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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen

Akechi is mAh fave
Yeah he is good. Good voice.

But the boy I wanted my person to date is Mishima. At least at first. He seemed to have a big crush on MC so I wanted them to nowkiss.jpg.
Then (actual spoiler)
it goes into the unhealthier side of that worship which was great.


Yeah he is good. Good voice.

But the boy I wanted my person to date is Mishima. At least at first. He seemed to have a big crush on MC so I wanted them to nowkiss.jpg.
Then (actual spoiler)
it goes into the unhealthier side of that worship which was great.

Are you an NPC?!?


good thing it's not real

You shut your whore mouth!

Shit I liked in particular:
- Wolfenstein 2 because Wolfenstein TNO was great
- Dragon Ball Fighter Z
- Mario+Rabbids
- T W O F U C K I N G M E T R O I D G A M E S
- Super Mario Odyssey

Everything else was pleasant (most of Nintendo's conference to be honest) to average to boring. I still fucking hate the idea of M+R but it looks really good in action.
Mario + Rabbids looks like a lot of fun. I just don't like the rabbids :p

Anthem is being made by the A-team of Bioware. Andromeda was made by Bioware's....C-team, so it's almost as if there are completely different devs working on Anthem. Looking forward to it.

I'm gonna buy the physical version of Undertale just to have it. Already beat it on PC and I can't touch that masterpiece again


I somehow came across a sex tape of these two fine Russian gentlemen:

Not sure how it leaked but oh god.
Googling "Egu Gato and Leo Bartenev" that should lead to a forum linking to the two videos, it's that simple.

Cute guys but looking a bit 'roided up for my tastes. Will check out the video though just to confirm.

Anthem does look great but BioWare has a lot to prove before I blindly trust them again.

What they showed did look really cool (third-person destiny in cool environment) but 'Bioware' might as well be 'biohazard' to me right now. We'll see what state it launches in and then assess.


irresponsible vagina leak
Rabbid Princess Peach has more sass than Princess Peach so that gets the win. I miss sassy Princess Peach from Super Mario Strikers.


just got a huge paycheck from work but i'm waiting on a replacement credit card which means i can't spend shitttttt


i'm tryina go on a spending spreeee


Going to the Pride Festival this weekend in Chicago. Never been before as it seems like a lamer pride parade deal but eyy. Anyone else going?


just got a huge paycheck from work but i'm waiting on a replacement credit card which means i can't spend shitttttt


i'm tryina go on a spending spreeee

Nice! Did they not pay you for like a month or something or are you making that six figure salary? O:


I got a new tank in honor of 2017 GOTY Persona 5


Wow the slayage

I got a mug and two phone covers. One of the covers is black red and white with "Wake up Get Up Get Out There" on it, which is dope. The other is the art of The Chariot arcana from P5, which is mine (shared with Ryuji and Chie, vomit)
I seem to have encountered a cigarette Freeman on the Land at work today. He had a lit cigarette where it is illegal to smoke, in front of the service desk. I asked him to not smoke here. He denied he was smoking. The lit cigarette is the issue! He tried to argue that this was legal for reasons. A coworker took over at this point.

I got this Akiba's Trip videogame (not the recent one). Hopefully it is good. I am only renting it since I don't have high hopes.


irresponsible vagina leak
Lol why are all the people hitting on me lately into polyamory and are already in a relationship? Did I miss a memo or something?
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