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Linux Distro Noob thread of Linux noobs


Nolimit_SS said:
Do this:

In terminal type
cp -R /usr/share/themes/Ambiance ~/.themes/
to copy the theme so you don't mess it up.
Then type:
gedit ~/.themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
There find this:
bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "panel_bg.png"
and add # before to get it look like this:
# bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "panel_bg.png"
and save.

Then right click on panel, check solid color(any) and get transparent bar to minimum.
Log out and back in and it will work.

awesome! thanks for that


Flying_Phoenix said:
Is there a way to fix my freezing update manager?

when do it freeze?

try going in terminal and typing
sudo aptitude update
(this just checks for changes to the package database, it won't actually install any updates, but you can maybe see if its a particular source of packages that is giving you problems)
Well I was lucky enough for my brother to let me borrow a spare 17" laptop of his.

Ubuntu runs like a dream on here and damn is Cario dock awesome!

Also download a program called "Krita" in Software Center. It's just like Gimp but not shitty. It's actually a quality Photoshop alternative!

panda21 said:
when do it freeze?

As soon as the "Downloads" window pops up.


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Not that this should have to happen, but with as many problems as you've had on this install phoenix have you tried to formating your Linux stuff and starting over either with Ubuntu or another distro of your choice?


Flying_Phoenix said:
Damn nice desktop Threi. Love the dock.

I thought you were a Windows fan? Or do you love rocking all OS's?
I've used Ubuntu for a long time (well more "messed around" than used and by "long time" i mean since 6.04)

An install via WUBI is one of the first things I do on my comp, and it is something I recommend to every windows user.

btw the dock on the bottom is AWN (avant window manager)
Brettison said:
Not that this should have to happen, but with as many problems as you've had on this install phoenix have you tried to formating your Linux stuff and starting over either with Ubuntu or another distro of your choice?

This is like my 5th reinstall of Ubuntu and I'm on a netbook so no DVD-Drive. I'm convinced that it's the shitty shitty bios and lack of multitouch.

Threi said:
I've used Ubuntu for a long time (well more "messed around" than used and by "long time" i mean since 6.04)

An install via WUBI is one of the first things I do on my comp, and it is something I recommend to every windows user.

btw the dock on the bottom is AWN (avant window manager)

Ahh thanks. But yeah multi OS is awesome. It's cool for me to say "Yeah I've tried them all! :lol"
So yeah got done customizing my new desktop. How do you people like it?



Is there an easy way to share music from windows to an ubuntu laptop? Whatever I try doesn't work at all, or barely (only shares like 200 songs out of my entire library) It's really busting my balls.


remz said:
Is there an easy way to share music from windows to an ubuntu laptop? Whatever I try doesn't work at all, or barely (only shares like 200 songs out of my entire library) It's really busting my balls.

What did you try?

Why not just share the music folder?

You could:

1. Share it using windows networking and mount it as a samba share in ubuntu.
2. Personally I'm using this little thingy: http://unite.opera.com/application/162/


malsumis said:
What did you try?

Why not just share the music folder?

You could:

1. Share it using windows networking and mount it as a samba share in ubuntu.
2. Personally I'm using this little thingy: http://unite.opera.com/application/162/

whenever I try and share it it seems like the laptop is totally unable to connect to the windows share, something like failed to retrieve share list from server or some bollocks.

I used some other program on windows to do it awhile ago, but that used to give me like 100% CPU usage on the windows box irregularly, so I dind't like that either... i'll try the opera thing, does it share through an internet connection though? if so, not really what I'm looking for, I just need it around home and my home internet is slow as balls


I think the Opera thingy download/streams over the internet and not over the network >.< so youd be screwed by aussie download caps!

Can you share fine on other machines and things from your windows machine?


markot said:
I think the Opera thingy download/streams over the internet and not over the network >.< so youd be screwed by aussie download caps!

