit/38.4 Celsius (underarm).

I feel much better now, sleeping through the afternoon. Eating/drinking is still risky but I don't have the stomach pain or headache or shivering at the moment.
Hope you will recover soon. Sounds like stomach flu to me.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Thank you.

So I guess you're a Kirby fan? I have a few Kirby games, and I just bought one for GBA, which is coming in the mail. The remake of Kirby's Adventure where you can play as Metaknight.

Indeed. As Pamplemousse said, Nightmare in Dream Land is a great game. I can still remember the song they used in the US commercials. I would say that game marked the beginning of an escalation in my dedication to the series. You chose wisely. :)
That's a great game! Just FYI, you have to play through the game twice, once normally and then a hard mode, in order to unlock Metaknight.

Thanks, I did not know that. I watched some speedruns of Meta Knight; that's what got me interested in the game. He only can take 3 hits, which is a limitation. Hopefully I will be able to unlock him.

Indeed. As Pamplemousse said, Nightmare in Dream Land is a great game. I can still remember the song they used in the US commercials. I would say that game marked the beginning of an escalation in my dedication to the series. You chose wisely. :)

Great. :) You've been following Kirby for a long time then. My first game was Canvas Curse on the DS. I just wish Kirby played more like he does in Super Smash Bros.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks, I did not know that. I watched some speedruns of Meta Knight; that's what got me interested in the game. He only can take 3 hits, which is a limitation. Hopefully I will be able to unlock him.

Great. :) You've been following Kirby for a long time then. My first game was Canvas Curse on the DS. I just wish Kirby played more like he does in Super Smash Bros.

Fron what I remember, Meta Knight is really fun to play as. The game is not too long, so you should be able to get his mode if you enjoy it.

I started with his first game (Kirby's Dream Land on Game Boy) and have been a fan ever since. Though I've been an inconsistent fan as I've aged, so I missed some of the games that came out post-Dream Land. I've been trying to fill my gaps with Virtual Console releases.

The games have a tendency to each feel different. I always run and like to be aggressive, exactly like I am in Smash with Kirby. Since his Smash moveset is an amalgation of several copy abilities with some made up stuff, it's hard to recreate well in the games. In Amazing Mirror, I believe there was a "Smash" ability specifically designed to emulate Smash Kirby. If you like the attack style of Kirby in Smash (and in particular like his smashes), I would recommend Fighter Kirby or some of the more physical ones (most recently I got a kick out of Beetle Kirby in Triple Deluxe). However, the copy abilities and weight/movement of Kirby undergo changes as you move through the series, so it's also worth re-evaluating the abilities in each game; my favorite in Nightmare in Dream Land was Cutter followed by (not really a spoiler but it surprised me as a kid)
, while my favorite in Triple Deluxe was Beetle followed by Fighter. I think Nightmare in Dream Land has rather simple copy abilities compared to something like Triple Deluxe where every ability has various button combos and a moveset. For example, Fire and Burning are two separate singular abilities in Nightmare in Dream Land that are combined in other entries into something a bit more complex.

I have really fond memories of Canvas Curse. I still need to play my copy of Rainbow Curse.

EDIT: Mobile typing is too slow. Pamplemousse beat me on the Smash moveset. :p


Top of the page, y'all know what that means:
If you want evidence that the tide of history may be turning irrevocably in the direction of LGBT rights across the world, you need only look to the staunchly Catholic Latin American country of Colombia.

“Equality is unstoppable and equality will also come to Colombia,” said the interior minister, Juan Fernando Cristo, as he announced that his government was in favour of marriage equality.
The Guardian: Six countries making progress on LGBT rights

That's right. Serious stuff.


2016 is the year for equality.

also Valentines day is sunday. anyone doing anything romanticer than usual with their love one or yourself?

Not doing anything with the bf on Valentine's day, he doesn't like it. Actually he won't be there on that day so I'm just going to go play board games with a few friends.


2016 is the year for equality.

also Valentines day is sunday. anyone doing anything romanticer than usual with their love one or yourself?
It sucks going out on Valentines Day because every place is packed. Just wait a week and have your own Valentines Day or something.


Top of the page, y'all know what that means:

The Guardian: Six countries making progress on LGBT rights

That's right. Serious stuff.

That's so amazing. Didn't know that about Mozambique and Vietnam. Kudos to them.

What I also wanted to know is if that's you in your avatar? :eek:

2016 is the year for equality.

also Valentines day is sunday. anyone doing anything romanticer than usual with their love one or yourself?

I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Probably eat ice cream.


That's so amazing. Didn't know that about Mozambique and Vietnam. Kudos to them.

What I also wanted to know is if that's you in your avatar? :eek:
I mentioned it before but nope;
Heh, no. Forgot that RPJ is a thing, so maybe should have waited with switching avatars. It is a still of Thommy Berggren from Kvarteret Korpen (Raven's End), usually hailed as the best film made in Sweden. Keeping with my theme of having moderately highbrow Swedish cultural references as avatars (well, two out of three counts as a theme right?).

I'm cuter.
2016 is the year for equality.

also Valentines day is sunday. anyone doing anything romanticer than usual with their love one or yourself?

Doing Valentines dinner on Saturday, because VDay on a Sunday is shitty since we both have work on Monday, and it will be packed everywhere. Probably just going to watch movies and stay in bed all day Sunday.


irresponsible vagina leak
I'll just treat Valentine's like another regular day. Maybe add an extra fap if I feel like making it fancy.


Loving hearing "you look like a queer with those glasses on" nice way to start the class.
He has a mighty strange preoccupation with what accessories identify you as "queer." I bet he obsesses over avoiding everything that he thinks other people might perceive as gay. Poor him. I wonder why that is...

cute glasses
Loving hearing "you look like a queer with those glasses on" nice way to start the class. The dude tries so hard to be edgy and cool.
I love my glasses.

those are good. i plan to get these whenever i go get my yearly checkup for stronger prescription.


i tried the at home pair and they look good.
He has a mighty strange preoccupation with what accessories identify you as "queer." I bet he obsesses over avoiding everything that he think other people might perceive as gay. Poor him. I wonder why that is...

cute glasses
Lol probably. To shut down the conversation i looked him the eyes and said yeah dude i suck dick, said it straight faced and seriously and he just didnt kinda know how to respond
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