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Little signs you're getting older....


Gold Member
What are the little things you now do that make you realise you're an old bastard?

1. Heading straight for the pralines in a chocolate box
2. Watching mystery TV adaptions from Agatha Christie
3. All your favourite sports players are now whoring themselves out to commentary teams with their puffy faces
4. Your pee comes in two or three installments during the same visit
5. You go to bed fine and wake up with a sore neck
Youtube No GIF by Rosanna Pansino

Also if you wake up with a sore neck frequently, try sleeping without a pillow.


Pissing in the middle of the night is a big one. Luckily I feel as good at 41 that I did at 21 just not in as good of shape, but still halfway decent. So I don't have too many of these that I can think of.

Another big one is the sex drive. I was fiend in my 20's. Was literally horny 24/7/365. I still have a decent drive in my 40's, but it's not like it was and thank god. It's so annoying/distracting wanting to fuck all the time.
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Gold Member
When I started seeing characters in movies that I watched growing up and thought "Damn... that right there is a grown ass man". And then realizing the actors were younger than I am now when they played those roles.

I.e. Bruce Willis was 33 in Die Hard and Russell Crowe was 35 in Gladiator. Im 39.

Fuckin hell.
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At 47, every morning when getting out of bed I feel like I was in a car accident, just stiff as hell.

Neck hurts, back hurts, elbows, shoulders, in fact I can’t remember the last time I didn’t have pain.

And yes I wake up 2 times a night to piss!!! Workouts are shorter, recovery takes longer.
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At 47, every morning when getting out of bed I feel like I was in a car accident, just stiff as hell.

Neck hurts, back hurts, elbows, shoulders, in fact I can’t remember the last time I didn’t have pain.

And yes I wake up 2 times a night to piss!!! Workouts are shorter, recovery takes longer.
You need to invest in a new mattress and office/gaming chair, my friend.


I used to go about my day and just walk or run around, but after covid and so much sitting, my body is super stiff. Now I need to stretch all the time and do more comprehensive exercises


You appreciate the Christmas holidays and time spent at home, try to relax as much as possible to replenish all your energy ready to go all over again at the new year.


You take joy in going to bed before 10pm.

Extreme pro-tip for those over 40: take a 10-20mg diuretic 2-3x a week like furosemide. You will feel a bajillion times better. God is great, no lie.
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Elden Member
You take joy in going to bed before 10pm.

Extreme pro-tip for those over 40: take a 10-20mg diuretic 2-3x a week like furosemide. You will feel a bajillion times better. God is great, no lie.
thats not a prescription drug?


thats not a prescription drug?
It is a prescription drug, yes. Ask your doc for it. There are water pills you can also get via Amazon but they're not as strong. It seriously makes a difference.

Also, no shame in juicing if you choose to pop Cialis or otherwise. Those in the USA, Hims all day. Lose the ego and live well.


Reseterror Resettler
- posting on forums instead of discordxtterwhatrvr.

- having a username based on edgy anime from 20 years ago.

- having to watch how close together you eat meals to try and preemptively combat hemorrhoids.

- hemorrhoids.

- occasionally finding nose hairs longer than leg hairs.

- hearing "rizz," and going apeshit.

Edit: - playing a game or something and seeing the oldest character in the main cast that you used to not relate to at all For being such a geezer - is now younger than you.
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Tip to the whole thread: Do Yoga and workout. Just one hour a day is fine. Don't have an ego about it and just do it. You can even do both at home while watching TV.

It's either that, or have your joints become more and more stiff and sore over the years, to the point where your posture and walking speed are this at too early of an age:



Hold onto your panties
Filter's coming off. Just gave a lecture the other night stating I'd rather be direct and honest which is offensive. I hate modesty and equate it to politely lying. It's an old grump things and I try to keep that part of me off the forums.

Gray hairs, patch balding slight the last 8-years and have lost 20% of my hearing. Speaking of ears...my ear hair grows like crazy. Didn't have any if that a decade ago.


Filter's coming off. Just gave a lecture the other night stating I'd rather be direct and honest which is offensive. I hate modesty and equate it to politely lying. It's an old grump things and I try to keep that part of me off the forums.

Gray hairs, patch balding slight the last 8-years and have lost 20% of my hearing. Speaking of ears...my ear hair grows like crazy. Didn't have any if that a decade ago.
This has been my thought process after I turned 24 or so. The more sensitive people get, the more fun I have!


not tag worthy
Tip to the whole thread: Do Yoga and workout. Just one hour a day is fine. Don't have an ego about it and just do it. You can even do both at home while watching TV.

It's either that, or have your joints become more and more stiff and sore over the years, to the point where your posture and walking speed are this at too early of an age:

I won’t do yoga I think, but I will start stretches and some type of workout (resistance bands or kettle bells plus I have to walk. I just love walking )

Because otherwise I don’t really move much.
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I can have naps in the middle of the day. I couldn't do that at 30, but now only a few years later if I stay horizontal for too long in the late afternoon/early evening after being outside I run the risk of catching 40 winks.

A few years back one of Kevin Hart's warm up acts did a bit about the age of the audience, and said you can't skip a shit when you're over 40 and he misses being able to just choose to not shit. That stuck with me for some reason, so I'm waiting for that milestone.


You're starting to say "man, that guy got old" or "I can't believe it's been X years since ...Y"...which reminds you of when your mother used to say that and you couldn't relate to that....which makes you now feel old.
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