Title: Liberation Maiden
Platform: 3DS eShop (EU, AU, NA). Guild 01 (JP)
Release date(s): Oct 4, 2012 (EU, AU), May 31, 2012 (JP), TBD (NA)
Price: £7.19 (UK), €7,99, $12 (AUS), TBA (US/C)
Players: One player
Genre: Shooter/Action/Arcade
Developer: Level 5 and Grasshopper Manufacture
Players take on the role of Shoko Ozora, who rides out on her Liberator, Kamui, to free the country of New Japan from invading forces. Shoko will face powerful opposition from an arsenal of ground forces, culminating in thrilling showdowns with the enemy's massive mechanical Conduit Spikes.
Featuring breathtaking animation by Bones using fully voiced dialog and contributions by an all star cast of artists, designers and musicians who bring AAA production value to the downloadable space.
Nintendo-Gamer - 79/100
Liberation Maiden is a solid shooter with top-notch presentation (the cut-scenes by anime studio Bones are superb) and frantic action. It’s by no means the longest game in the world so only high score fiends will get the best out of it, but if you fall into that category this is well worth your £7.19.
Verdict: Suda51's shooter is brief but enjoyable. High score-beating is the order of the day if you want to get the most out of it.
Edge Online - 6/10
Released in Japan as one quarter of Level-5’s Guild01 compilation and now on the European 3DS eShop, Suda 51’s Liberation Maiden has a fittingly eccentric narrative setup, sending the young, female president of a futuristic Japan out to do battle in a flying mech suit. What follows, however, is surprisingly restrained: it’s a relatively straightforward airborne thirdperson shooter that carries strong echoes of Q-Games’ Star Fox Command. Suda’s familiar brand of dark, knowing humour is conspicuous by its absence.
Video Impressions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZFteHyBqqU
(Credit to http://www.latest3dsgames.com/ - no affiliation, just a useful video for those wanting to see it in action)
My General Impressions:
I picked this up the other day on a whim. It was shown briefly in the EU Nintendo Direct but only in the form of the initial level's opening anime cinematics. You play as a young woman in a mech suit who happens to be President of Japan. This might be a modern day allegory to King Richard the Lionheart or it could be a simpler case of explaining why she gets to fly expensive robots instead of dealing with the Legislature.
Liberation Maiden plays loosely like a cross between Rez/Sin and Punishment 2/Zone of the Enders. Without namedropping those three games for no good reason, it plays mechanically very similarly to them. You navigate your character in a 3D world but are limited to moving left/right or strafing. You have no vertical movement. All movement is by the circle pad.
You fire at enemies by sliding the stylus across the screen as a virtual trackpad, and lock onto them Rez/S&P style. Release to unleash a volley of fire. The more shots you release the less shields you have, so there is a bit of a risk/reward theme at play.
You can also switch between normal movement and strafing (around a central point of focus) via the left shoulder button. This can either be set to toggle or hold. I advise people to use toggle to minimise hand cramps.
People in the EU Nintendo Direct thread reported that it was not friendly for left handed gamers. Useful metric for comparison seems to be Kid Icarus Uprising. If you are a lefty and could play it without the CCPro you will probably fare ok here. If not, might be better to wait for a demo.
Visually, the presentation is nice, visuals are quite good for 3DS, perhaps a step up from Ace Combat 3DS for those who have played it. Mission details and objectives are updated during the action, and it's a really user-friendly game to get into.
Overall I'm happy I bought it, here's hoping others who jumped in can add details for those waiting to see.
But wait, there's more:
Liberation Maiden was released as part of Guild 01 in Japan. Two more games from that package are releasing on the eShop in coming months.
Aero Porter (by Yoot Saito - Odama and Seaman) and Crimson Shroud (Yasumi Matsuno - Final Fantasy XII and Vagrant Story).
Note: Due to the low key of this release, it is quite difficult to find much in the way of media and details on the game. I bought it blindly, but if you have any more details and impressions that would be useful for the OT, please let me know. Thanks!