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Lost Planet 2 |OT| Rolling, Grappling, Bugs and Mechs


You can start off in local co-op right from the getgo. You can also do online co-op right from the getgo - you just need to go through all the missions in sequential order to unlock them, but at no time do you HAVE to play singleplayer.


This is like the first game I've played that's both terrible and awesome at the same time. Terrible because it's clear that the game was NOT made for single-player and your AI buddies are morons. Awesome because, I know if I got three other friends to play with me, this would be the best co-op game ever.


So I'm at 4-3 and this game is fucking awesome. The story is some how even more nonsensical than the first game and there are some very frustrating missions but I'll be damned if it hasn't kept me glued over the weekend. Even the retarded friendly A.I. has grown on me although that's probably because the enemy A.I. is retarded as well.:lol

I dunno, this game does have a lot of problems but I'm loving this even more than some of the better designed games this generation and I have no idea why.:lol


I am planning on possibly picking this up in a couple of days on PS3... would any GAFers be willing to play with me (co-op, obviously)? Please post in the thread or PM me. Thanks.
pje122 said:
I am planning on possibly picking this up in a couple of days on PS3... would any GAFers be willing to play with me (co-op, obviously)? Please post in the thread or PM me. Thanks.
I'm going to pick it up too. I'll play.


Got it yesterday I got up till Chapter 3-2 so far, really loving the fact that I can still jump online and find people to play with. It appears there is a very large Japanese community for this game


just picked this game up again. i bought it right before my xbox went in for repairs and tried to pick it up again after a month, having only played for a few hours.

im confused! but getting used to it.

and holy crap! the tutorial is brutal. :lol i swear it took me like 10-12 tries to pass the first tutorial level. the hell? just playing the game is easier.

i played through level 3 solo and beat the boss. that was some crazy shit. a lot of multitasking going on there. definitly not designed to do solo. i shall be prepared for trying it co-op now, as opposed to being clueless like when i walked in.

wacky game. fun though.


did you enjoy it? did you do it all co-op?

try any mutiplayer modes? i tried a data post game that was pretty fun. i was lost as hell, but actually activated a few. seems like it could actually be fun.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Daigoro said:
try any mutiplayer modes? i tried a data post game that was pretty fun. i was lost as hell, but actually activated a few. seems like it could actually be fun.

Data grab = all the data posts are yours/your teams. So you grabbing them is a good thing.

The multiplayer is deep (you can shoot grenades before they detonate to have them explode. Japan players OWN ASS at this in LP1, it's crazy, I-frames, etc...), so it's okay to be lost.

The multiplayer (IMO) is pretty blech, however, I generally only play it (well, LP1's anyway, haven't gotten 2 until it's $20 at Gamestop yet) because it's a part of the achievement set (GODDAMN IT CAPCOM) otherwise I'd skip it due to the Japanese in it. :lol

BTW: Don't get between a Japanese and their Vital Suit. You'll just get owned. :(


yeah i know i had to activate the posts, i meant i was physically lost.

the level was huge and multi tiered. i had pretty much no idea where to go. tons of really cool looking mech suits to get into as well.

it was nutso.


i beat it the other night. did a marathon session and played chapters 4-6 in a sitting.

chapters 4 and 6 specifically are pretty mind blowing. some of the VS's are so fucking cool to pilot, and i bet i havent scratched the surface. still dont know how to properly control half of them.

this game is stingy as fuck with the achievements, but luckily its fun and pretty deep. ive got a lot more playing to do. some of the levels are still very confusing to me. :lol

still cant figure out the "tutorial". such crap. those are more like challenge levels than tutorials. so odd...

the game is pretty great but it certainly has a learning curve. just playing through the game is easy enough, but i think it takes a while to really "get it". (i never did play LP1 so that doesnt help)


Wanted to love it because it had a lot going for it but the train level is too fucking unfair when it comes to staying on the train. Add to that a bullshit save system that makes you start over from the begining of the chapter and you have a game that is destined for trade.

One bad design decision doesn't kill a game for me but when you have a couple that are piling on top of each other then it's time to bail. Life is too short.


Did you patch the game ? Never played the game before that patch but i heard the game was needlessly hard. That part isn't that harder then the other levels if you don't rush it.
I bought the game yesterday, played through 1-0 and 1-1 last night, and I'm enjoying it so far. Still early of course but I really like how the movement feels. I'm playing on easy post patch and I'd hate to see what it was like pre-patch. I came out of the last battle with my health in the red and of the 7 generators and 4 control panels I'm pretty sure I activated each one myself - way to go team! Some question:

~ Can't you recover health from TENG? I did L1 and Triangle and a gauge popped up and went to 1000 but nothing happened. How do I recover heatlh (or does that unlock later?)

