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Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, new teaser trailer

Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
Lord of the Rings is in an entirely different boat than Diamonds are Forever or Star Wars, though. It is the godfather of all modern fantasy and is considered one of the best books ever written, period. People have been remixing LotR for generations, but their unique takes are usually not called Lord of the Rings. If this was Dungeons and Dragons: Ring of Power, I wouldn't have a problem with it, but once you put that title in front of your show, it comes with certain expectations.

One could argue that Star Wars and Lord of the Rings are in the same tier of influence and status however, that is a horse for another race.

To your point , If there was some canon source material this was coming from then you would be well within reason to have such lofty expectations but this is what I call LEAF (Legitimate Exhaustive Authorized Fan-Fiction).

I respect your trepidation it's just my natural reaction to people of color being added to an established lore causing any contention, even something as extensive and exhaustive as the Lord of the Rings is horseshit.


To your point , If there was some canon source material this was coming from then you would be well within reason to have such lofty expectations but this is what I call LEAF (Legitimate Exhaustive Authorized Fan-Fiction).



I was under the impression that this was NOT an adaptation of that but an entirely new story? Is that incorrect?

This is the Second Age. It's an adaptation of Of the Rings of Power from the Silmarillion and the LOTR Appendices. It condenses the forging of the Rings, the fall of Númenor, and the Last Alliance into a series.

People are going to scream and make long YouTube videos about them condensing 1,000 years into a series, but hell the LOTR movies were condensed. The three books took place over years, not just 18 months like in the trilogy. It takes 17 years from Bilbo's birthday to when Gandalf told Frodo it was indeed the One Ring.
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I want to see some proper scenes. I'm still not sure about the visuals, they look expensive for sure but I'm getting some hints of the same too clean look from Wheel of Time. Though it might just be these trailer shots.

BTW why is there so much negativity on this series already?

I know they added some black characters, but as long as they didn't make any dumb changes like making Elrond or Galadriel black, what is the big deal?

LOTR is one of the most beloved, celebrated and influential book series of modern times. It has one of the most detailed worlds in fiction and basically set the template for medieval fantasy for the next 60+ (and counting) years. It has generations of fans across multiple decades.

A new show that's essentially fan fic was always going to get pushback, then add some current year politics into the mix and now you have multiple groups upset.
I imagine Amazon was always aware of this and will just have to deal with it as it's the double edged nature of working with such a beloved IP


Man I was asking the same thing. This shit looks dope and epic!!

I don't know anything about the "Lore of the Rings" but if adding in black people is this much of a problem for people I don't know what to say to people. 20 years ago when the OG trilogy came out and there were no black people in it I noticed but it was true to the source so whatever. Now... ain't no excuses, it's all made up in a made up world. I doesn't have to be forced but or shoved in our faced to make a point but it shouldn't be such a glaring omission either.
There were dark skinned people in Rotk, the Haradrim. So obviously there are different races in Tolkiens world, so i dont know why people have such a big issue with them depicting more races. Heck i wouldnt even mind if some elves were black, maybe they are "dark elves"?

Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
This is the Second Age. It's an adaptation of Of the Rings of Power from the Silmarillion and the LOTR Appendices. It condenses the forging of the Rings, the fall of Númenor, and the Last Alliance into a series.

People are going to scream and make long YouTube videos about them condensing 1,000 years into a series, but hell the LOTR movies were condensed. The three books took place over years, not just 18 months like in the trilogy. It takes 17 years from Bilbo's birthday to when Gandalf told Frodo it was indeed the One Ring.

I did not know this was based on actual pen and paper lore. I thought this was just just a new story set in a prequal-type setting. If there are characters and adventures that we know about then I can see some of the misgivings that people are having.

