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Linux Distro Noob thread of Linux noobs

Suitcase Test said:
Yeah, I really hope Steam for Linux will be available soon. Valve proves again just how awesome they really are. <3
It's hard to have hopes up for this (as it has been rumored like 7 years now) but with the Mac-client it could happen. Best thing that could happen to gaming-linux
So what do your desktop's look like people?

Here's mine:

itxaka said:
Don't mind to ask whatever you want, we will help you (me at least :p) as much as we can ;)

Thanks alot! :D This really is an awesome community. Much more involved and helpful then other OS communities IMO.

PetriP-TNT said:
It's hard to have hopes up for this (as it has been rumored like 7 years now) but with the Mac-client it could happen. Best thing that could happen to gaming-linux

Valve has already announced it's coming right after they launched Steam for Mac.


Flying_Phoenix said:
So what do your desktop's look like people?

Here's mine:

Thanks alot! :D This really is an awesome community. Much more involved and helpful then other OS communities IMO.

Valve has already announced it's coming right after they launched Steam for Mac.
Do you have the source for that background?
As I've said before. I don't know what it is but Ubuntu Netbook edition is running perfectly now (outside of some touchpad problems). Very low CPU footprint, responsive, no freezing, no bullshit. I don't know if it's due to updates of the OS, or the fact that I updated my BIOS, or both. But Ubuntu is running smooth as butter now.

tak said:
Do you have the source for that background?

The background.

The website.


Flying_Phoenix said:
As I've said before. I don't know what it is but Ubuntu Netbook edition is running perfectly now (outside of some touchpad problems). Very low CPU footprint, responsive, no freezing, no bullshit. I don't know if it's due to updates of the OS, or the fact that I updated my BIOS, or both. But Ubuntu is running smooth as butter now.

The background.

The website.

I hope the Ubuntu foundation works on optimizing the desktop version for the next release. Ubuntu has a really nice feature list, but it's starting to have a large memory foot print and a lot of needless services running.
panda21 said:
anyone tried that Ubuntu font? very cool that they hired some professional font foundry to make one, but i havent actually seen it yet.
I'm using it right now. Pretty good, although it still looks odd in the taskbar. It's nice though, something that's often forgotten but still very important for the overall impression.
PetriP-TNT said:
It's hard to have hopes up for this (as it has been rumored like 7 years now) but with the Mac-client it could happen. Best thing that could happen to gaming-linux
Agreed on everything! The first times I heard about it, they were just rumors and often turned out to be about Linux dedicated servers or something else. But now they not only found a Linux client on Valve's servers, but Valve has also sort-of-confirmed it (I say sort-of because it was just a small comment without a source in a small news article somewhere, IIRC).

Thing is, even if it's true it could still take ages. But here's hoping! :)

//Edit: oops, didn't mean to dp!
Looks like my touchpad isn't working again. I'll just go to the official forums or email the developers to let them know.

By the way is Ubuntu more community based or business? I mean from what I understand it's a mix of both, but is it like an operating system owned by a company that implements some opensource features?

In short someone please explain to me how the development of Ubuntu works.

Suitcase Test said:
I'm using it right now. Pretty good, although it still looks odd in the taskbar. It's nice though, something that's often forgotten but still very important for the overall impression.

What's Ubuntu Font?


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I want to get a new wallpaper this weekend cause I'm tired of my currrent but here is my desktop....

It's originally 1080p but I resized it in gimp to 720p for easier posting...

Flying_Phoenix said:
Looks like my touchpad isn't working again. I'll just go to the official forums or email the developers to let them know.

Turned on my laptop(with ubuntu) and first thing that happened was touchpad froze. Not a good start, restarted and same thing happened when I ran wireless. Ran older version and works now. But I'm downloading .iso and gonna do big nice format, remove win7 for good and start fresh, been having some issues for a while.


Flying_Phoenix said:
By the way is Ubuntu more community based or business? I mean from what I understand it's a mix of both, but is it like an operating system owned by a company that implements some opensource features?

I don't know if they make money by selling support etc to businesses or where they get their funding from, but it is entirely open source, and all they own is the name or brand if that. I'd say it's a stretch to call a lot of linux distros a distinct OS in the traditional sense.

