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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Got my test results back! no sign of any infection

Gonna make getting tested a more regular thing definitely. And i'm going to be more careful in the future.


A man for a new page

Ed Sheeran pls


Got my test results back! no sign of any infection

Gonna make getting tested a more regular thing definitely. And i'm going to be more careful in the future.
Congrats. also I'm pretty sure you are supposed to get tested again after 3 months


I have the same issue. Just use Magnums, they accommodate for the extra thickness.
I must resist trying to promote my anti-condom argument again but, honestly, sex without condoms feels great. I understand the need for comfort and safety but, to me, nothing beats going in raw and having the overwhelming sense of intimacy of skin-on-skin contact.

I'm moving back to Nottingham today. not cool
I feel for you, bro.


Got my test results back! no sign of any infection

Gonna make getting tested a more regular thing definitely. And i'm going to be more careful in the future.

Phew. That's a relief :) I'm happy for you Razmos! Just remember to get tested again in 1.5 months to be 100% sure, but it should be OK.


irresponsible vagina leak
Not sure if cute or not but the guy I'm talking to and playing Tera with (and flirting yadda yadda) woke me up cause he couldn't sleep and wanted suggestions on things that might help him sleep or talk til he felt sleepy. Now usually at the time he messaged me I tend to be up since I tend to have issues to sleep (anxiety, stress, whatever) but I was already in deep slumber. I don't know how I managed to keep myself "cute" after getting my sleep fucked with.

After our conversation was over it was around 1:15am and I stayed up til 3am after that.


who even wants to scroll that far? all those extra gifs to load on mobile
Only way to make Safari survive while on GAF is to turn gifs off (they turn into tiny buttons you can click to see them). I dunno why YT embedding is standard either.


Had two huge exams to pass today, one went smoothly but the other one I wasn't nearly as well prepared (procrastinated too much during July because I'm stupid :( ) and I'm not so sure if it went okay or not (I don't expect to do well, even a passing grade would be "fine"). I'm stressed because I can't really afford to fail that one (well I sorta could but it would make the next year absolutely awful) because it's worth a lot of credits. Won't have the results until September too. At least the biggest part of those exams are over and now I'm left with slightly easier ones.

In the beginning he was gentle but then he was going in hard. I told him to let it out because he was hurting me. He wouldn't come out so I had to move to the side so that it would slip out. We readjusted and I grabbed the lube bottle and put a lot of it. He said it was normal for it to be that painful.

Well the first time (or if you haven't done it a while) if the person topping goes in too fast, your sphincter might suffer from spasms and those are painful as fuck yeah. Happened to me a few time and had to ask my bf to get out and wait for a bit until it stopped.

Anyway congrats on the sex :) It should hurt less the more you get used to it :)

Got my test results back! no sign of any infection

Gonna make getting tested a more regular thing definitely. And i'm going to be more careful in the future.

Good for you :) Hope everything keeps being fine in the next few months :)
Got my test results back! no sign of any infection

Gonna make getting tested a more regular thing definitely. And i'm going to be more careful in the future.
Yay! Congrats Raz!! <3
I must resist trying to promote my anti-condom argument again but, honestly, sex without condoms feels great. I understand the need for comfort and safety but, to me, nothing beats going in raw and having the overwhelming sense of intimacy of skin-on-skin contact.

Says he must resist... Argues it anyway...

Ok then here's my personal view.

I'd much rather sex be slightly less pleasurable and safe than slightly more pleasurable and risky for both me AND other potential partners.

I'm sure it feels great, but to me it's just not worth it. Sorry.


I must resist trying to promote my anti-condom argument again but, honestly, sex without condoms feels great. I understand the need for comfort and safety but, to me, nothing beats going in raw and having the overwhelming sense of intimacy of skin-on-skin contact.

Heh I think we've already argued about it but non protected sex is only okay between people who've developed a high level of trust between each other and are both clean. Not from random hookups you just met, that's just stupid.
Heh I think we've already argued about it but non protected sex is only okay between people who've developed a high level of trust between each other and are both clean. Not from random hookups you just met, that's just stupid.
Hm. What if the trust is there before the sex, but you really like them and they tell you they have HPV (just 'cause it's the most common)? Assuming you're friends first and all that. What would you guys do?


Speaking of results, I'll be getting my GCSE grades in 2 days. And if they're any reflection of how much effort I put in it won't be pretty.

Worst thing is we have enrollment to sixth form on the same day T_T


Hm. What if the trust is there before the sex, but you really like them and they tell you they have HPV (just 'cause it's the most common)? Assuming you're friends first and all that. What would you guys do?

Hmm, well HPV is a complicated one because while a condom reduces the risks of transmission, it can still infect areas that aren't covered... I would probably get vaccinated before engaging in sexual activity, as while it also doesn't give full protection, it'll at least protect you from the strains most likely to lead to cancer. It's actually recommended for Gay and Bisexual men in certain countries.
Hmm, well HPV is a complicated one because while a condom reduces the risks of transmission, it can still infect areas that aren't covered... I would probably get vaccinated before engaging in sexual activity, as while it also doesn't give full protection, it'll at least protect you from the strains most likely to lead to cancer. It's actually recommended for Gay and Bisexual men in certain countries.

I actually totally forgot that they have a vaccination for men with this now. How does it work though? Can you still get it if you're already sexually active?

And like.. What if you have HPV without knowing? o___o can the vaccination be dangerous in that kinda scenario?


I actually totally forgot that they have a vaccination for men with this now. How does it work though? Can you still get it if you're already sexually active?

