Then you tell us what it says, and we know exactly what video card you have!then??????
also fonts in ff!
also fonts in ff!
I dont know what im used to >.<
Did you try the software center instead?
3. The most important question of all...... why can't i install wine. I have been searching all night and nothing is working.
updated my Arch-Desktop yesterday, so I'm on Gnome 3.6 now.
what can I say...
well... it's not that bad. it's usable and I like the design of the desktop. It is a great looking desktop.
it also brought some annoying "features" for me:
- my video files don't show as thumbnails in nautilus anymore (it's fine for pictures/pdf but it stopped working for video files... still looking for a solution)
- no "restore last session" in epiphany (web). well it's not the browser I use most anyway
- "applications overview" in the "activities" moved at the bottom of the application-dock - if you are using just the mouse without the keyboard the overall mouse-moving-distances are even longer than before... I can live with it as I use the keyboard most of the time anyway, it's still not a good decission.
- choosing a wallpaper. yeah you have to confirm your selection now... there are no "arrangement" options now like center, fit, scale etc. why not? too confusing?![]()
- pc boots up, X is starting, I'm getting some broken pictures and colors and flashes for 1-2 seconds, then I can see the old GDM3.4 background for a time glimpse, then finally the GDM 3.6 one. I login, it flashes weirdly, changes to the default gnome-wallpaper (that ugly xml-based-one) then back to my own wallpaper. it looks like crap. transitions are too hard for designers?.
I know I know... it's nothing big but I still had to screenshot this last night... just getting round to posting it now when I have a free minute...
This looks super clean. Requesting dirty screen
But I like my dekstop this way.![]()
Can anyone recommend me a stable yet somewhat up-to-date rolling release distro? I've used Arch for two years now, but basically at every bigger update (recently Gnome 3.4 to 3.6) something breaks and I have to spend at least one or two hours to fix everything up.
I considered going back to LMDE or Debian Testing, but thinking that I have to go back to and maintain a list of PPAs for everything that is not in the default repos turns me a bit off.
I tried to update my graphics drivers to make Guild Wars 2 run better. Now I boot into a terminal ;~;
modprobe -r nvidia
modprobe -a nvidia
Did you remember to reboot?
There's probably an error like : "Graphics driver mismatch: Current driver version is Blah, but kernel something blah2"
you could also do something like
Code:modprobe -r nvidia modprobe -a nvidia starx
Assuming nvidia is the driver.
Somehow I need to get the kernal and driver to be the same version but I don't know how...
Somehow I need to get the kernal and driver to be the same version but I don't know how...
i have Ethernet. I can try that after work (on lunch break right now)Do you have internet via wifi or ethernet?
If it's ethernet just purge the packages and reinstall them
sudo apt-get purge nvidia-*
sudo apt-get install nvidia-common
if not you can try with
sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-common
Make sure you have the video codecs for Gstreamer 1.0 installed.
Epiphany restores your session automatically.
Technically it's easier to travel your mouse pointer to the new location as you can just slide it over the left side of the screen (see Fitt's law), while the old button you had to carefully aim in both axis.
Actually they ran out of time while implementing the new background selection panel.
The most difficult problem with transitions has nothing to do with designers, and more to do with how broken the display system is on Linux right now. That said, the flashes you're getting shouldn't really be normal, I'd file a bug with Arch Linux packagers.
Transitions from boot to login will look perfect once we get Wayland by default. Should be a while still.![]()
I know that X11 sucks. But it doesn't mean it sucks by design through. I am excited for Wayland, but I don't think it will change everything and make everything great. Is it still only one guy working on it most of the time? I think wayland will be just like OSX-aqua/quartz - which works great most of the time but has it's own downsides too. It's still a very loooong way for it to be usable and stable.
I know that X11 sucks. But it doesn't mean it sucks by design through. I am excited for Wayland, but I don't think it will change everything and make everything great. Is it still only one guy working on it most of the time? I think wayland will be just like OSX-aqua/quartz - which works great most of the time but has it's own downsides too. It's still a very loooong way for it to be usable and stable.
Wayland isn't going to completely replace X at first. In fact, the next version of Xorg improves the XWayland server which will be used to run X apps under Wayland. That sort of setup should be usable on a daily basis within the next six months, and possibly the default in some distros a year from now.
Can you use X drivers in that setup? XWayland running on Wayland, I mean.
You do still need Xorg drivers, but the proprietary ones don't work. Those will need to support Wayland before you can get XWayland apps working under them.
sudo apt-get install nvidia-current
sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current
sudo apt-get install nvidia-common
How do I install and update my nVidia drivers in Ubuntu 12.10?
Should I use this:
What I have done to this system
After installing Ubuntu 12.10 I ran
Code:sudo apt-get install nvidia-current
this fucked up everything so then I ran
Code:sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current sudo apt-get install nvidia-common
Those are the only things I've done to my drivers.
Fedora 18's slipped into 2013 now, that's one hell of a delay.
Yes it is, but considering we hadn't heard much on that front it was obvious it was going to slip. Plus Fedora seems to really be in lock step with the Gnome releases, and Gnome 3.6 isn't exactly ready for primetime yet. It sucks for the Fedora community, and the Linux community at large, but IDK what else they could really do at this point.
3.6 is rock solid, the best release of GNOME 3 so far. Fedora's problem is exclusively in the installer, which is a complete rewrite for F18 and it's just not done yet.
While the installer is holding the release everything else is falling into place quite nicely. I've been using F18 for about a month and a half on my production laptop with absolutely no problems whatsoever.
How do I install and update my nVidia drivers in Ubuntu 12.10?
Should I use this:
What I have done to this system
After installing Ubuntu 12.10 I ran
Code:sudo apt-get install nvidia-current
this fucked up everything so then I ran
Code:sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current sudo apt-get install nvidia-common
Those are the only things I've done to my drivers.
steam steam://open/games
I just installed Steam in Linux via the OMGUbuntu tutorial.
I was wondering is there a way to launch it without having to type the code:
Code:steam steam://open/games
Would make things a tad easier.
I just installed Steam in Linux via the OMGUbuntu tutorial.
I was wondering is there a way to launch it without having to type the code:
Code:steam steam://open/games
Would make things a tad easier.
Why don't you justI'm trying to get Sublime Text 2 working from the terminal on Ubuntu following the instructions here (specifically the answers by Alex L and Mark Mikofski), but I can't get the symlink to work properly. I created bin directory in home and did what they said, but every time I try to run subl from the terminal, I keep getting command not found. Any idea what might be causing the problem?
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-2 && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sublime-text
I think the problem is that ~/bin is not in your $PATH. Try runningI'm trying to get Sublime Text 2 working from the terminal on Ubuntu following the instructions here (specifically the answers by Alex L and Mark Mikofski), but I can't get the symlink to work properly. I created bin directory in home and did what they said, but every time I try to run subl from the terminal, I keep getting command not found. Any idea what might be causing the problem?
Edit: I should specify, I didn't move the ST2 folder to .local, but instead created a new directory called Apps in home and put it there.
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin