Yeah, Night Market fail. Just got back and I didn't eat a single thing there. I got there at 5:15 and it was full - more than 30 minute lines in some spots. Left, had dinner somewhere else, tried to go back... and it was basically one giant meatloaf.
They 1) failed to spread the food out so you really had no idea what you were in a line for - or that it was even a line at a certain point because that many people were packed in.
and 2) they just over all underestimated the turn out. It was one tiny block with vendors and food and it was rather miserable when all was said and done. Downtown ended up getting screwed when it came to traffic and a lot people had no idea what was going on from the comments on Twitter.
Oh, and a huge piss off to all the people who lugged their giant ass strollers and was ramming them into the backs of people's feet. How in the bloody hell did you think it was a good idea? There's a special circle in hell for you people along with the people who bring double-wide strollers to Comic Con.