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[List for Men] "Red Flags" when you meet a woman.

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This may be a bit controversial. Individually, none of these items should scare you away from a potential girlfriend. But, use this as a checklist. If a girl has multiple items, stay away.

Keeps a hand-written journal.

This tells me that she is organized, but batshit insane. Any woman still keeping a 'diary' into her 20's has greater issues than you could possibly ever solve in your lifetime. This is the biggest red flag there is.

Owns too many animals.

Pretty cliche, but its very important to think WHY she surrounds herself with a zoo. How many is too many? You can decide that for yourself. Shows that a woman has problems dealing with people or a certain kind of emotional neediness you can never fulfill. This women is potentially looking for a "sperm donor". She can raise Noah's Ark without you, and she could easily handle a child also.

Has children ... and she still talks to the Father every day.

A woman with children is still a potential wife/long-term relationship. Usually, more dependable one than a single woman. But ... if she is still on excellent terms with the Father of the child(ren)? It means that one (or both) are still attached, and will be looking to reconcile at some point. It always happens, and the "new guy" ALWAYS gets left holding the bag.

How she uses a phone.

This is hard to judge when you first meet a woman. Usually, you will spend hours talking during the first few months. But HOW she uses the phone is important. Is it one or two calls a day? Or is it 5-6 calls a day to "see what you are doing"? The latter choice is one of the biggest red flags. It is someone who is emotionally needy or bored with thier lives. Run the fuck away. On the flipside, some women will never be around a phone or wait the next day to return a call. This is a bit too distant.

Control Freak

Subtle. Scary. She will try to determine where you go on dates, what you will talk about, When you can see each other, etc etc. At first, you may think it is cool that she is assertive and can make decisions. This quickly turns into a nightmare. Because it evolves into: 1) How you act. 2) How you dress. 3) Who your friends are. 4) Even what to think.

Here's a great test early in a relationship. Plan a date, but don't tell her any details. Be as vague as possible. When you goto dinner, offer to order for her. At a bar, buy her a drink of your choosing. See how she reacts. Is she uncomfortable? Does she try to control the situation?

Any to add here from your personal experience? Obvious ones like "she's a stripper" or "she's a cutter" need not apply. I'm talking more about vague personality traits that can be picked up on early, that have the potential to blossom into pure misery later on.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I've always thought people who keep diaries secretly, deep down, want someone to find it and read it so they'll finally "know the real me" that they don't dare tell anyone normally.

Otherwise I just have a hard time understanding people writing down their innermost thoughts. They're already on your head, why risk it unless you want to?


This one's so obvious that it barely merits mentioning, but: Says to you some variant of the sentence "I'm fucked up." or "I'm kind of fucked up." "Ha ha," you're supposed to reply, "aren't we all fucked up in one way or another, in these crazy times?" No. Saying "I'm fucked up" is equivalent to saying, "Now that you've been warned, you have only yourself to blame if I do something crazy."

Also, talks incessantly about previous relationships. Once now and again is understandable--no one's past is a blank slate. But if it's her favorite topic of conversation, if it happens a lot on the first few dates, if it tends to happen more often when she's drinking, and especially if it's one particular guy she goes on about--trouble.
i have dated loads of women and i really never meet a girl that i feelt uncomfortable with exept for one girl.

she was a total control freak, i went to work and everytime i came home she was angry like hell at me, asked me questions like, did you speak to any of the girls that you work with?

did you go out on lunch with them?

if if i said yes she whent ape shit crazy and started to cry and shit!

she was sick in the head so i had to break it up with her, some women "that dont have confidence in themselfs" tend to not trust me because of the way other girls react to me when i enter a room.

but i will never date a girl without confidence again



I have to defend the mother with child red flag. My GF and I have a 2 1/2 old son and if we ever split up it would be 100% required that we still talk everyday requardless if the break-up was bad or not. We're still parents and have that parental responsibility. However if you're talking to a woman with a child and she gets even the slightest impression that you're not great with kids, it'll be over. This includes how the kid reacts to you as well.


Unconfirmed Member
edit ^^^^: A minute late, but, what he said ^

not all women with children have to keep some bizarre, strict baby-moma/daddy relationship. believe it or not some people will keep regular contact despite feelings for each other for the well being of the child(ren). sure they could be attached, but that isn't necessarily the case.


Here are a few:

Talks Incessantly About Marriage Within the First Ten Dates

If a woman starts talking about marriage (to the point of obsession) within the first month or so, my "fight or flight" mechanism goes into gear. The term I have coined for such women is MFT, or "Marriage Fast Track". No MFTs!!!!!

