Ignatz Mouse
I find myself in no hurry at all to upgrade my OS. I just don't see the benefit-- the OS is pretty darned stable for me and does what I want already.
angelfly said:I've gone to Linux World, LinuxCon, LibrePlanet, and a few others along with local events like installfest and local LUG meetings. The crowd is always varied across the board (although not so much at LibrePlanet). You should definitely go if you can since they're always fun and most of the time you'll learn a lot from the talks. It's not like anyone is going to point at you and say "LOOK it's a newbie!" or tell you to "RTFM" for not knowing something. You'll find plenty of people there in the same position as you.
Rank Distribution H.P.D*
1 Ubuntu 2137
2 Mint 1932
3 Fedora 1492
4 Debian 1411
5 openSUSE 1294
6 Arch 904
7 Sabayon 845
itxaka said:Wow, Mint is getting fucking stronger in the last 6 months.
From distrowatch hits per page in the last 6 months:
If you go back 6 months, mint is much much lower than Ubuntu.
Will we have a fight between ubuntu and mint in popularity?
Brettison said:Yeah IDK.... LOL... I know they wouldn't scream "look the newb" but I'm not connected in anyway other than my curiosity and intrigue into GNU/Linux and such so I wouldn't feel like I'd have a reason to be there or know anyone else going...
Maybe I could convince a buddy to go I'd go hmmm....
Yeah, but that's distrowatch. It counts people who visit distrowatch, which is hardly representative.itxaka said:Wow, Mint is getting fucking stronger in the last 6 months.
From distrowatch hits per page in the last 6 months:
If you go back 6 months, mint is much much lower than Ubuntu.
Will we have a fight between ubuntu and mint in popularity?
itxaka said:Wow, Mint is getting fucking stronger in the last 6 months.
From distrowatch hits per page in the last 6 months:
If you go back 6 months, mint is much much lower than Ubuntu.
Will we have a fight between ubuntu and mint in popularity?
Suitcase Test said:Yeah, but that's distrowatch. It counts people who visit distrowatch, which is hardly representative.
(Nothing against Linux Mint btw, I wish those guys all the best.)
As someone said that's distrowatch's poll. Doesn't Ubuntu compromise 50% of the Linux userbase?
Not that I know of, no.itxaka said:Yes, it's only distrowatch. Im unaware of any other methods of gathering distro stats. Do you guys have any webpages that do this? Im really interested into looking at distro stats but I don't think is reported anywhere.
You could try Jolicloud. I've used it on a netbook (an EEE 900) and it worked okay. It's not a full desktop experience though.DeathGlobe said:I have a 1gb netbook that is slow running windows 7. What would be a good alternative os?
I've had this happen mysteriously too. Start the fast-user-switch-applet to restore it. (Hit Alt-F2 and paste that in). Make sure your session is saved on next logout and it should stay there.ghostofsparta said:Okay so for some reason I turned on my computer and and the panel at the top is different. My name and the power button are gone. The option to turn off the computer is now under System, which I have seen in other Linux Distros but I liked the way ubuntu 10.10 had it.
Did this happen to anybody else or did I just accidently change some option that made this happen?
I included a picture of how my setup used to look and how it looks now.
Sew said:I've had this happen mysteriously too. Start the fast-user-switch-applet to restore it. (Hit Alt-F2 and paste that in). Make sure your session is saved on next logout and it should stay there.
benjipwns said:When I've seen that before one thing I did was pick a different theme and then pick the original theme again. Then either logout/in and restart.
DeathGlobe said:I have a 1gb netbook that is slow running windows 7. What would be a good alternative os?
ghostofsparta said:Unfortunately that didn't work. :[ Thanks though.
gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel
Massa said:You can reset your panel configuration to the default with the following command:
Code:gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel
It's an option in the System Settings, it's just about the only customizable thing right now though.panda21 said:is it possible to change your wallpaper in gnome 3? according to the arch wiki you can do it by running some gconf command in the terminal but that seems crazy. surely there must be some way to change it from the UI??
Brettison said:BTW would you guys and gals like a Fedora 15 thread similar to my Ubuntu 11.04 thread at the end of this month?
It's an option in the System Settings, it's just about the only customizable thing right now though.
IIRC correctly the session manager is available in Fallback mode, try booting into that and removing stuff there. Haven't tried this myself though.panda21 said:cool, thanks. I couldn't see any way to change start up items.. i have a bunch left over from gnome2 that i dont want anymore that i dont know how to get rid of since I cant see the option in system settings
Well in an OOTB GUI at leastitxaka said:We can change themes also! It's a pain in the ass but oh well![]()
Nice tip, thanks.Massa said:You can reset your panel configuration to the default with the following command:
Code:gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel
itxaka said:Yep.
|OT| Of Fedora 15 with Gnome 3. When developers become UI designers.
Polari said:Really? I think GNOME 3 kicks ass, and it's only going to get better once Zeitgeist and Telepathy/Web Services are integrated into the dash. The Super key is your friend.
itxaka said:Not that I don't like gnome 3, I love it but they are clearly not UI genius. There is way to many problems with the actual UI. Gnome 3.2 is the defenitive version.
Brettison said:What's puzzled me about this is compared to Unity which was tied to Canonical having to push it with the set Ubuntu 6 month release schedule (in phases at least), Gnome could take as long as they wanted. So why the rush to push out Gnome 3 as is verses taking say another 6 months, and having it more polished for the fall?
Massa said:Ubuntu and GNOME both have a 6 month schedule. It's something Ubuntu kind of inhereted from GNOME, with the idea that each Ubuntu released would be synched to a new GNOME release.
GNOME 3.0 is far more polished than Unity anyway, at least imo. Unity feels like an amateur dock, like awn or cairo-dock.
hikarutilmitt said:So far GNOME 3 feels like when KDE4 came out: nice to look at, somewhat improved but in dire need of refinement before it's ready for prime time. Granted, it's more polished than KDE4 was for its time, but KDE4 was such a mess initially I couldn't stand to use it until around KDE4.3.
Philooch said:i always wanted to try linux. i have no idea where to start.. i downloaded ubuntu and my laptop is ready. any advice? or just jump in?
Philooch said:i always wanted to try linux. i have no idea where to start.. i downloaded ubuntu and my laptop is ready. any advice? or just jump in?
Brettison said:Did you install it yet or not? If not I'd suggest either using one of the usb tools or burning the .iso to a disc and running it as a LIVE CD. This will just run the OS without an install so you can check things out as it may. It's not as fast or as nice as a real install, but you don't have to worry about hating it and having it already installed either.
Welcome to the dark side, my Xubuntu brother. *brofist*Brettison said:HOLY SHIT!!!
I'm trying out Xubuntu and ZOMG... this is FUCKING AMAZING!
IDK if it's because I haven't used Xubuntu in forever, XFCE in forever, or XFCE 4.8 is just THAT good. Shiiiitttt this is fucking A to the WESOME though. If you want an old school like interface that still feels modern and runs like a beast I'd highly recommend checking out Xubuntu!
This is the only big release distro that is running 4.8 though so I can't say if it's the release as a whole or XFCE 4.8. Still try out the live cd. I dare anyone to try and hate on this!
Brettison said:If Xubuntu had the notification system that regular Ubuntu does for stuff like say IMs and shit it would be virtually perfect IMO.
They didn't have to push out Gnome 3 though. They could have just kept on with bug fixing 2.3X until Gnome 3 was ready though.