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Lollapalooza 2010: Soundgarden, Green Day, Lady Gaga, Arcade Fire, Strokes, Phoenix

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Wow, count me in with the dudes who were completely unaware of the Soundgarden reunion.

Will definitely keep an eye on whatever they're up to.



Was kind of hoping that Tenacious D would show up here, since they're at Bonnaroo. Also wanted Sam Roberts Band again. But still, not a terrible line up.


Does anyone know if they eventually sell one-day tickets? I don't want to go to all 3 days but I do want to see Soundgarden.


Clipjoint said:
Does anyone know if they eventually sell one-day tickets? I don't want to go to all 3 days but I do want to see Soundgarden.

They usually do shortly after the schedule comes out (assuming 3 day passes don't sell out first -- which hasn't happened the past few years). If they release single day tickets, I'd wager the day GaGa plays will sell out shortly there after (rumor is that will be Friday and Soundgarden is Sunday) but the other two days will have a healthier window of availability.


Clipjoint said:
Does anyone know if they eventually sell one-day tickets? I don't want to go to all 3 days but I do want to see Soundgarden.
They always sell single days too. Just gotta keep an eye on their site and Twitter. They are good about announcing when they're on sale via Twitter.
Sai-kun said:
Boo @ the strokes and gaga at the same time.

Oh well, Gaga it is :)
I know. It was expected, but still disappointing. I gotta side with the strokes though.

Saturday looks great.

The Soft Pack - The xx - Grizzly Bear - Metric - Spoon - Phoenix
is a fantastic way to spend the day

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras

I'm going but I have to miss both The National and Arcade fire because of having to be back at work on monday morning in LA. Suck.

It's all good. I'm just excited to finally go!


Oh no, it's Devo! Were I remotely near Chicago, that would probably be enough of an incentive for me to show up. Also, Jimmy Cliff should be amazing and anyone who's a fan of Gogol Bordello should go check out Balkan Beat Box.


Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
All rrriigght. My thoughts. After day two.

Best Three:

3. Grizzly Bear
2. The Dirty Projectors
1. Cut Copy

Fuck, Cut Copy was amazing. I was in the front, right at the stage. I knew it'd take a thousand plus person dance party to overtake the brilliance that is The Dirty Projectors live. And then THE GRIZZ! entire collection just comes to life in show form, where it belongs. Their albums are great and all, but it's life that the material flourishes.

I'm just happy that older lady kept feeding me the vodka during Cut Copy. Such a fantastic experience.

big ander

I'm having such a fucking awesome time.
Day 1:
B.o.B was okay. Wavves was really not good. So repetitive. Big Pink and New Pornographers were fun. Matt and Kim was the first show where my friends and I got up in the middle of the crowd, and damn was that show SPECTACULAR. Just barely in second place so far for me. So much energy. I loved it. Hot Chip after that was also awesome, but 95% of the people there were just waiting for Gaga. :/ After dinner that day, saw some of Gaga then the end 40 minutes of the Strokes. Both put on excellent shows, even if I don't particularly like Gaga and if I only like but don't love the Strokes.

Day 2:
Rogue Wave started the day well. Liked them a lot. Then, a long break til The xx. Kinda sucked that half the crowd seemed to want to be there because they'd read or heard about them, but I just put Xs up and got lost in it. That's not the ideal arena for The xx, but it was still great. Then Grizzly Bear just from the lawn, was alright. Then Metric for like 10 minutes from the trees near the north entrance. The show after that: Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. So fucking amazing. Just...a fantastic performance. Was about 15 feet out and in the middle, so close to him at the end. That band does make you feel like you belong. It was so many of them just having a fucking awesome time playing music together as the crowd gave them love. Felt so cool. Especially during 40 Day Dream, Janglin', and Home (thanks for the video Meier).
A side story about that end that I need to vent: so they had everyone in the crowd sit. It was so packed, and they wanted people to kind of sit on top of each other. So everyone was, and my friend and I just happened to get the bitches who couldn't handle it. Like, I'm not that heavy. I'm not lying completely on top of you. There are three people lying on me. I can't get up, so stop telling me you'll beat my face in you fuckhead. Douchenozzle had to ruin the end of an amazing set by whining to me the entire time. When you're at a concert where the artist keeps telling you to love each other and sit together, don't bitch at me when you're slightly uncomfortable.
Anyway. After Sharpe, I had the tough decision of Green Day and Phoenix. I really like Phoenix, but I had heard they weren't great live, and while I don't like GD stuff much at all, it's popular and I knew the show would be fun. So I went to that. Dunno if I regret it, my one friend ditched us and she made it to the front row of Phoenix where her cousin had been camping out. It was supposed to be awesome. But whatever, GD was so fun.
Tomorrow, plan is to wake up late, hit Switchfoot ( friend is a fan :/ ), then Hockey, then wait til MGMT, and after that just camp at Budweiser for Arcade Fire. AF is the one show left that I'm super excited for, and the one that will probably top my list of shows. Listened to Funeral a bit ago, finishing Neon Bible now, and then ill listen to The Suburbs. Cant wait.

List right now:
1) Ed Sharpe
2) Matt & Kim
3) Hot Chip
4) The xx

I wish I could have seen GD and Phoenix. Oh yeah, and goddamn Cut Copy! Too many bands I wanted to see. :p I want to see Company of Thieves tomorrow but nobody will go with me, and I can deal with Switchfoot, so
I'll take the hit.