Insists on Doing Activities With Me That I Know She Hates

While I like a woman who is "game" to try new things, I can't stand it when a woman who, for example, has never played basketball before, will always insist to go and play with me and my friends. Give me my space baby, and I'll give you your's.

Curses at a Family Member, in Your Presence, Within the First Month of Dating

This is bad news right here. I mean, if a girl can't respect her family enough to refrain from cursing at them in the presence of a new person who she is dating, this is a bad sign. This kind of behavior suggests that she will be the type of nightmare girl who will be dropping f-bombs at the Thanksgiving table, as Aunt Rose tries to smile politely and pass the cranberry sauce.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Pity seekers are the worst. You have to be able to tell them apart from the girls who just don't want to hear that they don't look great when they ask, "Do I look fat in this?"

Those ones are fine, pretty much unavoidable. It's the ones who are always looking for reassurances about everything. I had one girlfriend who fucking made up stuff like she was beaten as a child and that her family were mvoing back to China and stuff just to get pity. It's a hard situation, as even if you think that's just what she's doing, how do you accuse someone who says they were beaten of making stuff up to get pity? You just have to trust your instincts and have some tact.


Venerable Member
Prospero said:
This one's so obvious that it barely merits mentioning, but: Says to you some variant of the sentence "I'm fucked up." or "I'm kind of fucked up." "Ha ha," you're supposed to reply, "aren't we all fucked up in one way or another, in these crazy times?" No. Saying "I'm fucked up" is equivalent to saying, "Now that you've been warned, you have only yourself to blame if I do something crazy."

Also, talks incessantly about previous relationships. Once now and again is understandable--no one's past is a blank slate. But if it's her favorite topic of conversation, if it happens a lot on the first few dates, if it tends to happen more often when she's drinking, and especially if it's one particular guy she goes on about--trouble.

This man knoweth of which he speaketh.


ToxicAdam said:
This may be a bit controversial. Individually, none of these items should scare you away from a potential girlfriend. But, use this as a checklist. If a girl has multiple items, stay away.

Keeps a hand-written journal.

This tells me that she is organized, but batshit insane. Any woman still keeping a 'diary' into her 20's has greater issues than you could possibly ever solve in your lifetime. This is the biggest red flag there is.

Owns too many animals.

Pretty cliche, but its very important to think WHY she surrounds herself with a zoo. How many is too many? You can decide that for yourself. Shows that a woman has problems dealing with people or a certain kind of emotional neediness you can never fulfill. This women is potentially looking for a "sperm donor". She can raise Noah's Ark without you, and she could easily handle a child also.

Has children ... and she still talks to the Father every day.

A woman with children is still a potential wife/long-term relationship. Usually, more dependable one than a single woman. But ... if she is still on excellent terms with the Father of the child(ren)? It means that one (or both) are still attached, and will be looking to reconcile at some point. It always happens, and the "new guy" ALWAYS gets left holding the bag.

How she uses a phone.

This is hard to judge when you first meet a woman. Usually, you will spend hours talking during the first few months. But HOW she uses the phone is important. Is it one or two calls a day? Or is it 5-6 calls a day to "see what you are doing"? The latter choice is one of the biggest red flags. It is someone who is emotionally needy or bored with thier lives. Run the fuck away. On the flipside, some women will never be around a phone or wait the next day to return a call. This is a bit too distant.

Control Freak

Subtle. Scary. She will try to determine where you go on dates, what you will talk about, When you can see each other, etc etc. At first, you may think it is cool that she is assertive and can make decisions. This quickly turns into a nightmare. Because it evolves into: 1) How you act. 2) How you dress. 3) Who your friends are. 4) Even what to think.

Here's a great test early in a relationship. Plan a date, but don't tell her any details. Be as vague as possible. When you goto dinner, offer to order for her. At a bar, buy her a drink of your choosing. See how she reacts. Is she uncomfortable? Does she try to control the situation?

Any to add here from your personal experience? Obvious ones like "she's a stripper" or "she's a cutter" need not apply. I'm talking more about vague personality traits that can be picked up on early, that have the potential to blossom into pure misery later on.

That sounds like my mom. god, my dad was such a SUCKER! :lol


It shouldn't need to be said, but when they drink heavily on your first date it's a bit of a concern. Sadly when you're young and in your party phase it seems like it'd be fun having a hard-drinking bed buddy but when they get just sloshed on wine at the restaurant before catching a show you might as well just send them home in a cab then and there.


keep your strippers out of my American football
I agree with the "zoo in the house" red flag. I met a girl recently and all she does is talk about her dogs. She shows me pictures of these dogs that she took with her camera phone! I seriously think she has some emptional dependency issues. I mean, she talks about that dog more than she talks about her son!!!!