And like.. What if you have HPV without knowing? o___o can the vaccination be dangerous in that kinda scenario?

From what I know (admittedly it's not much) : There's a lot of different strain of HPV, so the vaccine may still be useful even you've already had sexual intercourse.

Also it's actually pretty hard to know if you've contracted HPV without symptoms showing up in some way afaik, but again, since there's many different strain, it might still be useful, and I don't think it poses any danger unless you are immunodeficient (which could be for various reasons unrelated to aids).
HPV? Shit... Forgot about that.

Oh no no no no no! Don't panic or anything! If you're panicking? I'm not sure! LOL! But you're completely fine! No need to worry :)!

Sorry if I shouldn't have brought it up X_X!

From what I know (admittedly it's not much) : There's a lot of different strain of HPV, so the vaccine may still be useful even you've already had sexual intercourse.

Also it's actually pretty hard to know if you've contracted HPV without symptoms showing up in some way afaik, but again, since there's many different strain, it might still be useful, and I don't think it poses any danger unless you are immunodeficient (which could be for various reasons unrelated to aids).
Yeah this is what i was thinking too. Kinda like a flu shot, for lack of a better example LOL.

They have no way of testing for HPV unless you show symptoms, iirc, yeah!

Probably something I should just chat with my doc about. Never hurts to look into it and protect myself further.

Thanks Alrus <3

Unrelated, but I LEAVE FOR VEGAS TOMORROW MORNING ERNGULVISLVIUGRS. I can't wait to just relax. X_X It's long overdue.
what's HPV? hepatitis vampire?

also, do you guys condom in a relationship?

It stands for human papillomavirus! There's lots of info about it online if you're curious. :).

I haven't been in a relationship that's long-term enough to stop using condoms, really. I guess if I was with that partner long-term I might consider it. But stuff like that makes me pretty nervous so it would definitely take some time for me..


It stands for human papillomavirus! There's lots of info about it online if you're curious. :).

I haven't been in a relationship that's long-term enough to stop using condoms, really. I guess if I was with that partner long-term I might consider it. But stuff like that makes me pretty nervous so it would definitely take some time for me..

I probably should. :/ you crazy kids and your STDs! *sigh*

No cause my hand is loyal.



Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Here for the gif of queen Hyacinth.

Right? Keeping Up Appearances used to come on late at night on one of my cartoon channels for some reason as a kid, loved Hyacinth <3

It's pronounced "bouquet" not "bucket" XD

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Did some extensive research on HPV not too long ago.... (wall of text incoming...sorry)

Disclaimer from the future (quoting):

To be clear, most people get HPV in their lifetime and do not end up with warts or HPV-related cancer. Many people never notice as a lot of the strains are considered very mild.

HPV has over 100 strains. Most people get infected with it in their life, but also most cases (I just saw 70%, but I swear I've read 90% before) are resolved by the body within 1-2 years. The two results of HPV are warts and cancer. These are caused by different strains, so if you or your partner has genital warts, that does not mean you are at risk for cancer. However, you can be infected with multiple strains. HPV is spread by skin-to-skin contact. If you see visible signs of it (wart), then there's an obvious risk of infection, but it can be transmitted even when it's not visible. (I am unsure if the cancer strains ever make themselves visible besides when cancerous tissue is developing.) For men, HPV can infect the back of the throat (incl. base of tongue/tonsils), penis, and anus. Since it's based on skin-to-skin contact, condoms might not provide complete protection.

In the US, the vaccine is recommended for gay and bisexual men until the age of 26. Gardasil, one of the major vaccines in the US, vaccinates against 4 strains, two of which cause the majority of HPV cancer cases, and the other two of which cause the majority of warts cases. There is another vaccine that only vaccinates against the same two cancer strains. Other vaccines are in development to cover other forms of HPV. As far as I know, there is no issue with getting the vaccine, even if you're already infected (definitely ask your doctor); however, it will not cure the infection. According to my research, in the US, there isn't an official "male-approved" test (for women, it's a Pap smear), but I know someone who recently was able to get tested in their anus for four cancer strains before beginning a vaccination sequence.

tl;dr: I recently did an absurd amount of research on HPV and wanted to feel like it wasn't wasted, so I put it here. In truth, you should talk to your doctor about HPV. Vaccines are helpful if you're still eligible.

Hay guise whats going on in this thread

You changed your avatar! It looks brilliant.
I just have a stupidly big lower half X_X (bum, thighs, and calves). It is probably due to all the leg sports I've done throughout life. Jeans shopping makes me cry every time.


Speaking of results, I'll be getting my GCSE grades in 2 days. And if they're any reflection of how much effort I put in it won't be pretty.

Worst thing is we have enrollment to sixth form on the same day T_T
Woah, GCSE results? That was four years ago for me. Quit making me feel old!

Seriously though, good luck. Try not spending tomorrow worrying about it. I know it's stressful but handling results and enrolment will be easier if you spent the day before chilling. Nothing you can do now so no point stressing. :D


Woah, GCSE results? That was four years ago for me. Quit making me feel old!

Seriously though, good luck. Try not spending tomorrow worrying about it. I know it's stressful but handling results and enrolment will be easier if you spent the day before chilling. Nothing you can do now so no point stressing. :D

I probably care less about it than most people. The thing I dread most is mediocrity. At least if I crash and burn i can pass it off as a protest against the education system (especially given my expected grades)

It's weird how intellectually I'm not that concerned but emotionally I'm pissing and shitting myself in equal measure.
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