it's always hot in August / Sept. Oct is when LA cools off
Yup. This is still basically the peak of LA's summer. It sucks if you didn't grow up here, because you're conditioned to start expecting it to cool off earlier just by the dates.
it's always hot in August / Sept. Oct is when LA cools off
Yessir. Bbq starts around 2, music starts around 5:30. It's going to be a blast. BYOB+F, sixer and steaks styyyllleeee!
it's always hot in August / Sept. Oct is when LA cools off
It's been drought conditions for most of the country, so yeah.maybe it's different for folks not up here in the valley. and even then, it's been a particularly hot summer since July
True, but what made it so awful to me was the unusual amount of humidity we had towards the end of August there. Made work so painful.
I do think you should take a break, return/reevaluate and maybe hit Asia like you've wanted to, but I don't think you need to head back to school so soon yet. With the means you can do that any time. Satiate your wanderlust for now. Certainly is the best time for it. Old enough not to be a fool, but young enough to survive the inevitable tribulations. I say carry on.
As a new resident of LA, what is carmageddon?
As a new resident of LA, what is carmageddon?
Heh. 405 a "main route." Heh.
Fuck the 405. Only plebes actually use it. There is always a superior street route.
This. After years of experimentation, the truth is that most of the time, the 405 is simply the fastest way to get north of the hill.Like what? All of L.A. would like to know. Like the shitty Cahuenga Pass? The fucked up Laurel Canyon? Traffic light hell up Sepulveda? The roundabout PCH Topanga route?
I will finally be able to see the music video for R.E.M.'s "Everybody Hurts" in real life.WARNING: TRAFFIC CONGESTION AHEAD. AVERAGE SPEED FIVE MILES PER HOUR.
This. After years of experimentation, the truth is that most of the time, the 405 is simply the fastest way to get north of the hill.
See you on Sunday!
Any requests for things to bring?
If you are going west on the 101, and are in santa monica, PCH to Topanga Canyon can work.
Otherwise driving through Bel Air, which technically you aren't supposed to, but in reality you can, works as well. There is a road through there I've taken to get to Santa Monica appointments in the morning.
But yeah, there aren't a lot of options for crossing the hill
(assuming this is to me)
Whatever you want, man. I'll have beer and whatnot and an open grill, so feel free to bring over whatever hungers you.
I think I'm also going to have bowls of cereal ready to go. I stole this idea from a friend. It is an awesome idea.
Thanks for hosting, had a great time!(assuming this is to me)
Whatever you want, man. I'll have beer and whatnot and an open grill, so feel free to bring over whatever hungers you.
I think I'm also going to have bowls of cereal ready to go. I stole this idea from a friend. It is an awesome idea.
Thanks for hosting, had a great time!
Hope we can get some more people from here out there next round.
Thanks for hosting, had a great time!
Hope we can get some more people from here out there next round.
A great time indeed! Fidelis rocked the freakin' house, and I'm pretty sure you and I made the biggest dent in the food supply. Was awesome bro'ing down on food/travel talk!
I got sick and missed my flight from New York, so obviously I couldn't make it out.
It's a shame; I could have covered Wonderwall for you guys. Next time, I guess.
what kind of music you play fidelis? (heavy metal, grunge, punk..?)
I like.This kind of music. Heavily influenced 90's weezer fun times.
So I've been commuting from Echo Park to Westwood and back for the past week, and I've come to the conclusion that Los Angeles is not a functional city. It just isn't. There are some great parts, but for pretty large percentages of the day, you simply cannot do the things that people should be able to do in a major first-world metropolis.
You are seriously fucking yourself traffic-wise commuting those directions.
Not much I can do for the next two years. The only option would be to move closer to the westside. In fact, I am definitely going to do that, because I can't spend 10-15 hours a week in a car.
Wow. La gaf is old. I thought you guys were cool. Shindig in November, you say.
So I've been commuting from Echo Park to Westwood and back for the past week, and I've come to the conclusion that Los Angeles is not a functional city. It just isn't. There are some great parts, but for pretty large percentages of the day, you simply cannot do the things that people should be able to do in a major first-world metropolis.
My sentiments too, Puds. Great people, great food, tons of variety of neighborhoods and scenes from the beach to the big city, nice weather. All sounds perfect, except it's totally broken and crippled, ruined by the transportation. When it takes longer to get from one side of a city to the other than it does to fly from one coast of the United States to the other, there's a problem. Maybe in 20 years it'll have a hyper efficient Google Car system, but for now I'm hesitant to even set foot in the place again.
Well, if anything, I need to take a trip to LA where I only use the public transit system, as a matter ofthrill-seekingcuriosity. I won't be able to admit it to anyone except you, though,or I'll be committed to the psych ward ;b
Well, if anything, I need to take a trip to LA where I only use the public transit system, as a matter ofthrill-seeking curiositya masochistic, teeth-grindingly pointless exercise in self-flagellation. I won't be able to admit it to anyone except you, though,or I'll be committed to the psych ward ;b
use and abuse that site evilore...just be there 10-15min before cuz sometimes it comes earlier than scheduled
Nope, nope. MTA is fair for getting you a schedule, but the problem with the system is that the buses don't show up, are so late that they miss their connections, or break down on the way. I had 3 years of MTA hell, 6 buses a day and that kind of stuff was not a rare occurrence.
So the 2 bus goes from Sunset and Echo Park Blvd right to Westwood? I might try it out