~ Ugh the AI sucks. Does the game scale based on the number of players? (So if I set AI partners to 0 is it easier or the same difficultly?)

I'm looking forward to playing more. It seems like there is a TON in the game just from flipping through the different screens. The character customization practically seems overwhelming.


HamPster PamPster said:
~ Can't you recover health from TENG? I did L1 and Triangle and a gauge popped up and went to 1000 but nothing happened. How do I recover heatlh (or does that unlock later?)

~ Ugh the AI sucks. Does the game scale based on the number of players? (So if I set AI partners to 0 is it easier or the same difficultly?)
Press and hold START to restore health at the cost of T-ENG.

Disabling bots does not lower difficulty. You will face the same amount of enemies, with same HP.
I also just got started with this game. Can someone remind me what was the case against this game? I thought i remembered it reviewing rather poorly, but the game is pretty fun so far. Also it does look pretty damn good.
Yeah ok, i do see most of the points you're making. It's just that several of the problems you bring up don't really bother me much. The absence of narrative for example. I'd rather have nothing, or close to nothing, rather than the atrocious story telling from the first.

Edit: yeah, the levels really are really short...


How's the multiplayer on PS3? If I play with three buds, can we chat and have a good time like on that other console?

Not meant as a troll, it's just that I've played some PS3 games in the past that made chat more of a headache than it was worth.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Trigger pulled, thanks to an 11th-hour decision and the TRU sale. 360 version. Can't wait to blast some bugs!
So, is no one picking up the PC version? According to Steam it's out. I pre-ordered it months ago from Game.co.uk but they appear to have fucked up somewhere down the line. Had it dated for last Friday and then changed it to this Friday but haven't dispatched it or anything :/


Already acclaimed for its visual accomplishments from the console versions, Lost Planet 2 will define the 3D experience on the PC. Stunning environments will immerse the player in NVIDIA Vision Surround technology, and the rebalanced gameplay and streamlined control mechanics make Lost Planet 2 PC the ultimate Lost Planet experience.

Hmm. Might just cancel my pre-order and go with Steam. Loved this game on PS3.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Baloonatic said:
Hmm. Might just cancel my pre-order and go with Steam. Loved this game on PS3.

There's an issue with the Steam version conflicting with GfWL, apparently. There was a LP2 PC thread earlier this week or this weekend about it.


TheSeks said:
There's an issue with the Steam version conflicting with GfWL, apparently. There was a LP2 PC thread earlier this week or this weekend about it.

To elaborate more on this, the Steam version is not compatible with retail version online. The GFWL fail-patch launch messed up the Steam version, now the patch is not required to use the Steam version for online. Steam people can meet with other Steam people, but not with retail buyers (and possibly other DD versions, but I have no clue on that). You'll just get an alert that you can't play at certain times when trying to matchmake due to this incompatibility. I'm really surprised they haven't even fixed that yet, it's been more than a few days.
Volcynika said:
To elaborate more on this, the Steam version is not compatible with retail version online. The GFWL fail-patch launch messed up the Steam version, now the patch is not required to use the Steam version for online. Steam people can meet with other Steam people, but not with retail buyers (and possibly other DD versions, but I have no clue on that). You'll just get an alert that you can't play at certain times when trying to matchmake due to this incompatibility. I'm really surprised they haven't even fixed that yet, it's been more than a few days.


A steam version of the title update is on it's way. Once available you will be able to play with anyone else who also has the title update.

I'll wait until it's sorted I guess.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Baloonatic said:
I'll wait until it's sorted I guess.

That's probably the best idea, but I'd suggest waiting a month given Capcom's "we'll update a few times and then screw the PC gamers!" approach to their PC ports (Bio5 not getting the DLC chapters, for instance)
TheSeks said:
That's probably the best idea, but I'd suggest waiting a month given Capcom's "we'll update a few times and then screw the PC gamers!" approach to their PC ports (Bio5 not getting the DLC chapters, for instance)

I guess. I can't really picture them releasing anything more LP2 related for any platform though.

The RE5 thing really was bullshit though. I remember them announcing the extra stuff the very week after the PC version was released. Bastards.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I've had the 360 version of this game since launch, but just picked up the PS3 version cheap from Amazon. Finished a play-through of the campaign on normal and did some multiplayer.

What the fuck happened here? The difference between the 360 and PS3 versions are like night day. Shittier graphics (less detail, crappy textures), severe frame rate issues, occasional PAUSES in the game play when new events are loading up, and some bad lag online on PS3. It's just like how the original game was. Resident Evil 5 uses the same engine and is only slightly worse on PS3...there's no excuse for this. It's almost-Bayonetta PS3-level bad.
Lyte Edge said:
I've had the 360 version of this game since launch, but just picked up the PS3 version cheap from Amazon. Finished a play-through of the campaign on normal and did some multiplayer.

