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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Hunky Nostradamus




Remember to buy Communion by Years & Years

Really a damn good album, also didn't know that the lead singer is Neil's boyfriend (Clean Bandit) wich i saw live a couple of months ago and had such a freakin blast

Btw currently listening to

Greg Holden

Who made this

and Vance Joy

- absolutely obsessed with this one

Both had a pretty decent album as well


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Temper your expectations - it's good but not great.

I think it's one of their better ones lately. I will say I was expecting it to be a bit more ambitious based off the trailers, so I was a little disappointed about that at first.

Oh ok, will lower my expectations for Inside Out. I won't expect a film on the level of Wall-E, Finding Nemo or The Incredibles, but I'm just hoping for something better than Brave, Cars and Ratatouille.

The last time my expectations were too high was earlier this year with Age of Ultron and....... well we all know how that movie turned out

Oh ok, will lower my expectations for Inside Out. I won't expect a film on the level of Wall-E, Finding Nemo or The Incredibles, but I'm just hoping for something better than Brave, Cars and Ratatouille.

The last time my expectations were too high was earlier this year with Age of Ultron and....... well we all know how that movie turned out


Not this subtle Ratatouille shade. It easily outclasses both Cars and Brave. One of the better Pixar films.
Try to, if that helps you; but like daripad said; it's often much more draining to hold it in. I hope you get through all of this okay, regardless.

Theres no shame in crying at a funeral so dont feel bad. It doesnt help that Western funerals say they are supposed to celebrate and honor the lives of those who have died and then design the whole ritual to be as depressing as possible. Just try to remember everyone is going to be dealing with their own grief that theyre not going to be thinking about you. Youre not there to ask anything of them so dont worry about any of them.

I always try to go into funerals trying to disassociate the ritual of funerals from the actual death. Western funerals are so depressing that its hard not to be affected by it. The soft morose music, the displaying of the body and all the religious trappings are just noise that I have to block out. The body is just that. A body. Were born knowing one day we will die. Everything that was your grandfather is gone, but everything important he did, the memories of his life are still with those that knew him.

When the priest starts reading from the bible I tend to get emotional. Im not religioys and Im not sure why I do get worked up. But if you were able to read my thoughts furing those times youd hear me reciting the Greek alphabet, thinking about my grocery list or anything else to remove me from where I currently am.

When you get home you can mourn in your own way. Thats when everyone really does. The people closest to him probably havent had it hit them yet. Theyve been busy dealing with the funeral. But once everyones left the wake and theyre alone with their own grief, they will start the mourning process.

i dunno dude. i can appreciate that you're shy about crying, and there's nothing wrong with that ultimately, but seriously, let me reassure you that nobody is going to think you're weird or anything for doing it at a funeral of all places. i've been to 3 of them in the past year and all were pretty heartwrenching, despite only one of them actually being family (a great aunt). i wept like a baby at all three.

that said, if you don't cry/force yourself to not cry there, it's okay as well. like escape goat said, everyone deals with their grief in their own ways, and each way is totally valid.

Hey Soraan, go ahead and do whatever you need to do to grieve. Forget that anyone else is looking or is even watching you. Because chances are they don't care that you're crying or whatever.
If it's what feels right at the time, just let it all out.
Or don't. That's OK too.

I'm sorry for you loss though. :(

I'm so sorry about your loss Soraan :(. Stay strong. We're here for you.

Paid for ARTPOP. Paid for artRAVE. No regrets :)

Sorry for your loss! :(
What a horrible situation :(

Yeah wow they really are. Have been to one funeral in my life and it was a relative I didn't even like (my mother's dad, who was a shit to her) but at the funeral I just... lost it. I didn't even know what they said because it was all in finnish and I don't understand a word of it. Still broke down and cried like crazy. But I was like... less than 10 years old? Horrible.

Lost my father, his mom, his dad and his brother since then but never went to their funerals. Can't stand it.
People told me I would regret it but I still haven't and it's been 7 years since dad passed away. No regrets at all.

Thanks for all the support everyone. I actually made it through the funeral okay yesterday. Didn't end up crying there, but came close a few times especially when I saw my dad start crying and his sister (my aunt) had her arm wrapped around him. I've only seen him cry a couple times in my life and it always feels so weird to see that side of him.

And I'm not ashamed to cry really, but I feel like it's something I just prefer doing by myself. I have cried around other people before, but not in a big crowd like at a funeral. Actually, I take that back, I did cry at one of my uncle's funerals a long time ago. I know there's nothing wrong with it and no one would look at me and think I was weird for crying there, but I still wanted to hold back tears... I dunno why. :( I did cry afterwards when I got back home.

It did feel weird seeing some of my extended family members that I hadn't seen in a long time. They all had families and even kids I hadn't met until yesterday. Part of me wishes I hadn't let things get so bad that I distanced myself from them, but we are just so different. If they knew I was gay, they would shun me and want nothing to do with me. Like I said earlier, they are extremely religious/conservative/redneck-ish.

One thing that bugged me about the funeral is how all three preachers who talked started off talking about how great of a man my grandfather was, but then every single one of them transitioned from that to trying to basically "convert" people who had not been "saved" yet. Kept saying like if we wanted to see him again, we would need to make sure we were "saved" and found Jesus. I'm sorry, but this is a funeral about my grandfather, not a way for them to do a regular Sunday service. It just really bugged me during the funeral part inside the church. Almost felt like they didn't even think about my grandpa much. And my grandma was pretty pitiful honestly. She has alzheimers and asked a few times if my grandpa was still dead. :( Like after he was being put in the ground and everyone was eating in the basement of the church, she asked my dad if he was still dead or coming back soon. Was so heartbreaking. :( She's my only grandparent alive now, and I honestly am not expecting her to last the next couple years.