Can you share fine on other machines and things from your windows machine?
The ubuntu laptop is kinda the only thing I have. I used to stream to the 360, but that issues (whole library not being shared) as well, and IIRC that was just through windows.

i might turn on the 360 now and check, actually.

go figure. 360 also sees the PC but can't connect either, sorry to bother you linux bros, seems it's some other stupid shit with my network.

i want to add that trying to share this shit in win 7 is the most annoying thing i have ever tried to do, and I'm throwing in the towel and just carrying an ipod around. Fuck you, whoever at microsoft coded this HOMEGROUP BULLSHIT


remz said:
whenever I try and share it it seems like the laptop is totally unable to connect to the windows share, something like failed to retrieve share list from server or some bollocks.

I used some other program on windows to do it awhile ago, but that used to give me like 100% CPU usage on the windows box irregularly, so I dind't like that either... i'll try the opera thing, does it share through an internet connection though? if so, not really what I'm looking for, I just need it around home and my home internet is slow as balls
Try it again. Post the exact steps you took, and post the exact error message, and we'll try to troubleshoot it.

I think the Opera thingy download/streams over the internet and not over the network >.< so youd be screwed by aussie download caps!
It can stream over the local network allright.


I decided that I was fed up with Vista so I installed Ubuntu yesterday. Other than a botched first time install everything works very good. And it's fast and nice, so I have no regrets.

During the install something went wrong with grub, so I couldn't even boot into vista anymore. Luckily I had an old Ubuntu disc lying around so I solved it.
I searched and this has been asked a zillion times in the Ubuntu forums but never really properly explained.

How to I install .tar files?

I downloaded Firefox 4 beta from the site and extract it here: /home/nader/Software/firefox

I go and click on the bin file but it doesn't work.
Hey I'm really starting to get into Jamedo and Magnatune. I was thinking of starting an offical Jamedo music recommendation thread since it's tough to navigate all through the crap, being that their are nearly 20,000 artists and all.

Was wondering what you people think I should do it?
Flying_Phoenix said:
How to I install .tar files?

I downloaded Firefox 4 beta from the site and extract it here: /home/nader/Software/firefox

I go and click on the bin file but it doesn't work.
You should click on the file that just says "firefox". That should do it.

Of course these archives simply contain the program: they are not integrated into the OS and thus not installed. You can, however, add a launcher to the main menu to launch the app. To do so just right-click the main menu and go to "Edit Menus". Make a new launcher wherever you want, and at the "Command" field, browse to the downloaded "firefox" file.

leroidys said:
Just built my first computer today and am using Ubuntu. Loving it so far :D
Angst said:
I decided that I was fed up with Vista so I installed Ubuntu yesterday. Other than a botched first time install everything works very good. And it's fast and nice, so I have no regrets.
During the install something went wrong with grub, so I couldn't even boot into vista anymore. Luckily I had an old Ubuntu disc lying around so I solved it.
Welcome guys! Glad you like Ubuntu. :)

leroidys: I think Threi was the one that argued that basically every computer savvy user should have an Ubuntu LiveCD lying around. It's great for fixes, as a backup system and other things, even if you don't use it regularly on your system.

Flying_Phoenix said:
Hey I'm really starting to get into Jamedo and Magnatune. I was thinking of starting an offical Jamedo music recommendation thread since it's tough to navigate all through the crap, being that their are nearly 20,000 artists and all.
Was wondering what you people think I should do it?
I'm not a mod, but it seems like a good idea. See what sticks, I say.

In other news, I've been trying Gnome Shell. It's come a long way, that's for sure, and I feel a little better about it now. There's still small usability gaps all over the place, though I am sure most of those will be fixed for GNOME 3.


Flying_Phoenix said:
I searched and this has been asked a zillion times in the Ubuntu forums but never really properly explained.

How to I install .tar files?

I downloaded Firefox 4 beta from the site and extract it here: /home/nader/Software/firefox

I go and click on the bin file but it doesn't work.
What you can always do when something just doesn't seem to start or work is open a terminal window and open it from there.
1. cd /wherever/you/unpacked/it
2. ./binary-name

In the case of firefox-bin the error will likely be
./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libxul.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
That's because you're supposed to start the file "firefox". Try doing that, it should work. Does for me, anyway.
EDIT: beaten :lol
Okay I clicked on the firefox fire before and it worked but it didn't open up 4 beta 2, but 3.6.9 (the current one I was using). I decided to redownload it and extract it somewhere else and I clicked the firefox file, it didn't' work, then clicked the firefoxbin file and it worked but again opened up 3.6.9. :/

Suitcase Test said:
You should click on the file that just says "firefox". That should do it.

