Yodel are delivering to UK addresses. Hhmm.
Yep mine turned up today, sadly it makes it 2 PS4 games on the run with loose discs for me too now, not much LRG can do but I may just stick with Vita releases from now on. It also makes it pointless buying protective cases from LRG when the disc is just moving around potentially being damaged inside anyway.
Yodel are delivering to UK addresses. Hhmm.
Received my PS4 and Vita Futuridium too. Case is broken which is damn annoying. Loose disc as well.
Pieces in the envelope and torn sleeve as a result (at the spine, not pictured, or hard to see clearly, even).
This was bound to happen eventually, and I'm grateful the previous orders managed to survive but yeah, this is a bit difficult to swallow.
Did you email douglas@limitedrungames.com with photos? He will get you sorted out!
So we're going to have 4 games in july(2 ps4 exclusives and 2 vita exclusives).I think:
PS4: Lost sea and ?
Vita: Soldner and volume
Mmm my bet is that ? is salt and sanctuary.
Now LRG should tell me if I'm right or not?
No different than the last couple of months for the release schedule. Two date with one PS4 and one Vita game.
nope, they said 4 games, 2 are vita only, 2 are ps4 only ... maybe one title a week, or maybe 2 at once.. we dont really know yet
I'm really hoping for Sword and Sanctuary.
There is nothing they can or will do about loose discs. It happens with every game you order through mail.
I feel bad for all the complaints LRG gets. Lol.
I feel bad for all the complaints LRG gets. Lol.
I feel for them too (and I've contributed to it), but you have to expect it. The business caters to collectors, who are far more likely to complain about such things. It's just how it is. People who want to just play the games will normally go for the cheaper digital copy.
All of our experience is anecdotal anyway. I buy lots of ps4 games and most do not arrive with loose disks. I have gotten two this week from Amazon in bubble mailers and neither was loose. Maybe I'm closer to their fulfilment center? Maybe UPS is more gentle with its handling than USPS...sorry, hard to type that without laughing...but for whatever reason as a percentage I appear much more likely to get a loose disk from LRG, followed by Best Buy. That's just been my experience.
For those who don't care about loose disks, I am glad everything is to your liking. No need to talk shit about those that do care or to make excuses for it though. LRG should hear about it.
Maybe they should just send out every game with no wrapping, avoid the whole "I had to open my game and wanted to leave it sealed" complaint all together. Just call it LRGs hassle free packaging to put a pr spin on it, and hope Amazon hasn't locked the phrase down![]()
I feel bad for all the complaints LRG gets. Lol.
Why would the box help with the loose disc? It gets loose because it's moved in the shipping process. A box won't fix that.
The ONLY thing that will fix it is asking Sony to make better boxes or driving to the LRG offices yourself to collect the game.
It might help keep other packages from being able to put pressure on the disk release button. Maybe? I doubt they all just shake loose.
We have to pay to have games shrink wrapped by Sony and have debated on just not doing it anymore to prevent the loose disc drama.But then collectors would be mad about that so we can't really win.
Apologies for Yodel and to other countries with high taxes. We are looking into it.
If there was enough force to press the release button through the bubble mailer you'd see damage on the cover. Pretty sure they just shake loose by being thrown around by the postal service.
I sometimes do see that. My Vita copy is normally pressed into and leaves creases in my ps4 copy when the come together. But I still think it can happen without showing visible damage.
Nah, I intend on opening every single game that I order through LRG. I avoid making digital purchases as much as possible as a physical collector so getting these indie titles on disc serves as my primary means of actually playing them. I'm working through "Oddworld" right now for that exact reason. I'm extremely grateful for LRG with their mission to preserve these games beyond the confinement of a hard drive.Is it unanimous that GAFfers are keeping their LRG releases sealed and shelving them as collectibles? I'm certainly guilty of it, but, in the same vein, I feel like I am supporting both the devs and an awesome business that decided to cater to a market like me.
Nah, I intend on opening every single game that I order through LRG. I avoid making digital purchases as much as possible as a physical collector so getting these indie titles on disc serves as my primary means of actually playing them. I'm working through "Oddworld" right now for that exact reason. I'm extremely grateful for LRG with their mission to preserve these games beyond the confinement of a hard drive.
Also, I got to express my sympathies for LRG about the loose disc drama since I view it as a minor issue that's completely out of their control. I've bought PS4 games from Amazon, Best Buy, eBay, etc. and, more often than not, a loose disc arrives raddling about in the case. Blu-ray copies have a notable impressive scratch-resitant tech so I tend to stop worrying about such a thing. If anyone is determined to have a piece of plastic wrap gathering dust without ever having the intent to open it, I'd recommend going the extra mile with your buck and having it shipped in a box if you want to maximize the chances of the game arriving in a pristine state. It's undoubtedly a design flaw on Sony and I'd like to believe it effects just a small, vocal portion of the Limited Run fanbase.
I had a loose disc too with Oddworld, but in no way did it ever occur to me that that is LRG's fault.
It's already physical on PS4 though. I'd rather they do something like Monster Monpiece or Senran Bon Appetit.
Or better yet, Shallie+ when it inevitably arrives as digital only.
Is it unanimous that GAFfers are keeping their LRG releases sealed and shelving them as collectibles? I'm certainly guilty of it, but, in the same vein, I feel like I am supporting both the devs and an awesome business that decided to cater to a market like me.
Unless they could pull off an uncensored version of MM (which wouldn't happen), the audience that didn't already buy it for $2.50 during PSN sales and would want it censored, would be minuscule. Also if they wouldn't do a physical Vita release of Sophie because it's on PS4, why would they do physical releases of any of the others either, when the Plus versions aren't wildly different from the PS3 versions we have physicals for already?