The Linux kernel is does most of the OS type stuff, a lot of distros use the debian package system, and the main differentiation is just the sugar and branding on top of the GUI and the little scripts and programs to make stuff like installing or configuring things easier. But ultimately the stuff underneath isn't anything particular to ubuntu.

Ubuntu saves you enough hassle to make it worth it if you just want another no fuss desktop, but some other distros like crunchbang seem a little pointless, you'd be better off just installing debian and the window manger they use and it would basically be the same but without the branding.


panda21 said:
I don't know if they make money by selling support etc to businesses or where they get their funding from, but it is entirely open source, and all they own is the name or brand if that. I'd say it's a stretch to call a lot of linux distros a distinct OS in the traditional sense.

The Linux kernel is does most of the OS type stuff, a lot of distros use the debian package system, and the main differentiation is just the sugar and branding on top of the GUI and the little scripts and programs to make stuff like installing or configuring things easier. But ultimately the stuff underneath isn't anything particular to ubuntu.

Ubuntu saves you enough hassle to make it worth it if you just want another no fuss desktop, but some other distros like crunchbang seem a little pointless, you'd be better off just installing debian and the window manger they use and it would basically be the same but without the branding.

Yep they actually do support to business and some nice features like lauchpad tracking of your servers with updates pending, free space, users logged and such without having to install anything.


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So I tried out pithos that GUI for that pandora script to run pandora without the browser. Program works for what it is I guess though it feels bare bones.

Still I think the bigger problem is I just can't ever seem to get into Pandora. It's just waaayy to hit and miss for me in what they select I should like based off of what I put in and am feeling at the time.


Suitcase Test said:
I'm using it right now. Pretty good, although it still looks odd in the taskbar. It's nice though, something that's often forgotten but still very important for the overall impression.

Is this the font?

not sure if want :( i don't like the slanted ends and the way the bits meet (like the n). also looks very familiar

maybe it will look alright when its all over the screen
I asked this on ubuntu forum's but no help yet so I'll post here too.


First pic was from before format and reinstall, 2nd after. Basically white line appears at random places, like on first pic or next to Show Desktop icon, and some stuff gets messed up like in 2nd pic. On 2nd pic, I couldn't press that messed up thing, or what's behind it(shut down, restart etc), while thing next to it I could.
Also this happened after 2nd restart, first it was working fine but after I installed some applications(many from first page) and restarted this happened.
It's very likely some app is causing this so if anyone has an idea how to troubleshoot this it would be great.
I would start uninstalling what I installed but I don't remember everything, is there like a list somewhere of most recent stuff, or what I installed myself rather then getting huuge list in synaptic?


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It's PROBABLY an app, but it would have to be something running at the current time when your having the issue. Also it almost looks like some weird graphics driver issue honestly. Sorry if that's the best I can do right now. :/


Is that the Android emulator? Looks nice.

Nolimit_SS said:
I asked this on ubuntu forum's but no help yet so I'll post here too.


First pic was from before format and reinstall, 2nd after. Basically white line appears at random places, like on first pic or next to Show Desktop icon, and some stuff gets messed up like in 2nd pic. On 2nd pic, I couldn't press that messed up thing, or what's behind it(shut down, restart etc), while thing next to it I could.
Also this happened after 2nd restart, first it was working fine but after I installed some applications(many from first page) and restarted this happened.
It's very likely some app is causing this so if anyone has an idea how to troubleshoot this it would be great.
I would start uninstalling what I installed but I don't remember everything, is there like a list somewhere of most recent stuff, or what I installed myself rather then getting huuge list in synaptic?
Happens to me too. Do you have the nvidia Installed? I think it went away when i installed the new ones manually directly from nvidia.
itxaka said:
Happens to me too. Do you have the nvidia Installed? I think it went away when i installed the new ones manually directly from nvidia.
I do, I picked recommended one. At some point I tried installing manually but it didn't go well hmm.
I'll try in few minutes and post back results.
P.S. http://ubuntuforums.org/announcement.php?f=331 should be must read for new users.

Edit: So when I turned it on it was ok, white line at show desktop comes and goes. I have now installed newest drivers, and that little line was still there but went away quickly. Will post later if other problems return...
Beside white line, and something doubling and blocking stuff up there sometimes there would be red box around several icons in the bar and stuff like that...