Still shouldn't be a big deal that there are black folks in this but I at least get the argument on a larger basis.
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There were dark skinned people in Rotk, the Haradrim. So obviously there are different races in Tolkiens world, so i dont know why people have such a big issue with them depicting more races. Heck i wouldnt even mind if some elves were black, maybe they are "dark elves"?
If my memory is not failing, there were Dark Elves in LotR. But they were not the same as the other elves, and I am not sure if it was related to their skin color.

Still, this is a non-issue. There's no adaptation that is 100% faithful, and making some people from the same "species" different in skin color will not hurt the lore. People just see "wokeness" everywhere nowadays, or looking for something they can criticize about... hence why this kind of argument is just losing any sort of credibility.
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Except it's not "fan fic". It's an adaptation of what Tolkien wrote about the Second Age.

Except it is fan fic.
The Silmarillion isn't written like a traditional novel, it reads like history or mythology book and deals more with larger subjects and concepts.
So a ton of characters, dialog, interaction and the details and specifics of how events played out and came to be will all be made up.
Unless you want to point to the part were Tolkien wrote extensively about the love story between the Elf Arondir and the human Bronwyn or were we can read the detailed plot line he wrote for of Princess Disa.
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Gold Member
Amazon doesn't even have the rights to the Silmarillion

“We have the rights solely to The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King, the appendices, and The Hobbit. And that is it. We do not have the rights to The Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales, The History of Middle-Earth, or any of those other books…We worked in conjunction with world-renowned Tolkien scholars and the Tolkien estate to make sure that the ways we connected the dots were Tolkien-ian and gelled with the experts’ and the estate’s understanding of the material.”


Except it is fan fic.
The Silmarillion isn't written like a traditional novel, it reads like history or mythology book and deals more with larger subjects and concepts.
So a ton of characters, dialog, interaction and the details and specifics of how events played out and came to be will all be made up.
Unless you want to point to the part were Tolkien wrote extensively about the loves story between the Elf Arondir and the human Bronwyn or were we can read the detailed plot line he wrote for of Princess Disa.

You mean like Arwen rescuing Frodo from the Wraiths?

Or Faramir being tempted by the Ring?

Or Helm's Deep being this massive fortified castle?

I'm not going to even mention The Hobbit movies.

Most of Jackson's adaptation was fan fiction. It seems like people have no problem with fan fic like that, but as soon as they see a brown person on the screen it's outrage time for YouTube earnings.

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Amazon doesn't even have the rights to the Silmarillion

The Appendices include the Of the Rings of Power material from The Silmarillion. The last 20 pages of the Silmarillion just expand on the material from the LOTR Appendices.


Gold Member
Visually and cast wise it looks as dull and unappealing as the Netflix Witcher show. Everything looks way too clean and it comes off as phony.


Gold Member
Man I was asking the same thing. This shit looks dope and epic!!

I don't know anything about the "Lore of the Rings" but if adding in black people is this much of a problem for people I don't know what to say to people. 20 years ago when the OG trilogy came out and there were no black people in it I noticed but it was true to the source so whatever. Now... ain't no excuses, it's all made up in a made up world. I doesn't have to be forced but or shoved in our faced to make a point but it shouldn't be such a glaring omission either.
I take it then that you are pretty upset that the cast of The Woman King is extremely lacking in diversity? That's essentially a made up Hollywood world as well, we know lots of ethnicities lived in Africa, why aren't they on screen?


For the record, I don't mind the casting in TWK, it feels authentic to the setting and the story they appear to be telling, and seems consistent with photos/descriptions of the group in question. But you can't have both sides of this, either you want color wheel casting in EVERYTHING or you are ok with it in NOTHING if the source has it that way. LOTR is presented as a literal pre-history of europe. Darker skinned humans are in it, just represented as coming from geographic areas where they were typically found in earlier human history. If elves and dwarves had the same skin tone ranges as humans AND were substantially more intermixed than humans at the time, you'd think Tolkein would have mentioned it. He didn't because they weren't. Not in the descriptions of every character that has one, in any of the art he did or was done by others while he was alive, etc. So if you are ok with the source being changed to market the IP to a wider audience (an arguement I will accept) then you'd better mad why TWK didn't do the same as it is a WAY less well known story, you'd think they would want as much viewership as possible.