Actually, this chick is just a walking red flag now that I think about it. I met her at a bar, she was sitting next to me. I thought she was cute, had big boobs and was out-going, so I got the digits. We went out like 2 days later, went bar hopping. That night she talked about her friends most of the night. Seems that she has alot of male friends, and very few female ones. She also likes to drink, drink and drink again. She likes going out and loves going to Vegas. So I am thinking she is a wild child, loves to go out, but when we are one on one, she is extremely shy. She gets totally self-conscious if we are holding hands or hugging or anything physical or talking about us.

Just seems like she is someone who needs attention from the masses and such. But when it becomes a situation where she has to give some attention herself, she freaks out or rejects that. Actually, she does that crap while talking. She will talk for 20 mins about something, and then you respond and her mind is 1000 miles away, not paying any attention to what you are saying.

Doth Togo

dskillzhtown said:
I agree with the "zoo in the house" red flag. I met a girl recently and all she does is talk about her dogs. She shows me pictures of these dogs that she took with her camera phone! I seriously think she has some emptional dependency issues. I mean, she talks about that dog more than she talks about her son!!!!

Actually, this chick is just a walking red flag now that I think about it. I met her at a bar, she was sitting next to me. I thought she was cute, had big boobs and was out-going, so I got the digits. We went out like 2 days later, went bar hopping. That night she talked about her friends most of the night. Seems that she has alot of male friends, and very few female ones. She also likes to drink, drink and drink again. She likes going out and loves going to Vegas. So I am thinking she is a wild child, loves to go out, but when we are one on one, she is extremely shy. She gets totally self-conscious if we are holding hands or hugging or anything physical or talking about us.

Just seems like she is someone who needs attention from the masses and such. But when it becomes a situation where she has to give some attention herself, she freaks out or rejects that. Actually, she does that crap while talking. She will talk for 20 mins about something, and then you respond and her mind is 1000 miles away, not paying any attention to what you are saying.

It's amusing to see so many men refer to a woman as hot just because she has big boobs.
Crazy in the head? No problem! Stupid as a doorknob? No problem! She got big boobs? Hell yea, she's hot.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Doth Togo said:
It's amusing to see so many men refer to a woman as hot just because she has big boobs.
Crazy in the head? No problem! Stupid as a doorknob? No problem! She got big boobs? Hell yea, she's hot.

Well...when the boobs are the only thing she has to offer, you have to take advantage!!!!! I am not trying to marry this chick, or even fall in love!! :D

Morally it isn't the right thing, but it isn't like I am married or got a girlfriend at the moment.


1) Girl's a lesbian, but wants to try you out, and only you, no strings attached. (Not bad so far...)
2) Conversations invariably revolve around hot chicks and hot sex (No complaints...)
3) Or Drugs, specifically pills and popping them (Uh oh...)
4) Girl goes on vacation to Florida yet calls you every damn day (Oh my...)
5) Comes home early from vacation just to see you (Eek!)
6) Makes vague, mysterious reference to traumatic experience suffered while on vacation (Vague, mysterious=Crazy?)
7) Goes out with you and your friends, essentially inviting herself to tag along, although all your friends know you have a very serious girlfriend who lives with you. (Worlds...colliding...)
8) Everything's fine and dandy, just hanging out at your friend's place, bullshitting and smoking some nicely rolled blunts....(Calm)
9) Until your lesbian hottie passes the fuck out for no apparent reason at all (Storm)
10) She comes to, 911 call averted, groggy and out of it. All involved, rightly freaked out by random chick they just met, call it a night. (All blunts are smoked however)
11) Driving friend and random-lesbo-pass-out-broad downtown to drop them off, all of us joking, Ha-ha you blacked the fuck out Ha-ha, and BOOM! She passes out again, in the middle of a sentence. (Crazy? Oh, no question.)
12) Comes to again after some slapping to the face, this time only blocks away from Harlem Hospital. Fearing the ER wait time, she declines a stay, though it's hard to hear her response since she is speaking in a hoarse whisper. Makes passing comment about "Panic attacks". (Yup, certifiable.)
13) Drop both my idiot friend and his wacky muff diver cohort on 57th and Lex and haul ass back to the comfort of my wife at home. My sane, predictable, completely straight wife. (Big smile on face)


Dude, the journal thing is fine. I'd rather those thoughts be on the page than in her head, where they'll fester and get worse.


