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luxsol said:
Ever heard of indentured servants? They were pretty popular before slavery was legalized in the colonies. These were white Christians people who paid for their voyage to the Americas by agreeing to work for a certain amount of time as a slave for their "owner." I believe they stopped (or it slowed down) indentured servitude cause it was just cheaper to buy a black.

In case you didn't know, indentured servitude did not usually last an indefinite amount of time (at least according to the contracts). Furthermore, the indentured servitude was not inherited from parent to child like in the case of slaves.

BTW, your statement exibited US-centric viewpoint. The Spanish used a lot of labor that was not paid. This ranges from slavery to labor tributes.

For the record, the first blacks in America were indentured servents themselves, not slaves.
Link? I recalled from a history class that black people (I don't remember their status) came with the conquistadors.
Tommie Hu$tle said:
One would think, one would think but if you were to give ask someone for an image of the typical criminal/drug user/welfare recipiant I doubt you would get an image of a white person.

Of course there are more whites on welfare in total ABSOLUTE NUMBERS.

Percentage wise...

Whites make up 75% of the US population. 75% of 295,000,000 people is what? Around 220,000,000. Blacks make up around 17% of the population, around 50,000,000.

Total welfare recipiants around 6 million. Divided with 50% white, 35% black.

3,000,000 whites out of 220,000,000 whites is around 1%. So 1% of whites are on welfare.

2,100,000 blacks out of 50,000,000 blacks is around 4%. So 4% of blacks are on welfare.
Odnetnin said:

Originally posted by CrystalGemini....
If you want to really see life without black people, go to asia. Seriously. O_O

or iceland. or australia. or mongolia.

Ahhh, Honey, we have native blacks here. Our Aborigines lived here for over a billion years before us whites showed up. They looked after this country and this landscape and respected what they had.

We came along and fucked it all up in 200 years.
Alyssa DeJour said:
Ahhh, Honey, we have native blacks here. Our Aborigines lived here for over a billion years before us whites showed up.

Nothing is stopping you from moving back into the stoneage. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of caves well suited for ya.

They looked after this country and this landscape and respected what they had.

That's a nice romantic picture you painted.

We came along and fucked it all up in 200 years.

You're welcome to leave civilization. Turn off your computer, trade in your manufactured clothes for a loin cloth and knock yourself out.
Sokar said:
Nothing is stopping you from moving back into the stoneage. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of caves well suited for ya.
Where exactly in her statement does she say that she wants to move "back into the stoneage[sic]"?

That's a nice romantic picture you painted.
Are you saying that it's a romanticized verson of history? Then how would you correct that vision?
You're welcome to leave civilization. Turn off your computer, trade in your manufactured clothes for a loin cloth and knock yourself out.
Tell me exactly where she says that she wants to "leave civilization". Actually, show me what about her statement would suggest that she wants to go as far as knocking herself out. You know, you can screw up the environment just by introducing exotic species or killing off native ones. Two rabbits that successfully reproduce would have a greater effect than one computer.
Hammy said:
You know, you can screw up the environment just by introducing exotic species or killing off native ones. Two rabbits that successfully reproduce would have a greater effect than one computer.

And we devastated our environment by introducing rabbits (among many other things) into Australia.

Well said Hammy. You know where it’s at!

Another interesting but sad fact about my country. White Australians are the only ones to have been “successful” in genocide, for want of a better word, of another race of people. We landed in this country, and we took the Aborigines land from them. To make the process easier in Tasmania, we proceeded to kill all the Aborigines there. A few years ago, the last one left, a woman, died. Now there are none. For all those thousands, millions of years they lived there. Now they are gone. We succeeded where Hitler failed.
It is so shameful.
And with us we brought disease. On the mainland, of the native clans that didn’t get wiped out by chicken pox, we stole their children and fostered them out to good “Christian” families and into Christian orphanages, and we forced our beliefs upon them, showing these “heathens” our way, the “right way”, saving their souls. Their beautiful and peaceful culture and ways, despite being passed on for thousands and thousands of years, was irrelevant.
So sad.
Look at what we have done in 200 years. Not only to the land, but to the people.
And our stupid government won’t even say sorry.
We have a lot to answer for.


Hammy said:
In case you didn't know, indentured servitude did not usually last an indefinite amount of time (at least according to the contracts). Furthermore, the indentured servitude was not inherited from parent to child like in the case of slaves.

BTW, your statement exibited US-centric viewpoint. The Spanish used a lot of labor that was not paid. This ranges from slavery to labor tributes.

Link? I recalled from a history class that black people (I don't remember their status) came with the conquistadors.

Excuse me, I was only speaking for NORTH America.....I have no idea how things were in central and south America....so, maybe the conquistadors brought slaves with them...I really don't know..
segarr said:
Excuse me, I was only speaking for NORTH America.....I have no idea how things were in central and south America....so, maybe the conquistadors brought slaves with them...I really don't know..
I hope you didn't forget that Mexico and the Caribbean are part of North America. Also, people usually include Central America with North America.


isamu said:
1. There are very few crops that have flourished because the
nation was built on a slave-supported system.

