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Los Angeles Sheriff Sgt killed, suspect captured alive

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That you guys honestly think the OP posted this thread on GAF, of all places, to push an ALM agenda and convince you that BLM is a joke is laughable. You really think he shared this story to say, "This death was not justified, and all black deaths are?" Instead of "This death was as unjustified as the rest?"

I'm seeing posts that his follow ups are confirming his agenda and hatred for blacks.... Um what?

The Beard

ALM, at it's best (and wooboy it's barely a best) is people who are completely ignorant of any and all of the racial history of the united states, thinking that they are stating what should be a universal truth as if it isn't already implied.

In literally every other instance of it's use, it's used as a way of putting down BLM (because the way they see it, BLM means 'You should care about black people more than white people").

At it's best, ALM is a misunderstanding of why BLM exists in the first place.

At it's worst, it's literal racism.

That's a fair breakdown.


That you guys honestly think the OP posted this thread on GAF, of all places, to push an ALM agenda and convince you that BLM is a joke is laughable. You really think he shared this story to say, "This death was not justified, and all black deaths are?" Instead of "This death was as unjustified as the rest?"

I'm seeing posts that his follow ups are confirming his agenda and hatred for blacks.... Um what?

They did it to troll, not to convince anyone of anything.


That you guys honestly think the OP posted this thread on GAF, of all places, to push an ALM agenda and convince you that BLM is a joke is laughable. You really think he shared this story to say, "This death was not justified, and all black deaths are?" Instead of "This death was as unjustified as the rest?"

I'm seeing posts that his follow ups are confirming his agenda and hatred for blacks.... Um what?

why would anyone ever try to get a rise out of other people on the internet


Usually you see this kind of crazy derail after a few pages, but OP set fire to the thread right off the bat
That you guys honestly think the OP posted this thread on GAF, of all places, to push an ALM agenda and convince you that BLM is a joke is laughable. You really think he shared this story to say, "This death was not justified, and all black deaths are?" Instead of "This death was as unjustified as the rest?"

I'm seeing posts that his follow ups are confirming his agenda and hatred for blacks.... Um what?

YEs to all of those things. And if you don't think that this could happen because it's "GAF of all places" you are naive as fuck, which has already been established because you don't seem to think that the OP, who is a cop, has a basic understanding of what "All Lives Matter" and why/when it's used.


There is no circumstance or situation where saying "All Lives Matter" doesn't have, at best, racist undertones. It'd be like going around during Black History Month and "reminding" people that white people did a lot of good stuff throughout history too, and invented a lot of shit. LIke, they get recognition for that, and always have, while black people haven't, which is why Black History Month is even a fucking thing.
Yeah, it's basically the same as people complaining there aren't straight pride parades.

It's like, hello, look at the history and social context. Some groups really are massively persecuted and disadvantaged here.

That you guys honestly think the OP posted this thread on GAF, of all places, to push an ALM agenda and convince you that BLM is a joke is laughable. You really think he shared this story to say, "This death was not justified, and all black deaths are?" Instead of "This death was as unjustified as the rest?"

I'm seeing posts that his follow ups are confirming his agenda and hatred for blacks.... Um what?
It's entirely possible. I mean, we do have unapologetic Trump supporters around here.
so are these some of the good apples because they managed to somehow do their job and apprehend a black man alive?

holy shit, fucking bravo there, they managed to ... do their fucking job?!


Except that this phrase, universally, isn't hateful inherently. It's been used to push a hateful and ignorant agenda, yes, but.

No buts. That's the end of the sentence. Context matters. There are lots of phrases that mean something different in a vacuum. But we don't live in a vacuum.
Such vitriol. Sad open dialogue is smashed. I am not trying to devalue anything.

All lives have equal value.

Would be worse to say Blue Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter?
Way to ruin your own thread with this ignorant, racist ass shit.

I find it hilarious when people say this nonsense, but ignore the fact that all lives have never fucking mattered in this country given the ways minorities have been treated throughout the years.

All lives didn't matter when native americans had their whole way of life upended by piece of shit explorers. All lives didn't matter when people that look like me were forced into slavery. All lives still don't matter today, or else movements like BLM wouldn't exist in the first fucking place.


I know it's fucked up, but it's refreshing to read about cops that go through the system the right way. Officers carrying illegal weapons, talking about running people down in their car, planting evidence/making up charges, dog squads wanting to "get their bite on", and shooting people out of fear they may have a weapon. Then here we have an armed man with a criminal record who killed an officer..possibly the most threatened any officer has been in any story I've read in a while, and he's taken into custody alive.

I've come to expect the suspect "accidentally" getting shot, or "he had another gun/reached for his gun" while surrendering. RIP to the officer and condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.


YEs to all of those things. And if you don't think that this could happen because it's "GAF of all places" you are naive as fuck, which has already been established because you don't seem to think that the OP, who is a cop, has a basic understanding of what "All Lives Matter" and why/when it's used.

But didn't you see? OP responded to echo's post with gratitude.

Even though that's a dramatic shift away from his previous posts, we should just assume that they're ignorant of the real truth and just innocently posted All Lives Matter.

Ric Flair

That you guys honestly think the OP posted this thread on GAF, of all places, to push an ALM agenda and convince you that BLM is a joke is laughable. You really think he shared this story to say, "This death was not justified, and all black deaths are?" Instead of "This death was as unjustified as the rest?"

I'm seeing posts that his follow ups are confirming his agenda and hatred for blacks.... Um what?
He said all lives matter, you can try and defend that all you want or sugar coat the message, but he still said it. Any time you say "all lives matter", ESPECIALLY in the context of an officer shooting, you're pushing an agenda. You're completely laughable yourself if you're so blind (ironic, isn't it) to not see that.


That you guys honestly think the OP posted this thread on GAF, of all places, to push an ALM agenda and convince you that BLM is a joke is laughable. You really think he shared this story to say, "This death was not justified, and all black deaths are?" Instead of "This death was as unjustified as the rest?"

I'm seeing posts that his follow ups are confirming his agenda and hatred for blacks.... Um what?

These racists ca't help themselves, man, it's like moths to a flame. Look at any thread on race and you'll see the grey names of motherfuckers who could not stop themselves from letting their hate flag fly.

And by the way, his comment wasn't to convince anything. It was a snide little jab at all the "SJW's" on Neogaf. Like, "look a black people kill police too!"
That you guys honestly think the OP posted this thread on GAF, of all places, to push an ALM agenda and convince you that BLM is a joke is laughable. You really think he shared this story to say, "This death was not justified, and all black deaths are?" Instead of "This death was as unjustified as the rest?"

I'm seeing posts that his follow ups are confirming his agenda and hatred for blacks.... Um what?

Just stop typing and think for a second what these 3 words together mean. Whay is "all lives matter" communicate? I really can't get past this ignorance and I never posted anything about BLM movement either. Pretending to be stupid is not an answer here.
There's not a cop in the country that's ignorant of the connotations of "All Lives Matter", especially a cop that browses GAF. We can nip that shit right in the bud.
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