As for RoP, I'm just hoping it is a dynamic, fast paced, visual spectacle with a witty script that focuses on the core principles of storytelling. I'm worried it will be a turgid, plodding, incoherently written mess of conflicting storylines and characters that fluctuate wildly in their motivations due to poor writers. The actual actors are the least of my concerns, quite frankly, though I suspect we may be subjected to a lot of unnecessary "See, Hobbits can be ALL RACES, see, See, SEE!!!" immersion breaking brow beating in the early episodes.


I take it then that you are pretty upset that the cast of The Woman King is extremely lacking in diversity? That's essentially a made up Hollywood world as well, we know lots of ethnicities lived in Africa, why aren't they on screen?


For the record, I don't mind the casting in TWK, it feels authentic to the setting and the story they appear to be telling, and seems consistent with photos/descriptions of the group in question. But you can't have both sides of this, either you want color wheel casting in EVERYTHING or you are ok with it in NOTHING if the source has it that way. LOTR is presented as a literal pre-history of europe. Darker skinned humans are in it, just represented as coming from geographic areas where they were typically found in earlier human history. If elves and dwarves had the same skin tone ranges as humans AND were substantially more intermixed than humans at the time, you'd think Tolkein would have mentioned it. He didn't because they weren't. Not in the descriptions of every character that has one, in any of the art he did or was done by others while he was alive, etc. So if you are ok with the source being changed to market the IP to a wider audience (an arguement I will accept) then you'd better mad why TWK didn't do the same as it is a WAY less well known story, you'd think they would want as much viewership as possible.

As for RoP, I'm just hoping it is a dynamic, fast paced, visual spectacle with a witty script that focuses on the core principles of storytelling. I'm worried it will be a turgid, plodding, incoherently written mess of conflicting storylines and characters that fluctuate wildly in their motivations due to poor writers. The actual actors are the least of my concerns, quite frankly, though I suspect we may be subjected to a lot of unnecessary "See, Hobbits can be ALL RACES, see, See, SEE!!!" immersion breaking brow beating in the early episodes.
Come On Reaction GIF

TWK is not based on an fantasy fiction, it is based on history (even if they decide not to be completely faithful to it either). And also, it seems to me a movie about black women in power; their skin color and gender are two of, if not the, main elements they want to show.

LotR is not about the color of the characters. It's also a fantasy world, which can allow some extra liberties in it's adaptation, even if some people don't like it. There are no Orcs, no Trolls, Elves, Wizards, etc. So I don't see why it should be shocking to have, in an adaptation, fictional beings with more diversity between them. I bet many wouldn't be losing their hair if it was shown an Elf with an orange skin or some shit like that.
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Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
I take it then that you are pretty upset that the cast of The Woman King is extremely lacking in diversity? That's essentially a made up Hollywood world as well, we know lots of ethnicities lived in Africa, why aren't they on screen?


For the record, I don't mind the casting in TWK, it feels authentic to the setting and the story they appear to be telling, and seems consistent with photos/descriptions of the group in question. But you can't have both sides of this, either you want color wheel casting in EVERYTHING or you are ok with it in NOTHING if the source has it that way. LOTR is presented as a literal pre-history of europe. Darker skinned humans are in it, just represented as coming from geographic areas where they were typically found in earlier human history. If elves and dwarves had the same skin tone ranges as humans AND were substantially more intermixed than humans at the time, you'd think Tolkein would have mentioned it. He didn't because they weren't. Not in the descriptions of every character that has one, in any of the art he did or was done by others while he was alive, etc. So if you are ok with the source being changed to market the IP to a wider audience (an arguement I will accept) then you'd better mad why TWK didn't do the same as it is a WAY less well known story, you'd think they would want as much viewership as possible.

