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Los Angeles Sheriff Sgt killed, suspect captured alive

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Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Such vitriol. Sad open dialogue is smashed. I am not trying to devalue anything.

All lives have equal value.

Would be worse to say Blue Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter?

I see, you just wanted to stir up the pot with some bullshit here.

I'm done with this thread and thankfully, I now have new poster I can always ignore going forward.


Saying "all lives matter isn't racist" is like saying "gamer gate is about ethics in gaming journalism". We've had these talks time and time again on this board, and it takes barely a cursory glance at who keeps using those phrases, to understand the agendas of people saying them.

Not really. It's important to recognize ignorance doesn't really have an agenda.
RIP hero

Just a reminder why police have the toughest job in the world. Put you life on the line everyday. Sad they don't get more respect nowadays.

Even if I were to brat the BS that being a cop is the toughest job in the world that does automatically grant respect when there are large overhauls that need to be made.


I'm not choosing anything, OP forced the thread in this direction, knew exactly what they were doing.

Point me to a cop dying thread where anything other than one or two asshole posters is saying "HA HA YAY DEAD COP"

Ain't nobody wants a war on cops besides the conservative right in America because they can use it to justify their hatred of BLM. That's why you see shitheads propping up these tragic stories with shit like "Blue Lives Matter" or "All Lives Matter" as if the cop's death is some direct result of BLM or approved by BLM when that couldn't be further from the truth.

The truth is that less police officers are dying each year. The rolling average is at around 50 per year right now, with 2015 clocking in around 50 officers killed on duty.

Compare that with 1000 citizens killed by the police in 2015 and we're on track for an increase in 2016. So as less cops are killed, more citizens are killed. There is no war on cops, there is no reason to answer "Black Lives Matter" with anything except "Yes".

So, again, RIP to this officer and condolences to his family. But fuck off with the "All Lives Matter" deflection bullshit.

No its your issue because you chose to cosign that all lives matter bullshit. Its not "only black lives matter", its "black lives matter too". All lives matter is an obvious fact, and so is the fact that a majority of this country doesnt give a fuck about innocent, and non violent black men are getting killed a disproportionate rate.

Goodness. Again, no one is saying black lives don't matter. All that has happened is that the OP is sharing a tragic incident and extending his condolences, acknowledging that this death is as needless and sad as all the others that have been going on.

I perfectly understand the BLM movement and the ALM response. I perfectly understand that racists are using the latter to disregard the objective of the former. What I'm saying is that OP is not intending the same here, very clearly, and intent absolutely matters.

Should he have used a different phrase? Yes. But it's very easy to see the intent and wouldn't have been difficult to say, very simply, "Poor word choice OP. Please replace it." Instead of immediately jumping to shitting up the thread and the OP's character.

Such vitriol. Sad open dialogue is smashed. I am not trying to devalue anything.

All lives have equal value.

Would be worse to say Blue Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter?


All lives matter.



Police trying to devalue the BLM is plenty common, so to suggest he's not doing that with his "all lives matter" comment is disingenuous.

Yeah, I recently spent some time with a cop friend who had harsh things to say about BLM. It made me very uncomfortable. He's a good guy, normally but there's something about police culture that can be very corrupting.


I perfectly understand the BLM movement and the ALM response. I perfectly understand that racists are using the latter to disregard the objective of the former. What I'm saying is that OP is not intending the same here, very clearly, and intent absolutely matters.

So you're just trolling?
I am not trying to devalue anything.

You're using the death of a sheriff to make a loaded racial and political statement. I'm not sure you really get what it means to respect the dead. Or you do, and you don't care because you're fishing for responses. So grats, in either case?
Rip to the officer.

That said, we all know there's a dangerous trend in this country with all people being murdered without there being justice served for the crime committed against them, right? It just affects everyone equally, right?

... right?


RIP hero

Just a reminder why police have the toughest job in the world. Put you life on the line everyday. Sad they don't get more respect nowadays.

Respect should be given to everyone around you by default. When that respect is broken, it needs to be earned back. Cops, in general, have a long ways to go to get that respect back.
Goodness. Again, no one is saying black lives don't matter. All that has happened is that the OP is sharing a tragic incident and extending his condolences, acknowledging that this death is as needless and sad as all the others that have been going on.

I perfectly understand the BLM movement and the ALM response. I perfectly understand that racists are using the latter to disregard the objective of the former. What I'm saying is that OP is not intending the same here, very clearly, and intent absolutely matters.

Should he have used a different phrase? Yes. But it's very easy to see the intent and wouldn't have been difficult to say, very simply, "Poor word choice OP. Please replace it." Instead of immediately jumping to shitting up the thread and the OP's character.

Saying ALM is exactly that, in a roundabout way that diet racists have co-opted. Unless OP is a complete fucking idiot (which is still not out of the question) he knew exactly what he was doing, and based on his subsequent posts, I have no idea why you or anyone else would give him the benefit of the doubt.


this isn't true at all

they don't even make the top 10.

i didnt say deadliest, i said toughest. Not even for a million $ a year wouldn't i sign up to be a cop in 2016. Nope, not happening....

