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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen


Capcom what the fuck are you doing?

Monster Hunter World better not suck or I'll be really sad.

I'd like to see you look like a bed of roses while having to deal with Infinity Stones bullshit.
did Capcom's lead artist die in 2011 or something. First SFV now this? wtf are with these faces.

anyway, sexiest man alive Jesse Williams is gonna be in Detroit, so im back interested in that game.

Astral Dog

WTF did they do to Dante?
thats new, actually reminds me of Donte wearing the wig.
Oh well most charxters look strange to hideous on MvCI doesn't change anything

Edit: though im noticing some'anime' faces don't traslate too well to this gen. Xenmas on KH3 looks scary

Astral Dog

I disagree, and I think the general public would as well.
Ignoring the general public comment i can relate to PDAs making me feel but insecure/uncomfortable but they are here to stay and don't harm anyone. Just try to look another way, most people would do them including you if they were in love, happy or whatever its difficult but accept it and move on with your day.
Wow the replies about my thoughts on going to Pride. If Pride is your cup of tea, then have a blast. Though healthy discussion!

Could be the perception I've gathered from those I know and such. Perhaps its completely different than I imagine, but who really knows. Every pride is different depending if we are talking small, or huge events, and I think thats where people forget things.

I do know its happened at local prides here, those types of things have happened I mentioned. Funny, as the people who did it made it known, and they're on gay apps like Grindr. I'm sorry, but its trash if you are doing that in public.

I'm proud of being who I am, but I don't feel the need to go shout it out in streets, parade it and such. I want to be equal, but at the exact same time I feel my sexual orientation doesn't define me, as some people want it to be known they are gay. Personally I want to blend in, and just live.

I have a guy on my FB friends list that will argue up and down why he is gay, why he is proud, and how people need to be tolerant of him and his femininity. I mean, thats great and all, but if he wants to force it down peoples throats, great... me though? I am more of a low key type.
Hmm. Im gonna be honest as someone that passed most of life trying to "blend" in and stressed about what other people think and coould bother them, That shit sucks FUCK it its not healthy, you give up chances to be who you are and happier to sustain some dipshit society norms and let people walk over you like dirt, and then realize they don't know any better.

Life is so short and pride supporters desrve to shine like any other person the way they want to do it at least one fucking month a year.
sorry now i feel like im on BGAE2 trailer


Like anybody with a conservative family I was averse to pride growing up but now...

I think Pride is great. The events are no more vulgar than straights get to have at EDM or music festivals but I don't see people bringing those up until you've already made a Pride dig tbh. And Pride has more to it than a party for most people - but I wouldn't count the party out of the value either. Maybe some of you need some history lesson on why Pride events are a thing? It sure as hell isn't just because gays want to party - your professors, politicians, and allies come to celebrate and speak out too. Pride is still chipping away at the negative reactions that LGBTQIA+ people get for their difference in sexuality and gender traits. The pressure to hide the part of you that you heard was gross or wrong while growing up has to be seen for outsiders to move on and accept the humanity alongside the rest of society.

And that's just America - it's less about the celebration and even more critical in other countries like Uganda where the statement to be seen, hidden traits unveiled, is as powerful or more so than it was during Pride's early days in the USA.

Pride doesn't have to be perfect to be valuable. There's plenty of people who feel less alone by seeing Pride events out in full view. I'm sure plenty of people get out of hand or have their own agenda, but the core positivity of the event is beautiful.

So sure, let it be seen that there are lots of us and we don't have to push away the kissing and camaraderie of the movement. I may not be comfortable going around shirtless and holding hands in rainbow paint down the avenue, but somebody did it before me and I admire them for doing so. I am no authority and I certainly don't think everyone needs to go to Pride, but as a shy person I have come to appreciate it a lot without needing to partake in any elements that disinterest me.

At the end of the day, I'm glad a lot of great people decided to be seen and heard alongside their allies for all those who haven't seen them before thanks to the longstanding pressure from society to keep it all out of their throats. 😘😘😘


I've been watching a lot of Esther Perel and Dan Savage on Infedility and Monogamy on youtube. Very interesting. It gives a new insight into "open relationships." or non-monogamous relationships.

This one was very interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJv0TEcLapg

Like anybody with a conservative family I was averse to pride growing up but now...


I think Pride is great.
At the end of the day, I'm glad a lot of great people decided to be seen and heard alongside their allies for all those who haven't seen them before thanks to the longstanding pressure from society to keep it all out of their throats. &#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;


Well said!


Hunky Nostradamus
I really thought Metroid was dead.

Same. too bad they just showed a logo for Prime 4.

also, i don't much like the look of the new 3ds remake of Samus Returns. the visuals look flat and ugly and there's too much of a focus on action (that may just be because it makes for a more exciting trailer though~) AM2R looks sooo much better


Same. too bad they just showed a logo for Prime 4.

also, i don't much like the look of the new 3ds remake of Samus Returns. the visuals look flat and ugly and there's too much of a focus on action (that may just be because it makes for a more exciting trailer though~) AM2R looks sooo much better

Oh the woman demoing it was all "you can see so much detail in the backgrounds" and I'm all "girl babawut?"

Astral Dog

They also showed a 2D Metroid for 3DS.

Same. too bad they just showed a logo for Prime 4.

also, i don't much like the look of the new 3ds remake of Samus Returns. the visuals look flat and ugly and there's too much of a focus on action (that may just be because it makes for a more exciting trailer though~) AM2R looks sooo much better
Yeah they should have done better on Switch, its seriously ugly im not sure why they thought it was a good idea besides cheap money (remaking Metroid II in itself is great but this can't be another Zero Mission)
Metroid 4 looks so early and by a new team you have to think Retro us making a new DK


I somehow came across a sex tape of these two fine Russian gentlemen:

Not sure how it leaked but oh god.
Googling "Egu Gato and Leo Bartenev" that should lead to a forum linking to the two videos, it's that simple.


Hunky Nostradamus
I somehow came across a sex tape of these two fine Russian gentlemen:

Not sure how it leaked but oh god
Googling "Egu Gato and Leo Bartenev" that should lead to a forum linking to the two videos, it's that simple.

who are they? wrestlers?

vid hot af btw
"Why are they marching? What rights don't they have?" , "No one cares; don't rub it in my face!" and " Special privileges" in 2017 highlight once again how much work there is to do.

Unfortunately, as long as uneducated and ignorant people continue to perpetuate this fallacy that LGBTQ recognition constitutes "special privilges", there is little progress to be made. So long as the community and it's allies remain quiet.
So I finally did it and just came out to everyone on facebook. Was huge relief and have received only a positive response so far. Happy pride month everybody!


So I finally did it and just came out to everyone on facebook. Was huge relief and have received only a positive response so far. Happy pride month everybody!

Stop shoving it down people's faces!!

jk! Congratulations, I'm sure that's a burden off your shoulders now. :)
I am looking forward to the most:
Bethesda's Punching Nazis fanfic
Macro/Micro Knack/Knack slash
Mario/Rabbids slash
Mario becomes poles
Splatting all over the place simulator

Maybe more will come to mind!


HD co-op Kirby with power mixing, man.
This too but Robo-Kirby still feels pretty recent to be honest. Anyway I'm not into DBZ but the new fighting game looks pretty decent. And the new 2D Metroid, that should be fun too.

And that's it for me :x
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