As for RoP, I'm just hoping it is a dynamic, fast paced, visual spectacle with a witty script that focuses on the core principles of storytelling. I'm worried it will be a turgid, plodding, incoherently written mess of conflicting storylines and characters that fluctuate wildly in their motivations due to poor writers. The actual actors are the least of my concerns, quite frankly, though I suspect we may be subjected to a lot of unnecessary "See, Hobbits can be ALL RACES, see, See, SEE!!!" immersion breaking brow beating in the early episodes.

If this post was any more topical it would require an SPF rating .


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Getting bent out of shape because of the skin color of a character seems weird. It is a Fantasy world, everyone could be purple or Blue if they wanted to. I think we should ask is it a faithful story and is it a good story. I want to be entertained.

gladiator GIF


Surprised you guys think this looks good, getting this show right is gonna be extremely hard, and virtually every cast in that trailer looks off to me, green actors trying to get a break. Maybe some of them will fit, but the potential of mediocre acting and weak drama is high. At least the effects look great so far.

The producers have also come off as completely nuts and not very knowledgeable on Tolkien, so I have my doubts.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
This will be good looking fan faction that takes a dump on Tolkien's work.

Nothing I've seen has convinced me otherwise. At best it'll be as bad as the Hobbit trilogy.

Getting bent out of shape because of the skin color of a character seems weird. It is a Fantasy world, everyone could be purple or Blue if they wanted to. I think we should ask is it a faithful story and is it a good story. I want to be entertained.

gladiator GIF

The fantasy argument is interesting. The Dark Star trilogy by Marlon James is set in a fantasy version of Africa and based on African mythology and history. The characters are black, which makes perfect sense based on the setting and the author's vision.

Should the upcoming adaptation of this series have a diverse cast because it's fantasy, or should it stick with a black cast due to its setting?


Parody of actual AJUMP23
The fantasy argument is interesting. The Dark Star trilogy by Marlon James is set in a fantasy version of Africa and based on African mythology and history. The characters are black, which makes perfect sense based on the setting and the author's vision.

Should the upcoming adaptation of this series have a diverse cast because it's fantasy, or should it stick with a black cast due to its setting?

I would not care if the characters were all different races, but I am honest and know a lot of people would care greatly.

I love ERB John Carter series, I wouldn't care if John Carter was a veteran of some other foreign war. Being a Virginian was not integral to the character. But it was part of who he was.


Gold Member
TWK is not based on an Fantasy Fiction, it is based on history (even if they decide not to be completely faithful to it either). And also, it seems to me a movie about black women in power; their skin color and gender are two of, if not the, main elements they want to show.

LotR is not about the color of the elves. It's also a fantasy world, which can allow some extra liberties in it's adaptation, even if some people don't like it. There are no Orcs, no Trolls, Elves, Wizards, etc. So I don't see why it should be shocking to have, in an adaptation, fictional beings with more diversity between them. I bet many wouldn't be losing their hair if it was shown an Elf with an orange skin or some shit like that.
I see no difference. Both are set on earth, both try to represent the state of the planet as close as was known. Just because one has more fantastical elements versus the other is just a matter of degree, I doubt TWK will be 100% accurate to historical events as we know them, so if you are taking ANY liberties with the story then why stop at casting?

We both know why.

There will be folks who want to see as accurate a translation of the story as possible on screen. LOTR as written has a cast of characters with lots of description of their appearance. An orange elf would be as out of place in their view, I'm sure. As would a fat elf, given the description of EVERY ELF (who has a description) as graceful and lithe. Sacrificing the presentation of the story to appease social media blowhards is criminal. Broadening your casting to try to penetrate other markets is just corporatism. Use asian actors for the elves if you want, that actually makes better visual sense (to me) and then you get what, 2 BILLION more viewers invested in your show?

