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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen

I am amazed that I don't hear much about this! It's saddening to say the least. Even when working in the community, I don't see much for bisexual individuals.
Are you in a position to bring this issue up with the organisation/s you work with? If you are, maybe you could follow some bi social media (if you use it) and bring up things that catch your eye.

Bi Resource Center:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BRC_Central?s=09
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/biresource/

There sure as fuck won't be any happenings here in Donegal. :/

That won't stop me from being me, though. ;)
Sorry about that. I see it's 200km away from places that have or had bi events.

I don't think I'll go to any of the events for it this year but there's a regular meetup I go to each month that is next Tuesday. I'll just wear my bi pride wristband thing today. :)


Are you in a position to bring this issue up with the organisation/s you work with? If you are, maybe you could follow some bi social media (if you use it) and bring up things that catch your eye.

Bi Resource Center:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BRC_Central?s=09
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/biresource/

Sorry about that. I see it's 200km away from places that have or had bi events.

I don't think I'll go to any of the events for it this year but there's a regular meetup I go to each month that is next Tuesday. I'll just wear my bi pride wristband thing today. :)

I actually just had a conversation with a coworker about this. In my honest brutal opinion? The LGBT movement seems to be mostly focused on gay men and trying to change that is super difficult.

People aren't very open about it unfortunately.


Hunky Nostradamus
It’s unique. It’s more atmospheric and streamlined than GTA’s mass of activities and chaos. Gameplay is more open and less frustrating than the more broad gameplay of GTA can get. The tone is more sophisticated and memorable. Side activities are mostly really well designed to be optional ways to get more character time. More emphasis on exploring than action compared to GTA, but no platforming and way more competent story than an Assassin’s Creed game.

It’s easily one of the masterpieces in gaming, honestly. It’s almost universally liked. It’s also significantly different from GTA so there’s no guarantee someone who likes GTA would like Red Dead and vice verse.

Hmm, how are the controls?

I got diagnosed with major depression a few days ago, and got given meds.

That's great to hear - good for you man! :D
I actually just had a conversation with a coworker about this. In my honest brutal opinion? The LGBT movement seems to be mostly focused on gay men and trying to change that is super difficult.

People aren't very open about it unfortunately.

It's true, everyone doesn't get a proper seat at the table and that needs to be changed.
Anyone else on antidepressants? I got diagnosed with major depression a few days ago, and got given meds. Was told I've had it since I was a kid (not surprised), but it's kind of funny that I only went to the doctor for stomach issues, and then came out with a prescription for antidepressants (well, the stomach stuff, too). I guess I'm thankful he noticed and started asking me a bunch of questions.

I'm actually very surprised how they've already made everything seem just a smidge brighter, like I have it in me to actually be able to do things I want to do. Hell, I even cleaned my room and read. I even sat down to start writing. Small, but a huge deal for me.

I've basically been living like a slob because I just didn't have the energy (or will) to do anything, at least until it got extremely inconvenient (strange smells, no more room to walk, no more place to leave dishes, etc). That stuff was easy to get away with because I'm mostly a shut-in. I always joke I'll be one of those deaths that doesn't get discovered until months later.

Most of my recent years have been me just existing, my thoughts eating away at my time unless I numbed them with video games or Netflix. But they started to affect that, too. Sometimes I'd even have days where my mind was nothing but a chain reaction of daydreams haunted by regrets, and an eventual crash where I'm just reminded how much of a failure I actually am. You know, fun stuff. Felt like each thought was an hour, then the whole day would be gone, or it'd be morning. Time and dates blurred together for me.

But, yeah, it's going to be five days soon since the diagnosis/pill, and I haven't had a bad thought since then. I'm... really impressed. I hope it lasts, but I have no point of reference to know what to expect. I don't expect the world, obviously, but pessimist me has been happy with the results so far (My prescription was for three months to start with).

In other news, it's been about a month since I went vegetarian. It's been such an easy change that it's hard to believe it's been a month already. Feels like only yesterday that I said, "fuck it," after a terrible experience with a hamburger.

I think my favorite thing I made was eggplant lasagna. Ugh, my mouth is watering just thinking about how good it came out. If only it weren't such a pain to make because of our small oven, haha. Never even had eggplant before I decided to try making it into a lasagna. Glad I did!

I've also been making batches of tomato soup lately. So easy and filling, though I eat it with bolillos, heh. Kinda kills the healthiness of it, but whatever. Roasting the tomatoes and onion with s&p plus Cayenne pepper, and adding roasted garlic when blending... omg.

Roasting garlic is nirvana. Can't wait till I have to roast more just for that amazing smell that permeates the whole house.

Before this I had never had tomato soup. I know, I know. My mom refused to ever feed us canned soups, and the mentality just followed me. Plus, since we're Mexican, we just ate other kinds of soups. Tomato soup is super easy to avoid, too.