Think about it. Most people don't like you by default. You deal with people on the worse day of their life almost every day. Then have to put your life on the line as others run away from danger. Like this storm coming. I get to leave. These brave men have to stay behind.


Sushi Nao

Hey guys, why are you trying to shut down the dialogue, all I'm saying is that I don't care when you're shot by cops and also you're either cop killers or super cool with them


Goodness. Again, no one is saying black lives don't matter. All that has happened is that the OP is sharing a tragic incident and extending his condolences, acknowledging that this death is as needless and sad as all the others that have been going on.

I perfectly understand the BLM movement and the ALM response. I perfectly understand that racists are using the latter to disregard the objective of the former. What I'm saying is that OP is not intending the same here, very clearly, and intent absolutely matters.

Should he have used a different phrase? Yes. But it's very easy to see the intent and wouldn't have been difficult to say, very simply, "Poor word choice OP. Please replace it." Instead of immediately jumping to shitting up the thread and the OP's character.

what would you call the lack of punishment police officers face for killing black people?

intent doesn't matter at all when it comes to hateful statements. if that's not what he meant, why did he type that? unless you've been living under a rock, you know god damn well what all lives matter is about.

op shit up his own thread and has no one to blame but themself.
Goodness. Again, no one is saying black lives don't matter. All that has happened is that the OP is sharing a tragic incident and extending his condolences, acknowledging that this death is as needless and sad as all the others that have been going on.

I perfectly understand the BLM movement and the ALM response. I perfectly understand that racists are using the latter to disregard the objective of the former. What I'm saying is that OP is not intending the same here, very clearly, and intent absolutely matters.

Should he have used a different phrase? Yes. But it's very easy to see the intent and wouldn't have been difficult to say, very simply, "Poor word choice OP. Please replace it." Instead of immediately jumping to shitting up the thread and the OP's character.

Then the OP must not be paying attention to what is going on at all.


RIP Officer, and I'm sorry that your death will be used to further demonize more black people.

Hope the suspect serves justice.
that shit is widespread.

Yep it's why it's so hard to not let the spoiled apples not ruin the bunch. People stand up for themselves and protest being shot and police officers shelter themselves even further. There are some great cops looking to reform the system and I feel bad for those people.


Goodness. Again, no one is saying black lives don't matter. All that has happened is that the OP is sharing a tragic incident and extending his condolences, acknowledging that this death is as needless and sad as all the others that have been going on.

I perfectly understand the BLM movement and the ALM response. I perfectly understand that racists are using the latter to disregard the objective of the former. What I'm saying is that OP is not intending the same here, very clearly, and intent absolutely matters.

Should he have used a different phrase? Yes. But it's very easy to see the intent and wouldn't have been difficult to say, very simply, "Poor word choice OP. Please replace it." Instead of immediately jumping to shitting up the thread and the OP's character.

Nah, fuck that.

I'd be 100% behind giving OP the benefit of the doubt if they came back and said "oh shit I didn't know All Lives Matter carried with it such baggage, my bad I just wanted to let people know about this tragic death"

But no, OP's all:

"ohhhh geee I guess we can't even talk about All Lives Matter, so sad QQ"

All the while he probably doesn't even know the name of the cop who died.

OP's using this death as a cudgel, which if fucking shameful.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I don't want to be incendiary. I really don't.

It just seems we are at a tipping point in police/community relations. Not sure if it will get worse before it gets better, and there have absolutely been incidents of unjustified shootings, but things seem so deeply divided and in some ways- hypocritical.

Overall this is one of many very sad incidents.

If people just stopped complaining about the police it would all get better.
How ignorant/racist do you have to be not to understand what "all lives matter" stands for? All lives matter as opposed to what? What does it even mean?
Goodness. Again, no one is saying black lives don't matter. All that has happened is that the OP is sharing a tragic incident and extending his condolences, acknowledging that this death is as needless and sad as all the others that have been going on.

I perfectly understand the BLM movement and the ALM response. I perfectly understand that racists are using the latter to disregard the objective of the former. What I'm saying is that OP is not intending the same here, very clearly, and intent absolutely matters.

Should he have used a different phrase? Yes. But it's very easy to see the intent and wouldn't have been difficult to say, very simply, "Poor word choice OP. Please replace it." Instead of immediately jumping to shitting up the thread and the OP's character.

Hell no his intent is clear as day. Blue lives matter is the same god damn thing. No one says cop lives dont matter, and when one is killed in the line of duty its national attention, and many departments lower flags. When a innocent black person is killed, "he's no angel", and other bull shit is spread around.


I perfectly understand the BLM movement and the ALM response. I perfectly understand that racists are using the latter to disregard the objective of the former. What I'm saying is that OP is not intending the same here, very clearly, and intent absolutely matters.

The OP used the phrase "All Lives Matter" in a thread about a cop shot and killed by a black man and has proceeded to dance around the issue members have with him in a rather disingenuous way by complaining about discourse or asking which "___ Lives Matter" phrase he should've used, as if he was ever obligated to use one at all versus something like "This is sad/tragic."