They would have just got whatever civilization that didn't have guns. The Natives, Chinese, or white people that they hated.

isamu said:
2. There are no cities with tall skyscrapers because Alexander
Mils, a black man, invented the elevator, and without it, one
finds great difficulty reaching higher floors.

This dude did not invent the elevator unless the egyptions somehow made 1-story pyramids untill Mils. And even if he didn't some other person would have.

isamu said:
3. There are few if any cars because Richard Spikes, a black man,
invented the automatic gearshift

Uh you can drive a car without automatic gearshift.

isamu said:

Just because you invent something does not mean that no one else can invent it if they did not exist.


force push the doodoo rock
if it wasnt for black people, we wouldnt have the dance where girls make their booty's jiggle on your crotch.

thank you black people, thank you very much.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Sad how a benign yet interesting original thread (about black people) can bring out the worst in people...
Hammy said:
Where exactly in her statement does she say that she wants to move "back into the stoneage[sic]"?

Her western/white guilt and the feeling of illegitamacy of the new occupiers vs aboriginals?

Are you saying that it's a romanticized verson of history? Then how would you correct that vision?

Aboriginal Tribal customs were heavily enforced and those who broke them and fled would be hunted down and killed. Tribal warfare were brutal, even women and children were killed during these violent clashes.

Hardly the utopian society she makes it out to be.

Tell me exactly where she says that she wants to "leave civilization". Actually, show me what about her statement would suggest that she wants to go as far as knocking herself out. You know, you can screw up the environment just by introducing exotic species or killing off native ones. Two rabbits that successfully reproduce would have a greater effect than one computer.

Her disgust with the western civilization she sees as the inherent basis of all evil in the world.

Jobs, computers, cars, houses, those all damage the enviroment one way or another. Sure more enviromental friendly business would slow it down, but would still damage the enviroment. Since all these things damage the enviroment one way or another, the only way to not be apart of that is to leave civilization.

The fact that humans migrated all over the world early in our history. I'm sure the areas we migrated to were damaged by our arrival.

djtiesto said:
Sad how a benign yet interesting original thread (about black people) can bring out the worst in people...

Telling the truth brings out the worst in people?

Himuro said:
This is funny because the white people helped us (and other minorities) get into this situation and also kinda refuse to help us out of it (example: saying they want to get rid of affirmative action when it's really one of the few ways minorities in the inner city can go to college because of the bad schools but at the same time don't put money in inner city schools to make them better, among other examples).

Sokar said:
Her western/white guilt and the feeling of illegitamacy of the new occupiers vs aboriginals?
It's still a leap to say that she wants to "move back to the stone age". You're stuffing words into her mouth.

Aboriginal Tribal customs were heavily enforced and those who broke them and fled would be hunted down and killed. Tribal warfare were[sic] brutal, even women and children were killed during these violent clashes.

Hardly the utopian society she makes it out to be.
She seems to be talking about the land and environment, not about their social structure.

BTW, if there is tribal warfare, why should the deaths of women be significant while the death of men is not mentioned?

Her disgust with the western civilization she sees as the inherent basis of all evil in the world.
You should substantiate that. Again, it seems like you're stuffing words in her mouth. "Inherent basis of all evil" is a pretty strong statement.

Jobs, computers, cars, houses, those all damage the enviroment one way or another. Sure more enviromental friendly business would slow it down, but would still damage the enviroment. Since all these things damage the enviroment one way or another, the only way to not be apart of that is to leave civilization.

The fact that humans migrated all over the world early in our history. I'm sure the areas we migrated to were damaged by our arrival.
There's a difference between living with an environment and devastating the ecology. At low populations and with low capabilities(or willingness) to destroy, humans do not have to have a large impact on the ecology. This is in contrast with shooting huge buffalo herds. There's a difference between keeping the environment in mind, like many North American tribes did, and abusing the environment by introducing exotic species into the wild. There's a difference between "fucking things up" and keeping the environment in mind. "Fucking things up" implies that something very bad was done. Rabbits screwing up the ecology of a continent=bad. Using a computer=not so bad.
Sokar said:
Her western/white guilt and the feeling of illegitamacy of the new occupiers vs aboriginals?
What western/white guilt? I was just making an observation. If you remember my comment originally stemmed from the fact someone made the statement that we have no black people in Australia. The truth there were no white people here up until 200 years ago. And my observation was they had done a much better job of it (looking after this country) in all of the millions of years before we came along only 200 short years ago.
Just an observation. No guilt Honey.
Sokar said:
Aboriginal Tribal customs were heavily enforced and those who broke them and fled would be hunted down and killed. Tribal warfare were[sic] brutal, even women and children were killed during these violent clashes.
Hardly the utopian society she makes it out to be.
Actually, I never made any statement that indicated the Aboriginal society was a utopian one, as I WAS referring to the land. The only statement I did make was that it is a beautiful culture, and I stand by this. It is a beautiful culture. I think their artwork and music and dancing and their tales of the Dreamtime and their affiliation and respect for the land and nature, and of their own tribal elders and the caring of each other is rather inspiring. You make out like they were a brutal, violent society. However I would beg to differ on that. Of course there were customs and laws, as there is in any society. And of course, those laws were enforced. And yes, for crimes such as rape and murder (which were not very common) the punishment was death, usually by spear. And yes, there were tribal clashes. But are you trying to say they were a violent people? Which clans exactly were you referring to? The traditions of those up north do vary greatly from those of the south of the country…. Please be specific as I am very curious to know.
Sokar said:
Her disgust with the western civilization she sees as the inherent basis of all evil in the world.
Actually, I am not disgusted with western civilization. And if I am honest, I actually don’t see any evil in the world. I don’t believe there is any such thing as evil.