Anyway, I'm rambling. I left this post open for about two hours before deciding to hit post. No going back!

I starting taking them earlier this year. My improvement has been like night and day. It's good that you were able to get some help.


I saw it. It wasn't very good, but the kids were amazing. Great job by all of them. It has some good parts, but overall, I was kinda meh about it.
The casting for the kids was A level. I couldn't believe what a great job they did assembling the Derry Losers for this movie.

All in all, I thought the film was good, not great. One of the biggest things for me was that Skarsgard just wasn't very impressive (and I'm not just saying that because I preferred Tim Curry's performance from the 1990 version). The film definitely didn't fill me with the sense of dread I got while reading the novel.


I hate supernatural horror and think it’s very dumb yet I had a great time with the Losers in IT. They were totally worth the time. Well written and super good casting where most kid acting would fail. The actual horror parts were meh as I expected for me.
Im going to see IT on Monday. He is the new gay icon so it counts?

I enjoyed the movie. I'm not a huge horror person (though I might not be able to say this much longer, given how many horror movies I've been watching lately), but the Losers were basically perfect and there were some pretty neat setpieces. I wouldn't say it was particularly scary, though there were a number of startling loud noises.



I guess I might give it a try then. If I can get a good price for a used copy~


Red Dead Redemption? Easily one of the best sand-box games ever. I usually don't like sandbox games unless the gameplay is fun but even then I lose interest. RDR's story was intriguing and fun. The world was also super fun and it felt varied and complex even though the map wasn't that big. Also the zombie expansion is really fun.


The Edinburg Action for Trans Health posted a manifesto of sorts. A lot of demands in it...


the centuries-long repression of trans lives at the hands of the state, the next stage in the UK government’s war of bureaucratic attrition is the recent publication of an NHS consultation that fails in every possible capacity, and a survey that gathers less data than we’ve already presented them. We call upon everyone fighting for the health of trans people to boycott this consultation & the survey, and reject its procedures & results in full. We encourage hostile participation in the form of direct submissions of demands that don’t react to the questions posed or restrict themselves to the scope imposed by the government.

We wholly reject the NHS’s attempt to codify the abuse, torment & traumatisation of trans people under the guise of ‘healthcare’. We demand accountability for the historic & present abuse of power that the NHS has encouraged glorified psychiatrists to carry out. You do not own our bodies, you cannot control our lives, and you will not prevent our needs being met. We will not tolerate compromise.

The following living document is our vision for trans futures. We do not consider that our work will ever be complete, there will always be greater things on the horizon. As such, this manifesto is not final, but an open draft which will evolve as we do. This is our call to action. We will fight anyone who stands in the way of universal liberation. This is war, and we will win.


Trans health is bodily autonomy. We will express our needs, and they will be met. We will change our bodies however we want. We will have universally accessible and freely available hormones & blockers, surgical procedures, and any other relevant treatments and therapies. We will end the medical gatekeeping of our bodies. We will have full, historical accountability for the abuses perpetuated against us in the name of 'healthcare’. We will see reparations for these crimes, and the crimes committed against others in our names.

We are not too ill, too disabled, too anxious, too depressed, too psychotic, too Mad, too foreign, too young, too old, too fat, too thin, too poor, or too queer to make decisions about our bodies and our futures. We are all self-medicating. Our agency will be recognised. We each labour far harder for the health of ourselves and those around us than any doctor ever has, and we will continue build supportive communities on principles of mutual aid.

We deny the separation of bodies, minds, and selves - a violence against any part of us is a violence against all of us. We believe that the epidemic of chronic conditions in our communities is a consequence of the war of attrition waged against us over centuries. We do not exist in isolation, and it is essential to our healthcare that we are all healing together, healing each other, and healing our world. We will heal the damage of borders and states, government and authority, capitalism and imperialism.

We recognise that the history of trans medicine is a history of colonial and fascist abuse. We see the history of eugenicist experimentation from Nazi concentration camps, to the colonial implentation of the West’s regime of the gender binary, to virginity tests for South Asian and other Women of Colour in the UK in the 1970s; from the sterilisation & birth control trials forced on the women of Puerto Rico, to the thousands of Black and brown people who have died on NHS psychiatric wards; from the denial of the reproductive rights of disabled people, to the denial of access to abortions to people in the North of Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, past and present. We see the continued
manifestation of eugenicist medicine in the denial of our bodily autonomy as trans people today: from coercive surgeries on intersex infants, to forced sterilisation in parts of europe, policing of and misinformation regarding our sexual reproduction, to gatekeeping of surgeries and medicines.