Given the paucity of published material for the era RoP is supposed to cover, they could have worked in a multi-ethnic cast had they wanted. Just have groups from outside this part of middle-earth come into play. Maybe they do make mention that some of these characters are immigrants, travellers, or whatever (Vikings:Valhalla did this with a character) and its just not the way these teasers present them. More likely they didn't bother and figured the value added in a broad cast outweighs any loss from the purists. I'm sure the marketing team is convinced that will be the case. They know the Tolkein lovers will watch regardless, so why not swing for the fences? Wasn't necessary for the LOTR films to be global successes but whatevs.

Getting bent out of shape because of the skin color of a character seems weird. It is a Fantasy world, everyone could be purple or Blue if they wanted to. I think we should ask is it a faithful story and is it a good story. I want to be entertained.
This is an odd recurring argument that doesn't fit here. Tolkien COULD have written blue elves, BUT HE DIDN'T. He describes damn near EVERYONE, or at least the primary traits of each group, because that was his passion. He's very clear about what he was writing and had he meant to have multi-ethnic groups he would have described them as such. If that is the kind of fantasy you want, then why watch LOTR? Plenty of other fantasy shows with blue cat people or whatever for you to spend your money on. Dismissing some folks concerns because they want as accurate a presentation as possible seems out of place, this is fandom. No one is trying to alter the story to get rid of ethnicities, there are just purists and non-purists about the world as presented by Tolkien.


Gold Member
The fantasy argument is interesting. The Dark Star trilogy by Marlon James is set in a fantasy version of Africa and based on African mythology and history. The characters are black, which makes perfect sense based on the setting and the author's vision.

Should the upcoming adaptation of this series have a diverse cast because it's fantasy, or should it stick with a black cast due to its setting?
I've not read it so I'm not sure if all the characters have a visual description but I think we all know that the same crowd that defends 'enhanced casting' in RoP would also stand and applaud a low diversity cast for Black Leopard, Red Wolf. I would applaud the casting as well so long as it represents the authors vision and allows the story to have impact but you gotta be consistent, either faithfully representing the author's vision is ok or it isn't!

If you want big ethnically mixed casts then set stories where that makes sense. Why are all these historical shows set in gloomy 16th century Wales or 9th century London and not Constantiople or Morocco or Sicily if they want to have a very diverse cast? Put your modern show in Paris, London, or NYC, not some remote mountain village with 10 generations of families fighting each other yet somehow each family maintains a different ethnicity. Story + setting = casting IMHO.
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People are too quick to bring out the 'racism' card. If this show was just a new fantasy show, with nothing to do with LOTR, no one would have a problem with the black characters etc.
So yeah stop with that bullshit.


You mean like Arwen rescuing Frodo from the Wraiths?

Or Faramir being tempted by the Ring?

Or Helm's Deep being this massive fortified castle?

I'm not going to even mention The Hobbit movies.

Most of Jackson's adaptation was fan fiction. It seems like people have no problem with fan fic like that, but as soon as they see a brown person on the screen it's outrage time for YouTube earnings.

No one has said the Jackson movies are 1:1.
But if you can't see the difference between adapting an actual established story from a series of narrative novels vs telling a new story with half a cast of new original characters based on events which are basically only described in a broad large scale way in a book that's essentially a stitched together lore dump then I don't know what to tell you.

Funny you'd bring up the Hobbit too as those movies weren't nearly as beloved and got a lot more criticism with a lot of people taking issue with the added stuff like the terrible love triangle with the newly added Elf lady. (which everyone should have loved according to you because she is white). And even those had way more source material to directly adapt than this.
I thought he was just a Disney Shill? :p
Not Disney, but Marvel. Despite the fact that they own it.

Anyone who doesn't woke whine here is a shill, didn't you get the memo?

Take a look at the Lightyear thread that you created... people there accused me of being a REE member.
Your tired rhetoric is getting really tiresome.