Of course these archives simply contain the program: they are not integrated into the OS and thus not installed. You can, however, add a launcher to the main menu to launch the app. To do so just right-click the main menu and go to "Edit Menus". Make a new launcher wherever you want, and at the "Command" field, browse to the downloaded "firefox" file.


I'm not a mod, but it seems like a good idea. See what sticks, I say.

Suitcase Test said:
In other news, I've been trying Gnome Shell. It's come a long way, that's for sure, and I feel a little better about it now. There's still small usability gaps all over the place, though I am sure most of those will be fixed for GNOME 3.

Will post tomorrow.


I ran the latest kubuntu netbook release as a live OS on my netbook the other day and was really impressed. I want to get back into linux and I was always more of a fan of kde than gnome (used to run suse) but I think kubuntu will do it for me. Want to get a full laptop first and have my netbook as a windows machine.


You know what really grinds my gears?

That using any linux distro I can access my files with 0 problems across partitions, no matter what filesystem they have.

But while on windows, I can't access my ext4/btfrs filesystem at all. Downloaded something while on linux? Fuck, it's on the linux partition, restart, move it, restart again.

I can't understand that with all the interoperability the linux world talks about there isn't an open source ext4/btfrs driver for windows. It's just logical for them to do it so the interoperability is much better.

If I knew something about coding I would do one myself. grrrrr.

Also, BURG is awesome. Easy, customizable, 0 problems. Only annoying thing is when kernels update, they reinstall grub as default so you have to be sure to reinstall burg. Other than that perfect, should be merged with grub for sure.


itxaka said:
Also, BURG is awesome. Easy, customizable, 0 problems. Only annoying thing is when kernels update, they reinstall grub as default so you have to be sure to reinstall burg. Other than that perfect, should be merged with grub for sure.

Or you can try this, saw it on the Ubuntu forums:

In case of a kernel update you have to run manually

sudo update-burg
every time...

or edit the /etc/kernel-img.conf once:

replace “update-grub” with “update-burg”

Haven't tried it myself though.
itxaka said:
You know what really grinds my gears?

That using any linux distro I can access my files with 0 problems across partitions, no matter what filesystem they have.

But while on windows, I can't access my ext4/btfrs filesystem at all. Downloaded something while on linux? Fuck, it's on the linux partition, restart, move it, restart again.

I can't understand that with all the interoperability the linux world talks about there isn't an open source ext4/btfrs driver for windows. It's just logical for them to do it so the interoperability is much better.
Yeah, but on the other hand Microsoft is the one that "should" solve this. Of course they don't, but that's another thing.

Linux works fine with Windows, Windows does not work fine with Linux. Even when installing: GRUB will look for other distros, then edits the bootloader to show them all (including Windows). What happens if you install Windows? It ignores everything else and only makes a bootloader for itself.

But yeah, you probably know that. It's all very annoying. :D

itxaka said:
Also, BURG is awesome. Easy, customizable, 0 problems. Only annoying thing is when kernels update, they reinstall grub as default so you have to be sure to reinstall burg. Other than that perfect, should be merged with grub for sure.
Hmmm I should really try BURG... Some of the screenshots look awesome.



sorry i've not trolled the entire thread, but i've attempted wubi a few times recently, but after installing and booting into it, i get the load screen, but then it just goes black :/ on a 5770 over hdmi on a samsung 26', anything i can do about it? :)


With Wubi, you have to install the Ubuntu os on the same drive as your Windows/boot partition or drive.