Our fight for bodily autonomy cannot be separated from our fight for reproductive justice. The demand to do what we want with our bodies is necessarily a demand for free and accessible abortions, for the decriminalisation of sex work, and for universal self-determination. We fight for an end to borders, prisons and police. We recognise that we do not exist independently of our environment, and so our fight for self-determination and health is a fight for climate justice, too. We are not separate from our environment, health is unattainable while the water is poisoned and the land is scorched.

There will be no clinics, and no authorities. We will conduct our own research, and experiment with our own bodies. We will heal and grow together. We will accumulate knowledge and share it freely and accessibly. We demand nothing less than the total abolition of the clinic, of psychiatry, and of the medical-industrial complex. We demand an end to capitalist & colonialist “medicine”.

We demand hormones & blockers are made available over-the-counter and by free prescription upon request. We need free, universal access to safe hormones & blockers at any age, the opportunity to decide our own doses, and universally accessible information on the safety & efficacy of different regimens. We are already taking hormones in this way, so this demand is simply that the danger of doing so is effectively mitigated.

We demand that all therapies that can be are made available at drop-ins, with self-referral for any therapy or procedure for which drop-in is unsuitable.

We demand anonymous blood tests, both postal & at drop-in endocrinology clinics, where we can seek the advice of a consultant if we wish.

We demand the freedom to alter our bodies without justification. We demand an end to all surgical prerequisites - nobody should have to prove life experience,health or have to be taking hormones in order to exercise bodily autonomy. We demand that these surgeries can be highly customised to meet our individual & unique needs. We demand the right to multiple surgeries, including reversal of previous surgeries if desired, so that we do not have to fear regret. We demand the free & timely provision of genital surgeries, additive & reductive chest surgeries, hysterectomies and orchiectomies, tracheal & vocal surgeries, facial surgeries, lipoplasty, contouring & microdermabrasion, surgical hair removal & transplantation, and any other possible procedure to meet our needs as we express them.

We demand resources for hair removal anywhere on our bodies, and the option of local anesthetic during these procedures.

We demand voice coaching that does not coerce us to alter our voices in ways we do not express a need for, but respects our accents and our right to express ourselves however we desire.

We demand access to counselling & and any other therapies we choose.

We demand the revocation of medical licenses from all gender clinic doctors & nurses, past and present.

We demand the power to hold abusers of medical & administrative power accountable for historical & present injustices.

We demand medical training to enable us to safely carry out medical procedures & research for each other, for anyone of us who wants to learn. We will enhance our collective knowledge, so that the means to understand our bodies is universally accessible. We demand to improve the quality of medications we take and procedures we undergo, to reduce negative side-effects in the long term, and to highlight our own experience and understanding of their effects on our bodies.

We demand research centres & libraries of knowledge, autonomously & horizontally organised by and for trans people, in which research subjects are equal participants in deciding the experiments conducted & the manner in which those experiments are carried out. We demand full funding for any research or projects undertaken by these collectives.

We demand mandatory education, written & taught entirely by trans people, at all educational stages, from nursery to adulthood. Trans kids have a need to understand themselves, in the context of their own bodies, lives & experiences. We must repair the damage done by section 28, the legacy of which is still causing harm to today’s children.

We demand material reparations for historical abuses against trans people, and for all people hurt by eugenicist medical practices and policies.

We demand an end to birth certificates and to legal gender. Gender records should be anonymised, and only ever recorded as part of equalities monitoring. Neither government, nor any institution, has any justification for keeping a register of trans people. Birth certificates are not just a violence against trans people, they are a material to the state’s oppression of “undocumented” immigrants and asylum seekers.

We demand good quality, accessible & safe homes for all; and demand adquate resources to trans and marginalised people to establish communes & housing co-operatives to schemes and projects.

We demand that trans people are immediately freed from police, military & government contracts without repercussions. We reject the system of blackmail that corporations and governments engage in, whereby trans people who can work are “rewarded” with slightly less mistreatment in exchange for the exploitation of our labour. We will not allow pinkwashing of the violence of capitalism, imperialism and the state.

We demand amnesty, recourse to public funds and indefinite right to remain for all trans, lesbian, gay and bisexual immigrants & asylum seekers. No one is illegal.

We demand immediate release & pardon for all trans prisoners.


Happy bi visibility day, friends :) Every year I feel like I get louder and prouder, and I couldn't be happier to be living like that.


Ratsky did you like The OA on Netflix? I just finished and loved it but I’m a Brit Marling kinda person

Excited for Part II


Finished watching Grace and Frankie. All three seasons. Definitely one of the best Netflix comedies out there. It didn't get boring or repetitive like the other ones (*cough Kimmy Schmidt *cough)


(*cough Kimmy Schmidt *cough)

UNBREAKABLE! THEY'RE ALIVE DAMMIT! ITS A MIRACLE!! I loved, LOVED Kimmy Schmidt! I thought it was one of the stronger netflix shows.

