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Linda Hamilton returns to "Terminator".


So unless you get more than 30 minutes of screentime and 12 lines, you don't count.

Okay. Cool cool.

I don't see the point of holding Cameron to the absolute letter of what he said, when it's just as easy to understand the spirit of it.

Male action stars continue to get leading roles as they age. Women typically don't. Robin Wright's brief appearance in Wonder Woman doesn't really change that.....she was never an action star to begin with, and her role in WW doesn't anchor the film in any sense.
I don't see the point of holding Cameron to the absolute letter of what he said, when it's just as easy to understand the spirit of it.

Male action stars continue to get leading roles as they age. Women typically don't. Robin Wright's brief appearance in Wonder Woman doesn't really change that.....she was never an action star to begin with, and her role in WW doesn't anchor the film in any sense.

No, no, no...something, something He-Man...or something,


If Cameron is legit getting a solid group and story together, it could be good. They need to ignore everything post 2 though.
Dude who plays Jonathan Byers on Strangers Things could play a convincing older Edward Furlong who stopped aging in 1999 for some reason or another.
I don't see the point of holding Cameron to the absolute letter of what he said, when it's just as easy to understand the spirit of it.

Because he's been very publicly full of shit along these lines very recently with regards to the very fuckin' movie that just did the thing he said nobody's doing.

Words mean things. Cameron's playing catch up and trying to sell people like he's out in front still.
The most exciting thing about this new news is that they're explicitly ignoring everything after T2 at least according to the comingsoon.net article I read


Josh Friedman's working on this? Holy shit, it has a chance.

Sarah Connor Chronicles wasn't perfect, but it's done the best possible job at hammering this franchise's mythology into something internally consistent.

Cameron can still crush it, too. Avatar is amazing. If he directs, it's a wrap. Let's hope he can fit in three of these between the next 20 years of Avatar sequels...
Sigourney Weaver wasn't 50 in 1986..

Was Gal Gadot 50 in 2017? What are you discussing man? How James is some how playing catch up on writing good roles for women, right?

Was Zoe Saldana 50 in 2009?

What about Kate Winslet in 1997? Was she 50?

What exactly is his playing catch up to? A 50 year old, one dimensional character that serves no purpose other than motivating the main character? Is that what he is catching up to?

I think he might be able to do something that matchs that with Sarah...maybe.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
People remember Red, but NOBODY remembers Red 2.
What are you discussing man? How James is some how playing catch up on writing good roles for women, right?


How are you this lost. We're not even 4 pages in!

Let's recap, Ryu:

James Cameron announced that he was bringing back Linda Hamilton to Deadpool guy's attempt at a third Terminator 3.

As he did so, he said "There are 50 year old, 60 year old guys out there killing bad guys, but there isn't an example of that for women."

I immediately point out that not only is this incorrect, that there are multiple examples of that for women, I'm amazed at how he missed that considering the last time he ate his fucking foot it was regarding Wonder Woman "setting the cause back" because of how it portrayed woman asskickers. And yet the mythical figure he's going to conjure out of... out of 1992, actually, to rectify this massive oversight, was beaten to that slot THIS YEAR. Like, MONTHS ago.

You and Border immediately set about attempting to minimize or flat out erase those examples so that Cameron's bullshit statement could be seen as correct.

I point out how that's bullshit in and of itself.

At which point you... suddenly start thinking I'm talking about how James is playing catch up on writing good roles for women (?)

How'd you get there from here, Ryu?

This is what happens when you're all distracted by volunteering to tote giant-ass goalposts on your back all by yourself for no discernable reason. You lose focus! You get all tired. You start sweating possible injuries. You know. And once you start thinking about how things might go wrong, next thing you know, something has gone wrong!

Like.... all this!

People remember Red, but NOBODY remembers Red 2.

I remember the trailer for Red 2.

Or maybe it was a poster.


Because he's been very publicly full of shit along these lines very recently with regards to the very fuckin' movie that just did the thing he said nobody's doing.

Words mean things. Cameron's playing catch up and trying to sell people like he's out in front still.

Cameron's self-congratulatory tone is stupid and off-putting considering that he hasn't even made Terminator 6 yet. That said there's probably some distinction to be made between casting a woman who's barely 50 in a supporting role and then shuffling her away after the first 20 minutes of the film, and casting an actual 60+ female lead that will be the focus of marketing and a central figure to your film.

People remember Red, but NOBODY remembers Red 2.

I am pretty much the opposite. When Red 2 came out I was perplexed by it, since I had no idea that the original even existed.
That said there's probably some distinction to be made

He didn't make it though.

And it also remains to be seen that Linda Hamilton is going to be in the film and "killing bad guys" for a sustained period of time, either. Is she going to be the lead, or is she going to show up and kill a bunch of people in the final act? Who knows. We don't!