I went out with a girl once who owned not one but two broken watches, that had both been broken for over a year. Yet she still wore them because she "likes the way they look on her wrist." Nevermind that their inability to perform their intended purpose, to tell TIME, had rendered them useless.


bob_arctor said:
1) Girl's a lesbian, but wants to try you out, and only you, no strings attached. (Not bad so far...)
2) Conversations invariably revolve around hot chicks and hot sex (No complaints...)
3) Or Drugs, specifically pills and popping them (Uh oh...)
4) Girl goes on vacation to Florida yet calls you every damn day (Oh my...)
5) Comes home early from vacation just to see you (Eek!)
6) Makes vague, mysterious reference to traumatic experience suffered while on vacation (Vague, mysterious=Crazy?)
7) Goes out with you and your friends, essentially inviting herself to tag along, although all your friends know you have a very serious girlfriend who lives with you. (Worlds...colliding...)
8) Everything's fine and dandy, just hanging out at your friend's place, bullshitting and smoking some nicely rolled blunts....(Calm)
9) Until your lesbian hottie passes the fuck out for no apparent reason at all (Storm)
10) She comes to, 911 call averted, groggy and out of it. All involved, rightly freaked out by random chick they just met, call it a night. (All blunts are smoked however)
11) Driving friend and random-lesbo-pass-out-broad downtown to drop them off, all of us joking, Ha-ha you blacked the fuck out Ha-ha, and BOOM! She passes out again, in the middle of a sentence. (Crazy? Oh, no question.)
12) Comes to again after some slapping to the face, this time only blocks away from Harlem Hospital. Fearing the ER wait time, she declines a stay, though it's hard to hear her response since she is speaking in a hoarse whisper. Makes passing comment about "Panic attacks". (Yup, certifiable.)
13) Drop both my idiot friend and his wacky muff diver cohort on 57th and Lex and haul ass back to the comfort of my wife at home. My sane, predictable, completely straight wife. (Big smile on face)

haha, nice bait and switch :lol

Had me going for a minute there ;P


The old standard car door open is still a very reliable test. Key fobs and power lock have put a dent in it but if you have standard locks its golden. If after you open her door and begin to walk around the car to yours, if she does not reach over and pop the lock on the drivers side. This is a sure fire sign she is high maintence. If after sitting down she reaches for your rear view and bends the shit out of it just BAIL OUT right there.
darscot said:
The old standard car door open is still a very reliable test. Key fobs and power lock have put a dent in it but if you have standard locks its golden. If after you open her door and begin to walk around the car to yours, if she does not reach over and pop the lock on the drivers side. This is a sure fire sign she is high maintence. If after sitting down she reaches for your rear view and bends the shit out of it just BAIL OUT right there.

What about the Mario test...


I'm disagreeing on the kids/baby daddy thing. Some women get saddled with that dude for life if he's at all responsible. They have to maintain a workable relationship FOR THE KID(S).
I'll allow that. But if that motherfucker babysits in her house while you're out with her, drop that bitch off early and lay rubber getting off her block. He's probably sniffing her underwear and biding his time to get back into 'em.

Another thing - if any of her friends so much as gives you a single smirk or has stuff to tell her that they don't want you to hear, you can just hang it up right then and there. You're probably latest in a long line and they're used to rating whoever she brings around.

And last but not least - if she mentions more than three brand names during the course of a single date, padlock the wallet and get the car keys ready. She doesn't shop for quality or comfort, she shops to impress people. That shit is expensive.


Drunky McMurder
I like how in bob's story, it was the girl who was trouble, despite the guy having a live-in girlfriend and a new kind of lesbian pretty much crazy fuck buddy.
I met a girl who was into that Beanie Baby crap. Collected them all, she did. On the first date where I was supposed to pick her up from her place, she and her sister were running all over the home, looking for one of the lost dolls or whatever. They were in a panic. My supposed date was in such a fit that she forgot to pick up the flowers I had in my hand for her, and instead she raced over to where I was and checked my pockets to make sure I didn't have her stupid Beanie. Again, this was the first date.


Archaix said:
I like how in bob's story, it was the girl who was trouble, despite the guy having a live-in girlfriend and a new kind of lesbian pretty much crazy fuck buddy.

Yup. Man Logic. Word. :)

Justin Bailey

------ ------
I had a girl tell me about how she got into a screaming match with her mother because she accidentally put bacon bits in her salad (she's a vegetarian). That was a big enough clue for me.


NintendosBooger said:
I met a girl who was into that Beanie Baby crap. Collected them all, she did. On the first date where I was supposed to pick her up from her place, she and her sister were running all over the home, looking for one of the lost dolls or whatever. They were in a panic. My supposed date was in such a fit that she forgot to pick up the flowers I had in my hand for her, and instead she raced over to where I was and checked my pockets to make sure I didn't have her stupid Beanie. Again, this was the first date.

Dude you've got to stop dating 9 year olds. :lol
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