I felt season 3 of grace and frankie was a bit eh, sluggish compared to the other two seasons but it was enjoyable overall.


Is it weird that I don't know any Bi person in person? Maybe because of my social circle, gay at one side and straight engineering students at the other don't really foster bi acceptance?


UNBREAKABLE! THEY'RE ALIVE DAMMIT! ITS A MIRACLE!! I loved, LOVED Kimmy Schmidt! I thought it was one of the stronger netflix shows.

I felt season 3 of grace and frankie was a bit eh, sluggish compared to the other two seasons but it was enjoyable overall.

I was trying to get my fix of comedies so I was in a journey watching Kimmy Schmidt and Crazy Ex-girlfriend among others I forgot about but they both became too formulaic.

I still haven't finished season 2 of CXG. Loved the first season, same with Kimmy but both shows around season 2 became boring to me. I:

I'll have to continue watching them just to finish them, and because Rachel Bloom is amazing and so is the supporting cast of Kimmy. I actually find the supporting characters in Kimmy Schmidt to be more entertaining than Kimmy herself, and more likable too.

Beth Cyra

Zero²;249885891 said:
Is it weird that I don't know any Bi person in person? Maybe because of my social circle, gay at one side and straight engineering students at the other don't really foster bi acceptance?
Not sure about weird.

There is an aspect of someone being Bi and feeling like they don't fit with either group unless they pick a side so it maybe possible you know more then you think?

I know a few admittedly Bi people, Heather is certainly Bi (though much closer to Straight) and one of my best friends is Bi, but I honestly know more Gay folk who are Anti Bi then I do Bi/Pan folks.


Hunky Nostradamus
Kevyt? gurl pick a name

Red Dead Redemption? Easily one of the best sand-box games ever. I usually don't like sandbox games unless the gameplay is fun but even then I lose interest. RDR's story was intriguing and fun. The world was also super fun and it felt varied and complex even though the map wasn't that big. Also the zombie expansion is really fun.

ok ok ive been sold

is the game of the year edition worth it

I was trying to get my fix of comedies so I was in a journey watching Kimmy Schmidt and Crazy Ex-girlfriend among others

Watch 'Crashing'. The first episode is kinda shitty but the rest is hilarious. Only 6 episodes!


Zero²;249885891 said:
Is it weird that I don't know any Bi person in person? Maybe because of my social circle, gay at one side and straight engineering students at the other don't really foster bi acceptance?

I friend of mine I have known for years turned out to be bi. It is like a rainbow just landed at my feet.


Zero²;249885891 said:
Is it weird that I don't know any Bi person in person? Maybe because of my social circle, gay at one side and straight engineering students at the other don't really foster bi acceptance?
Maybe you do actually?


Maybe you do actually?

I friend of mine I have known for years turned out to be bi. It is like a rainbow just landed at my feet.

Not sure about weird.

There is an aspect of someone being Bi and feeling like they don't fit with either group unless they pick a side so it maybe possible you know more then you think?

I know a few admittedly Bi people, Heather is certainly Bi (though much closer to Straight) and one of my best friends is Bi, but I honestly know more Gay folk who are Anti Bi then I do Bi/Pan folks.
Well it's definitely a possibility as there are quite a few people I know firmly in the closet. Sometimes I wonder if there is anything I can do to help, I know at least with my gay friends it helped to have me there to serve as a role model, and show it's ok to be gay even amidst an overall homophobic culture that is an engineering course.


Kevyt? gurl pick a name

ok ok ive been sold

is the game of the year edition worth it

Watch 'Crashing'. The first episode is kinda shitty but the rest is hilarious. Only 6 episodes!

Yes, it is worth it! You won't regret it!

Also, someone picked this name for me so I went with it! It's a Finnish word that means light or gentle (depending on the context ???), sounds nice, and is very close to my name. So I like it!

I also considered WatskyRatsky~ :p


Hunky Nostradamus
Yes, it is worth it! You won't regret it!

Also, someone picked this name for me so I went with it! It's a Finnish word that means light or gentle (depending on the context ???), sounds nice, and is very close to my name. So I like it!

I also considered WatskyRatsky~ :p

Hmm, okay

I guess that's fitting, then



I'm so dumb every time some guy makes me feel shitty I just post nudes on Tumblr like that's supposed to make me feel better. But in other news I hate men

Beth Cyra

I'm so dumb every time some guy makes me feel shitty I just post nudes on Tumblr like that's supposed to make me feel better. But in other news I hate men
I was thinking of posting my image on Tumblr for some fashion advice, Heather said I need to try and go on a date but I can't think of what I'd even wear these days that isn't work out gear.
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