What the fuck happened here? The difference between the 360 and PS3 versions are like night day. Shittier graphics (less detail, crappy textures), severe frame rate issues, occasional PAUSES in the game play when new events are loading up, and some bad lag online on PS3. It's just like how the original game was. Resident Evil 5 uses the same engine and is only slightly worse on PS3...there's no excuse for this. It's almost-Bayonetta PS3-level bad.

MT Framework 2.0 (Resident Evil 5 used MT v1.4)

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Just picked this up for 360 from UK for a cheap £15.25 including shipping and came with a cool VS tshirt as well. Now I just need some people to play with. If anyone is in NZ or Aussie (Don't know what lag would be like to US but keen to try) then hit me up GT = tomby 360


jmdajr said:
20 bucks on amazon.

Is it worth it? Or am I just going to get mad at this game?
I don't know... I loved it... but if you get easily frustrated just make sure to take your meds first...
Gen X said:
Just picked this up for 360 from UK for a cheap £15.25 including shipping and came with a cool VS tshirt as well. Now I just need some people to play with. If anyone is in NZ or Aussie (Don't know what lag would be like to US but keen to try) then hit me up GT = tomby 360
Is it the mustard pale brown looking tee with some orange design of a mech on it? I have one but was sent a medium instead of large :/ really nice looking, just can't wear it.


pje122 said:
I don't know... I loved it... but if you get easily frustrated just make sure to take your meds first...

I think I'll just keep playing FF13 then. Seriously it's like a sedative. It's a good thing though, lowers the blood pressure.


Fistwell said:
Can someone remind me what was the case against this game? I thought i remembered it reviewing rather poorly, but the game is pretty fun so far. Also it does look pretty damn good.
Those are pretty much my thoughts - I just finished the campaign in co-op and I think it was great. The gameplay is almost perfect, particularly in the third episode. And the graphics on PC are fantastic.

The only possible reasons for the game reviewing relatively poorly that I can imagine are
- that the console versions are much worse than the PC one (beyond graphics I can't see that happening with a Capcom game)
- the campaign sucking if you play it in single-player
- the rather nonsensical story (I can see reviewers getting hung up on that -- for a game like this I couldn't care less)

Anyway, at its price the PC version is a steal, at least if you have someone to play it with.


One of my favorite games this year, and one of my favorite co-op experiences ever. I think to get max enjoyment out of it, you need to be both a fan of LP gameplay and a co-op fan. Luckily, I'm both, so this was a great combination for me.

I overall prefer it to the first game (which I absolutely loved) thanks to the co-op. But, 1) level design isn't AS great, 2) too many normal human enemies, 3) lack of T-eng depletion urgency (drains so slowly).


My Lost Planet 2 review for NeoGAF.

This is the PC version. I emphasized the superior PC controls and patched up version which doesn't make you restart the whole chapter if you die on a boss fight (among other things like AI bots arena available from the get-go). All of these factors made it a much more enjoyable experience than on the consoles for me.


Hey guys, I just bought a new computer and it came with a digital copy for LP2 on Steam. I'm not interested in the game so the first person who quotes this post gets it.

Edit: gone
Alienshogun said:
Amazon had this for 10 dollars today, so I picked it up for 360.

Anyone still play?

I do. On 360.

Add Apharmd Striker to your friends list. I am trying to do an Extreme run, but I can play through at lower difficulites if need be.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Oh, damn. Wish I knew it was $10 at Best Buy, I got it for $30 for Christmas as Wal-mart today. :/

Anyway, is the PS3 online still active? Is there nothing but Japanese people around to kick my ass? How bad is the level grind? Can I play the game completely offline with no issues or will I just have problems?

I liked/hated the first. And felt the seconds demo was similar, but worth checking for $30, so here I am LTTP and no active topic anymore.
TheSeks said:
Oh, damn. Wish I knew it was $10 at Best Buy, I got it for $30 for Christmas as Wal-mart today. :/

Anyway, is the online still active? Is there nothing but Japanese people around to kick my ass? How bad is the level grind? Can I play the game completely offline with no issues or will I just have problems?

I liked/hated the first. And felt the seconds demo was similar, but worth checking for $30, so here I am LTTP and no active topic anymore.

There's still a community out there (of course, mostly japanese). For the MP, it's still an unbalanced mess. I've tried and tried to like the MP, both with LP1 and 2, and I've come to the conclusion it's a giant POS. I'm through defending it.
Coop is still masterful though and people still play it. Honestly it's the reason you should be buying/playing it.
It just sucks that Capcom didn't focus more on the coop and instead try to imitate western success by beefing up the MP.

lol, can't belive this thread is only 22 pages or so and this has been out since May

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