Doesnt work otherwise for some reason >.<


Cronos said:
Or you can try this, saw it on the Ubuntu forums:

In case of a kernel update you have to run manually

sudo update-burg
every time...

or edit the /etc/kernel-img.conf once:

replace “update-grub” with “update-burg”

Haven't tried it myself though.

ohhh, thanks for the info. Never knew about the kernel-img.conf file. Will check it for deeper info :)

EDIT: Why did I had to talk.... http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2read/ ext4 with extents open source reader for windows, supports win7 :lol


Fulleffect said:
sorry i've not trolled the entire thread, but i've attempted wubi a few times recently, but after installing and booting into it, i get the load screen, but then it just goes black :/ on a 5770 over hdmi on a samsung 26', anything i can do about it? :)

Do you have any other displays connected to the 5770? I've had a similar problem before and solved it by disconnecting the other display before booting Ubuntu.

For the people using Burg there is a simpler way to install and configure it:

Be sure to bookmark http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/ as it's one of the best Ubuntu news sites out there.
I've been using Cario Dock and I enjoy it. However what's bothering me is that if I click an open application on the dock that is located on a different desktop, it won't take me to the respected desktop it's in. Think of it like Mac OS X. If I have an open application in a different workspace and I click the application on the dock it transfer me to the desktop that open application is opened in. Is there a way to set Cario Dock to this or is there a dock that does this?


Flying_Phoenix said:

gnome do -> preferences -> appearance -> selected theme -> docky


it does the workspace switching thing when you click a program in another screen

cairo dock looks nice but if you want to change anything thats not in the simple options... D: plus gnome do docky also does do.
panda21 said:
gnome do -> preferences -> appearance -> selected theme -> docky


it does the workspace switching thing when you click a program in another screen

cairo dock looks nice but if you want to change anything thats not in the simple options... D: plus gnome do docky also does do.

It doesn't work. I tried that already and tried it again.

Also you know how when you install Cario or some other docks there's a workspace switching launcher? You know it has four squares on it to switch to different workspaces? That doesn't work anymore. So anybody know the deal with that?


I'm having some trouble with PS3Mediaserver for Linux. The audio works when streaming and transcoding from .h264 files, but when the audio is low it cuts out and comes back when someone speaks. Anyone have any ideas? Is there some trouble with the aac/ac3 codec?

I followed the guide at http://ps3mediaserver.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5589. And did this:
I wrote a script in order to install pms-linux, all its dependencies .... so that newbies or lazy people do not get much troubles ...
Run this command
wget -q --no-check-certificate https://svn.paissad.net/misc/stuffs/install_pms-linux.sh -O - | bash


so much win:
Lolpolicy for defining Linux security #LinuxCon
By Sean Michael Kerner on August 9, 2010 8:44 AM

From the 'Useful Lolcats' files:

BOSTON. Ever wonder how lolspeak, the language of lolcats could be used to secure Linux?

At LinuxCon, Joshua Brindle from Linux security vendor Tresys (pic left) detailed something he called lolpolicy for making SELinux security policies easier to manage.

Lolpolicy is Brindle's half-serious implementation of something he referred to as -CIL (Common Intermediary Language) - which is an intermediate policy language for SELinux. It's an attempt to clean up some of the management layer of SELinux, Brindle said.

Now lolpolicy is one potential language overlay for CIL. So say for example you want to create a policy for your staff - Brindle said you just input 'I iz staff' and if you want full access input 'om nom nom' (yeaah lolspeak is...weird).

An *interesting* idea for sure and certainly, I've never seen a practical use for lolcat/lolspeak before, but hey why not.

The real root of Brindle's lolpolicy though is about making security policies more usable and understandable (and if lolcats are you thing...).

The other reason why he has come up with lolpolicy is -- simply put -- he didn't want to be a stuffy security person.

Overall, I agree with the idea of trying to make policy easier for admins to setup and users to understand. Do I personally ever expect to implement lolpolicy on my servers? Likely not, but some sort of CIL use for simplified SELinux security policy might be.




Flying_Phoenix said:
It doesn't work. I tried that already and tried it again.

Also you know how when you install Cario or some other docks there's a workspace switching launcher? You know it has four squares on it to switch to different workspaces? That doesn't work anymore. So anybody know the deal with that?

thats weird, docky works for me.

although since its not working in cairodock at all for you i guess you cant really expect it to work in docky :lol


Brettison said:

KDE 4.5 releases to the public!

