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LOL@WoW's strict naming policy (almost all my names are in violation)


I think role-playing in an MMORPG is just stupid. I mean all the power to you and all that, but no thanks.

...but I think this change is awesome and wish FFXI had it. Two situations where bad names irk me.

1) MMORPGs are not only about the gameplay and online community, but also immersing your self in the game and world. It's like an adventure, exploring new areas and such. When you finally reach some great new location and then the first thing you see is "CockSuckFucker121 says "FUK U ALL, UR GAYZ"", it really does throw all the immersion out the window for me. I mean I don't want anyone roleplaying with me, I just don't want to see something that doesn't fit the setting.

2) In most cases, people with said names are usually bad players. You can tell their in it for the "fun" only, and won't put the effort or seriousness the games sometimes require. I mean you compare CockSuckFucker121 to someone named Aldian Thrall (or some crazy fantasy name), and I guarantee you that Aldian guy will put the extra effort into his character. The other guy most likely won't be. It's a huge blackmark for that "fun name" guy to have. Like me personally, I wouldn't party with him just on the assumption he won't be as good as someone with some fantasy name.


i hope by the time i start playing...they will have dialed down these dumbass filters.

and sure its "thier" game, but if "we" didnt buy it their would be no wow, so i think they can chill out on the naming stuff.

Grey Fox

I love the strict naming policy.Most of the people complaining have several word names and dumb shit like that.What especially irks me is the people who threaten to not purchase (even though they will anyways) the game because they can't name themselves "sirbigswordmcgee".Is it really that hard to think up a fantasy-ish name?Stop bitching about stupid things like the naming policy and focus on more important matters,like getting other characters nerfed because they are better at (random skill) then you. :p
Are people under the delusion that because people'll be forced into picking 'appropriate' names that they then act in an appropriate manner once in the game? If anything, following from Tabris' point, it'll make it worse because you won't be able to quickly get an impression of a player. Most of these bad players aren't going to know about this until they've already got their copy home and installed and they're not going to not play because of it, they'll go until they find something that works or take one of the suggested ones.

I guarantee you in 4-6 months people will not even remember this because there will be exactly the same quota of idiots spoiling the atmosphere as in any other online game, whether they are called Butti McCheex or Foristad d'Lanzo. This is just dressing up a measure to make it look like a miracle cure when it's barely a bandaid on a decapitation wound.
Having the nick "Leggomyeggolas" is FUNNY and classic. Meta and internet humor like "Warezy Zeroday" (my short gay dwarf character from the two days I played Everquest) and "OMGLOLSPIDERS" make the game vastly more amusing, not so much because they're clever (they aren't) but because you imagine some Renfaire fruit squealing aloud in his piping fancy lad voice as his desperate geek sense of immersion is utterly thwarted and he frantically alt-tabs to the WoW Forums to concoct an enraged inarticulate post about how Blizzard SHOULD DO SOMETHING NOW or he'll start using his subscription money to pay the rent instead.

"Kain Sephiroth" and "Elvitania Shadowgoth" are LAME. Unpronouncable names full of apostrophes and glottals are even less fun and completely unmemorable. If you've seen one "Lusitania Luminarion" you've seen 'em all.

Besides, I REALLY wanted to be "Lollermage Roflsworder". :(


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