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itxaka said:
Is that the Android emulator? Looks nice

It's Android 2.2 installed from the SDK. Some buddies of mine on vent decided we wanted to download it, and see if we can create something in Eclipse. Our stumbling block right now is we can't think of what we want to create that would actually be doable! LOL :lol :lol
Brettison said:
Linux and more Linux... it's like Linux overload... Linux running inside Linux! :lol :D

I've always wanted to have an Android OS device. It's too bad they don't have an iPod Touch-like Android device for the public. I can't wait for the Android tablets though!:D

I love Apple, but I just don't feel the love with iOS. It's too simplistic and the closeness of it really violates a lot of principles.

Also new kernel update for Ubuntu users! .24 is out now! Update Manager! Update Manager! NOW!


Brettison said:

oh god

this reminds me, is there any way to move the notifications up a bit to be just under the top panel? they look almost identical to the growl theme i used to use on OS X, except it always leaves a notification sized gap above it, which is what growl does when more than one happens at once. it looks really odd with it always doing that, like theres a big space for no reason.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Flying_Phoenix said:
Also new kernel update for Ubuntu users! .24 is out now! Update Manager! Update Manager! NOW!

To late! I already updated last night before I went to bed. hehehe :p

panda21 said:

Why the oh god?

Also not sure if you can change the notification thing since it seems more of just the built in way they handle the notifications verses a theme add on or something. I'm sure there IS some way to do it, but it's probably not easy. I'd search around though!


The Amiga Brotherhood
panda21 said:
this reminds me, is there any way to move the notifications up a bit to be just under the top panel? they look almost identical to the growl theme i used to use on OS X, except it always leaves a notification sized gap above it, which is what growl does when more than one happens at once. it looks really odd with it always doing that, like theres a big space for no reason.
You can always change the source yourself or update notify-osd with some of the unofficial ppas to get that. The reason it's like this is that important notices show up where the space is and others below.

Nolimit_SS said:
I asked this on ubuntu forum's but no help yet so I'll post here too...
You can always run "killall gnome-panel" in a terminal which will reload it and fix the graphical glitches.


Dimmuxx said:
You can always change the source yourself or update notify-osd with some of the unofficial ppas to get that. The reason it's like this is that important notices show up where the space is and others below.

aha http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/move-ubuntu-notifications-change-colour.html

i think its really silly as it is, making notifications you get a lot of look weird for the sake of some rare important ones. plus i never even noticed the important ones where in a different place anyway so it cant help that much in conveying their importance.
Well it's official. Ubuntu is back to how it use to be, bugs and crashing and all. :/

Seriously was it an update that screwed it up? I went back to .23 and nothing changed.
panda21 said:
Yep, that's the one. Though that one is probably already old, it's from a UDS presentation. Don't know how much they've changed.

Flying_Phoenix said:
By the way is Ubuntu more community based or business? I mean from what I understand it's a mix of both, but is it like an operating system owned by a company that implements some opensource features?
In short someone please explain to me how the development of Ubuntu works.
panda21 already explained a bit. As he said it's a completely open soure OS. It's developed by both the community and Canonical. So it's a mix of paid and unpaid developers. Canonical has a very big influence though, they basically decide the major things themselves. But anyone can join the community.

And of course, like panda21 said, many of the things in Ubuntu aren't made by Ubuntu folks. They have a lot of upstreams of which the biggest ones are probably GNOME, Linux itself and Debian (which of course uses GNOME and Linux itself).

Canonical isn't turning a profit yet I believe, right now it's a huge investment from Mark Shuttleworth's deep, deep pockets. However, through deals with OEM, custom installation and services like Ubuntu One / Ubuntu One Music Store / Launchpad / Landscape they try to make money. (This is as far as I know, I'm not a businessman nor a Canonical insider :) ).
I read up on it and it seems that their main source of income is technical support (I.E. phone support).

So yeah I'm still trying stuff with Ubuntu and I hope I figured the trackpad problem out.