Let's recap:

What EXACTLY were you referring to when you said James is "playing catch up"?

To women.

Older than 50

Kicking ass

In movies.

That people

Have seen.

Like, it's all I've been talking about, man!
He didn't make it though.

And it also remains to be seen that Linda Hamilton is going to be in the film and "killing bad guys" for a sustained period of time, either. Is she going to be the lead, or is she going to show up and kill a bunch of people in the final act? Who knows. We don't!

So how do we even know if he is "catching up"?!

We don't!


He didn't make it though.

And it also remains to be seen that Linda Hamilton is going to be in the film and "killing bad guys" for a sustained period of time, either. Is she going to be the lead, or is she going to show up and kill a bunch of people in the final act? Who knows. We don't!

He boasts about her kicking ass and killing bad guys, though it sounds as if she will be more like Carrie Fisher in Force Awakens.

"We're starting a search for an 18-something woman to be the new centerpiece of the new story. We still fold time. We will have characters from the future and the present. There will be mostly new characters but we'll have Arnold and Linda's characters to anchor it."
He boasts about her kicking as and killing bad guys, though it sounds as if she will be more like Carrie Fisher in Force Awakens.

Leia could have done with some more action, absolutely.

I hope this happens in The Last Jedi.

(bet it does)

Robin Wright did not anchor Wonder Woman lol

Cameron didn't say anything about "anchoring" in the sentence I was referencing. That was the THR writer interjecting (needlessly) in the middle of an already complete sentence that was self-explanatory if left alone.

edit: he does say "anchoring" later in the piece but when he does he seems to be saying it as if she's a supporting role whose purpose is to provide motivation to the younger characters who are the leads.

(which seems a lot like Robin Wright in Wonder Woman, even...)
Huh. So he's really just going to say 'fuck it' and ignore any terminator without his name on it, huh? ...it's for the best.

Her inclusion at this age would put the movie around the year 2025, 28 years after the original Judgment Day date and 4 years before the end of the war in the original timeline. John Connor is 40. Kyle is 22.

Sarah still being alive at this age would indicate the timeline going a very different direction after the events of T1&2. Since Cameron indicates she'll be part of the action, I wonder if that means she'll be participating in the war or if it hasn't even started yet.

One of the early ideas for T3 iirc was that John Connor became a successful programmer complacent in his prevention of Skynet, unwittingly contributing toward its revival (as opposed to the final product that had him living in constant paranoia off the grid). I wonder if something like that is how this movie might open, with him reintegrating with society after T2 and becoming a successful working joe and having to let all that go when duty calls. It would fit with the ongoing series theme of reluctant responsibility and sacrifice.

Cameron might want his movie to more closely mirror today's world for audience connection and empathy so Judgment Day might get eternally delayed into " sometime future." Admittedly it was always scarier as a nebulous concept than as a known quantity, even though I've frequently wished for a proper future war movie since I was young.

And leave Furlong out of it. He looks nothing like future John Connor as depicted in T2. You could believe he would grow up to look like that as a kid, but as a middle aged adult it's obvious that didn't happen. Christian Bale's role in T4 may have been superfluous and underutilized, but at least he looked the part. I'd rather they make similar casting decisions here. Hell, even bring him back. Don't need any acknowledgement of T4, just use him for consistency. The dude could be solid with the right script and direction, I think that's obvious enough. He was a good choice in a half baked movie. No need to throw the baby out with the bath water, and Cameron has the weight to not let Bale get bossy if he starts giving Miller shit. Real shame about Anton Yelchin. Same goes for him. Solid choice, but that's obviously out of the question.


In honor of this news, I'm going to watch Terminator Genisys (streaming now on Hulu) for the first time. How bad can it be?
To women.

Older than 50

Kicking ass

In movies.

That people

Have seen.

Like, it's all I've been talking about, man!

And as I said, if the metric for that is a 1 dimensional character that is gone in 20 minutes time, I think James might be able to pull that off without "catching up". You mentioned Robin Wright, which spingboarded this whole conversation.

Then tried adding Red later on when what I called you on the Robin Wright comparison.
In honor of this news, I'm going to watch Terminator Genisys (streaming now on Hulu) for the first time. How bad can it be?

If you imagine it to be meant as an action parody of Terminator, your night might turn out okay. Maybe.

...I'm trying.

It has Jai Courtney in it.


And that isn't even the worst casting decision of the film!

I read this and wanted to fight you but the more I thought about it, I just can't make a solid case. All the casting was just a mess, I'm throwing in the towel on this one.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Whoa, that was unexpected. I haven't seen any Terminator movies after 2, though, they all looked like dumpster fires...

Not sure how they can fit her in the plot and all, but I'd love to see a visibly older woman as a lead action heroine. I can't think of any mainstream, non-comedy movie where this happens, so that'd be cool. If it's any good, that is...
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