H.Pro, you are an attractive female. you can probably invite GAF to walk off a cliff and get a good percentage of gaffers to follow.That's about 8 people who seem keen on it now. It would probably also be best 8-10 people to keep it more intimate. An exciting prospect.
And maybe Patina would be a good choice, then. It does have a pretty solid reputation and it's be nice to try something new. I'm sorry to have missed out on Ortolan. Makes me sad how many of the higher end places are closing (Sona! ;_, but it's either evolve the model or go under these days. I still need to try your place too, Zyzyxxz!
Zyzyxxz, you're probably busy as hell on the weekends. how about a meet up on a weeknight like Tues-Thursday?A craftbeer and cocktail bar in Monterey Park called Spirit House. I run the kitchen and conceptualize the food menu part of the business.
LA-GAF, anyone down for a fitness meet up on a weekend morning? there are the stairs in santa monica, stairs in culver city, hiking at runyon canyon, etc. or we can do a kickboxing workout at a park. i got a slew of gloves and boxing/muay thai pads you guys can use.