A little more than 2 months left people! :D


Suitcase Test said:
Canonical isn't turning a profit yet I believe, right now it's a huge investment from Mark Shuttleworth's deep, deep pockets. However, through deals with OEM, custom installation and services like Ubuntu One / Ubuntu One Music Store / Launchpad / Landscape they try to make money. (This is as far as I know, I'm not a businessman nor a Canonical insider :) ).

I have no idea if they're making money yet either, but I know they plan to. Mark Shuttleworth has said that he didn't start it as a charity thing, he eventually wants it to be self-sustainable.


I think 'Ubuntu' is better, but I dont really like a few things in KDE >.< (The file manager and a few other gripes)

But its a personal choice really, some prefer KDE, some Gnome.
So that panel problem I had before appeared again after xx days of not showing up but quick killall gnome-panel fixed it right away, thanks Dimmuxx.

Here's my desktop after come configuration:
(might be too large for some so I'll leave it like this)

So far so good, battery seems to be draining quite fast though, gonna suck when I'm at university and no place to charge it, also it doesn't charge completely it seems hmm.

Other thing I want to do is make top bar transparent, trying to figure that out now, and dunno, when I see something nice I'll add it :p
Any recommendations?


Nolimit_SS said:
Here's my desktop after come configuration:
(might be too large for some so I'll leave it like this)

thats really nice. do you play WoW through wine or something? is the dock docky?

you can sort of make the top panel transparent by just right clicking a blank part in the middle and choosing properties->background, but it will only make the unoccupied bits transparent so it looks terrible.
Wine yes, only tried it last night and was going fine, gotta configure it as well.
Dock is Cairo dock, docky was giving me troubles, crashing, disappearing icons etc. I like this one more, configured it easily and it works great.

I chose solid color and put transparency to minimal but yeah, only free parts got transparent and it looked bad :/


Kinda surprised to hear you're having so many problems with Ubuntu but you get that sometimes I guess with different machines.

Here's the desktop on the work PC and yes that's Mario walking around on the dock.


EDIT: if people are having problems with docks getting glitchy, I suggest you find the developers repositories and add them to your software sources. That way you'll get the latest updates fed to you with your regular Ubuntu updates.
Not that much problems imo, I just have to kill gnome panel from time to time and everything else works fine.
Maybe battery is being drained because of the settings, brightness etc, will check that out later.

Screw windows, I wouldn't be using it on main PC if it wasn't for games.

Edit: Updated the pic, looks better now imo

Feel free to comment, suggest stuff etc
It seems my trackpad only acts funky when the orange light is on. Meaning that it doesn't register right in the BIOS. I found that this only happens when I restart my computer but when I shut it down and start it up again it works fine.


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Melhisedek said:
What wallpaper is that? And also would you recommend Kubuntu or just "vanilla" Ubuntu?


KDE is more windows like and Gnome is more Mac like that being said Gnome just seems much more polished than KDE these days and the same can be said for Ubuntu which comes with Gnome verses Kubuntu.

That being said some people do prefer KDE, but if you've never tried either I'd roll stock.

Also I'd agree with freddy that if you have apps that are giving you issues it's worth it to search out if a newer version is available. The software "app centers" don't always have the latest version in the stream. So sometimes a newer version is available, and that might fix your problem.

I wouldn't say you should just run out and add in new software sources for all your programs. Just do it for software that doesn't seem to be working right. Good thing is distros like Ubuntu and Fedora get updated frequently so you get newer version of a lot of things as long you update.

PS: That being all said it's nice to see Kubuntu.org just got redone to give it a look much more in line with the current version of Ubuntu and just an overall much better website.


Nolimit_SS said:
Not that much problems imo, I just have to kill gnome panel from time to time and everything else works fine.
Maybe battery is being drained because of the settings, brightness etc, will check that out later.

Screw windows, I wouldn't be using it on main PC if it wasn't for games.

Edit: Updated the pic, looks better now imo

Feel free to comment, suggest stuff etc

how did you the top panel transparent??
Do this:

In terminal type
cp -R /usr/share/themes/Ambiance ~/.themes/
to copy the theme so you don't mess it up.
Then type:
gedit ~/.themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
There find this:
bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "panel_bg.png"
and add # before to get it look like this:
# bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "panel_bg.png"
and save.

Then right click on panel, check solid color(any) and get transparent bar to minimum.
Log out and back in and it will work.
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