This may be a bit controversial. Individually, none of these items should scare you away from a potential girlfriend. But, use this as a checklist. If a girl has multiple items, stay away.
Keeps a hand-written journal.
This tells me that she is organized, but batshit insane. Any woman still keeping a 'diary' into her 20's has greater issues than you could possibly ever solve in your lifetime. This is the biggest red flag there is.
Owns too many animals.
Pretty cliche, but its very important to think WHY she surrounds herself with a zoo. How many is too many? You can decide that for yourself. Shows that a woman has problems dealing with people or a certain kind of emotional neediness you can never fulfill. This women is potentially looking for a "sperm donor". She can raise Noah's Ark without you, and she could easily handle a child also.
Has children ... and she still talks to the Father every day.
A woman with children is still a potential wife/long-term relationship. Usually, more dependable one than a single woman. But ... if she is still on excellent terms with the Father of the child(ren)? It means that one (or both) are still attached, and will be looking to reconcile at some point. It always happens, and the "new guy" ALWAYS gets left holding the bag.
How she uses a phone.
This is hard to judge when you first meet a woman. Usually, you will spend hours talking during the first few months. But HOW she uses the phone is important. Is it one or two calls a day? Or is it 5-6 calls a day to "see what you are doing"? The latter choice is one of the biggest red flags. It is someone who is emotionally needy or bored with thier lives. Run the fuck away. On the flipside, some women will never be around a phone or wait the next day to return a call. This is a bit too distant.
Control Freak
Subtle. Scary. She will try to determine where you go on dates, what you will talk about, When you can see each other, etc etc. At first, you may think it is cool that she is assertive and can make decisions. This quickly turns into a nightmare. Because it evolves into: 1) How you act. 2) How you dress. 3) Who your friends are. 4) Even what to think.
Here's a great test early in a relationship. Plan a date, but don't tell her any details. Be as vague as possible. When you goto dinner, offer to order for her. At a bar, buy her a drink of your choosing. See how she reacts. Is she uncomfortable? Does she try to control the situation?
Any to add here from your personal experience? Obvious ones like "she's a stripper" or "she's a cutter" need not apply. I'm talking more about vague personality traits that can be picked up on early, that have the potential to blossom into pure misery later on.
Keeps a hand-written journal.
This tells me that she is organized, but batshit insane. Any woman still keeping a 'diary' into her 20's has greater issues than you could possibly ever solve in your lifetime. This is the biggest red flag there is.
Owns too many animals.
Pretty cliche, but its very important to think WHY she surrounds herself with a zoo. How many is too many? You can decide that for yourself. Shows that a woman has problems dealing with people or a certain kind of emotional neediness you can never fulfill. This women is potentially looking for a "sperm donor". She can raise Noah's Ark without you, and she could easily handle a child also.
Has children ... and she still talks to the Father every day.
A woman with children is still a potential wife/long-term relationship. Usually, more dependable one than a single woman. But ... if she is still on excellent terms with the Father of the child(ren)? It means that one (or both) are still attached, and will be looking to reconcile at some point. It always happens, and the "new guy" ALWAYS gets left holding the bag.
How she uses a phone.
This is hard to judge when you first meet a woman. Usually, you will spend hours talking during the first few months. But HOW she uses the phone is important. Is it one or two calls a day? Or is it 5-6 calls a day to "see what you are doing"? The latter choice is one of the biggest red flags. It is someone who is emotionally needy or bored with thier lives. Run the fuck away. On the flipside, some women will never be around a phone or wait the next day to return a call. This is a bit too distant.
Control Freak
Subtle. Scary. She will try to determine where you go on dates, what you will talk about, When you can see each other, etc etc. At first, you may think it is cool that she is assertive and can make decisions. This quickly turns into a nightmare. Because it evolves into: 1) How you act. 2) How you dress. 3) Who your friends are. 4) Even what to think.
Here's a great test early in a relationship. Plan a date, but don't tell her any details. Be as vague as possible. When you goto dinner, offer to order for her. At a bar, buy her a drink of your choosing. See how she reacts. Is she uncomfortable? Does she try to control the situation?
Any to add here from your personal experience? Obvious ones like "she's a stripper" or "she's a cutter" need not apply. I'm talking more about vague personality traits that can be picked up on early, that have the potential to blossom into pure misery later on.