And as if you couldn't already tell, this is my first festival experience, and it's fucking awesome. From the overall friendliness to the feeling of so many people clapping at once, it's great. And hilarious stuff like people wrecked just lying on the ground singing a song they made up, or 11 year olds trying to buy acid from me (don't know why he assumed I would have acid, because I definitely didn't and never had, guess I look sketchy?). Just an excellent time.



I was in Borders on Friday and an old (50+) Japanese guy was browsing. New York City Cops came on, and he started wailing along to it. Every few bars, he'd let out a rock yelp. So good.


Gaga was AMAZING on Friday! She was even better than the last time I saw her. I love her so much :D

I'm going today to see Mexican Institute of Sound at Perry's, then sticking around for all the other djs :) long day today!


I remember seeing Lollapalooza trending around the world on Twitter, and wouldn't ya know why? Most, if not all, tweets were talking about Lady Gaga's performance, and nobody else :lol

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
Sai-kun said:
Gaga was AMAZING on Friday! She was even better than the last time I saw her. I love her so much :D

I'm going today to see Mexican Institute of Sound at Perry's, then sticking around for all the other djs :) long day today!

Yuck. After the third time in half an hour of her busting into tears for all her little monsters and how she just hates money, I had enough.

Thank god I went to The Strokes. Gorgeous set.


big ander said:
Anyway. After Sharpe, I had the tough decision of Green Day and Phoenix. I really like Phoenix, but I had heard they weren't great live,
I wish I could have seen GD and Phoenix.

You have stupid friends. Phoenix is one of the best live acts going right now.


Fidelis Hodie said:
Yuck. After the third time in half an hour of her busting into tears for all her little monsters and how she just hates money, I had enough.

Thank god I went to The Strokes. Gorgeous set.
I like her music. That was the great part! :)

MIS was AMAZING!!! got lots of pictures and video! Wow, I'm sad that I left early, but i was a little tired from a combination of no sleep + 2 hours of dancing. Sad I missed digitalism :(

big ander

modernkicks said:
You have stupid friends. Phoenix is one of the best live acts going right now.
Was going to update that today: apparantly Phoenix was AMAZING, according to word of mouth. that'll be my one huge regret.

Day three was a bit more relaxed at the beginning for me, but the end was freaking insane. Switchfoot is an okay band to see live; thanks to my friend I know a couple songs and they were fun for a 1pm show. Hockey was great and all I really know is Song Away, so I'm sure I would have been super in love with it had I been more familiar with them.
Skipped out on Frightened Rabbit and MUTEMATH to just wait at Budweiser. Got there about 5pm, and was decently close for MGMT. No matter what people tell me about it: I don't like Congratulations, the album. The singles off Oracular are so good live though. Kids and Time to Pretend were great.
And then, my most anticipated show of the weekend: Arcade Fire. Goddamn. This show was perfect. I was dead center, about 20 feet back. The crowd was amazing; we all hung out from freaking 6 to 10 and everyone was so nice and cool. And the set itself was unbelievable. Every song fucking killed it, especially Neighborhood 3 (Power Out), Rebellion (Lies), We Used To Wait, No Cars Go, Half Light II and Sprawl II. And while nearly everyone in the crowd knew Wake Up would be the encore, it was still unreal. That many people screaming at the top of their lungs was chilling. I know it's cheesy, but it was spiritual. The entire show was fucking brilliant.

Final top shows:
5) Hot Chip
4) The xx
3) Matt & Kim
2) Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
1) Arcade Fire
Swapped my order of Hot Chip and The xx, the xx really was sweet.

Well it was an amazing first festival, I'm sure it's the first of many I'll go to, but I'll always remember Lolla 2010.


Fidelis Hodie said:
Yuck. After the third time in half an hour of her busting into tears for all her little monsters and how she just hates money, I had enough.

Thank god I went to The Strokes. Gorgeous set.
Same boat as you. My girlfriend was very excited to see Gaga but she wanted to leave after about 10-15 minutes. I actually talked her into sticking it out for a little bit longer as I was anxious to be blown away but it was just a collossal bore. She played about 5 songs in 40+ minutes. At least we heard Just Dance which is of course actually a really great song. I don't think I recognized anything else. The Strokes were just amazing -- really wish I had gone there from the start and got close but oh well.

I ended up watching all of Green Day with her since she was having a good time.. disappointed to have missed Phoenix but I'd seen them live before and would go again whereas I'd never pay to see Green Day separately I doubt so that's fine. They were very entertaining despite me not knowing much of anything from the last 13+ years or so.

Best set of the fest for me was probably Edward Sharpe. Biggest surprise was X JAPAN who melted my fucking face off!


Oh yeah, I was very impressed by DEVO too. Despite showing their age quite clearly on those pretty high def screens, they didn't miss a beat and sounded great. Loved all their costume changes -- they crammed a lot into an hour.


Meier said:
Same boat as you. My girlfriend was very excited to see Gaga but she wanted to leave after about 10-15 minutes. I actually talked her into sticking it out for a little bit longer as I was anxious to be blown away but it was just a collossal bore. She played about 5 songs in 40+ minutes. At least we heard Just Dance which is of course actually a really great song. I don't think I recognized anything else. The Strokes were just amazing -- really wish I had gone there from the start and got close but oh well.

I ended up watching all of Green Day with her since she was having a good time.. disappointed to have missed Phoenix but I'd seen them live before and would go again whereas I'd never pay to see Green Day separately I doubt so that's fine. They were very entertaining despite me not knowing much of anything from the last 13+ years or so.

Best set of the fest for me was probably Edward Sharpe. Biggest surprise was X JAPAN who melted my fucking face off!

Glad to hear that X Japan came off well, I was watching clips from Gogol Bordello and it looks like they were fantastic as usual too.
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