Not everybody who has genuine gripes with this Amazon product is a Youtube outrage monger or racist.
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Man some of the scenes look great while others stick out like a sore thumb; it's very uneven visually. Some of it gives me LOTR vibes, while others give me The Hobbit vibes.


One Ring Net says a lot of things attacking fans.

The one ring is a bunch of weirdos these days. The level of negativity todsy is wildly different than it was back then. They cherry pick the few vocal negative posts, many made by the same person, to makr an argument that this is the same. It's not. They look ridiculous when claiming these things to all of us who were around back then.
Come On Reaction GIF

TWK is not based on an fantasy fiction, it is based on history (even if they decide not to be completely faithful to it either). And also, it seems to me a movie about black women in power; their skin color and gender are two of, if not the, main elements they want to show.

LotR is not about the color of the characters. It's also a fantasy world, which can allow some extra liberties in it's adaptation, even if some people don't like it. There are no Orcs, no Trolls, Elves, Wizards, etc. So I don't see why it should be shocking to have, in an adaptation, fictional beings with more diversity between them. I bet many wouldn't be losing their hair if it was shown an Elf with an orange skin or some shit like that.
How do you feel about the casting in Gods of Egypt?


People watched Gods of Egypt?
Irrelevant. It's a movie with what badically amounts to color blind casting. It's fantasy, so not too far removed from lotr.

Personally I find it to be garbage, but why is it okay in lotr when it wasn't in gods of egypt?


Irrelevant. It's a movie with what badically amounts to color blind casting. It's fantasy, so not too far removed from lotr.

Personally I find it to be garbage, but why is it okay in lotr when it wasn't in gods of egypt?

Because most people on social media are idiots? Look at the people throwing a fit because Gal Gadot is going to play Cleopatra, who was Greek. Most of the idiots on social media and Era think every Egyptian has to be black, even the Greek Cleopatra.

Jinzo Prime

Irrelevant. It's a movie with what badically amounts to color blind casting. It's fantasy, so not too far removed from lotr.

Personally I find it to be garbage, but why is it okay in lotr when it wasn't in gods of egypt?
It WASN'T ok in Gods of Egypt. I took one look at that trailer and knew it was going to be trash. Casting does actually matter to the suspension of disbelief. Same thing happened with the trailer for the Ghost in the Shell movie: Scarlett Johansen isn't Japanese, so she shouldn't have been cast as the Major.
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Eh. I’ll reserve judgement until I see it, but I’m not particularly hyped for this. Not least because they picked completely the wrong fucking period of Middle Earth’s history to cover. Morgoth was right there, you cowards. But I guess we got to have more ring and Sauron bullshit, because that’s what everybody knows.

I just hope the cheap and nasty Wheel Of Time they made isn’t anything like this.


LotR is not about the color of the characters.
Of course it is. In the sense that it matters.

Skin color matters just as much as height, as much as location, and as much as language, it's part of the makeup of the characters. If you don't follow it like it is in the stories, you aren't telling the story. No matter if it's fantasy or historical.

There is nothing wrong with having a faction being "all-white" or "all-black". Hollywood is the one who makes it wrong by having toxic race views on everything.


It WASN'T ok in Gods of Egypt. I took one look at that trailer and knew it was going to be trash. Casting does actually matter to the suspension of disbelief. Same thing happened with the trailer for the Ghost in the Shell movie: Scarlett Johansen isn't Japanese, so she shouldn't have been cast as the Major.
Couldn't agree more.

Still can't get myself to watch gits.

So bizarre how so many of the very same people who (justifiably) attack whitewashing, are so okay with the reverse they even champion it.


Still can't get myself to watch gits.

“The name ‘Motoko Kusanagi’ and her current body are not her original name and body, so there is no basis for saying that an Asian actress must portray her. Even if her original body (presuming such a thing existed) were a Japanese one, that would still apply.”
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