Let me get one thing strait. I love my luxuries. I have a beautiful house and a nice car, and I wear nice clothes and expensive perfume and nice jewellery. I like to eat out, I love clubbing, I like my cable TV and by DVDs and my trusty computer, and my kick-ass Bose surround-sound system pumping out my favourite tunes from my vast collection of CD’s. I love it all.

BUT, I take none of it for granted. I am grateful everyday for everything I have and for the country I live in and for the person I am. And I am conscious of the impacts I make. I recycle, I don’t litter. I don’t use plastic bags at the Supermarket but will bring my own. I car pool, I installed a water tank so I can recycle water from my roof for my garden rather than using our drinking water. I am AWARE and CONSIOUS of things. I am not ashamed of anything.

It was purely an observation I made. I think it is important to be aware of our past and the things we have done and the impacts we have had, and to learn from these, and to be aware of our actions today and learn from our yesterday to make a better tomorrow. You don't need to be ashamed, you just have to be aware.

And I believe that we need to look at and acknowledge our heritage, and the least we could do is say “sorry” to the true people of this country, and be aware, and all work together, for a better tomorrow.
Sokar said:
Telling the truth brings out the worst in people?
Isn't THAT the truth, Sokar?! ;)
Hammy said:
There's a difference between living with an environment and devastating the ecology. At low populations and with low capabilities(or willingness) to destroy, humans do not have to have a large impact on the ecology. This is in contrast with shooting huge buffalo herds. There's a difference between keeping the environment in mind, like many North American tribes did, and abusing the environment by introducing exotic species into the wild. There's a difference between "fucking things up" and keeping the environment in mind. "Fucking things up" implies that something very bad was done. Rabbits screwing up the ecology of a continent=bad. Using a computer=not so bad.

This is very well said Hammy. I respect your way of thinking.


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
karasu said:

just you wait



if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
acidviper said:
They would have just got whatever civilization that didn't have guns. The Natives, Chinese, or white people that they hated.

This dude did not invent the elevator unless the egyptions somehow made 1-story pyramids untill Mils. And even if he didn't some other person would have.

Uh you can drive a car without automatic gearshift.

Just because you invent something does not mean that no one else can invent it if they did not exist.

Wow... why go out of your way to "debunk" the fact that these people invented these things? Do you jump all of the fact that Edison is credited for inventing the lightbulb? Do you nitpick at that? or do you hate to see black people proud about something? just some questions....


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Supasso said:

read the post above...almost every invention can be creidted to more than one person. However, I never see people wanting to debunk Edison or Bell.. or other people who have invented great things...but whenever "Black" inventions come up there are a line of people waiting to debunk them and show that they are false...

It is not like any of these things black people had nothing to do with... and they have been credited to having something to with them so just leave it alone..


Wow... why go out of your way to "debunk" the fact that these people invented these things? Do you jump all of the fact that Edison is credited for inventing the lightbulb?

Saying Edison didn't personally invent the light bulb is quite different than saying without him there would never be electric light.

Do you nitpick at that? or do you hate to see black people proud about something? just some questions.

Anyone who looks to a chain letter as an inspiration for personal pride needs to seriously reexamine their life.

Saying this is bullshit somehow = hate for black people having pride. This thing is stupid. Why validate it by bringing real problems into a discussion about it? Its made with loaded language to stir up emotions. Judging from this thread it seems to be working.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
I agree that the first "article" is off based... but who knows what would have happened if these people didn't do what they did... maybe there would be no cars as we know them..maybe... who knows... you don't, I don't, leave it at that... are you not seeing what I am saying?


I'm not disagreeing with its concept just its poor writing, information and motive.

And my observation was they had done a much better job of it (looking after this country) in all of the millions of years before we came along only 200 short years ago.

They were not looking out for it. They were living in it.
To tie in with Blackace's theme and also provide a more specific and, in some cases, more accurate rebuttal than the one provided by Snopes (though not strictly a rebuttal as it also contains a great deal of information not related to the particular assertions that started the topic):

Black Invention Myths
Alyssa said:
And my observation was they had done a much better job of it (looking after this country) in all of the millions of years before we came along only 200 short years ago.

Xenon said:
They were not looking out for it. They were living in it.

Yes, they were living in it. But actually if you look at their culture, a big part of it is the relationship they have with the land, and in respect for the land. So I stand by my statement - looking after it!
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