There is literally no universe in which this does not immediately come off as tacit approval of the ALM response to BLM.
Goodness. Again, no one is saying black lives don't matter. All that has happened is that the OP is sharing a tragic incident and extending his condolences, acknowledging that this death is as needless and sad as all the others that have been going on.

I perfectly understand the BLM movement and the ALM response. I perfectly understand that racists are using the latter to disregard the objective of the former. What I'm saying is that OP is not intending the same here, very clearly, and intent absolutely matters.
You literally do not understand the ALM/BLM situation at all if you think for one second that ALM isn't meant to discredit BLM.

If someone says "Black lives matter" and someone responds with "All lives matter" that is literally meant to discredit and silence those saying black lives matter. You do not perfectly understand it at all.
i didnt say deadliest, i said toughest. Not even for a million $ a year wouldn't i sign up to be a cop in 2016. Nope, not happening....

Think about it. Most people don't like you by default. You deal with people worse day of their life every day. Then have to put your life on the line as others run away from danger. Like this storm coming. I get to leave. These brave men have to stay behind.
What alternative reality do you live in?! Lol


Living in the shadow of Amaz
How ignorant/racist do you have to be not to understand what "all lives matter" stands for? All lives matter as opposed to what? What does it even mean?

You're misunderstanding. The OP just returned from a 5-year coma and decided to randomly type an obvious phrase with no real meaning to pay homage to the deceased.
Goodness. Again, no one is saying black lives don't matter. All that has happened is that the OP is sharing a tragic incident and extending his condolences, acknowledging that this death is as needless and sad as all the others that have been going on.

There's a difference between "all lives matter" and "all lives matter to me," in that the former is false and the latter is a useless platitude.

There was no reason for the OP to include it at all. He's been living under a rock if he doesn't get the context of the phrase, and given that he has internet access, he knew exactly what he was doing.

All lives have equal value.

Not to the justice system, they don't. And if you meant that all lives have equal value to you, then so what?


Saying ALM is exactly that, in a roundabout way that diet racists have co-opted. Unless OP is a complete fucking idiot (which is still not out of the question) he knew exactly what he was doing, and based on his subsequent posts, I have no idea why you or anyone else would give him the benefit of the doubt.

what would you call the lack of punishment police officers face for killing black people?

intent doesn't matter at all when it comes to hateful statements. if that's not what he meant, why did he type that? unless you've been living under a rock, you know god damn well what all lives matter is about.

You really don't know how many people use this phrase without the intent of being hateful? People continue to see it as a logical response. (I know, I know, this implies they don't understand the point of what BLM is getting at — trying to say "we've never mattered at all and we need to be recognized" instead of "black lives are the only ones that matter.")

"Intend doesn't matter at all when it comes to hateful statements."

Except that this phrase, universally, isn't hateful inherently. It's been used to push a hateful and ignorant agenda, yes, but take the words at face value and you can easily identify someone's intent.

I'm not saying and have not said that the phrase was...a poor choice of words, nor that I agree with the ALM movement at large. To me it was just immediately recognizable what the OP was getting at, and I was frustrated and sad to see yet another thread immediately derailed and refocused on counterproductive nonsense.


Such vitriol. Sad open dialogue is smashed. I am not trying to devalue anything.

All lives have equal value.

Would be worse to say Blue Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter?

The bare minimum you have to do as a human is respect the sanctity of life. Do you want a cookie?

Meanwhile SURELY you must be aware that there is a social movement called Black Lives Matter with a lot of completely legitimate things to say about the experience of being black in this country. Saying "All Lives Matter" is a huge fuck you, and is completely insensitive to their message. Just stop.
Such vitriol. Sad open dialogue is smashed. I am not trying to devalue anything.

All lives have equal value.

Would be worse to say Blue Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter?
I think the whole point of BLM is to prove that killing blacks should not be a paid vacation for a cop and that they should be held accountable for killing blacks. I may be wrong.
Yes all lives have equal value but it seems like cops just get a slap on the wrist for killing black people.
Think about it. Most people don't like you by default. You deal with people on the worse day of their life almost every day. Then have to put your life on the line as others run away from danger. Like this storm coming. I get to leave. These brave men have to stay behind.

Real life is not fucking SVU or Miami Vice. Most cops work lives are boring and mundane. A majority of police officers will retire without ever having to pull their weapon.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
If you really didn't know what you were saying and how it would sound to people OP, you need to get to learning quick about current events.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
You really don't know how many people use this phrase without the intent of being hateful? People continue to see it as a logical response. (I know, I know, this implies they don't understand the point of what BLM is getting at — trying to say "we've never mattered at all and we need to be recognized" instead of "black lives are the only ones that matter.")

"Intend doesn't matter at all when it comes to hateful statements."

Except that this phrase, universally, isn't hateful inherently. It's been used to push a hateful and ignorant agenda, yes, but take the words at face value and you can easily identify someone's intent.

I'm not saying and have not said that the phrase was...a poor choice of words, nor that I agree with the ALM movement at large. To me it was just immediately recognizable what the OP was getting at, and I was frustrated and sad to see yet another thread immediately derailed and refocused on counterproductive nonsense.
The OP knew exactly what he was doing.
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