I bought a macbook air the other day to put linux on it, and it's been interesting times. It's working now but there are some wifi problems. Wifi can have trouble connecting until I turn the wifi on and off a few times, and it slows down dramatically at other times. A minute ago it was at 0.76 Mbps, while other devices on the same wifi network were fine. Then after restarting it was 2.xx Mbps. It's back to about 13 Mbps, which is what the os x partition showed (which I checked in case it was a hardware issue, now that it's back to 13 Mbps on linux I don't know if it is).
It's been dramatic times, getting this working.
Also, I called Apple's support with setting up partitions (I overcomplicated things in my mind after just not seeing the Partitions tab on the upper level of Disk Utility and was panicking and regretting my purchase!). They asked what it was for and I said linux (thinking uh oh they will refuse to support me even though I was framing it as disk partitioning within OS X). But they helped me and later in the assistance they asked if I wanted to dual boot or just have linux. So 10/10 to Apple's support.
Though I'm not sure how to have linux only on a macbook air as the instructions online involve going back into os x after installing linux on another partition in order to install rEFIt.