KDE 4.5 info page!

1,723 new features, 16,022 bug fixes

fucking LOL. I don't like KDE a lot but you gotta admit, the developers are pretty good adding things and fixing shit.

You gotta love the new notification area, much cleaner, less bloated.
Okay I installed ubuntu (dualbooted) on windows and well I don't even know what I did.

when the Wubi came up i clicked "Intall inside windows". It never asked me if i wanted to partition the drive or anything. So is the harddrive just going to be shared without any partitions. Whats going on here?

Also is it even a good idea to dual boot? My windows is a little slower now, its definitely noticeable.


Hey guys I installed Ubuntu on my old computer in order to try out some of the Media Center apps in hope of converting it to a HTPC. I have my media on an Apple Time Capsule. I've used sudo mount -t cifs //"Time Capsule"/ /Videos/Movies -o pass=password and I get the following error: mount: mount point /Videos/Movies does not exist So then I go to the Videos directory and try sudo mount -t cifs //"Time Capsule"/ /Movies -o pass=password and I get: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on // Capsule/,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
(for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might
need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program)
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so
I don't know what I can do next. I'm really digging Ubuntu too! Halp Gaiz!
ghostofsparta said:
Okay I installed ubuntu (dualbooted) on windows and well I don't even know what I did.

when the Wubi came up i clicked "Intall inside windows". It never asked me if i wanted to partition the drive or anything. So is the harddrive just going to be shared without any partitions. Whats going on here?

New partition. If you want to delete it just log in Windows and go to "Programs and Features" then delete Ubuntu from there.

ghostofsparta said:
Also is it even a good idea to dual boot? My windows is a little slower now, its definitely noticeable.

It's fine. Windows should be exactly the same as all a partition does is take up hard-drive space for another boot. Doesn't even touch Windows.


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Kintaco said:
I've gotten some "progress" I am now getting: mount error(13): Permission Denied

Permission denied usually refers to no root access right? Maybe split up the commands and add in another "sudo" ?


ghostofsparta said:
Okay I installed ubuntu (dualbooted) on windows and well I don't even know what I did.

when the Wubi came up i clicked "Intall inside windows". It never asked me if i wanted to partition the drive or anything. So is the harddrive just going to be shared without any partitions. Whats going on here?
It made a big file on your windows partition that simulates an Ubuntu partition. Basically WUBI did not touch anything on your windows box, apart from the boot loader.
Also is it even a good idea to dual boot? My windows is a little slower now, its definitely noticeable.
Yeah, why not. But, I repeat, Ubuntu did nothing to your Windows installation, literally. The perceived slowness may be correlated with something coincidental with your Ubuntu installaton, or it's just Windows acting strange.


mount does not need a specified filesystem type. In most cases it will be happy when you omit -t and just go for it. Good thing if you are unsure what the filesystem is, or unsure what name to type following -t.
malsumis said:
It made a big file on your windows partition that simulates an Ubuntu partition. Basically WUBI did not touch anything on your windows box, apart from the boot loader.

Yeah, why not. But, I repeat, Ubuntu did nothing to your Windows installation, literally. The perceived slowness may be correlated with something coincidental with your Ubuntu installaton, or it's just Windows acting strange.


mount does not need a specified filesystem type. In most cases it will be happy when you omit -t and just go for it. Good thing if you are unsure what the filesystem is, or unsure what name to type following -t.

Excuse my slowness, but so you're saying that Ubuntu should not be making my windows slower because it never touches it? am i right?


Well I'm not getting any error messages anymore, but I'm not seeing anything in my Videos folder. I used: sudo mount.cifs //"Time Capsule Disk"/ /Videos/ -o user=user pass=password

am I missing something? I did try out Boxee tonight and it was able to access the Time Capsule, so at least my horror night wasn't a bust. Damn I'm impressed with this HTPC stuff, Boxee and HippoRemote App impressed the hell out of me! I want to try XBMC but I haven't been able to install it due to some repository maintenance.
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