Anyway, thanks again everyone. I appreciate the kind words and support.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Health went down the drain in the past 40 hours. Started feeling ill two days ago in the late afternoon/evening right after moving, then woke up the next day worse. Escalated to a fairly high fever (
I never know...103.3 F is fairly high, right?
), but then it seemed to start to kind of dissipate a bit by the night. Today I still have a low fever and some head pain, but I feel much more mobile/lucid/functional. Crazy stuff.

Love it.

I really need to watch this, but they've stopped screening it at my local cinema. Any news on a release date for BR?

I believe Disney announced it's releasing on Blu-Ray on November 3 at their recent D23 event, but I think that date is for the US. It releases digitally on October 13 (once again, a US date).

I'm about to go to my first college class is so nervous help

I remember that feeling. You'll be fine. Soon enough, you won't be able to remember why you were nervous in the first place. Have fun!


I'm about to go to my first college class is so nervous help

I'm prob too late to reply before your first class, but if your experience is at all like mine then all you're going to do the first day of a class is talk about the syllabus and do some awkward-ish introductions. Don't worry, your first semester likely isn't going to be too difficult. The most difficult thing you're likely going to encounter is learning how to be personally responsible for time management but that'll come fairly naturally as time goes on.

Have a great first day.
You'll be fine and that's normal to feel like that on the first day. Chill a bit and look some butts.

Health went down the drain in the past 40 hours. Started feeling ill two days ago in the late afternoon/evening right after moving, then woke up the next day worse. Escalated to a fairly high fever (
I never know...103.3 F is fairly high, right?
), but then it seemed to start to kind of dissipate a bit by the night. Today I still have a low fever and some head pain, but I feel much more mobile/lucid/functional. Crazy stuff.

Love it.

I believe Disney announced it's releasing on Blu-Ray on November 3 at their recent D23 event, but I think that date is for the US. It releases digitally on October 13 (once again, a US date).

I remember that feeling. You'll be fine. Soon enough, you won't be able to remember why you were nervous in the first place. Have fun!

I'm prob too late to reply before your first class, but if your experience is at all like mine then all you're going to do the first day of a class is talk about the syllabus and do some awkward-ish introductions. Don't worry, your first semester likely isn't going to be too difficult. The most difficult thing you're likely going to encounter is learning how to be personally responsible for time management but that'll come fairly naturally as time goes on.

Have a great first day.
Thanks guys, it wasn't bad at all! I ended up taking a lot of notes with some vocab stuff too. I liked how I was thinking about keeping up with what the teacher was saying and taking notes, not who I was gonna talk with in that class. It's a very nice change from what I was used to in High School.
Thanks guys, it wasn't bad at all! I ended up taking a lot of notes with some vocab stuff too. I liked how I was thinking about keeping up with what the teacher was saying and taking notes, not who I was gonna talk with in that class. It's a very nice change from what I was used to in High School.
That's awesome BD. :)
That's how my first day was too. This whole first week should be fairly light.

My only advice would be to try and talk to some of your classmates in general because it'll be easier to find a study group when the need arises.

Plus, look into some of the clubs that your school has. That's the easiest way to meet people. :)

I hope you have a good first week. :D


Hunky Nostradamus
It's beautiful.




Thanks baes! <3

Health went down the drain in the past 40 hours. Started feeling ill two days ago in the late afternoon/evening right after moving, then woke up the next day worse. Escalated to a fairly high fever (
I never know...103.3 F is fairly high, right?
), but then it seemed to start to kind of dissipate a bit by the night. Today I still have a low fever and some head pain, but I feel much more mobile/lucid/functional. Crazy stuff.

Oof, that doesn't sound too good. If it gets worse promise you'll go to the doctor ok :)


Gold Member
Went on the Ocoee River for whitewater rafting. Did the upper river course that was in the 1996 olympics, it was awesome.


Anyways, giving Sense8 a second watch. I think I was too critical on my first viewing, trying to watch it through a Wachowskis Lens instead of just watching it for what it is. I'm enjoying it more this time around.

Also, unrelated:

Im about to finish Season 1 of The Wire.

RIP Wally. :( why they gotta do him that way? Akima you gotta pull through or Im going to be distraught
That's awesome BD. :)
That's how my first day was too. This whole first week should be fairly light.

My only advice would be to try and talk to some of your classmates in general because it'll be easier to find a study group when the need arises.

Plus, look into some of the clubs that your school has. That's the easiest way to meet people. :)

I hope you have a good first week. :D
Aww thank you! My class only has like 3 other people in it so group projects shouldn't be that hard to do, heh. Thanks for all the advice :D


Thanks guys, it wasn't bad at all! I ended up taking a lot of notes with some vocab stuff too. I liked how I was thinking about keeping up with what the teacher was saying and taking notes, not who I was gonna talk with in that class. It's a very nice change from what I was used to in High School.
That tends to happen to people when they're paying for their own education, haha. Good to hear you're settling in well.
Some people just don't appreciate the good things in life. Nothing sexier than a belly and a big butt.

Oh my god where were people like you my entire life.
I'm at the gym guys place, the one I talked to. His place ugly and I'm scared.


Like, how bad is it? Is it disheveled bachelor pad bad, "I'm afraid I'll leave here with bed bugs" bad, or "this is where they're going to find the bodies" bad?
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